Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2)

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Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2) Page 10

by Stone, Piper

  He nodded. “I know that, sir. Believe me, I do.” As he walked out the door, he hung his head low. The captain was right. Maybe he hadn’t finished what he’d started on a perfect morning all those years ago. Time to put an end to the ghosts or he was going to lose everything .

  Including his very soul .

  * * *

  “H ey, Maggie.” The sound of the bell hanging over the door always gave Shannon a smile. She’d been coming to Maggie’s Restaurant, a quaint bakery and café, since the very day she’d arrived in Missoula. This seemed like a perfect treat to her single day off in over two weeks. Maybe she was hiding, but the time to herself was well deserved. The day was gorgeous with puffy clouds and a bright blue sky. She’d been able to detect a slight stench of the fire, but the remnants were dying away quickly .

  “Shannon Miller. I thought you’d moved out of town,” Maggie huffed as she winked. “Where you been hiding, sugar?” Easing out from behind the counter, she wagged her finger. “You never come in to see me any longer .”

  “Long hours. You know the business,” Shannon mused and headed straight for the bakery case. There was almost nothing to eat in her house, and today she needed something sweet to squelch her inner demons .

  “Yeah, afraid I do. Can’t seem to get a day off .”

  “You own the shop just like I do .”

  Laughing, Maggie rubbed her hands on her apron and waved to two additional customers as they came in. “You got a minute ?”

  “Of course .”

  “I’ll be right back. Grab a cup of coffee if you want.” Maggie walked away, her gait slow but her smile bright and inviting. “Mark. Julia. Good to see you this morning .”

  Shannon studied the goodies positioned just so behind the glass then looked out toward her truck, shaking her head. The dog was standing up, his head hanging out the window. Until she met up with Landen, the gorgeous pup would be her sidekick. She’d listened to the news, heard about the horrific fire. Then she’d watched as Montgomery was interviewed. As the developer and still owner of the hotel, he milked the press to garner sympathy. The man could talk a good game. At least no lives had been lost in the fire .

  She walked to the bank of colorful containers, selecting a basic dark ground and poured a cup of coffee. The scent was invigorating and definitely needed after the dream filled night. She’d awakened in the same position, her arm having never left the dog’s chest. She took a sip, remembering her lurid thoughts. Seeing Landen again would be …

  Her thoughts were interrupted as she noticed a car pulling in behind her truck. A full twinge of raw anger rushed into her system. She took a step back, praying to God the man couldn’t see her. Of course, Montgomery recognized her truck, even taking the time to study the dog. She couldn’t help but chuckle at the way the pup was barking incessantly. Seems the man wasn’t well liked by man or beast .

  “I’m back, honey. What can I get for you today?” Maggie followed her gaze. “That rat ass bastard .”


  “Sorry, sugar. That man just gets me fired up. Did you see him on the news today? The nerve of that man, acting like his hotel was a prized possession. He doesn’t care about the town or the mountains. I hear the way he is with employees. They come in here for lunch sometimes and I can tell you this, he’s a bastard to work for. Don’t mind my French.” Huffing, she padded around the counter, her brow furrowed .

  “Unfortunately, I know him too well .”

  “I don’t like what he’s doing, all the shoddy building,” Maggie quipped. “I hear he takes short cuts, using defective materials. I bet that’s why that poor hotel went up in a flash. Did you see it? Reduced to ashes .”

  She gave Maggie a long look, collecting the information. “Terrible tragedy .”

  “I’ll kick his ass one day. You bet I will .”

  Shannon shrunk back even more when he turned toward the café. Do not come in here. Do not !

  But he did .

  The same bell jingled, and Shannon almost tossed her cup of coffee in his direction. She turned away, facing Maggie. “Let me take a couple plain donuts for my friend out there and I’ll have a croissant .”

  “Does that cutie pie belong to you?” Maggie gave Montgomery a dirty look, purposely looking around him .

  “No, just keeping him for one of the jumpers.” Shannon gritted her teeth. His cologne reeked this morning .

  “A jumper, eh? About time you found yourself a husband .”

  “Uh. No. I don’t even know him .”

  Maggie winked. “One sure fire way of curing that little problem .”

  Shannon sensed his presence directly behind her. Bristling, she resisted tossing the cup of hot java in his face. She could see a nasty look crossing Maggie’s face .

  “Shannon, I’m so glad I found you here.” Montgomery’s voice was smooth, almost caressing in nature .

  “And I’m not glad to see you here. Maggie, I’ll take those to go if you don’t mind and I’m in a hurry .”

  “Sure thing, sugar.” Maggie ignored the man .

  “I tried to call you a couple of times. We should talk,” Montgomery said as he flanked Shannon’s side .

  “We have nothing to talk about .”

  “Yes, we do .”

  The way he said the words reminded her of the other night. She shot him a nasty look then snorted. “I think you best leave me alone. Don’t you ?’

  “What, or you’ll sic one of your cowboy friends on me?” Laughing, he rolled his eyes. “Kidding. He had every right to pull that gun on me .”

  He said the words just loudly enough, the entire restaurant looked over. She sucked in her breath, resisting scratching his eyes out. “He is a decorated Marine and a local hero, having saved several lives as a firefighter and smokejumper. I daresay this can’t be said about you. Why aren’t you tending to the innocent lives lost in that hotel of yours?” As soon as she said the words, she noticed his expression flash to one of vile anger .

  Several murmurs could be heard in the café .

  After taking a step back, he held up his hands as if giving up. “Touché. It’s a tragedy and I’ve spent the morning trying to get to the bottom of what happened. I will take care of my guests, no matter what I have to do or what stone I have to overturn. That, is my promise .”

  “Sounds like he’s running for office, if you ask me,” Maggie said under her breath as she placed a box on the counter .

  Shannon chuckled and rolled her eyes. “How much do I owe you ?”

  “For putting up with the likes of him?” Maggie snorted. “Not a dime .”

  Montgomery huffed and tilted his head back. “I’m just trying to say I’m sorry for my behavior. Nothing more .”

  Snagging a five-dollar bill from her purse, she slid the money on the counter. “Thank you and the pup will thank you .”

  “My pleasure, sugar .”

  Grabbing the box of pastries, she took long strides in an effort to get as far away from him as she could. When he grabbed her arm, pulling her to a standstill, she hissed. “Get your hands off of me. I didn’t press charges, but I’m not playing games with you or anyone. Apology accepted. Let’s leave it at that and stay out of my life.” Jerking away, she walked toward the passenger side of the truck, cognizant of the two burly looking men standing against two different cars. Body guards? She resisted chuckling and started to open the door. “I have a little treat for you .”


  The moment Montgomery pressed his body against her back, she tensed .

  “I don’t give up easily. That’s something you’re going to learn.” He took a step back but remained close .

  His voice was low and husky, the words said so only she could hear. She reached in through the window as the dog continued to whine, stroking his neck. The man didn’t need to know this wasn’t her dog. “You can do what you want, but so can I. Can’t I little sweetness?” She stole another quick glance at the other men. While they’d don
e nothing overtly threatening, they were menacing in size as well as stance. She acted as if she didn’t care, opening and selecting a donut. “Hungry, little boy ?”


  The dog stood on all fours, saliva dripping from his mouth .

  “Relax, baby dog. Everything is just fine. My little protector.” The dog continued to snap and bark, pawing the window. Sweat rolled down from the nape of her neck, slithering into the back of her shirt. Dear God, she was nervous. Why in the hell was the asshole waiting? For her to change her mind ?

  Sniffing and licking his chops, the pup sat back, this time his tail swishing back and forth .


  The sound of three engines starting caught her attention. When Montgomery peeled out in his Viper, passing by without looking in her direction, she breathed out. Few men had really scared her in her life, but this one, this overbearing jerk of a man did. Was he capable of violence? She had a terrible feeling she knew the answer .

  She knew something else. He wasn’t telling a lie. There would be several more run ins with him. Next time, she’d make certain he understood. As she eased the donut inside the window, she studied the cars following Montgomery. They both had a special license plate. While she couldn’t make out any significant details, she stored the information in the back of her mind .

  “Let’s get you back home, Jace.” Saying the name startled her and she smiled. The name suited the dog, a protector. Easing around the front of the truck, she realized her hand was shaking. The moment she climbed inside, slamming the door, another tear rolled down her cheek. Using the name was a sweet reminder, as long as she didn’t wallow in self-pity .

  * * *

  L anden pressed down on the gas pedal, moving in excess of over seventy miles per hour. His windows were down, wind blowing through the Cougar and he gripped the steering wheel as he maneuvered the tight curves. He loved the feel of the powerful car, the way the suspension handled the two lane road. He had limited thoughts, shutting down what had occurred at the station. He needed no reminder how ridiculous his actions had been .

  As he headed up the mountain, in search for a place of solace, he concentrated on the metal music coming from the single rock station he’d found. The sound of Korn suited his mood. Dark. When he came to a straightaway, he accelerated, now going almost eighty-five. Freedom. This was a place of absolute freedom from the usual nightmares, angry thoughts and weighted pressures. If only he could believe his own bullshit .

  He planned on staying at a local hotel, regrouping tomorrow after training in order to get into his cabin. He was in no hurry at this point, preferring the open road to closed in walls. When the road shifted again, becoming narrower, he slowed and begun his search for a particular turn off. A small sign flashed by and he’d caught enough of the words. He was close. The old man at the convenience store had been helpful after all .

  Noticing a second sign just in time, he made a sharp turn, the move forcing the tires to squeal. The road was paved for only a quarter mile, turning into a rocky patch of gravel. He had no idea of the elevation, didn’t care and only hoped there were no vacationers. After driving another mile, a small parking area came into view. He turned in, grousing seeing the four cars. There was enough wilderness around him. He sure as shit wasn’t going to follow one of the paths to an engaging picnic area .

  Parking, he killed the engine and grabbed the six pack of beer. One moment of indulgence was all he’d allow. The other jumpers would say he was feeling sorry for himself. Like shit he was. He’d take his share of the blame for defying orders, but goddamn it, there was something wrong with that building. He knew it in his gut. He only hoped the local yocal fire investigator would detect something amiss. Yeah, he had his doubts, but what did he know ?

  Landen grabbed his keys, shoving them into his pocket after locking the door. Heading out, he followed the path for a short period of time but was drawn to the sound of the running water. Veering off, he didn’t have very far to go before he noticed a clearing just past a dense portion of the forest .

  When he broke through the shadows, he was taken aback and sucked in his breath. The view of the rolling water, waves created from the swirling wind lapping over various rocks, could only be described as majestic, pristine. Inhaling, he nodded as if in reverence to his surroundings. Yeah, he understood the draw of living in Missoula. Clean air. Clean water. Beautiful mountains. What wasn’t there to love ?

  There were no signs of interlopers, so he moved closer to the edge of the water and sat down, dropping the beer to the side. He folded his arms around his knees and sat quietly for several minutes. Was he contemplating life? His decisions? Maybe. He gave a half chuckle as he noticed a flock of birds, their squawks rising toward the golden sun. Watching their flapping wings as they remained in formation, he refused to blink, a need to see where they were going becoming somehow important .

  When they were gone, and he was left alone, he finally grabbed a beer, popping the top. The first swig was fulfilling, satisfying a deep craving. The second felt cool going down his throat. As he took the third, his thoughts drifted to the dog and to the woman in the bar. Shannon something. He rubbed his hand through his hair as he thought about her. She was feisty, opinionated and had a mouth on her. The kind of woman he liked. He tilted the beer, guzzling a good third and envisioned her flaming red hair and eyes that could turn a man into stone .

  She thought she had his number. That was for certain. Didn’t think much of him either. Well, what was there to actually like? Still, he could find her company engaging, even satisfying. Snorting, he swirled the remaining liquid and squashed his libido. He certainly had no time for romance, even if he understood what that meant any longer. Being a loner suited him well enough. Eh, as if lying to himself would ease the loneliness. At least he had the dog, whatever his name was .

  Now, he laughed out loud and took another swig. He could fix his mistakes .

  Hearing a crack of twigs in the background, he tensed, anticipating screaming kids racing out into the clearing. When he heard nothing else, he grew curious, hopeful of some wildlife. A second, third and fourth crack was practiced in measure. Definitely human. He tipped his head and shaded his eyes. “You gotta be kidding me.” Seeing Riker, he had a feeling the grumpy old man from the store turned him in. As if someone was looking for him .

  “A place I come to sometimes,” Riker said after hesitating. He moved further into the clearing but kept his distance, walking toward the bank of craggy rocks along the slender shoreline. He didn’t turn in Landen’s direction, simply planted his feet on the edge of the rocks, peering out into the water .

  Landen studied the hulking man, his massive arms that were covered in ink. Wearing a tee-shirt and jeans, shit kicker steel toed boots and a belt with a chain dangling down, the smokejumper was the epitome of dangerous. They remained quiet, each in their own space. He polished off the first beer, crunching the can. The sound didn’t draw any attention. He had no idea what to say or even if he wanted to engage in basic conversation. They weren’t going to be friends, just teammates. If even that. Sighing, he popped another beer then noticed a slight shift in the man’s head. “You want one ?”

  Riker darted a look, his sunglasses cutting out any concept of expression. “Why the hell not? Long two days .”

  “Yeah.” He tossed the man a can then looked back at the river. He’d find no peace today .

  Riker opened the can and took several gulps, the sound exaggerated .

  Landen darted another look then shook his head .

  “What?” Riker asked, the sound guttural .

  “Why are you here ?”

  “Worried I’m following you ?”

  “Hell, I don’t know. Don’t know a thing about you .”

  Riker grunted as if disgusted. “Not that you’re going to be able to get close to anyone .”

  “Why the hell is that? Because I’m not trustworthy enough? You don’t know a damn thing about me.” The wor
ds were said with too much animosity and he knew it. Still, drawing a line in the sand was his usual way .

  “You got a huge chip on your shoulder. You know that?” The hulking man finally asked .

  “Got my reasons .”

  “Not here you don’t. That kind of shit will cost lives. Get my meaning?” This time he kept his gaze locked onto Landen .

  “Yes, crystal clear.” He took another gulp and looked away. The sound of Riker squatting down near him created an ugly shiver. “I heard a cry for help. I reacted .”

  “Admirable. Very few people would race into danger the way you did .”

  Surprised by the words, he chuckled. “Impetuous. Dangerous. I know all the adverbs .”

  Another two minutes passed by .

  Riker breathed in. “You have all the answers. Don’t you ?”

  He thought about the question. “If I did, I doubt I’d be here .”

  “Then why did you come? To find yourself? Get back your groove ?”

  Why did the words sound so taunting? “Doesn’t matter. Not sure I’ll find what I’m looking for .”

  Riker studied his beer can before taking a gulp, then removed his sunglasses, wiping his eyes. “I’ve been in Missoula for long enough to know that if you allow your heart and mind to open to possibilities, you might just find what will break those chains you have around your neck. That is, if you’re willing to change .”

  “Again, you don’t know me .”

  “Know your type. Seen enough in my day,” Riker shot back .

  Riled, he jerked to his feet, walking in the opposite direction toward the water. Who was this guy? Sent to spy on him or make him feel like shit? The wind whistled through the trees, creating an eerie sound. He scanned the horizon, taking in the snowcapped mountains. He was clenching the beer can with enough force the thin metal made continuous crinkling sounds. Yeah, he was full of anger and he was no longer certain why. This had been his choice .


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