QI: The Second Book of General Ignorance
Page 31
acne 1
acrophobia 1
acupuncture 1
adulteration 1
Advent calendar 1
Aelfric, Archbishop 1
emergency landings on water 1
first flight 1
items falling from 1
lavatories on 1
surviving a crash 1
Afghanistan, opium production 1
Africa, most southerly point 1
age of consent 1
agelastic 1
aggregated diamond nanorods (ADNR) 1
Agulhas clapper 1
Alan tribe 1
Alaric 1
animals drinking 1
and ‘aperitif effect’ 1
effect of on antibiotics 1
and elephants 1
first record of humans drinking 1
Alexander, Gavin 1
Alexander the Great 1, 2
algae 1, 2, 3, 4
American flags, burning of 1
American football 1
American Sign Language (ASL) 1
American Society for Microbiology 1
American Pain Society 1
amoeba 1
Anaxagoras 1
Anglo-Saxon kings 1
Angola 1
alcohol drinkers 1
dreaming by 1
finding new species of in gardens 1
heartbeats of mammals 1
with horns 1
most aggressive mammal 1
saving of human lives 1
scientific names for 1
smallest mammal 1
Animals Are Beautiful People 1
Antarctica 1
Dry Valleys 1
meteorites falling on 1
antibiotics, effect of alcohol on 1
Antikythera mechanism 1
Antony, Mark 1
Apaches 1
‘aperitif effect’ 1
Archaea 1
Archimedes 1
architecture, Gothic 1
Argentinian Lake duck 1
Aristotle 1, 2, 3
Armstrong, Neil 1
Arpaio, Sheriff Joe 1
arthritis 1
Aserinsky, Eugene 1, 2
ass’s milk 1
Assumption 1
astronauts 1
atmosphere, Earth’s 1
atomic bombs 1
Attila the Hun 1, 2
‘Auld Lang Syne’ 1, 2
and languages 1, 2
Maralinga nuclear tests 1
Australian Aboriginals 1, 2
Automobile Association 1
Avril, Jane 1
Babbage, Charles 1
Bach-y-Rita, Paul 1
Bachelor of Arts/Science 1
Bacon, Francis 1
bacteria 1
Baden, Prince Max von 1
‘badger’ 1
badgers 1
Balderdash & Piffle 1
balls, bounciness of 1
bamboo 1
bamboo mealybug 1
bamboo mites 1
bananas, shape of 1
Bangkok 1
banknotes 1
Barnard, Christiaan 1
barometer 1
al-Bashir, President Omar 1
bats 1
Baum, Lyman Frank 1, 2
Baumgartner, Felix 1
Bayeux Tapestry 1, 2
beaches, sewage contamination of Britain’s 1
Becquerel, Henri 1, 2
beer 1
bees 1
beetles 1
belonephobia 1
benzene 1
Bertram Palm 1
Besley, Dr Stephen 1
Bible 1
Bill of Rights (1689) 1
Biodiversity in Urban Gardens in Sheffield project (BUGS) 1
Bir Tawil Triangle 1
and flight 1
inspiring of Darwin’s theory of evolution 1
navigation 1
oldest living 1
black clothes
and keeping cool 1
and slim appearance 1
Black Death 1
black holes 1
Blahnik, Manolo 1
Blue whale 1, 2
blue-green algae 1
body heat, losing of 1
Boero, Ferdinando 1
Bogdanor, Professor Vernon 1
Bolton Meteorite 1
Boring, Edwin 1
Borowski, Hulda 1
Bosworth Field, battle of (1485) 1, 2
bottom cleavage 1
Boule, Pierre Marcellin 1
bounciness 1
BrainPort 1
brass monkey 1
Brazil, orange producer 1
breast cleavage 1
bright light, response to by sneezing 1
Bristol Channel 1
and atomic bomb 1
constitution 1
first American buried in 1
gift of land to America 1
home-grown opium 1
installation of first speed cameras 1
military successes 1
national anthem 1
Roman invasion of 1
slavery in 1
smallest houses 1
Broadcasting the Barricades 1
Bronze Age 1
Buddhism 1, 2
Bulgaria 1
Burmese pythons 1
Burns, Robert 1
Bush, George W. 1
butterflies 1
Byrd, Rear-Admiral Richard E. 1
Caesar, Julius 1, 2
hair-loss problems 1
invasion of Britain 1
‘veni, vidi, vici’ phrase 1
Caesar (surname), origin of 1
Caesarian section 1
Calabria (Italy) 1
Cameron, David 1
Canada 1, 2
cancan 1
cancer 1, 2
Cape Agulhas 1
Cape of Good Hope 1
Capone, Al 1
Captain America 1
carbon dioxide emissions 1
impact of speed cameras on accidents in 1
optimum driving speed for fuel efficiency 1
case law 1
Case of Proclamations (1611) 1
Caspian Sea 1
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico 1
Cassini-Huygens space probe 1, 2
cat flap 1
Catholics 1, 2, 3
Cawdrey, Robert 1
Cayley, Sir George 1
Celts 1
Challenger Deep (Pacific) 1
Chaloner, William 1
Chamorro people 1
Chandra X-ray Observatory satellite 1
Charles the Hammer 1
Charles VI, King of France 1
Charles VII, King of France 1
Charming Jenny 1
Chateau de Chambord 1
cheese 1
and dreaming 1
Stilton 1
Cheese Mites 1
Chilcote, Captain 1
banknotes 1
football 1
and glass 1, 2
inventions 1
war with Japan (1937–45) 1
Chinese Restaurant Syndrome 1
chocolate 1, 2
cholera 1, 2
Christians, in India 1
Christmas 1
chrysalis 1
Church of England, and Darwin’s theory of evolution 1
Churchill, Winston 1, 2
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) 1
‘clan tartans’ 1
Clarke, Arthur C. 1
Clarkson, Jeremy 1
cleavage 1
Cleopatra 1, 2
Cleveland, Stephen Grover 1, 2
cloaca 1, 2
highest 1
weight of 1r />
coal 1
cobra, beating heart of 1
Coca-Cola 1, 2
cocoon 1
coefficient of restitution (COR) 1
biting of 1
counterfeit 1
tossing of 1
response of body to 1
tips for survival in 1
colds 1
Collings, Dr Virginia 1
Comăneci, Nadia 1, 2
combined sewer overflows (CSOs) 1
comets, collision with earth 1
compass, razor blade as 1
Computed Tomography (CT) scan 1
computers, first 1
Connery, Sean 1
Britain 1
United States 1
contubernium 1
cool, keeping 1
Cornish wreckers 1
Coroners and Justice Act (2010) 1
council elections (2010) 1
counterfeiting, and coinage 1
cracked knuckles 1
Creasy, Sir Edward 1
Crick, Francis 1
cricket, and coin tossing 1
Criminal Law Act (1967) 1
Crova, Cavaliere Carlo 1
Crusaders 1, 2
cuju 1
Curie, Marie 1
Cutler, George E. 1
Cuvier, Georges 1
da Vinci, Leonardo 1, 2
Dan Dare 1
Darfur 1
Darwin, Charles 1, 2, 3, 4
Origin of Species 1, 2
David, Wayne 1
Davies, Paul 1
de Vito, Danny 1
Dead Sea 1, 2
death, legal definition of 1
death rattle 1
décolletage 1
Deering, John 1
Defoe, Daniel 1
defibrillators 1, 2
dehydration 1, 2
density, measuring of 1
Depp, Johnny 1
depth perception 1
Dewey, Melville 1
diamond dust 1
diamonds, hardness of 1
diamorphine 1
Dias, Bartolomeu 1
dictionaries 1
Dinka 1
diplomatic immunity 1
diseases, carried by rats 1
Disney, Walt 1, 2
disputed land 1
distance, judging of 1
diurnal libration 1
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) 1, 2
dob-dobs 1
Doctrine of Papal Infallibility (1870) 1
dolphins, and sleep 1
Domesday Book 1
Don Juan Pond (Antarctica) 1
donkey’s milk 1
Donne, John 1
dormice 1
Dover 1
Dowson, Ernest 1
Drake, Sir Francis 1, 2
by animals 1
and cheese 1
Du Pont, John 1
Duchenne, Guillaume 1
duck-billed platypus 1
Dumas, Alexander 1
dummy, used for resuscitation 1
dust, household 1
dust mites 1
Dutch 1
national anthem 1
origin of 1
e-numbers 1
Eagle 1
ear 1
evolution of 1
atmosphere of 1
bombarding of by meteorites 1, 2
colliding of comets with 1
creation of minerals on 1
crust 1
magnetic field 1
view of Moon from 1
earthworms 1
Easter 1
Easter Act (1928) 1
Eaton, Shirley 1
eavesdropping 1
Ebert, Friedrich 1
Ebola virus 1
Ebsen, Buddy 1
echolocation 1
Eden, Anthony 1
Edgar the Ætheling 1
Edward the Confessor 1
eggs 1
Egypt (modern) 1
Egyptians, ancient 1, 2
and Cleopatra 1
and glass 1
and dreaming 1
‘intoxication’ of 1
Elizabeth I, Queen 1, 2
embassies, foreign 1
embroidery 1
emoticons 1
English language
as an official language 1
spelling reform 1
words introduced to 1
Epic of Gilgamesh 1
equinoxes 1
Estonia 1
ethylene 1
Eton 1, 2
Etruscan shrew 1
eugeroic drugs 1
euphemisms 1
‘Eureka!’ 1
European Football Championships 1
European law 1
Everest, Mount 1
Everest, Sir George 1
evolution, Darwin’s theory of 1
Eyam (Derbyshire) 1
eyelashes, follicle mites in 1
and estimating depth and distance 1
importance in indicating genuine emotions 1
and smiling 1
vibrating of 1
eyesight, bat’s 1
Eyser, George 1
faeces, contamination of bar foods by 1, 2
Falbo, Clement 1
Faraday, Michael 1
fear, effect of on heart rate 1
Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) 1
Fehr, Ernst 1
Feingold, Benjamin 1
Ferguson, Niall 1
fertilisers 1
film censorship 1
finches 1, 2, 3
finger joints 1
Finland/Finns 1, 2
firefighters, safety measures introduced 1
firemen’s poles 1
First World War 1, 2
ending of 1
and Lent 1
survival of in polar regions 1
term 1
ugly 1
fishermen, and European law 1
Fitzroy, Robert 1
fizzy drinks 1
burning of American 1
flying from cars 1
flavour 1
fleas 1
Fleming, Alexander 1
flies 1
flight path, living under 1
flintknappers 1
Folies Bérgeres 1
follicle mites 1
food, effect of on behaviour 1
Food and Drug Administration 1
football 1
football club, oldest 1
forced labour 1
forests, finding north in 1
and cheese 1
military success of 1
national anthem 1
toilet hygiene 1
Francis of Assisi, St 1
Franco, Generalissimo Francisco 1
Frankenstein 1
Frankenstein (film) 1
Franklin, Benjamin 1, 2, 3
Franklin, Rosalind 1
Frithiof’s Saga 1
Fuller, Richard Buckminster 1
fullerite 1
fungi, and Beatrix Potter 1
‘funny bone’, banging 1
fur, loss of in humans 1
fur trade 1
G20 1
Gabes, Gulf of 1
Galapagos 1
Galbraith, John Kenneth 1
Galea, Professor Ed 1
Galileo 1, 2
Gallaudet College 1
Gallopin’ Gaucho, The 1
gametes 1
Garland, Judy 1
Gatsonides, Maurice 1, 2
Gauss, Karl Friedrich 1
gavels 1, 2
Genghis Khan 1
George IV, King 1
ger 1
Gerard, John 1
German Revolution (1918) 1r />
nicknames for 1
and Second World War 1
‘sink on sight’ policy during First World War 1
Gestring, Marjorie 1
Gibson, E.J. 1
Giesbrecht, Professor Gordon 1, 2
Gilbert, Avery 1
Gillray, James 1
glass 1, 2
hardness of 1
impact of on Western culture 1
molecular structure 1
glass balls 1
‘glassy water’ 1
gliders 1
Glycaemic Index 1
Godwin-Austen, Henry 1
gold coins 1
gold paint, covering a body with 1
golden ratio 1
Goldfinger 1
Gorbachev, Mikhail 1
Gore, Al 1
Gothic architecture 1
gothic novel 1
Goths 1, 2, 3
Gould, Stephen Jay 1
Goulue, La 1
Grahame, Alistair 1
Grahame, Kenneth 1
graphite 1
graphology 1
gravity 1
Great Depression 1
Great Fire of London 1
Great Plague (1665–6) 1
Great Trigonometric Survey of India 1, 2
Greece, ancient 1, 2
Greek language 1
‘green flash’ 1
greenhouse effect 1
Greenland 1
Gregory the Great, Pope 1
Groningen (Netherlands) 1
Guildford 1
Gypsies 1
and Romans 1
yak’s 1
hairnets, fishermen’s 1, 2
Halai’b Triangle 1
Haldane, J.B.S. 1
Halobacteria 1
Hamilton, Margaret 1
Hampson, Frank 1, 2
handwriting 1
Hannibal 1
Hansen, Gerhard Armauer 1
Happy Planet Index (2009) 1