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Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2)

Page 23

by Stone, Piper

“Yeah. What a crock of shit .”

  “You don’t believe the story ?”

  Landen looked around at the other customers at the bar. There was no sense in anyone hearing anything differently. “Let’s just say I did some investigation of my own .”

  Riker shifted so he faced Landen. “What are you looking for ?”

  “There’s something going on with this development corporation .”

  “You mean Jeffries ?”

  “I guess I’m the last to know everything.” He laughed and waited until the bartender eased the bottle in front of him. “What do you know ?”

  Shrugging, Riker leaned against the bar. “What I know is that they are a powerful group of people. Heard rumors that a few of their workers died under mysterious circumstances .”

  “And the sheriff doesn’t give a shit ?”

  “Sheriff James is a good man from what I can tell, but he’s overworked, and the city council isn’t going to let go of the purse strings, if you know what I mean .”

  “Yeah, I do,” Landen said under his breath. “The city council seems to be in the middle of everything .”

  “They weren’t always. When the disputes about the new developments started, they were forced to become more vocal. Bunch of crap in the news about members receiving death threats. Had a whole bunch of them quit. Don’t know the new folks. Don’t care .”

  The situation was certainly becoming clearer. “I just hope nothing else burns down .”

  “You say that like you know something .”

  “Just a terrible hunch .”

  Riker grabbed his beer. “I hope you’re wrong.” He took several sips then bumped Landen on the arm. “You here to see Shannon ?”

  He laughed before speaking. “That obvious ?”

  “That obvious. Look, I’m sorry I got so pissed at you. You seem like a good enough guy. I just don’t want her hurt. She hides behind that mask, trying to be tough, but I know better .”

  Landen thought about the words. “You really do care about her .”

  “She was the first person to give me the time of day when I came to town. Big bad ass biker comes rolling into town. I was angry and full of venom in those days. She put me in my place real quick. Been friends ever since. Good lady .”

  “Did you ever ask her out ?”

  Riker chuckled. “Told you. She’s like my sister.” He took a swig of his beer. “Besides, she has this thing about not dating a jumper .”


  “Didn’t ask, but she takes the conviction to heart. Gonna take a lot to get her to give a damn .”

  Landen remembered the night vividly, and the recent kiss. “I don’t know if I have it in me to try. Just not sure .”

  “You might not get that option,” Riker said as he laughed. “But can’t hurt to try .”

  “I get it. She’s made it painfully obvious I’m not to her liking.” Landen winced on purpose .

  “Women have a funny way of showing how much they like a guy .”

  “Said like a true believer .”

  Riker lifted his head, staring toward the back of the restaurant. “About time to introduce you to the club .”

  “The infamous club?” He chuckled .

  “We have a purpose .”

  “Oh yeah? Why doesn’t somebody finally explain that purpose to me?” Landen asked. He wasn’t certain he cared. He heard a female voice and his adrenaline kicked into high gear. The woman wasn’t Shannon. Shit. He was in so much trouble. He gulped half the bottle, refusing to wipe sweat from the back of his neck .

  Riker hunkered over the bar. “We like submissive women .”

  Landen spewed beer out of his mouth and coughed. “What?” After coughing again, he wiped his mouth. “What did you say ?”

  “You heard me. We believe women should be submissive to their men .”

  “Let me guess. All the smokejumpers are in this group .”

  “Yup,” Riker said then motioned for the bartender .

  “You’re serious.” What was this, like a kink club ?



  Riker gave him a harsh look. “Not necessarily. Whatever you want it to be, but we take the dominating role in a relationship .”

  “So, what do you do, compare notes?” He had to admit, he was intrigued .

  “We talk, we share concerns and sure, we learn from each other. I thought it was a bunch of shit in the beginning too. Laughed every time I went, for a solid month. Then it made sense. I was looking for all the wrong women .”

  “And now?” Landen thought about his time with Samantha and the reason they’d worked. What about Shannon ?

  “Let’s just say, been on a lot of first dates. At least I know what I want, man. Come talk with the guys. Shit might not be for you and that’s okay .”

  Landen hesitated .

  “Hey, I was told to ask. What you do with the invitation is up to you.” Riker grabbed the new beer, tapped the bar and walked away .

  He couldn’t help but laugh. An exclusive club. As he headed for the bathroom, he laughed. Domination. Submission. Terms he’d used with frequency during his time with Samantha. What in God’s name did he know about dominating a woman? What he did know? His cock twitched every time he thought about Shannon. Dinner was definite whether she liked it or not. There. He was being dominating. Then again, she had suggested that he join the group. Maybe he’d take her up on the idea .

  * * *

  S hannon left the cabin wondering who in the hell the woman inside was. Aliens had taken over her body. She laughed as she drove onto the main road. What she hadn’t realized is that she was running late. Time spent with Crystal meant going into a vacuum. By the time she rolled into the parking lot of Ziggy’s it was almost five thirty. The place was rockin ’.

  “There’s the boss man, er woman,” the bartender teased as he grinned and winked .

  “Very funny. Maybe we should have the comedy circuit after karaoke.” She pinched her face at the man before heading around the bar and to her office .

  “There’s some guy looking for you .”

  “Take a number.” At least someone was in a good mood. Maybe Landen was trying to track her down, make good on his dinner invitation. And maybe she’d say yes .

  The moment she unlocked and opened the door to her office, a wafting scent of roses seemed to encapsulate the entire space. The bartender has allowed someone into her office ?

  Turning on the light, she gasped. The two dozen roses were incredible, perfect in formation and only slightly open. She dropped her things and clapped her hands. Landen was a romantic after all. Her heart fluttered, and she laughed, embarrassed she was having such an intense reaction. Without touching the petals, she inhaled several, and sighed. What a special treat. She used the tip of her index finger, rubbing along the outside edge. “Absolutely perfect .”

  “Just like the woman .”

  She froze, every muscle tensing. A quick glance at the card confirmed her fears. “What are you doing here ?”

  “You refused to see me, so I thought roses might help. They’re not as beautiful as you are, but they’ll do.” Montgomery exhaled. “I let myself in. I hope you don’t mind .”

  “You mean you broke in .”

  “No, the door was unlocked .”

  There was no way her door had been unlocked. None. The space was directly across from the restrooms. Was he looking for something else ?

  “Now, you can’t tell me you mind. I know you appreciate a man who showers his women with flowers, even candy,” he stated, every word dripping with innuendoes .

  “I’m not your woman.” The sound of his voice was close, too close. He was right behind her. She calmed her nerves as well as her anger and turned around, folding her arms. “You need to leave .”

  “You know what? Not until you hear me out,” Montgomery said, his usual booming voice soft, almost demure .

  She wasn’t buying a second of his crap. Dangerous
. Yes, she could almost say unhinged. Even the look in his eyes was off kilter, all consuming. Her thoughts shifted for a mere two seconds. She’d experienced a man like this once before. “We’ve been through this. I’m not your type. You made that perfectly clear the other night .”

  “And you made it perfectly clear that you enjoy hiding behind a man with a gun.” He hissed and sucked in his breath. “Don’t worry, baby. I’m not going to hold that against you. That asshole is to blame, not you .”

  “That asshole is a friend of mine, which is more than I can say for you. You accosted me and if Stoker hadn’t been there, you would have made good on your threat. And don’t you ever call me baby again.” She felt claustrophobic .

  “Lady, that wasn’t a threat. Trust me.” He laughed and gazed down the length of her, his eyes resting on her chest .

  Shannon sidestepped him and pointed toward the door. “We have nothing to discuss. I’m not going out with you, talking to you or otherwise ever going to see you again. Do you get it ?”

  Montgomery shifted around to face her then in a split second, wrapped his hand around her wrist, yanking her forward. “You don’t get away that easy .”

  “The lady doesn’t want you here. I suggest you leave .”

  She exhaled hearing Landen’s voice, grateful the smokejumper was here. “He was just leaving .”

  “This is none of your business,” Montgomery said through clenched teeth. “And you weren’t invited .”

  Landen walked into the room. “Get your hands off her or I’ll make certain you don’t touch another woman again. Ever .”

  “Are you threatening me?” Montgomery laughed .

  Landen didn’t move. Didn’t blink .

  Tugging her arm free, she rubbed her wrist and took a step back. “Get out. I don’t know who you think you are, but you’re no longer welcome in my bar. If you show your face inside this place again, I’ll have you thrown out .”

  Montgomery took a step closer .

  Landen moved between them. “Do as the lady says or I promise you won’t bother another woman again .”

  She heard a distinct growl in Landen’s voice and resisted smiling. He was a solid three inches taller than Montgomery and a good thirty pounds heavier. A part of her wanted Montgomery to take a swing .

  Puffing up, Montgomery reared back. “You firemen are all alike .”

  “Throw a punch. One is all you’ll get,” Landen said quietly, never flinching .

  After a few seconds, Montgomery backed down and laughed. “We’ll see about this.” He bumped Landen’s shoulder on purpose as he walked out of the room .

  Shannon groaned and slumped, her heart thumping hard against her chest. “What a jerk. I’ll never get rid of him .”

  “He attacked you, didn’t he?” Landen asked as he shifted backwards .

  Rubbing her hands through her hair, she resisted knocking the roses into the floor. “We had dinner. I was stupid enough to go back to his place. Things got out of hand and if Stoker hadn’t come along, I don’t know what would have happened .”

  He nodded several times. “I know the type. He will never hurt you again .”

  She knew by the way he was saying the words that he meant them, as if he’d become her personal protector. “You know what? I believe you .”


  An awkward silence settled in .

  “What are you doing here?” she asked then felt the heat rise from her neck. “I mean other than to get a drink. Or food. Or see the guys.” She dropped her head and laughed. “I sound ridiculous .”

  “You sound like a woman who needs a good dinner, maybe a glass of wine and a reason to get away from the crowd, if only for a single night .”

  “Are you asking me out ?”

  “Would you go if I were?” he asked .

  “I would,” she said without hesitation .

  “Then I’m asking. Let’s go .”

  She bit her bottom lip. “Now ?”

  “Right now .”

  “I’m not dressed for dinner.” Shannon waved down the front of her clothes. Jeans and a glorified tank top weren’t tops on her list .

  He winked. “In my world you are .”

  There were no more excuses. “Then let’s go .”

  * * *

  “H ow did you know I loved Mexican food?” Shannon held up the huge margarita glass. She dragged her tongue across the rim and took a sip. The high-test drink was exactly what she needed. Dinner had also hit the spot. The incident with Montgomery was all but forgotten .

  Reaching over, Landen slid the tip of his finger across the seam of her mouth .

  She shivered visibly and almost knocked over her drink. “What ?”

  He held out his finger, showing her the glob of salt, his eyes twinkling. Without saying a word, he slipped the finger into his mouth, sucking the tip .

  Swallowing became difficult as she watched the intimate action, her mind racing to exactly what she craved sucking. “You didn’t answer my question .”

  “I guessed. Besides, I wanted to find an intimate place where we could talk.” He raised a single eyebrow and nodded toward the restaurant .

  The booths were set far apart, the curved seats giving a hint of privacy. “This is perfect, and they have the best Mexican food in town .”

  “At least I did something right .”

  “Ouch.” Shannon leaned over. “I think I owe you an apology. Also, thank you for stopping the asshole .”

  “Apology accepted,” Landen said then exhaled .


  “I don’t think he’s going to stop. That’s the problem .”

  “Now, you have me curious. Why do you say that? And I don’t mean other than his less than charming personality .”

  Landen toyed with the label on his beer. “How much do you know about him? I mean really ?”

  “I know he’s from a very wealthy family and they have huge development projects, many of which are potentially going to strip the mountains of hundreds of acres of trees, if not more. That isn’t making anyone happy. I also know the family is ruthless, forcing many of the small guys to sell to them. My guess is by using threats .”

  “You know quite a bit. Then why did you go out with him ?”

  Groaning, she had no idea how to answer. “I guess I thought his father was the pig. I found out very quickly otherwise .”

  “Did he hurt you ?”

  “Not in so many words, but I believe he would have. I really do.” She noticed he was processing the information. “What do you know?” He hesitated, and she slid her hand across the table, touching his. Electricity jolted through her, but she refused to let go. “Talk to me. I at least want to be your friend .”

  “These are dangerous people. There’s reason to believe the fire at the hotel was started on purpose .”

  “Wait a minute. I thought…” Her words trailed off. “Insurance money ?”

  “The hotel is new and part of their development chain, but that’s not what they wanted to have built originally .”

  “That’s right. The old city council refused to approve it based on a huge outcry from so many citizens and it was an election year. There were all kinds of accusations, then everything seemed to go quiet. Suddenly, the hotel was built .”

  He nodded. “And built very quickly to capitalize on the tourist season. I don’t think the concept of insurance is the reason. They would have to rebuild the same footprint. That’s where I don’t understand the why .”

  “But the kids? Didn’t they admit to starting a fire ?”

  “They may have started a fire, but from the number of fire fighters in the area as well as the distance from where the fire started, I think it’s reasonable to assume there was a second fire. I read there were issues in other cities as well. Of course, there’s no proof anywhere .”

  Shannon thought about what he was saying. “Of course. You know, there’s been talk about the council being bought off for months, but no p
roof .”

  “There’s more. While there are some direct connections, there’s nothing that ties the family to the actual deeds .”

  “But you think otherwise ?”

  He rubbed his fingers across her knuckle. “It’s not what I think. The fire investigator has suspicions he can’t prove. I know there’s something going on in my gut, and damn it, I’m determined to find out. No one should have to face those kinds of fires. Have you ever been through a fire ?”

  She sniffed back tears, praying they couldn’t be noticed. “No. Not me .”

  “It’s the worst thing imaginable. Fire eats through everything, wood, metal, furniture, pictures. Flames steal every part of someone’s soul because there’s nothing left. Life is fractured in an instant. The kind of people who create fires, whether starting the blaze themselves or hiring someone to do their dirty, damn deed, deserve to die a horrible, wretched death.” He grabbed for his beer, his fingers slipping .

  She righted the bottle for him, their fingers touching. He was hot, this time from rage. What in the hell had the man been through? “Are you certain ?”

  “In my gut, no doubt and they’re not done. More people could die .”

  The words hung in the air, swirling, a wretched reminder. She shivered and lowered her voice. “Don’t you dare tell me that you’re trying to help this investigator. You’re not a cop. You’ll get yourself killed .”

  “I have to do this. You can’t understand .”

  “Then try and help me understand. Please. You have a boulder on your shoulder.” She laughed hearing her own words .

  Squeezing her hand, he placed his other hand over hers. “You’re worried about me .”

  “You’re hard headed. I know your type .”

  “What type is that ?”

  She swallowed hard. Even looking into his eyes was difficult. They were mesmerizing, yet so very haunted. What had he been through in his life? “Afraid of falling in love .”

  He opened his mouth and sat back, releasing her hands .

  “I’m sorry. I blurt out things without thinking.” She could see such hurt, even anger .

  “Stop. Okay ?”

  “But you need to listen to me because — ”

  Landen placed his finger over her lips and shook his head. “No, it’s time you listen to me. I like you very much, more than even I understand, and I trust you .”


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