Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2)

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Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2) Page 9

by Stone, Piper

  I was no longer afraid of him and his desires to keep me in line. He knew exactly what I needed for he was my Master. I could hear the sound of him pulling the belt from the loops of his pants. He used many implements but preferred the belt. Tonight, my punishment was personal. The moment he rubbed his hand down the length of my back then tapped my buttocks, I sucked in my breath .

  “Remain still or your punishment will be much worse,” he stated .

  “Yes, sir.” I couldn’t hear him or see what he was doing but I knew he was studying me, watching for any additional infraction. I was going to show him how good I could be. A good little girl .


  I bit back a whimper when I heard the sound of the belt hitting the floor. He was testing me. I passed. I was able to withstand showing any emotion .

  “This will help you become a much better woman,” he added and this time his voice seemed so very far away .

  Crack! Slap !

  The pain was excruciating, bringing tears to my eyes but I maintained my position .

  Slap! Pop! Crack !

  Air left my lungs and I buried my face into the comforter. I could do this .

  Whap! Whoosh! Smack !

  The belting was swift and severe and exactly what I needed .

  Grunting, Shannon closed the book. With every word read, every passage she’d seen his face. Landen’s face. She was out of her mind, but she knew, she wanted this man. Wiping perspiration from her face, she stole a glance at the sleeping dog. Time to get some sleep .

  Her hand clammy, she placed the book on the edge of the nightstand and turned off the light. Sliding under the covers, she continued shivering, yet she remained wet and perspiring. “This is ridiculous,” she whispered and turned on her side. Wide awake, she punched her pillow twice before nuzzling against the soft sheets, determined to go to sleep. When she continued to toss and turn, she rolled over on her back and glared at the ceiling .

  “Do you understand why I’m punishing you?” Landen asked as he held out his hand, his gaze intense and imploring .

  “Yes, sir, I do.” Shannon grasped his hand and lowered her head as he led her toward the straight back chair. Every nerve ending alive and on fire, she panted in an effort to keep from moaning .

  He eased down onto the chair, pulling her gently over his lap and lifting her satin and lace gown, exposing her naked ass. “I’m very disappointed in you .”

  “I know you are, sir, and I’m sorry .”


  Jumping, Shannon slapped her hands down on the comforter and groaned. “No!” I’m not going to do this .


  The dog raised his head and she heard the sound of his thumping tail .

  “Go to sleep, big boy.” Clenching her eyes shut, she controlled her breathing until she was finally relaxed. Seconds later, his face, the gorgeous chiseled face of the only man she’d ever loved entered her subconscious, his smile beckoning. She gripped the pillows and sucked in her breath, the vivid image too much for her system. Rolling over, she huddled under the covers in a cradle position as the tears began to fall. Why? Why now? Why did she feel so wretched, so damn lonely? Why couldn’t she let this go ?

  “Why aren’t you here? Why did you leave me?” The words were strangled, barely audible but she knew he heard them. She could feel his presence. Her body aching, she sobbed for the first time in almost three years .

  He gave himself away with a whimper, a single touch of his paw. When Shannon patted the bed, he jumped up without hesitation, curling in front of her. She wrapped her arm around his chest and nuzzled against his fur, and for the first time since she’d moved into the house, she didn’t feel lonely .

  * * *

  F lames licked up toward the night sky as thousands of embers trickled down, smattering against the soot and debris. From overhead, planes and helicopters could be heard, flying low and releasing fire retardant. Smoke billowed out from every shadowed corner, making advancement difficult. Landen turned in a full circle, assessing the conditions. The jump and subsequent landing had been rocky but exactly where Tyler had made the call .

  He sucked in air and inched forward, following Antonio toward the already started scratch line. Directed to help finish the detail, he dug away at the rocky and dry terrain, barely making any headway .

  “Keep moving! The fire is advancing,” Antonio said into the headphone .

  Moving in formation, the smokejumpers continued to dig, creating a wide swath. Landen could see a structure in the distance, the building shrouded in black smoke. The fire was close, the heat intense. He heard groups of firemen swarming behind the trees, trying desperately to create a save path .

  Antonio tugged his arm and pointed toward a line of burning brush. “We need to cut those away. Come with me .”

  Landen trudged forward, grabbing his ax. As soon as they reached the source, both men began swinging, cutting away the gnarled vines and low limbs. Panting, sweat pooled into his eyes as he worked, exhaustion taking over quickly. Although conditioned, nothing could have prepared him for the intensity .

  They worked tirelessly, inch by inch until they made headway, creating a small path but just enough. Minutes turned into what had to be hours and still, the fire refused to be contained. Sixty minutes later they finally had a handle .

  “Hansen, Martin, we need to set a burnout now that the fire is contained.” Antonio turned in a full circle .

  “Yeah, over there,” Boone pointed .

  Antonio nodded. “Take Puevos. We just might have this old girl yet .”

  Landen lifted his mask, wiping away sweat and grime. Smoke burned his eyes and he blinked, slapping the mask back in place .

  “Keep cutting!” Antonio directed. Seconds later, his attention was drawn by a team of firefighters, swinging their arms .

  He knew instantaneously what was occurring. Additional survivors had been discovered, no doubt within the hotel .

  Whoosh! Boom !

  The thunderous noise grabbed the men’s attention just as a portion of the hotel went up in flames. “Shit!” someone called .

  Several firefighters raced toward the scene, tethered to oversized water lines. All around him tree limbs began to fall, thudding against the ground in a series of powerful slams. He darted out of the way just as a fiery group roared downward, their pointed spears becoming deadly weapons .

  “Look out!” Riker called out and swarmed forward, pushing Sawyer out of harm’s way. Both men tumbled backward, falling hard against the dirt .

  Landen continued cutting, using the power of his upper body strength, yet the dry wood was dense, almost impenetrable. Harder and faster he swung yet was making little headway .


  Suddenly, a scream cut through the deafening noise. Goose bumps popped along every inch of his skin. The cry for help was ominous, horrific. The hotel burned hot, as close to a blowup as he’d ever want to see. Shaking, he tried to focus, seeing if anyone was coming to the rescue. Every firefighter was engaged, working diligently to stop the increasing fire .

  He could see no one racing toward the hotel, rescue in mind .

  “Stay here. Keep moving. We’re making headway. Weaver. Get over here and help him,” Antonio directed .

  Riker immediately fell into rank, his massive arms powering through the trees. All around them the sounds of hissing water mixed with steam, creating a rainfall of soot blanketing everything in its path. The helicopters and planes continued. They were backing down the fire .

  Everything around them seemed scorched and from where he stood, it appeared the hotel was going to be a total loss. A sixth sense stuck in his craw, a knowing that pissed him off. He’d seen and fought fires consume buildings, but not this fast. Something was off. He’d bet his career .


  Another screech cut into the night. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a woman running then tumbling to the ground. On fire, she fell into a lump, her screams piercing. A te
am of firefighters raced toward her, one covering her body, forcing out the flames. She struggled and while the majority of her words were strangled, cut off, Landen heard enough .

  There was someone else inside .


  Windows blew out of the front of the hotel, scattering shards of glass all over the ground. Landen twisted and took several long strides backwards until he could just make out a form standing in the window. Dear God. A flash of fire enveloped that side of the building and the person was forced back. Were they dead or alive? He noticed a set of outside stairs, leading to the second and third floors. If someone could get in through the door, they could possibly save a life .

  His instinct kicked in, his training and the methods used in his former life. In a split-second decision, he raced toward the burning building, his heart racing. Taking the stairs two at a time, he pressed his hand against the metal door. Cool to the touch, he felt around the cracks, checking for a backdraft situation. The fire had yet to consume this end. Twisting the handle, he heard someone calling his name seconds before he swung open the door .

  There was no time to waste. With only the flashlight attached to his helmet to guide him, he made his way down the hall, calling out. “Is anyone here? Hello ?”

  “Help me !”

  A flash of the last fire in New York entered his mind as he moved down the hallway until he found the source of the cry. Huddled on the floor was an older man. “Let’s get you out of here .”

  “I… don’t think… I can walk,” the man managed, coughing as smoke rolled all around them .

  Boom! Crack !

  Hunkering down, Landen covered the man’s body as wallboard fell down. Looking to his right, the fire was making its way up the hallway, eating everything in its path. He had to get the man out of here now. “Anyone else here ?”

  “My wife. Just my wife !”

  “She’s safe. We need to go.” Gathering the man into his arms, Landen eased him over his shoulder and began making his way toward the door. A group of firefighters rushed in .

  “What the hell are you doing?” a gruff voice asked .

  “Saving a life.” Landen pushed past, struggling from the man’s weight. He reached the landing and headed down just as he heard a series of cracking noises .

  “Get the fuck out of here !”

  The call coming from behind, Landen lumbered forward, hitting the ground and —


  Chapter 5

  L anden stood in the shower for an extended period of time. Not a single jumper had said a word to him after they’d deployed back to the hanger. He was no fool. He knew why. As the others moved out of the locker room, he remained behind, lagging on purpose. He eased his back against the cool tile, blinking several times as he thought about his actions. Yeah, he’d broken protocol. Yes, he’d disobeyed orders and yes, what he’d done could have cost the lives of several firefighters, as well as members of his own team .

  Opening his mouth, he allowed the water to stream inside then turned around, pressing his hands against the wall and pushing out. He spit and watched as the stream floated into the drain. They’d been on the scene for almost twenty hours, mopping up roots, tree limbs and the last of the debris and embers. The experience was… He groaned as he tried to figure out what he was thinking. Perhaps he was too exhausted to consider thinking. What did it matter? He doubted he’d have a job in less than thirty minutes .

  Turning off the water, he dried off and wrapped the towel around his waist. As he rounded the corner, heading for his locker, he eyed Riker. The man stood against the steel boxes, his arms folded, one foot up against the metal. He didn’t look in Landen’s direction nor did he speak, but his presence spoke volumes .

  Landen snapped open his locker, grabbing his shirt and jeans. Every few seconds he looked in Riker’s direction, but the massive man remained stoic, his eyes never blinking. When he grabbed his belt and shoes, he finally turned in Riker’s direction. “Say it .”


  “Go on, Riker. I deserve to hear it,” Landen said then slammed the locker door .

  Very slowly, Riker cocked his head, his expression one of disdain, even anger. “Trust, my friend, is vital. So is following the rules. What you did out there could have cost lives .”

  “Yeah, I know. I — ”


  Riker slammed his hand against the locker, the sound reverberating into the small space. “Do. You? Do you give a shit?” He allowed the words to sink in before taking two long strides in Landen’s direction until he stood less than six inches from the man .

  While they almost stood eye to eye, Riker was far more menacing, outweighing him by a solid fifty pounds. “Yes .”

  Riker clenched both hands, creating fists, his mouth twisting from fury. “Trust and respect are earned. You lost mine for good. Do. You. Hear. Me ?”

  Nodding, Landen had to look away. This wasn’t him. This wasn’t him at all .

  Sucking in his breath, he puffed up then turned around, his feet booming as he walked toward the exit .

  “Riker. Wait.” While he didn’t expect the man to stop or even slow down, when he did, Landen fought to find the right words .

  “What?” Riker hissed .

  “I hope one day I can earn back that trust. And your respect .”

  A full minute ticked by .

  He glanced over his shoulder. “Not me you need to worry about. Those men out there are my family. They fought to be here. I will protect them with my life, no matter the reason. Am I clear ?”

  “Yeah. Crystal.” When Riker left the room, he rubbed his eyes and groaned. What the fuck had he done? He grabbed his jacket and walked toward the door, stopping briefly to collect his nerves. When he walked out into the main area, every single jumper was waiting, their eyes pinned on his arrival. He stood still and looked each man in the eyes .

  One by one they turned away, their backs pointed in his direction. He’d not only lost their respect. He’d lost his own .

  “Weaver. In my office, now!” Captain Phillips demanded from his office door then retreated back inside .

  The hanger remained quiet as he walked past and into the captain’s office .

  “Close the door .”

  Landen obeyed and stood where he was .

  Captain Phillips also had his back to Landen. He stared out the small window, his hands behind his back. “Did our conversation when you arrived mean nothing ?”

  “No, sir. I heard what you said .”

  “Hmm…” Exhaling, he rubbed his jaw .

  “Sir, I’m sorry and I know that — ”

  “Be quiet! Just be quiet. You need to learn to follow directions, something you are obviously not good at .”

  “Yes, sir.” Landen moved from foot to foot. The tension mounted as a full minute ticked by. He was cognizant the other jumpers were leaving. They’d made their statement without saying anything .

  His voice remaining calm when he spoke, he did so as if determining the words as he said them. “Then tell me why. Why the hell did you choose to go against direct orders? Why did you choose to go off on your own, endangering lives? Why?” He turned around, his face taut .

  “I have no explanation, sir. I reacted .”

  “You reacted .”

  “Yes, sir. I saw that there was someone remaining in the hotel and I reacted .”

  “Without. Fucking. Thinking,” Captain Phillips said between clenched teeth .

  Landen shifted and nodded .

  “I didn’t hear you .”

  “Yes, sir. That’s what happened .”

  The captain eased his head back. “You are a rookie here, untrained to our methods. Sending you on a mission without so much as a day of training is my fault. That, I’ll accept. But the rest is all on you. You’re a seasoned and decorated firefighter. You were in 9/11 for God’s sake. You know what it means to work as a team .”

  The words hung in the air. “Yes, sir, I do .”
r />   Captain Phillips shook his head before glaring at him. “By all rights, I should send you packing back to New York.” When Landen looked down, he hissed. “Look, I have one question for you .”

  “Of course .”

  “Do you want to be here and if so, why? Why now? Given your record, you could command your own team back in New York. Why here ?”

  The questions surprised the hell out of him, but he took a moment to reflect. His lower lip trembling, he finally had the courage to look the captain in the eye. “Because I have more to do and this is exactly what I’ve wanted to do my entire life. Being here is a new beginning and one I am more than ready for. I realized I screwed up and I lost the respect of your…” He hesitated and took a step forward. “My team as well as your respect, but I swear to God, I will work every day to regain your trust and what reverence you can afford to give me. I will not let this happen again.” His body shaking, he held his breath us the captain looked into his eyes, searching, seeing right through him .

  Captain Phillips took a deep breath and looked down at his desk, opening a file folder. He flipped through several pages then picked up his pen, tapping the end on the file. “Very well. I believe in your conviction and I’ll grant you another chance, but hear me.” He narrowed his eyes as he lifted his head. “You are very much on probation here. You are going to spend time with the team, but you will not go up on another mission until I feel you are ready. Is this understood ?”

  “Yes, sir. I understand .”

  “I hope you do, son, because one more mistake and you are out. I cannot… No, I will not endanger this team. Ever .”

  “You will never have reason to worry again.” Landen remained where he was .

  “Fine. Now, get the hell out of here .”

  “Yes, sir.” Exhaling, he took a step backwards then turned toward the door .


  “Yes, sir ?”

  The sound of the captain’s voice was closer. “You’re talented. That I already know. You need to leave your demons behind or they’re going to come back and bite you. And no one may be there to save your life .”


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