Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2)

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Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2) Page 7

by Stone, Piper

  “Not all that bad, although Stoker has had a rough time getting me to obey,” Jessica murmured then glanced toward the private dining room .

  “Obey? That went out at least two decades ago. Maybe three. You’re not seriously going to accept that lifestyle?” Shannon knew more about the secretive group than the smokejumpers would care for her to know. She looked the other way. What folks did behind closed doors was their business. She just wasn’t going to buy into the lock and chain bit .

  Jessica kept her eyes locked on her man as he paced back and forth. “I don’t know yet. Honestly? We haven’t had much time to talk about the future, including a wedding. Right now, we’re learning. Exploring. He’s dominant. That’s for certain .”

  “I never saw that side of Stoker, not even after his stint in the Marines. Who could ever want a man taking charge? Why do women accept discipline and punishment as a way of life? Not for me.” The moment she asked the question, she couldn’t help but think liar, liar, pants on fire . She’d always appreciated a powerful man, enjoying the way they took control, but too many horrors in her past had pushed her away from the notion. She shivered and resisted wiping the single bead of sweat that appeared on the back of her neck .

  “That kind of conversation is for girl time and two or three bottles of wine. Besides, with an asshole like Montgomery Jeffries treating you like a possession, I guess not .”

  Try tequila. “Even hearing you say his name makes me want to vomit.” The nasty man had better never show his face again or she would press charges. “What are you drinking tonight ?’

  “Christ. I thought you’d never ask. Whiskey. I’m in the mood for whiskey,” Jessica said, her tone dripping to a seductive level .

  “Going to seduce that man of yours later, I see. Whiskey comin’ right up .”

  “What makes you think I don’t every night ?”

  Shannon pulled a glass from the back of the bar as Riker walked in. The smokejumper wore a pair of tight jeans like nobody’s business. She sighed and licked her lips. The man was cautious, quiet and usually kept to himself. He was also fine-looking eye candy. They could never be an item, but a girl could dream. “The jumpers have been away fighting fires more than they’ve been here in the last two months. Unless you followed them around, finding time in the forest to do the naughty in a tiny tent, you’ve been missing Stoker something fierce. Time to rekindle that smooch affair you two usually have going on .”

  “Mmm… When you say it like that, maybe I will have seduction in mind later. The man proposes to me then leaves on several adventures. Not that romantic.” Jessica chuckled .

  Romance. A foreign word. Her thoughts drifted to Montgomery for a brief few seconds. Why had he bothered to ask her out? The man had to be hiding behind a mask, but why? She took another side glance at the hunky jumper and admonished every kinky and wicked thought racing through the back of her mind .

  Jessica followed Shannon’s gaze toward Riker. “The question of the day is why don’t you seduce him ?”

  “Riker? Uh, no. He’s a jumper .”


  “So,” Shannon mused as she plopped in several ice cubes then poured the glass half full. “I can’t and won’t have any kind of a relationship with a smokejumper. I made that promise to myself from day one .”

  Jessica frowned. “Do you remember anything you told me about the first time I met Stoker?” When Shannon said nothing, she continued. “You told me to give him a chance and that he’d had a difficult life, but that he was a wonderful man. If I hadn’t listened to you, I’d be back in Florida living, no doubt, in some trashy apartment trying to figure out what to do with my life .”

  “I get what you’re saying .”

  “Riker is a tough man, but I have a feeling under all that brawn he’s something special as well .”

  Shannon thought about her words and a single shiver trickled down her spine. “It’s not about Riker in any way or any of the jumpers as men .”

  “Then why are you hesitating ?”

  “They’re not just fighting fires, Jess. It takes a special person to become a smokejumper. They live and breathe the fight, a desire stronger than any relationship. The danger they face every time they go out on a call is real, yet they thwart the possibility that they might die, that this might be their last adventure. I can’t handle that. I can’t handle the constant worry or the loss.” The words were subtle, yet she heard the angst, the utter terror that would never leave. A flash of memories rushed into the back of her mind and she looked away, a single tear sliding precariously close to the edge of her lashes. She wiped quickly and plastered on her usual fake smile .

  Jessica reached over, gripping Shannon’s forearm. “If you love someone then you learn to understand the reasons. I worry every minute Stoker is on a call, but I have faith in his training and belief that there is a God somewhere looking out for our heroes .”

  Heroes. She understood the concept of the word far too well. Sniffing, she could only offer a stiff nod .

  “Okay. I won’t bug you and I assume you have your reasons, but I can tell you this, you’re missing out.” Rubbing her hand down the length of her neck and moaning, she laughed when Shannon gave her the evil eye .

  “I find enough dashing men around here to keep me in top form, thank you very much.” She pushed the drink across the counter, thankful the mood had shifted. She wasn’t ready to confide in anyone about her past. Maybe she’d never find the courage to do so. Swallowing twice, the tension finally eased .

  “You mean like Montgomery, aka Mr. Asshole ?”

  Groaning, Shannon replayed the night in her mind. “You’re never going to let me live this down. Are you ?”

  “Not a chance, but I do think you need to get his ass arrested. All kidding aside. That’s not acceptable behavior on any level and you know that .”

  “Yeah, I do .”


  She shrugged and watched as Riker came closer to the bar. “But there’s something I’m missing about the guy. I want to do a little snooping, find out what he’s up to .”

  “That gets you into all kinds of trouble.” Jessica lifted her glass. “I seem to remember .”

  Trouble she could handle. A lying sack of shit was something else entirely. As Riker approached, she clenched her ass cheeks. Yes, the man was so damn attractive she’d had more than one naughty thought about him late at night, but there was no way. She’d stick to her guns on this one. “Hi ya, stranger. What’ll have tonight ?”

  “Beer. Bourbon chaser,” Riker said as he grinned. “Good to be back. Been a hell of a few weeks .”

  “Sounds like you’re celebrating.” Shannon couldn’t help but notice the way his jeans were especially tight tonight, his tee shirt accentuating every muscle, an amazing gift God had given him. She held her breath when he leaned over, his smile more flirtatious than ever .

  “I guess I am.” His response was laced with a sexiness few women could ignore. “When are you going to go out with me, sexy woman ?”

  Shannon drew a crooked line down the side of his face. “When hell freezes over, darlin’. You know I’m too much for you .”

  “Such a ballbuster,” he growled then flashed his luminescent green eyes .

  “And you love me for it,” Shannon cooed. “Let me get you those drinks.” She turned away, grateful to have a few seconds to collect herself. He was far too damn good looking. Yeah, she had her reasons for holding back and even Stoker knew little about her past. Biting back the bitter memories, she closed her eyes. The past wasn’t going to rule her. No longer .

  “Look who the cat dragged in. Glad you found the place. Welcome to Ziggy’s. They have the best burgers and barbeque in town,” Riker stated, his voice more animated than usual .

  She held back, fiddling with the glasses, pouring the beer and shot of whiskey slowly. Maybe she needed to settle down with a solid type, like an accountant. Maybe an attorney. No, they were far too predictable. Maybe a s
alesman. No, too unpredictable. Eh, maybe time spent alone was the way to go .

  “Thanks. Been a long drive and the thought of a cold beer kept me going the last hundred miles .”

  Then she heard the mysterious voice not two feet behind her. She knew everyone in town. Everyone. The husky and very deep timbre was enthralling, sexy as all get out. When she turned around, she fought to keep from dropping the drinks .

  The man was similar in height to Riker, almost as rugged and certainly just as damn good looking. He wore dark and dangerous like a badge of honor. Wearing ass sculpting blue jeans, a tight white tee shirt and a leather jacket, he oozed the kind of sex appeal seen on magazines. The only difference? He was rough and tumble as well as arrogant. She could size up a man in a single look. “Welcome to Ziggy’s. Who’s your friend, Riker?” Even the several days of stubble was attractive .

  Riker gave her a reflective look before tipping his head. “Ladies. This is the reason I’m kinda celebrating. We finally have a new jumper on the team. Landen… something. I’m terrible with names, dude. Get him a beer on me .”

  “Landen Weaver. Good to meet you.” He nodded toward the two women .

  “Heavens. Two of you. Jesus. Not sure this town can handle you,” Jessica said under her breath, an obvious tease .

  “Yep,” Shannon realized she’d actually muttered a word. Another jumper and one that… No, she couldn’t think like this. She didn’t know the man. She managed to ease the drink and beer on top of the bar without making a fool out of herself. “You’re new around Missoula.” He had a slight accent, but not one she could decipher. She held out her hand, praying to God her arm wasn’t shaking like the rest of her. Shit. She was never turned on this way, not when first meeting a guy and not after last night’s crap .

  “Yes, ma’am. From New York. I hope that’s not an issue,” Landen said as he shook her hand .

  The touch was electric, driving Shannon into a heightened state. She could tell Landen felt the same and was embarrassed by the fact, his face flushing. She also noticed such an intense sadness in his eyes. He was travel weary but also had a significant darkness surrounding him, a struggling aura. Great. Another heartbreaker. “No, we take ‘em any way we can. Just keep in mind, this ain’t no big city. We have a different set of rules here.” Might as well get ‘em straight from the get go. They could only be friends .

  Riker shook his head. “They’re not all rattlers with vicious bites. Really. Just act like they are .”

  Jessica pushed his arm and frowned. “Don’t listen to him. We’re peaches, in a bitchy kind of way, but she’s right. Whatever you heard about the Wild West isn’t exactly the truth. Jessica Dunn. Very nice to meet you .”

  “I can handle anything and anyone. You forget where I came from.” Landen’s eyes opened wide. “I heard you on the radio. Famous around here ?”

  “Ah, shucks,” Jessica cooed. “Don’t believe everything you hear. Getting a fresh start .”

  Landen chuckled and glanced around the bar. “Interesting place .”

  “Interesting sounds like boring or ugly,” Shannon countered .

  “Just not what I’m used to,” Landen offered .

  The near stare down created waves of heat in her gut. The man was hiding a tall tale. Nope. Not going down this road again. “Right. Whatever you say.” When Jessica narrowed her eyes, she looked away, studying anyone and anything but the company in close proximity .

  “How about that beer and a hamburger, no, two if you got ‘em.” Landen’s voice was gruff .

  “Man’s hungry after a long drive,” Riker stated as he grabbed the Budweiser .

  “Not for me. For a companion.” Landen looked away. “Can I get the burgers to go ?”

  “Sure. Bottled or draft?” Shannon grew more curious. A girlfriend? Of course, the man had a girl. No one this good looking could be alone. She also took a dislike to the haughty tone. Additional arrogance she didn’t need .

  “Whatever. I’m not picky.” Landen swaggered away from the bar, his head turning from right to left .

  “What a shame. He’s a jumper,” Jessica teased .

  “Not worth my time,” Shannon said under her breath .

  Jessica got up from the stool. “You haven’t even given him a chance. Remember what I said .”

  “And I’m not going to. I know what he’s about. I can see through his bravado .”

  “Dear God, woman. Whatever idiot, and I don’t mean that Jeffries guy, pushed your buttons years ago, you need to get over. If you don’t, you’re going to end up old and lonely .”

  Grabbing a towel, she tossed it at Jessica as she watched every other woman under the age of eighty in the room giving Landen bedroom eyes. Jessica might be right, but the man was off her list. However, at least she could enjoy the view, even if her red flags were already in high gear. She grabbed a bottled beer and put in an order for the burgers. A new man in town should prove to be fascinating .

  She reined in her libido and was determined to shrink back to her office. Noticing Marty walking back into the bar, his sparring buddy Bill shuffling behind, she became riled and stormed in their direction. “All right you two. If I so much as hear a growl, a crash of a glass or a nasty word, you’ll both be out of here for good. Get it ?”

  Marty threw up his hands and grinned. “Not us. We’re all good .”

  “Better be,” Shannon held out her hand, giving them both a pointed index finger for a solid minute. She was in no mood for a bar fight. As she walked back toward her office, she passed Riker and Landen, who both sat wearing a grin. “Don’t start with me. Not in the mood .”

  “Before you ask, she’s always like this,” Riker said directly to Landen .

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Landen said, then winked .

  She’d become used to being the hard ass, a woman who could arm wrestle a solid third of the men who came into her bar and win. Right now, the thought was revolting. She’d grown sick of being in control twenty-four hours a day. In fact, she was bone weary from playing tough. Her skin tingled as she walked back toward her office. Let go. Just let go .

  Not a chance in Hell .

  * * *

  T en minutes later, Shannon plopped the bag of burgers onto the counter and headed for her office to grab some paperwork. When she returned, the bag was gone. And so was the man. With no money on the counter. Furious, she took long strides from behind the bar, walking with purpose toward the front door. No matter Landen whatever his name was would serve and protect the state, he would not get away with theft. Not in her bar. Not in her town .

  “Uh-oh. The woman has a purpose. Somebody complain, sweetie?” the gruff voice asked, sarcasm dripping from his mouth .

  “Shut up, Bart or I’ll give you something to complain about,” she snarked in return. Slapping her hand against the heavy door, she tossed back her hair and stalked out into the parking lot. The sun was finally below the horizon, leaving a series of eerie shadows crisscrossing the parking lot. Looking from right to left, she found him easily enough .

  “Hey. You. Buster.” Her voice reverberating into the parking lot, she stormed toward him. As soon as the words were out, he opened the driver’s door. Of course, he was going to run. Coward. “I said you!” She was within two feet when a growling noise came out of nowhere. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a blob just seconds before -


  Woof! Woof !

  “Ah, shit. Get off the lady, dog. Come on. Where are your manners?” Landen’s voice held a lilt as he wrestled with the wiggling mass .

  The moment her head hit the pavement, Shannon saw stars. “What the…” Blinking, she was finally able to focus as a long, wet tongue was dragged over her face. Then again. And again. “Oh !”

  “Come on, buddy. She doesn’t need a bath. We were having dinner.” Landen managed to pull him off, holding the scruff of the dog’s neck with one hand and holding out his other. “Sorry about that. He’s a bit gregarious .”
  “Gregarious?” She ignored his offer and struggled to stand, rubbing the back of her head. “A menace. That’s what he is.” While she didn’t particularly care for dogs, she had to admit, the pup was friendly enough. “That’s who you were feeding the burger to ?”

  Landen shrugged. “He’s hungry. Haven’t been able to get any dog food yet.” He reached inside the car, pulling a burger from the bag. After peeling away the wrapping, he took a bite then tossed it toward the pup. “Here you go, buddy .”

  An awkward silence settled in and Shannon had no idea what to say. “Well, you can bring him in until you’re ready to leave. I don’t think I’ll have any food Nazi’s here tonight. Just mind his manners. You hear?” Tentatively she reached out, petting the dog on the head. Maybe the guy wasn’t all that bad after all. “Don’t forget about paying me .”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it .”

  They both heard a commotion and turned toward the bar. “The jumpers. Must be a call,” she muttered .

  “Weaver. You’re new but I hope you’re ready,” Captain Phillips said as he raced forward. “We have a bad one and all hands on deck are needed .”

  “The smoke from before?” Landen asked as he stepped forward, closing his car door .

  “Yeah and the flames are threatening one of the local resorts. We need to get rolling. You’re coming with me .”

  Landen cringed and turned toward Shannon. “I realize you don’t know me, but will you keep him until I return? I can’t take him with me .”

  The way he said the words was almost heart breaking. “Sure. Yeah. Of course .”

  Gripping her arm, he rubbed his thumb back and forth across her skin. “Thank you. I’ll pay you back. Be good for her, little buddy.” He took off jogging .

  “Hey. What’s his name ?”

  Landen turned and held out his hands. “I don’t know yet. He doesn’t have a name .”

  “Great. Just great.” As she looked down at the pup she shivered, and it had nothing to do with babysitting a dog .

  Chapter 4

  “G entlemen. Time is of the essence. This one is close, too damn close for comfort.” Captain Phillips stood in the middle of the locker room. “We have a fire in the Bitterroot Mountains. Not the best situation going in after dark, but we have no choice. While the firefighters have the situation almost fifty percent contained, their backs are against a wall at this point .”


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