The Surgeon's Secret

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The Surgeon's Secret Page 8

by Lucy Clark

  Two of the athletes had been sent by the company. Jordanne had thoroughly read the information sent to her but when the candidates arrived, she gathered her own information.

  Just as she was packing up for the day, there was another knock on her door. She looked up with a smile pasted on her face. The smile turned into a real one as Sally walked into her room and slumped down into the chair.

  ‘It’s Friday afternoon and I’m finally finished,’ Sally said, and Jordanne laughed.

  ‘I know exactly what you mean. Did Alex give you the details for Sunday night’s dinner?’

  ‘Yes.’ Sally smiled. ‘But I can’t wait until Sunday, so spill the beans. What’s going on between you and Alex?’

  Jordanne hesitated for a moment. She didn’t want to put Sally in a compromising position of keeping a secret from Jed because at the moment Jordanne definitely did not want her brother to know what was going on—if anything—between his little sister and his best friend. On the other hand, she could really use Sally’s advice.

  ‘I’m not really sure,’ Jordanne said slowly.

  Sally nodded. ‘I remember that phase.’ She grimaced. ‘It’ll pass. You’ve got to believe that.’

  ‘Sally…’ Jordanne reached for her friend’s hand and held it. She took a deep breath. ‘I feel a bit uncomfortable talking to you about this, just like you felt uncomfortable telling me what was going on between you and Jed.’

  ‘I understand,’ Sally said, and squeezed Jordanne’s hand. ‘Thank you for caring about my relationship with Jed.’

  ‘No secrets,’ Jordanne whispered. ‘It’s the philosophy my parents live by and I know Jed does, too.’

  ‘Look, we don’t have to go into details,’ Sally reasoned. ‘But, if I may, I’d like to offer some advice.’

  ‘Go right ahead.’

  ‘Take control. If you believe you and Alex should be together then go for it. As I said, take control, take a chance. I did.’ Sally smiled at her friend and stood up. ‘Now, how about…coffee and cake? I’d like to get your opinion on some of the wedding organising I’m doing.’

  ‘I thought you were going to hire a professional wedding organiser?’ Jordanne asked as she reached for her bag and keys.

  ‘My mother’s helping but this is something I want to do myself. I’m only going to get married once and I want it to be perfect.’

  Jordanne nodded as she locked up her office and headed out with Sally, glad to have a distraction from her constant thoughts about Alex.

  Saturday night’s call was hectic. An eight-car pile-up on the highway leading into Canberra had brought several casualties with it. Accident and Emergency was chaotic and the ESS Theatres were constantly filled with one patient after the other.

  Jordanne walked quickly down to Radiology to retrieve some X-rays Alex was eager to have.

  ‘Hi, Jordanne,’ Bethany Young, one of the senior radiographers greeted her. ‘Talk about busy. I’m just putting the films you need through right now.’ Bethany fed an X-ray into the machine and the two women waited for it to do its job. ‘At least this machine hasn’t broken down again. Tonight would not be a good night to be processing by hand!’

  ‘Agreed,’ Jordanne said, and leaned against the bench. She tried to stifle a yawn but wasn’t successful.

  ‘How many cups of coffee have you had tonight?’ Bethany asked with a laugh.

  ‘Far too many,’ Jordanne replied.

  Bethany gave her a close look. ‘Things aren’t going too well between you and Alex, huh?’

  Jordanne was instantly alert. ‘Our working relationship is just fine,’ she said with what she hoped was firm clarity.

  ‘Come off it. I don’t buy the grapevine’s rumour that you’re just like brother and sister. I know your brother, remember? And I know Alex. We’ve all been friends for many years. Alex doesn’t look upon you as sister material.’

  Jordanne lowered her head and sighed a deep, heavy sigh. ‘Please, don’t—’

  ‘My lips are sealed. I just like to see people happy in love rather than the alternative.’

  ‘As you’ve known him for so long, do you have any advice?’

  ‘Don’t rush him,’ Bethany said, and it was the last thing that Jordanne wanted to hear.

  ‘Oh, I’m so confused,’ she wailed.

  ‘Here, then.’ Bethany handed her a film. ‘Focus on work for the next few hours, fall into bed through utter exhaustion and I’m sure the world will look a little more rosy tomorrow.’

  Jordanne accepted the film. ‘I hope you’re right,’ she said, before rushing out of Radiology and heading back towards theatres.

  Jordanne couldn’t but help follow Bethany’s advice as they were in Theatre well into Sunday morning. Wearily, she crawled into bed and slept soundly for well over ten hours. By the time she woke, she had less than two hours to figure out her game plan, shower, dress and make it over to Alex’s house for what she hoped would be the night to change his mind about her.

  Beneath the hot spray, Jordanne tried to focus her thoughts. Most of the advice she’d received had been not to rush Alex. Indeed, from what she knew of him, he wasn’t a man who appreciated being pushed into any situation, let alone a romantic one.

  But it had been his decision, his breath, his lips that had brushed across hers last Tuesday. He’d admitted the attraction but that any relationship between them would be a mistake. She admired his concern about his friendship with Jed and it only made her love him all the more.

  Jordanne also knew her brother. She was positive that once Jed found out how happy she and Alex were together, he would drop the over-protective big brother routine she’d dealt with for years and accept them as a couple.

  ‘You’re not the type of person to beat about the bush,’ Jordanne told herself as she turned off the taps. ‘Sally suggested going for it and…’ she reached for a towel and looked at her reflection in the mirror ‘…that’s exactly what you’re going to do. The original plan was to bring Alex to his senses tonight, and after that kiss the other day you’re going to take the chance.’ She nodded firmly to herself as she wrapped up and walked to her bedroom.

  So why did she still feel uncertain? Perhaps it was because she’d never done anything like this before in her life. There had never been so much at stake. She took some deep steadying breaths. It had to work. She had to show Alex how perfect they were for each other or else she’d…Tears blurred in her eyes at the thought of life without Alex by her side.

  Jordanne looked at the dress she’d planned to wear. It wasn’t at all suitable for the cool spring weather outside but she was prepared to freeze a little if it prompted Alex to warm her up.

  The short red dress fitted her body like a glove and showed off her long, slender legs. Jordanne brushed her dark hair and arranged it around her shoulders. She took time with her make-up, ensuring she emphasised her eyes and mouth. She wore little jewellery and slipped her feet into a pair of sparkling red stilettos.

  Twirling in front of the mirror, she smiled at her reflection. ‘You can do this, Jordanne,’ she told herself, and struck a sexy pose. ‘Look out, Alex Page. I’m going to make you come to your senses tonight!’

  Jordanne drove over to his house, only getting lost by one street, and parked on the road so as not to block the driveway. After she’d locked the car door, Jordanne pulled her warm coat firmly around her, tucking her hair in so it didn’t wisp about in the wind. Calming her nerves, she walked to the front door and pressed the doorbell.

  No one answered and for a fleeting moment Jordanne thought Alex had forgotten that they were going to their ‘official dinner’ together. The sound of the garage door opening caused her to turn. She heard the sound of a car’s engine and watched as the Jaguar was driven slowly from its hiding place.

  When the length of the car was visible to her, the garage door closed automatically. Jordanne stood, glued to the spot, her heart hammering wildly against her ribs. The car stopped and the driver’s door opened.
  Her eyes widened and her gaze never left Alex as he sauntered around the car and held open the passenger door. He was dressed in a black tuxedo as the restaurant was definitely five star. Her lips parted and she sucked in a breath.

  ‘Care for a ride?’ he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Jordanne couldn’t speak. Instead, she nodded and carefully made her way down the path towards him. She made sure her calf-length coat was still closed as he handed her into the car. The coat rode up, displaying a certain amount of her leg.

  At Alex’s groan Jordanne looked up at him, only to see his gaze hungrily drinking in what she’d revealed. Pretending not to notice, she quickly covered her legs up and he shut the door. Again, she watched him as he came around the front of the car before he slid into the driver’s seat. The way he moved, with such sure and purposeful strides, made her long to touch him. She clamped her hands into fists to stop them from fulfilling the action.

  ‘Buckle up,’ he said huskily. When Jordanne didn’t move, he reached across her, his warm body pressing against hers momentarily as he pulled her seat belt down and clipped it in.

  She breathed in the heady scent of his cologne and her eyelids fluttered closed. She’d known he was irresistible—but tonight he was obviously determined to drive her to distraction. How she fervently wished that the other three weren’t coming along.

  But, Jordanne recalled, without them she doubted Alex ever would have taken her out for her official dinner. As he set the car in motion, Jordanne tried to focus on her surroundings, tried to think of something to say that would immediately put them both at ease, but she couldn’t think of anything except how close his thigh was to hers in the low-slung sports car.

  He switched on some music as the streetlights overhead illuminated the windscreen.

  ‘Chopin?’ she asked after a moment.

  ‘Yes.’ He seemed surprised. ‘Do you like it?’

  ‘It’s quite relaxing.’

  ‘But you don’t really like it.’

  ‘I didn’t say that,’ she countered, enjoying the chance to actually have a conversation with him. Wasn’t that what tonight was all about? Taking a chance?

  ‘You’ve obviously listened to it before if you can name the composer only a few seconds into a piece.’

  ‘Chopin is my father’s favourite. Mozart is Jed’s. Jared, my youngest brother, likes heavy metal.’

  Alex smiled. ‘What about Jordanne? What music do you like?’

  ‘I like Strauss best. The “Blue Danube” waltz—it’s so uplifting yet relaxing.’

  Alex nodded. ‘I can see that.’ He pulled the Jaguar into a parking space just near the entrance to the restaurant. Jordanne placed her hand on the doorhandle. ‘No, wait,’ he urged. ‘Allow me.’

  Jordanne did as he suggested, watching hungrily his every move. When he opened the door, he held out his hand for her.

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘My pleasure.’ After he’d locked the car, Alex offered her his arm and Jordanne tentatively slipped her fingers around it. Being so close to him, feeling the warmth of his body radiate around her, mixing with the cool breeze, it sent goose-bumps cascading down her arms and back. As soon as they entered the foyer of the restaurant, Alex dropped his arm and reached around to help take her coat off.

  Alex drew his breath in sharply as the coat revealed more and more of what Jordanne was wearing. The three, shoelace straps criss-crossed over her bare back, showing off her shoulder blades. From there, the material draped her body to perfection. Her dark hair cascaded around her shoulders, falling softly into place.

  This is promising, she thought, and turned around to show him the front. His gaze travelled up her shapely legs to where the hem of the dress hung at mid-thigh. Jordanne held her breath as she waited for his eyes to meet her own. When they did, she read in his expression desire and hunger.

  ‘Jordanne. Alex.’ It was Sally who broke the moment and Alex spun around to face the rest of their dinner party. ‘Jordanne—gorgeous dress,’ Sally and Kirsten said as they came over to admire her.

  ‘You look good, sis. All grown up.’ Jed teased.

  ‘Thanks, big brother.’ She kissed his cheek. ‘You don’t look so bad yourself.’ She motioned to his tux. ‘Scrubs up nicely, doesn’t he, Sally?’

  Sally laughed but nodded emphatically and Jordanne started to relax a little. She risked a glance at Alex as they were all shown to their seats. He appeared cool, calm and collected yet she hoped he was still simmering with desire beneath it.

  They chose their seats and Jordanne specifically sat next to Alex. Jed and Sally were opposite and Kirsten was at the head of the table. The camaraderie between the five of them was unrehearsed and enjoyable. The food was delicious and the service impeccable.

  Just before dessert, the three women decided to head to the ladies room. Alex watched Jordanne rise gracefully from her chair, hungrily taking another look at that very sexy dress. His gaze quickly moved to look at Jed but thankfully his friend was ogling his fiancée.

  They both watched as the women disappeared out of sight.

  ‘I wish Jordanne wouldn’t wear such a revealing dress,’ Jed growled.

  ‘Problem?’ Alex asked, trying disguise the fact that he disagreed.

  ‘Did you see the way the other men in the restaurant watched as she swished her way between the chairs?’

  Alex frowned and cast a surreptitious glance around the room. He’d been so caught up in watching her for himself he hadn’t stopped to notice that other men had found her attractive as well.

  ‘Perhaps they were looking at Kirsten?’ Alex offered. ‘Or Sally? Your fiancée is a very attractive woman.’

  ‘She certainly is, but everything about Sally’s body language says “keep off” to any man who thinks he stands a chance. Except me, of course.’

  ‘Of course,’ Alex agreed with a smile.

  ‘Jordanne, on the other hand, seems determined to flirt and flaunt herself tonight.’

  ‘What makes you think that?’

  ‘Her body language, combined with that dress, make a lethal combination as far as the lusting males in this room go. You don’t have sisters, Alex, so take it from me. They’re a handful.’

  ‘Surely Jordanne doesn’t need you as a watch dog?’

  Jed thought about it for a second before glancing around the room once more. ‘I’ve been a second father to her since the day she was born.’

  ‘Hard habit to break?’

  ‘Definitely. I’m very protective of my family, and my sisters in particular.’ Jed raised his tone a notch. ‘Second-best isn’t good enough for them. I’ll tell you this, though.’ Jed tapped his index finger firmly on the table, punctuating every word he said. ‘Any man who is remotely interested in dating my sister will have to go through me first.’


  JORDANNE noticed that Alex was rather quiet after she, Kirsten and Sally had returned from the ladies room. He was still outwardly happy but she sensed he was withdrawing—and mostly from her.

  She glanced across at her brother. Had Jed said something to Alex? As it had only been the two of them who’d been left at the table, that had to be it. Jed was smiling at Sally before he leaned closer to kiss her.

  Usually, witnessing such a scene would have caused Jordanne to sigh and get all misty-eyed, wishing it was her. At this moment in time, Jordanne was cross with her brother. Had Jed realised something was going on between herself and Alex? Had he put the hard word on Alex? She clenched her teeth. When would Jed learn that she could look after herself? She was thirty-four, for crying out loud.

  ‘Jordanne?’ Kirsten said quietly, and Jordanne turned from glaring at her brother to look at her friend. ‘You all right?’

  ‘Mmm. Fine,’ Jordanne replied, making an effort to school her thoughts. After coffee, they sat around, talking. Jordanne used the opportunity to glean as much information about Alex as she could, asking him about his childhood and his brother.

  He seemed a little hesitant at first and when he spoke he only provided the barest of details. ‘Scott’s three years younger than me. He and his wife, Amy, are both teachers, have two boys and are currently living and working in Boston.’

  ‘Does it bother you?’ Kirsten asked. ‘You know that he’s younger, and he has a wife and children.’

  Jordanne watched as Alex clenched his jaw before forcing a smile. ‘No. We’re both very different people.’

  His words sounded sincere but his body language told Jordanne there was more going on here than he wanted anyone to know about.

  ‘No one can seriously put an age limit on when they plan to get married and start a family because it might not happen that way.’

  ‘I agree,’ Kirsten said. ‘I have twin brothers—both younger than me. Wes is the elder by a whole ten minutes and Luke is the only one of us who’s married and he’s the youngest of the lot.’

  ‘Isn’t his wife due soon?’ Sally asked.

  ‘Yes. Within the next few weeks.’

  ‘Family is so important,’ Sally went on, and all of them nodded. Jordanne was happy to hear her friend talk like that, knowing that Sally had been through a tough time being an only child and not getting along with her parents until recently.

  She turned to look at Alex who had relaxed a little. He glanced her way, a smile still playing about his lips. Their gazes held for a split second before he looked away, the smile disappearing. Something was definitely wrong.

  ‘Alex, if it’s all right with you, I’d like to get going soon,’ she said as she gathered up her bag. ‘We were in Theatre all night and left the hospital just before nine o’clock this morning,’ she explained to the others.

  ‘Was that the car pile-up?’ Kirsten asked, and Alex nodded. ‘I read about it in the morning paper. How are the patients?’

  ‘Stable for now,’ Alex replied. ‘As neither Jordanne nor I have been paged, it’s obviously stayed that way.’ Alex rose from his seat and held Jordanne’s chair for her as she followed suit.


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