Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2)

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Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2) Page 8

by Stone, Piper

  “Why’s that, Cap’n?” A smokejumper asked as he grabbed his helmet .

  Landen fastened the last of his suit and hung back against the lockers, studying the group of jumpers. They were different in age, looks and ethnicity, but every man held a distinct expression, anxiety and eagerness .

  “That hotel is smack in the middle, perched right on the damn ridge.” Captain Phillips shook his head. “I don’t need to tell you how precarious the situation is. Fire’s coming in from two sides. We’re gonna need to parachute our way in. Bad news is, fire rolled in so fast, some of the guests were caught as they tried to evacuate and were forced back. Unfortunately, the various sources have been unable to get through by telephone, so we have no way of knowing how many are still there. And now, the road is cut off entirely .”

  “Shit! That damn hotel should never have been built there in the first place,” another jumper countered .

  Captain Phillips held up his hand. “We can discuss that on another day over a cold beer and a big ass cigar. For now, short introductions since we have our new team member, then you are on a mission .”

  “Woo-hoo!” The man standing next to Landen gave him a full salute .

  “Glad you’re here,” another said .

  Several of the men clapped .

  “Told ya the crew was rowdy,” Riker added as he nodded in Landen’s direction .

  Landen tried to act nonchalant as two of the men gave him a hard once over, their eyes narrowing .

  “We’ll start with you two since you’ll be the ones to give him a hard time,” Captain Phillips huffed as he looked from one to the other. “Landen Weaver, meet Stoker Hansen and Antonio Giovanni. Antonio is team leader and Stoker is still on probation I might add .”

  The men laughed and whistled as Stoker rolled his eyes .

  “Thanks ever so much for the reminder, Captain,” Stoker said through gritted teeth and held out his hand. “Pleasure .”

  “The one next to you is Garcia Puevos, also on probation. You’ve already met Riker Sheffield. The grinning loon is Boone Martin and finally Sawyer Lincoln, a man you can learn a lot from. Our main spotter over there is Tyler Franklin and the brooding sort you’re going to be spending a lot of time training with is Cooper McKenzie, our official trainer and second spotter .”

  “I’m glad to be here.” Landen shook hands and nodded at every man. He noticed Cooper’s awkward gait as he lumbered forward. He could also already tell his trainer was going to be a hard ass given his serious demeanor. The other jumpers were pumped, adrenaline running high. The dark-skinned man was haunted, even angry. Perhaps given his condition. There was a story to tell .

  “Let’s get rolling. Tyler, you’re on point for this one. Cooper and I will man the radio with the various fire departments and keep you informed. This is wild and wooly fellas with reports of crown fires already. You will have four engine companies surrounding you, controlling from the forest as well as the road. The initial attack is to construct several scratch lines that need to be finished ASAP. Our sister smokejumping team is going in from the air, using retardant. They will also be a fall back on the ground if needed. Understood ?”

  “Yes, sir,” the men said in unison .

  “Excellent. Antonio will direct you from there after assessing the conditions. You need to get a hole in there so the firefighting team can evacuate any guests who remain. You’re working from the inside out. Five minutes until you board the jump ship. Good luck men. I have a bad feeling about this one.” The captain made eye contact with every jumper, Antonio the last .

  “Aye, aye, Captain.” Antonio moved quickly in Landen’s direction. “Let’s make sure you’re suited up. What the captain said is — ”

  “The crown fire means the fire is hot enough that its spreading through the tops of the trees. We start with preparing a temporary hand line that needs to be solid to stop the fire. We’re to be in the aircraft in five minutes.” Landen held his expression, keeping his voice even .

  “He ain’t no dummy, Giovanni,” Riker said as he burst into laughter .

  “No, I guess the man has studied. No time like the present to break you in. I hope your training is as good in action as on paper. You’re in the big leagues now, Weaver. Parachute. Gloves. Let down rope. Looks good. Stay with me and follow my command. You got it, rookie?” Antonio’s eyes flashed a split second of respect before clouding over, assuming the commanding lead .

  “I got it.” Landen had never felt so sick in his entire life. As he trotted behind the men and into the plane, he held his breath .

  “Equipment check?” Tyler asked as he stood at the entrance to the plane .

  “Done,” Antonio answered, beckoning toward Landen. “We’re ready to go .”

  “Get on the ship and let’s roll!” Tyler bellowed .

  The moment the door was closed, and they began taxiing onto the runway, Landen closed his eyes, saying a silent prayer. All the training and hard work. All the years of fighting the demons deep inside came down to this moment. No fucking it up, boy. None. Breathing out, he clenched his fist and held his helmet against his chest .

  They took off without incident and Landen concentrated on the sounds of the landing gear rolling into the belly of the plane. He darted a look outside and smiled .

  “The situation is too close for comfort, jumpers, so be prepared for falling trees.” Antonio continued his speech, filling them in on what little was known .

  “All righty, fellas. We’re ten minutes out. Ten minutes out,” Tyler called out. “Fast and furious today. We’re going around the mountain side from the left for the jump spot. No time to sit. Get ready and in line. The darkness will be a hindrance .”

  “Okay, men. You know what we have to do,” Antonio directed .

  Landen peered out the windows. The blackness was all consuming, the nearly full moon covered over by smoke, yet the shifting colors of bright orange and reds were highlighted, dancing from tree to tree. Sparks and embers floated toward the heavens in a whirlwind. Even in the horror, the scene was breathtaking. “Shit .”

  “Nothing like seeing a wildfire from the air,” Riker stated .

  “No, you’re right.” Landen sucked in his breath .

  “Until you come face to face with the beast,” Sawyer muttered .

  “Helmets, gentlemen. We go in four,” Antonio called out .

  He’d never had a claustrophobic moment in his life, but donning the helmet was another thing entirely. After securing in place, he stood in line, waiting with the others. His new team. His new family .

  “All right. We’re coming in,” Tyler said as he switched from his screen to looking out the window. “Be ready. We may have one shot at this .”

  The hatch was opened, air and smoke swirling in layers. Landen could smell the crackling wood, the seared ground even through his helmet .

  “And we go in five, four, three, two, one. Jump !”

  * * *

  G lancing at her phone, she was ready to turn off the light when it buzzed .

  “Shannon Miller .”

  The dead silence was telling. What the hell was she doing answering it at almost three in the morning in the first place? “Come on, buddy. We’re finally leaving .”


  She stopped short, hearing the sound of the text. “Crap.” She eyed the display and growled. “The man won’t give up .”

  I need you… I’m sorry .

  “I bet you’re sorry. Right, buddy. Delete.” Shoving her phone into her purse, she chuckled and had such delicious evil thoughts. No man treated her so savagely and got away with it. Flipping the light switch, she threw open the door, drinking in the night air. The smoky scent was something she’d gotten used to, but this time she couldn’t help but think about Landen. Welcome to Missoula .

  Shannon closed and locked the back door to Ziggy’s then leaned her head against the cool steel. She almost never closed, allowing her second in command to handle the task. Having a dog in t
he restaurant had been comical, a pleasant twist to the usual crowd. She sighed from exhaustion and glanced down at the pup. “Well, buddy. I have a feeling you’re going to be with me for a while. Come on.” As she walked to her truck, she took a moment to look up at the mountains, able to see muted hues of tangerine nestled in what she knew to be a pristine vacationer’s spot .

  So many fires …

  The dog trotted behind her, sniffing at her bag as she attempted to find her truck keys. She never kept them on the same ring as the ones belonging to Ziggy’s and given the lack of light in the back-parking lot, that drill might change soon. Hissing, she managed after two full minutes of digging to wrap her hands around the batch. “There we are .”


  Hair immediately stood up on the back of her neck. Ziggy’s was located in a very safe area, complete with family restaurants and businesses. Granted, the majority of them were closed this time of night. Swallowing, she walked around to the passenger side and scanned the entire area. She hadn’t thought about the possibility of retaliation from Montgomery until now. “Okay. Let’s get going.” No, he wouldn’t be this brazen. The jerk was just that, a big, fat jerkoff, but stalking her? No way .

  Her skin began to crawl .

  Fumbling to find the lock, she loathed the fact her hands were shaking. Why hadn’t she left when the last bartender had? Okay, you can do this. Holding her one hand with the other, she slipped the key into the lock and breathed a sigh of relief. She opened the truck door and pointed toward the ripped vinyl seat. “Jump on in, bubba. By the way, your daddy needs to give you a name .”



  This time the dog reacted, his tail sticking straight up in the air. She held onto his neck and darted a glance around the front window and could swear she saw what had to be a lighter, then a small cylinder of orange as if the mysterious stalker was lighting a cigarette. Well, at least she knew the asshole didn’t smoke .

  “It’s okay. We’re leaving .”


  The single bark the pup issued was low and guttural, leaving her more on edge. She’d never been terrified before, not once since moving to Missoula. Now? She couldn’t usher the dog into the seat fast enough. When he was finally secure, she slammed the door and raced around to the other side. Faced with unlocking another door, she concentrated as sweat beaded into her eyes. “Come on. Come the fuck on.” Her adrenaline kicked into overdrive and she jammed the key into the lock, twisting then yanking the door handle. Panting, she jumped into the driver’s seat, slamming and locking the door. “Okay. We’re fine.” She turned the key and smiled .


  “What the hell?” She lowered her head to the steering wheel, gripping with enough force her fingers hurt like hell. If the damn beat up Chevy wouldn’t start, she was going to burn it right here. Yeah, she needed a new vehicle, but money didn’t grow on trees. “Let’s do this again .”

  Eeeerrrrr… ggeerrrr… aaaaccckkk …

  Now, she’d flooded the engine. Patience wasn’t one of her virtues. Hell no. Leaning back, she unclenched her fists and very slowly turned her head. Unable to see the same warm glow, she exhaled and counted to ten. “Please start for me, baby. Please get me through this and I’ll wash you all pretty this Sunday .”

  Aaackk… Varoom !

  She shivered all over and patted the dashboard. “We’re going home, dog. Pup. Okay, we’re going to pick a damn name.” Sliding the gear into drive, she punched the gas, the move creating a squeal as her tires moved across the pavement in a jerking motion. She headed toward the street and just before she left the curb, she noticed a man standing near the building next door. He was wearing a white apron and she could easily tell smoking a cigarette. Laughing, she darted a glance into the rearview mirror before easing onto the street .

  Some brave women she was. Still, as she drove home, she thought about what Montgomery might do. He’d been embarrassed and not just in front of her. At least the sheriff was on notice. But for what? She hadn’t pressed charges and the sheriff’s beef was with Stoker for firing off his gun. Still, a record of sorts anyway .

  She pulled into the driveway of her house twenty minutes later. The rental house had been home almost since the day she’d arrived. Coming to this place, this destination had been something she’d never expected, but now there was no other city in the world in which she wanted to live. She was happy for the first time in so long. Nothing was going to rip away her little slice of heaven .

  Shannon was out of her truck with the dog by her side by the time she realized the front porch light wasn’t on. “No fucking way,” she whispered, the creepy crawlies occurring all over again. This time the dog’s tail wagged in happiness and he casually padded onto the front grass, squatting and peeing. She snorted and waited until he was finished, all the while looking at her surroundings. She had neighbors, but only two and a solid three blocks were between them. That’s one reason she’d rented the place sight unseen, the acreage and the incredible mountain view sites that she was nuzzled smack up against .

  “Let’s get you inside.” She hummed as she walked to the front door. Twisting the knob, she nodded knowing the door remained locked. Exactly as she’d left it that early afternoon. The bulb hadn’t been changed in well over four months, so no doubt burned out. Nothing more. This time she was able to use her keys without any hindrance and walked inside, immediately turning on every light she could reach close by .

  The warm glow made her smile. After dropping her things, she walked straight into the kitchen for a glass of wine. She poured some water into a bowl, setting it on the floor and reached for her already open bottle of wine. Then she noticed two messages on her answering machine. No one called her at home. They didn’t need to, given she was almost never here. A sales call. Had to be. Right .

  After hissing and considering tossing the old piece of crap out the window, she pressed the button. The first held nothing but silence, but the second .

  “Hey, Shannon. Look. I was an asshole and I am so damn sorry. I don’t know what in God’s name possessed me. Please allow me to apologize. Please. I wanted the evening to be spectacular and I ruined everything. Can you ever forgive me? Call me. I’d like to express my deep and very sincere apologies. Coffee? Just coffee in a public place. I promise to be a good boy .”

  She immediately erased the message then slumped against the counter. He seemed sincere enough. Could she trust him? Hell no. What was she thinking? Cursing under her breath, she turned away. She was done with the likes of him .

  She turned on her iPod and proceeded to pour a glass of wine, all the while glaring at the ancient machine. After forcing herself to look away, she studied the dog. He was handsome with shaggy, dark fur and huge paws. Most likely a Lab mix but the poor baby’s fur was matted, his nose covered in scratches. She walked closer and noticed what had to be deep scratches on his back. “What the hell? You need a bath. That’s going to happen before we go to sleep .”

  She took a gulp then another of wine before coercing him into the bathroom, the pup whining the entire time .

  * * *

  B y the time she slipped into bed, two glasses of wine later, she was wired and knew there’d be no way she could sleep. She snuggled under the covers and couldn’t help but smile, seeing the resting dog. He was sleeping, snoring softly, and had remained just inside her bedroom door. A little protector. She laid down and stared at the ceiling. After a few minutes, she kicked out her legs, every muscle in her body remaining tense .

  Another minute or five passed and she knew this wasn’t going to work. She jerked the same book she’d been reading for months out of her nightstand and pressed her hand over the cover. “His Domination. Her Forgiveness .” The title was catchy enough. She bit her lip as she turned to the dog-eared page. Purchasing the book had been on a whim. What the hell. She could use a little… domination. The word sent a series of shivers straight into her pussy. Books never turned her o
n and she knew her reaction was because of one tall, handsome stranger .

  Forcing his face out of her mind, she began to read .

  He showered me with kisses, his lips moving down the length of my neck to my breast. When he licked around my nipple, I cried out then shuddered. I wasn’t supposed to utter a single word .

  “You’re a very bad girl,” he whispered, his hot breath cascading down and across my chest .

  “Yes, sir. I am.” I knew my words were said in defiance, a last-ditch effort to hold onto what was left of my power, now his power. I’d given him all of me, a decision I didn’t take lightly .

  “And you know what bad girls receive, don’t you? The ones who have difficulty obeying ?”

  “Yes, sir.” Somehow my answer seemed contrite .

  He bit down on my nipple and I could barely keep from whimpering, but I remained quiet, just like he asked, just as he demanded. When he eased his hand to my other breast, cupping and squeezing, I swallowed and tried to remember all the things I was supposed to do. And not to do. I could be his little girl. I could become his practiced submissive. I would allow him to own me .

  “You’ll learn in time. That, I assure you.” His voice was so confident, the words said with ease .

  “Yes, sir .”

  “Which is why you need to be punished .”

  He turned me over onto my stomach and left the bed. His bed. I was merely allowed to be in his hallowed room .

  Shannon inhaled and eased her hand under the covers and past the bodice of her thin nightgown. Swirling the tip of her finger around her nipple, she was surprised when the bud became hardened almost immediately. She gripped the book and thought about Landen’s face, his domineering eyes and mannerisms. He was just the kind of man fantasies were made of. Pinching her nipple, she moaned as a wash of pain rushed into every cell. Hot and wet, she panted as the pain became close to agony .


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