Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2)

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Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2) Page 6

by Stone, Piper

  He snickered, settled back against his seat and opened his driver’s window. The cool air rushed in, invigorating every cell in his body. Inhaling, he knew the dog’s eyes were watching him, studying his new master to try and figure out what the man was going to be like. Shit if he knew. He hadn’t owned a pet of any kind since he was a small boy. When a song ended, and a female voice purred from the radio, he smiled. The tone of her voice was like smooth velvet, sexy and alluring. “I don’t know, little buddy. May learn to like country music after all .”

  “And that was our very own Jessica Dunn with her latest single. Her new CD will be coming out just after Christmas. Something to look forward to .”

  Landen couldn’t help but smile. The New York stations had all turned syndicated, pushing away the local talent. Missoula was no big city .

  As he rolled into the outskirts of Missoula, he slowed down, glancing from right to left. The town was teeming with activity, people walking and bicycling, music heard from several establishments. Every storefront had a quaint feeling, warm and inviting, while larger buildings loomed in the background. He was more than surprised .

  The dog clawed at the window, his ears perking up as they stopped at a traffic light. Landen rolled down the window until the pup was able to stick his snout just outside. A boy and his dog. The thought was comforting .

  The GPS took him out of town and toward the mountains. The road narrowing to two lanes, the curves became sharper, the foliage denser and he could swear he detected the scent of a roaring fire. Granted, the air was crisp, some would say cold enough for a fire in the fireplace, but his keen senses said this was something else .

  He pulled into an open field, toward an old-fashioned hanger, extended runway and assorted group of older buildings. This was the auxiliary unit, much smaller and housed on the outskirts of town. He’d been lucky there was an opening at all, given the wait list from Grangeville to the North Cascades. Lucky. The right place at the right time and one hell of a lot of training. He could see a scattering of larger buildings and a few smaller planes. This was no commercial airport .

  There were two regular size vehicles, an old oversized pickup truck and a midsize bus in the gravel lot. He remained in the car for a full five minutes before killing the engine. Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, he remained on edge. Why? Why did he have such mixed feelings about jumpstarting his career? “Shit, boy. I’m nervous .”

  Woof. Woof .

  “Yeah, I hear you. No pain. No gain. I’ll be right back.” The pup remained quiet as he climbed out of the Cougar .

  He closed the door with a soft click and turned to face the mountains. He knew the dangers he’d be facing, the concept of lives and property ruined. Was this any different than the destruction of skyscrapers? Yeah. A hell of a lot different. He remained where he was, staring at the expansive runway, leading straight toward the mountains as well as the thousands of miles of nothing but trees. This was a special place. This wasn’t just God’s country, but perhaps the very location to salvage certain portions of his heart. The thought intense, he stood at attention, saluting some unknown Big Ernie .

  Now, he chuckled and kicked his heel against the gravel. He’d studied up on smokejumper slang, reading everything he could get his hands on. The illusive smokejumper deity was supposed to have a twisted sense of humor when determining good and bad days and deals for the jumpers. He only hoped he’d stay on the right side of the ancient God .

  Time to go in, meet at least a couple members of his team. He took a deep breath, holding it as he turned to face the building. Every step slow and easy, he walked to the door, holding his hand on the handle before turning the knob .

  When he walked in, he was taken aback by the plane housed barely thirty feet away from him. The older DC-3 had seen better days. Mesmerized, he walked toward the massive beast, admiring her form and beauty. God, how he adored planes. Had since he was a kid. His fascination had turned into additional education at his own expense. His limited jumps had been controlled and only a few from the three months spent in Oregon, training in fire suppression and forestry. He was proud of what he accomplished, but many would say he didn’t belong as a smokejumper. Well, he’d show them all .

  “Our lady is getting ready to retire. I think we’re all going to miss her.” The deep baritone voice resonated with pride .

  Landen nodded and touched the underbelly, patting the cool metal as if she were alive. In truth she was, having protected the men and women who served from fire and smoke. “She’s a beauty .”

  “An admirer. You’re like the rest of the jumpers. They refuse to let her go into retirement.” Laughing, he walked closer, placing his arms behind his back. “You must be Landen Weaver .”

  “Yeah.” He glanced at the brawny black man, smiling seeing the man’s eyes flashing. “Captain Phillips ?”

  “That would be me. Most of the guys call me tough.” Winking, he held out his hand. “I like to say I’m studied in the art of bullshit .”

  As they shook hands, he breathed a sigh of relief. “Tough garners respect .”

  “You haven’t met your team yet. Have you?” He shook his head and pulled his hand away. “I was wondering if you got lost or decided against joining the Jackals .”

  The Jackals. The name reverberated in the back of his mind. “Just got a late start .”

  “Well, we’re glad you’re here. I know you filled out most of the paperwork, but I have a file for you in my office. Let’s get you settled here so you can find a place to hunker down. Your training starts at six am in the morning. Sharp. Am I clear?” He didn’t wait for Landen to answer before heading to the other side of the hanger .

  “Training?” Yeah, he knew he’d have to work out with the team on a regular basis, but he was finished with his training. Or so he thought .

  Captain Phillips whistled as he opened the door to his office, moving inside. “Katie Myers, meet our rookie, Landen Weaver .”

  Landen raised a single eyebrow seeing the diminutive blond rising from her chair. Her handshake was firm, much stronger than many of the men he knew. And the look in her eyes was ferocious .

  “Landen Weaver. I’m going to become your best friend or more of a pain in the ass than our beloved captain.” Her voice held a distinct lilt .

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Landen said as he grinned .

  “You watch out for her, she rules the roost around here. As far as training goes. You’re a rookie and every one of our rookies is on a six-month probation minimum, sometimes more. I know your record. I’ve talked to your captain back in New York and I understand what you’ve been through. But I need to tell you, it gives me concern .”

  Bristling, he crossed his arms and the words spewed out of his mouth, his usual unconditional dissertation. “Why? Because I watched hundreds of people dying in the kind of fire you hope you never see in your lifetime? Or because I still have nightmares about seeing their faces, their cries for help? And there was nothing I could do about the monsters who took their lives?” The terse words echoed in the small space. He looked away, cognizant of the way his actions must appear. Shit. He couldn’t even make it a damn day without freaking out. Tension remained, beating like the thumping of his ragged heart. He clenched his fists several times, trying to relieve the pain .

  The captain cleared his throat. “Katie. Do you have his paperwork together ?”

  “Right here, Cap’n.” Holding her smile, she grabbed a folder. When she handed him the file, she nodded, her eyes full of knowing. “The nightmares never end. They just change with time. Missoula has a way of soothing the savage beast. Just trust .”

  Trust. The word sounded strange at this point. He gave her a half smile .

  “Katie. I’m finally going for a beer. Lock up behind me. Will ya?” The captain grabbed his coat and keys .

  “Of course. Don’t let the boys in the club get too rowdy tonight.” Her laugh floated through the tense air .

  The capt
ain shook his head. “You know far too many things about us, boys. That scares the hell out of me .”

  “And don’t you dare corrupt this one. He’s off limits,” she added .

  Whatever club they were talking about seemed to give her indecent thoughts. Seeing the way her nipples hardened through her thin blouse was intriguing. The banter made him breathe easier .

  “Damn women. They think they rule the world,” Captain Phillips mumbled playfully. “We rule; I’ll have you know .”

  “In your dreams. I mean, sir .” She gave Landen a look and walked back to her desk .

  Before Landen had a chance to ask any questions, he heard the rumble of a motorcycle just outside. A few seconds later, the floor shook given the heavy-footed approach. The office door was thrown open .

  “Captain. Can I speak with you ?”

  Landen knew the man was a jumper by the emblem on his tee-shirt; however, the dangerous looking brute certainly didn’t seem the type. Standing well over six and a half feet tall, every inch of skin on the lower portion of his neck was covered in tattoos. The short, shocking blond hair and intense green eyes screamed of domination. Then again, what the hell did he know ?

  Mr. Green Eyes turned to study him, his expression benign. “And you are ?”

  “Riker Sheffield, meet Landen Weaver,” the captain introduced. “You two are going to be working together .”

  Landen held out his arm first and knew he was getting more than a once over. This kind of reaction he’d been prepared for. “Good to be here .”

  “We’ll see if you say that in two weeks.” Riker’s grip crushing, his eyes sparkled as if waiting to see if the rookie would wince .

  Refusing to back down, he dug in, his handshake tightening .

  “Another case of brawn versus brain,” Katie whispered and fanned her face. “I think you two should mud wrestle. I’d pay to see that action .”

  The air remained cold .

  Very slowly Riker looked in her direction, a grin returning to his face. “Katie, I oughta turn you over my knee. One hard spanking would do you some good .”

  She exhaled and cocked her hip. “You know I do all the dominating of my pretty, little men .”

  “Ouch!” Landen laughed .

  “Told you she’s tough,” Captain Phillips said. “What do you need, Riker ?”

  Riker released his hold. “Did you catch the chatter on the fire up the canyon ?”

  “Yeah. Heard something about it. So far, the fire department has it taken care of. We’ll just watch and wait.” Captain Phillips noticed Landen’s pointed expression. “Did you see it coming in ?”

  “Smelled it. Could tell it wasn’t a campfire or a fireplace,” Landen said with ease .

  Riker raised his eyebrows and nodded. “Think it’s gonna be good to have you on the team. If I hear anything, I’ll let you know .”

  “Good deal.” The captain exhaled. “Been a busy ass tourist season so far. I fear we’re going to have a wild one on our hands .”

  “I know. There’s talk all over about how many fires there have already been. Course, I’ve also heard some revolve around one certain family in town. I’m headed to Ziggy’s for a beer. You comin’ Cap’n?” Riker asked as he turned toward Landen .

  Landen was waiting for some explanation. There was none .

  “Don’t go spouting off any rumors. Our salaries are paid by the city council.” The captain frowned and turned off his computer monitor. “I know we have a meeting tonight .”

  “We do. A month rolls around fast, doesn’t it?” Riker’s words were hushed, as if hiding a secret .

  “I’ll say.” The captain shot Landen a look .

  “I’m not spouting off anything. I like my job. You know me. Just curious if you ask me,” Riker said, the words directed at the captain .

  A bar called Ziggy’s? Interesting. There seemed to be more than one secret they were hiding .

  “Just keep your ear to the ground, Riker, and let’s keep the entire team on their toes. I have a very bad feeling in my gut.” Captain Phillips seemed to shut down the conversation .

  “Will do. Good to meet you, Landen.” Riker started to walk by. “Why don’t you come by the bar. I’ll buy a couple .”

  Landen nodded. “Might just do that .”

  “Careful of that one, Landen. He’s trouble.” Katie giggled .

  “Spankings. That’s all I’m saying.” Riker left, the bike rumbling just seconds later .

  “Spankings. A secret club?” Landen couldn’t resist .

  “All in due time, boy. All in due time. Do me a favor and walk with me, Weaver. I want to explain myself. I think there are some things you need to hear .”

  Landen remained quiet as he followed the man out the door. He knew of the captain’s reputation, just how well respected he was. “That was uncalled for and I apologize .”

  “No need to apologize. You have passion, which I admire and respect; however, I don’t need another hothead on my team. This is vital. I have two already and I could kick their asses sometimes.” He leaned against his SUV and nodded toward the back of the hanger. “We have a new plane ready to go over there. A DH-6 Twin Otter. We’ve been waiting for a hell of a long time given budgetary constraints. She came in last week. I have six men who would rather use a tin can than experience anything new. It’s a fight to get her into service .”

  “The DC has been good to you, no doubt saving lives .”

  “You’re right, but I need equipment I can count on every day, not just every once in a while or not just because members of my team like her. I must be able to rely on her to protect as well as save lives. If she acts up, refusing to work or fighting what’s required of her, then I have a huge problem .”

  The words hit home. Landen swallowed hard. “Understood, sir .”

  “On the other hand. She does have character and a drive like I’ve never seen. She’s seen some of the worst in humanity from murderers to monsters, all hell bent on destroying lives through the use of firearms, bombs and purposely set fires. She’s been inside the belly of the beast and I can tell you she’s a fighter, refusing to back down. I won’t put her completely out of service. Not now. Not ever .”

  The comments were chilling, to the point Landen was tingling all over. He blinked, refusing to become emotional and stood taller somehow. “I won’t let you down, sir. I realize the chance you’ve taken with me and I appreciate all that you’ve done .”

  The captain flicked the lock on his key fob and walked toward the driver’s door. “I didn’t do a thing, son. Not one thing. Your record speaks for itself. I’m damn proud to have you as a member of the team. Welcome aboard .”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” Landen hesitated before taking another step closer. “Captain, is there something to be worried about? Arson ?”

  Captain Phillips hesitated and tapped his fingers on top of his SUV. “Landen, every town has political issues. We’ve been several men down for well over a year. Getting a sign off on hiring you took an act of God and the good Mayor finally intervening. Do you understand what I’m saying, son ?”

  “Leave it alone ?”

  “You understand. Thought you would. By the way, Ziggy’s is just inside the main drag in town. Can’t miss it. I think the guys would love to meet you tonight .”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” He watched, waiting until his new captain drove away and wasn’t surprised at the level of pride coursing through his system. He also had several red flags waving in the background. However, nothing was going to fuck this up. Nothing. Now, he could call this home .

  * * *

  “A sshole. Jerk Off. Worthless dickhead,” Shannon spouted off. At this point, she didn’t give a damn who heard her nasty words at the restaurant. She remained pissed, ready to cut the man’s dick off. Wiping the bar furiously, she tossed the rag then grabbed a handful of dirty glasses, plopping them into a bucket. The sound of glass clinking rose above the county boxed music .

  “Calm down,” Jessica said, her voice filled with concern .

  “I am calm!” She was anything but. She’d thought of nothing else all day, half expecting the man to show up at her door, another bouquet of roses in his hands. Thank God, the man had the good graces to keep away .

  “I can tell.” She exhaled and shook her head. “What the hell is wrong with him ?”

  Shannon thought about the question. “I think he’s used to getting everything he wants. I balked, he bit back. I just don’t think he expected my level of vehemence .”

  “You get him in here and we’ll tie and flog the bastard.” Jessica chuckled .

  “Sounds like a plan.” She slapped her hand down on top of the bar. Thank God, Stoker had shown up when he did. “I will say this. I think Montgomery Jeffries peed in his pants when Stoker fired off the gun. He fell to the ground, moaning and no doubt, certain he’d been shot. Best moment of the otherwise wretched evening. I just wish I’d pulled the trigger .”

  Jessica chuckled. “Stoker did tell me the man was crying like a baby. Put him in his place at least .”

  “Yeah. Too bad the sheriff was called. Long night but worth every draining moment.” She eyed the group of smokejumpers, happy to see them in her place of business. “This is your night off. Why are you here? Why aren’t you and Stoker out for the evening or snuggled in bed, feeding each other bon bons ?”

  “Very funny. He’s got a meeting .”

  “Uh-huh,” Shannon said, the words exaggerated. “You mean he and the rest of the jumpers are going to take over my private dining room for Burnout. Right ?”

  “So, you really do know about, what I call, the infamous club ?”

  She leaned over the bar. “I know everything that goes on in this bar. I just don’t get the attraction at all. Domestic Discipline. Spankings for bad behavior. Really? Makes me sick to my stomach .”


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