CADEnce (Deception Book 2)
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Copyright © 2014 Ker Dukey & D.H Sidebottom
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the Author.
This book is the work of fiction any resemblance to any person alive or dead is purely coincidental. The characters and story are created from the Author’s imagination
This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
This book is Dark erotica.
This book contains abusive and sexual situations that some may find offensive. There are various detailed sex scenes. Some may be upsetting. If you are sensitive to graphic violence read with caution.
This book is BOOK2 so if you haven’t read book 1 this will not make sense to you. This is the conclusion to Dante, Star and Cade’s story. Enjoy and Thank you.
Other Books
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
The End
Other Books by the authors
FaCade (Deception series Book 1)
Other Books by DH Sidebottom
Shocking Heaven (Room 103)
Thrilling Heaven (Room 103)
Denying Heaven (Room 103)
Finally Heaven (Room 103)
Incineration (NSC Industries Book 1)
Tolerance (NSC Industries Book 2)
Resolution (NSC Industries Book 3)
Atonement (NSC Industries Book 4)
The Decimation of Mae (The Blue Butterfly Book 1)
The Salvation of Daniel (The Blue Butterfly Book 2)
Fragile Truths (The Shadows of Sin Book 1)
Other titles by Ker Dukey
The Broken
The Broken Parts Of Us
The Broken Tethers That Bind Us
My Soul Keeper
The Beats In Rift
FAYE. GOD, SHE WAS THERE again in my dreams, so vivid I could smell her scent.
I smothered my face in her pillow, the one I TRAVELED with. I didn’t give a fuck if that made me a pussy. Yeah, I was a film star but I was also human and I was dying inside without her.
My body wept and my heart beat out of my chest. I wanted the crippling throb to ease so I could focus on anything but the hole in the pit of my stomach that swallowed another piece of me every day I woke up without her. I wanted to be set free from the constant ache I’d felt since the day they told me her plane went down.
I loved her then, and my love for her now was killing me slowly.
Men are funny creatures. We love fiercely when we find the right woman. Family, friends . . . none of it matters when you have the one. We fly the nest and our love and life, our everything, revolves around the love we harbor for our woman. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my family and friends but if it came down to a choice she would have won every time.
I didn’t need anyone but her. Men don’t need much to function. It’s true what they say; you only need the love of a good woman. I had that and lost it.
I couldn’t believe she was gone. If she was dead I would have felt it, I would have ceased to exist. I was barely existing now; an apparition of my former self. I was breathing but not really present in the world. My heart was dying. There was still a beat but no sound.
Thoughts tore at my mind. Was she scared? The sound of the crash, the twisting and crunching of metal, the whooshing of air as it was sucked from the cabin, the heat from the fire that lit up the engine on impact. My beautiful girl; scared, screaming and crying. Did she think about me as fear took hold of her and held her in its grip?
They found no bodies. They said the fire was too bad and refused to allow us the pictures. I knew my woman was still out there. My soul was tethered to hers and it still sensed her essence. I would find her. I would never rest until I found her.
My phone buzzed, startling me. I reached across the bed and grabbed my cell. My best friend, Jenson, had finally text.
I have someone willing to take us to the location of the crash site. Be ready in one hour
At last, progress. I would start there.
AN HOUR LATER I WAITED outside my hotel room for Jenson. I pulled my baseball cap further down over my sunglasses and tightened the hoody so my lips and nose were barely on show. I looked like a weirdo but that meant people stayed away. I couldn’t risk being recognized by a fan.
I ignored the heat as it soaked into the black fibers and made sweat pool in every pore. I sighed in relief when Jenson pulled up in a van, until he gestured for me to get in the back. My brow scrunched but I was too anxious to argue. I opened the door and got in.
A scrawny guy sat in the back looking like someone was about to jump out and shank him. He was nervous, his eyes moving rapidly, his teeth worrying his bottom lip.
I shut the door and ignored the guy itching at his arm like something was crawling under his skin. I was in the film industry and Jenson was a famous rock star. I knew a tweaker when I was shut in a van with one.
“Please tell me you’re not our tour guide?”
He looked up at me, then away, shaking his head. “No tour needed, sir.” Sir? I didn’t think anyone had ever called me sir before. I waved my hand in a continue gesture. I was being irritated at breakneck speed. “I work out in the field where this plane crash happened. It’s a vineyard. I pick grapes, sir. We were told not to come into work that day but I left something there the day before and I needed it, so I crept in.” His eyes kept darting to the door like he was waiting for it to fly open. What the hell was he scared of? His hand went back to tearing into his flesh. “A plane landed in the field, it was amazing. I have never seen a plane up close before.”
My heart was on a rampage, raging war with my ribcage. “When you say landed, you mean crashed?”
He stared straight at me, his eyes finding focus as he leaned forward. “There was no crash, sir. The plane landed perfectly and a car came. Men went on board and came out with a woman. She was unconscious and then they placed her in the car.”
My woman, my fiancée, the love of my life was alive . . . but taken, which meant she could be found and whoever had stolen what was mine would die painfully, choking on his own blood.
I couldn’t breathe. The anger, fear and relief all bombarded me at once. There was no air. My phone vibrated against my leg, grounding me. I slipped it free but the number was unknown.
“Who’s this?”
I heard a gasp then a drop of the phone. Then . . . her!
“I’m sorry. I’m going to get ready now.”
I scrambled to loosen the hood, pulling off my hat and glasses, trying to suck in oxygen. My Faye.
“Faye . . . Faye . . .”
The line was dead.
The tweaker’s audible gasp brought me back. God, of course he would recognize me, fucking figures. Why was he scrambling for the door? Usually they scrambled towards me.
Turning to me, his head shook from side to side as his wide eyes filled with fear and confusion. “You were there. Is this a test? Please don’t kill me.”
Shit, he was tripping out on something; a bad batch of whatever he pumped into those veins. He was so pale you’d have thought the Devil had appeared to him.
“Dude, relax, you’re about to stroke out.” I moved towards him but he flinched and started crying. I banged on the adjoining wall to get Jenson’s attention.
I heard his door open and close before the back of the van opened. The tweaker spilled free, landing in a heap at Jenson’s feet. “It is him! He killed Rahul and stole the woman!”
It took five seconds for it to register. A further two for me to collapse to my knees. And one more before his name left my lips in disbelief. My brother . . . my twin brother . . . ”Dante!”
‘Please fuck me, Mr. Troy.’
‘Please fuck me, Mr. Troy.’
My insides were disintegrating, I was dying. He wasn’t lying. It was all there like a horror movie playing back at me. The pleasure on my face a betrayal to Cade, to us, to what we were to become. Did I deserve this? I knew loving Cade after loving Dante would cause people to talk, but no one knew what we went through. No one knew how much it hurt when he left and never looked back, and all for what? A misunderstanding. I waited. I shouldered the guilt of what I felt needed to be done for Dante to have a better future and this was what he had done with it.
He was so far gone. Broken beyond repair. He functioned on depravity, humiliation, power and retribution for something that never even happened. What a waste of life, of a son, a brother and a man I would have loved forever.
“Turn it off. You’ve made your point!”
I glowered and he gestured to Malik with a chin jerk to turn it off, his grip on my arm loosening to release me. My mind was retelling my entire life in snap shots blinking image after image, memories happy and sad rapidly into the forefront of my mind causing a headache to form. I needed to be away from him. I needed to let this all sink in and I needed a plan because there was no way in hell I was marrying him and giving him a child to raise.
I needed Cade. Cade! Emotions overflowed in me, buckling my legs. My heart fractured inside my chest. He loved me . . . what did he think happened? The reporter mentioned a plane crash. Oh, God! Dante was so twisted!
“Plane crash?” I hiccupped on the sorrow crawling up my throat. His answering smirk caused goose bumps to scatter over my pale skin. I looked and felt like a ghost. He had sucked the life from me. The pain was so explosive it ricocheted through every fiber, destroying me. I loved this man. I gave him seven years. I knew he was possessive, but cruel? Evil? No, this wasn’t the man who left; this man had fed on hate and spite and morphed into a monster.
“Poetic, no? You all thought I had died in the plane I should have been on. My own family just accepted the loss! No surprise they accepted yours too!” Leaning down he palmed my face in his grip, forcing me to stare into the angry black abyss of his gaze.
“He just accepted your death! The fucking weasel was always the weak one! He doesn’t care about you. He just wanted what was mine! He hated that I was superior to him.”
“Cade loves you, Dante! You’re his brother. He never once made a move on me when we were together!”
His features contorted into a sneer and he pushed me away from him. “He always looked at you like a lost puppy! He planned to take you from me. Acting all fucking whipped and coming to your aid WHEN YOU SHOULD HAVE COME TO ME!”
His anger ignited the atmosphere, every hair rising on my body. My instincts controlled my movements making me back away, one arm wrapping around my stomach to protect the life inside. His eyes flared as he stalked towards me. “You don’t need to protect my child from ME!”
Malik grasped Dante’s shoulder.
“Take your fucking hand off me if you want to keep it.”
“The press will be here any second. That reporter was just the start,” Malik warned.
My insides churned and my head was fuzzy with the overload, too much happening and too much knowledge suddenly available at the same time. I couldn’t process everything.
“This isn’t real.”
I laughed. I couldn’t stop it from pouring out of me, my hysterical cackles loud in the mounting silence. Tears stained my cheeks and my stomach muscles tightened and ached.
“Shit, she broke.” Malik sighed, making me laugh even more until my giggles became shattered sobs.
“This isn’t real. I died, or I’m dreaming. Argh! Wake me up!” I dragged myself to my feet; both men were looking at me with furrowed brows but they weren’t real. “Cade! Wake me up! Wake me up!” I crashed my fists down on the chest of the man wearing Cade’s beautiful face. “Wake me up!” My screams left my throat burning.
The hit to my cheek shocked me silent. The knuckles from his backhanded slap impacted my cheekbone, leaving a violent throb. He caught me before I could fall.
“Calm down,” he warned. “And Star . . .” I turned my head to him. “Don’t ever call me by his name again. You need to pull yourself together. You have a press release to prepare for!”
My mouth dropped open. There was no way I could do that; I didn’t even know what I was going to say.
“You tell them everything has been a misunderstanding and you took some time off to prepare for a secret wedding. You’ve been on this island off the grid so you didn’t know of any news of a plane crash and have kept in contact with your agent who kept all this from you.”
My head was spinning, my body shaking. His grip tightened on my arms. “You will tell them that or we play them the footage. What would everyone think of their little starlet then? Crawling around like a dog. Pissing herself and then begging me to fuck her. What would Cade think of you getting off on being used and watched like a filthy whore?”
My heart squeezed too tightly, despair gnawing at my insides. “I hate you! I don’t deserve this, Dante! What happened to you?”
“You happened!”
I remembered a different man. A storm had started brewing when we were together, the grey clouds gathered with his moods, but it was nothing compared to the black skies that eclipsed the Dante before me now. A man who broke his friend’s hand. A man who killed.
“I’ll tell the police you killed Theo!”
His hand moved to my throat, his breath heating my face as he spoke in a deathly quiet voice. “Did I? Prove it.” Oh, God. Was he lying about killing Theo? Was that monster still out there? “I’ll let Theo have you if you don’t do as you’re told.”
Bile rose, filling my mouth.
“Dante she’s choking.” Malik’s voice echoed in my thoughts as a fuzzy hue stole my sight. I was released from the deadly grip, vomit spewing onto the floor.
“I warned you.”
My eyes shot up to see Dante grab Malik’s hand from his shoulder and pin it to the table. No one had time to react when the letter opener rose in Dante’s other hand and plunged down into Malik’s.
Then the hue stole me completely.
I FELT JENSON’S EYES ON me as Frank, Taylor and Sed filed into the hotel room. I knew he saw the side of me that had been hidden for years; the monster that resided in the darkest parts of me, slowly peeling back my skin from the inside and crawling to the surface. I didn’t stop it; I needed that side of me for what was to come.
I knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but to be honest, I
was hoping it wasn’t. My body craved bloodshed, yearning for a reason to rip some fucker to shreds and watch their pain morph into agony. That side of me crept closer and I became jittery with the rage simmering inside.
Dante was the academic and I was more the “rough around the edges” type. I coasted through School I dabbled in drugs and alcohol, partied hard on the weekends with Jenson and our friends. This consisted of bare knuckle fighting, beer flowing on tap, and girls eager to please; sometimes in twos or threes. The thing about teenage boys is when they can’t have the one they want, they have many of the ones they can.
Jenson’s folks were always away, leaving him the keys to their castle. That’s no joke; his place really was like a castle. His family came from old money. They’d nearly stroked out when Jenson came home with a blond Mohawk and told them he’d started his now extremely successful band, Beneath Innocence. I used to play with them but took the acting route like my father. It was an easy path to go down and made me incredibly rich, incredibly fast.
My passion though, was fighting. I held titles in Taekwondo and kickboxing. I nearly followed my dream into ultimate fighting; that was until Faye gave me her heart. I couldn’t risk watching it stop every time I stepped in the ring.
I wanted to fund other young up and coming fighters. Give someone else opportunities they may never otherwise get. I could be around what I loved, with who I loved, and not worry.
Damn, I missed her. My insides were left numb since I found out she was alive. I didn’t want to let myself feel too much until I could touch her again, and wrap her in the safety of my embrace and never let her leave it again.
I greeted the guys, mine and Faye’s personal security, as they prepared their weapons, each of them as eager as me to get Faye back where she belonged. Frank was close to her; she was like a daughter to him and he would have given up his life for her.
“Still no word from Theo,” Frank said without lifting his eyes from his numerous firearms laid out on the bed before him. His tone confirmed his thoughts.