The Surgeon's Secret

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The Surgeon's Secret Page 9

by Lucy Clark

  ‘I think we all have a clinic first thing in the morning,’ Jed said, and everyone nodded. ‘Let’s call it a night. It’s been great.’

  Everyone concurred.

  ‘I forgot to mention,’ Jed said after they’d collected their coats and were walking towards the car park, ‘Sally and I are heading to Sydney next weekend to use the engagement present you gave us, Alex.’

  ‘Good for you,’ Alex said and shook his friend’s hand heartily.

  ‘We have to make the most of the weekends we’re not on call,’ Jed pointed out. ‘After Sally’s finished her Ph.D., we’ll be splitting the workload more evenly.’

  ‘You’re going to be partners?’ Jordanne squealed with delight. At Sally’s nod, Jordanne stopped walking and threw her arms around her friend. ‘Congratulations. That’s the best news.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’ Jed asked, smiling at his sister and accepting her hug. ‘I’d always planned to offer Sally a partnership in the practice.’

  ‘Always?’ Alex teased.

  ‘Well…especially after I’d fallen in love with her,’ Jed amended. ‘Our engagement isn’t just about romance, you know,’ Jed said with a smile on his face. ‘It’s about being together in every way possible for the rest of our lives.’

  Sally looked up at the man of her dreams. ‘Well said.’ She hugged him close.

  The sound of a mobile phone ringing pierced the silence around them. Kirsten checked her handbag, Jed looked at his waistband.

  ‘It’s mine,’ Alex said, and Jordanne groaned. He walked away from the small group to ensure a bit of privacy.

  ‘I hope it’s not another emergency,’ Sally offered.

  ‘You and me both,’ Jordanne replied as she tried to stifle a yawn. ‘I’m still tired from the last stint in Theatre.’

  ‘Would you like us to wait?’ Jed asked.

  ‘No. You three get going. We’ll probably need to go to the hospital anyway,’ she said as Alex continued to talk into the phone. She kissed everyone goodnight. Alex waved as he listened intently to what was being said.

  Jordanne pulled her coat more firmly around her as she waited for him to conclude the call.

  ‘Sorry,’ he said finally, and unlocked the car. They both climbed in. ‘The elderly woman in the third car has died. Myocardial infarction. From what the nursing staff in ICU could tell it was natural. She simply slipped away in her sleep.’

  ‘Do we need to go in?’

  ‘No. They just wanted to notify us. I told them I’d let you know.’


  Alex started the car and began to drive. Jordanne looked out of the window, aimlessly watching the lights, not caring where they were going.

  ‘I hate losing a patient,’ she said finally. ‘It doesn’t matter whether they’ve just come into A and E or whether I’ve been seeing them for quite some time. I still hate it.’

  ‘I know what you mean,’ he replied. The melancholy silence returned but neither of them seemed too troubled by it. Fifteen minutes later, Jordanne started to focus on the surroundings outside her window.

  ‘Where are we?’ she asked as Alex steered the Jag up a hill.

  ‘There’s something I want to show you.’

  Jordanne was thrilled and her attitude lifted at the anticipation of sharing a new experience with Alex. The road was fairly winding now with no street lighting. When they were almost at the top Alex dimmed the headlights on the car and continued slowly, manoeuvring the car into a parking area.

  ‘What is this place?’ Jordanne asked.

  ‘Mt Stromlo Observatory.’


  He shrugged as he switched off the engine and turned to look at her. ‘I like coming here, especially when I feel a little down. When a patient’s died, when things aren’t going right.’

  ‘We’re hardly dressed for star-gazing,’ Jordanne told him as he undid her seat belt and came around to open her door.

  ‘The stars don’t care what you wear,’ he whispered close to her ear. He led her across the car park to one of the domes that housed a telescope. He knocked twice on the door and waited.

  Slowly the door opened and an elderly man poked his head around. ‘Alex,’ he said with a smile, and opened the door wider. ‘And who is this lovely lady?’

  ‘Harris Goldfinch, meet my colleague, Jordanne McElroy.’

  Jordanne shook hands with the man, who sported the bushiest grey moustache that she’d ever seen.

  ‘Any relation to Jed McElroy?’ he asked.

  ‘He’s my brother,’ Jordanne offered as they were shown inside. ‘It’s rather cool in here,’ she stated.

  ‘We need to keep the room close to the outside temperature so the mirrors can be used straight away. So, where have you two been tonight?’ Harris’s question was rather leading and he wiggled his bushy eyebrows up and down for emphasis.

  ‘Just to dinner,’ Alex replied, but didn’t say anything more. ‘No tours tonight?’ he asked.

  ‘I haven’t been notified of a tour. Some nights we’re packed and others we’re not. It’s a bit cloudy tonight but just before you knocked I was getting a good view. Come,’ he said to Jordanne and held out his hand. ‘Take a look.’

  Jordanne felt a little uncomfortable climbing up the few steps in her stilettos but there wasn’t anything she could do about it. The self-consciousness she felt over her appearance soon disappeared as she looked through the telescope at the bright shimmering stars.

  ‘Wow!’ she gasped in wonderment. ‘It’s incredible.’

  Alex had a turn and after they’d been there for almost an hour he suggested they’d better get going. They said goodbye to Harris who resumed his work, gazing out into the beautiful universe above.

  ‘Thank you,’ Jordanne said as they walked towards the Jaguar.

  ‘I knew you’d like it.’

  ‘I’m amazed you shared it with me,’ Jordanne said as she leaned against his car and looked up at the sky. Alex stood beside her.

  ‘Why?’ The word was spoken softly and Jordanne glanced at him briefly.

  ‘I’m not complaining,’ she clarified. ‘It’s…majestic out here but almost from the moment I started working with you you’ve been trying to keep your distance. Not only physically but emotionally.’ Jordanne looked back up to the night sky. ‘I know Jed said something to you tonight and it made you guarded. I realise you’re concerned about your friendship with him and I admire that, but you can’t keep denying the attraction we both feel.’

  Jordanne returned her gaze to meet his. He was watching her intently. ‘Life’s too short, Alex.’

  Without breaking eye contact, Alex took a few steps around to stand in front of her. ‘It is.’ He was silent, as though warring with his feelings once more. ‘I’m not worried about my friendship with Jed,’ he confessed, and Jordanne was surprised.

  ‘But I thought you were?’

  ‘Perhaps I was…concerned, but I know Jed would only want what’s best for you.’

  ‘And that’s you,’ Jordanne said. She couldn’t help it. She wanted Alex to know that her feelings for him weren’t run-of-the-mill.

  ‘That’s still to be debated.’

  Jordanne shook her head. ‘Alex…I want to be with you. I like hearing the sound of your voice. I like watching the way you walk. I like working with you. Intellectually and emotionally we’re a perfect match.’

  ‘I’ll end up hurting you, Jordanne,’ he confessed, his tone laced with desire and regret. ‘When that happens, I’ll not only have Jed angry with me but your other brothers as well—and most probably your sister, too.’

  ‘What if you don’t hurt me? What if we fall in love and live happily ever after?’ she pressed gently, hoping she didn’t scare him off.

  ‘You’re deluding yourself,’ he said softly as he gazed deeply into her eyes. Her heart hammered wildly against her ribs and she was positive he could hear it. They were standing toe to toe now and Alex slowly raised his hands to her ch

  His fingers worked the buttons on her coat, undoing each one carefully. ‘Jordanne,’ he whispered as he slowly shook his head, ‘I’m a selfish man.’ He stopped as he opened the coat and looked at her.

  ‘How can you say that? I know you’re not,’ she urged.

  ‘If I don’t hold you in my arms tonight, if I don’t kiss you the way I’ve been dreaming about for the past month, if I pass up this opportunity…I’ll regret it.’

  ‘Then don’t pass it up.’

  He slid his hands gently around her waist and gathered her closer to him. Jordanne felt the warm pressure of his body against hers and the breath whooshed out of her in a rush.

  ‘I’m sorry, Jordanne,’ he whispered before his lips claimed hers in an electrifying kiss.

  All the emotions Jordanne had been carefully holding onto poured over her in excitement. She wound her arms about his neck, ensuring he didn’t pull away too suddenly.

  The heady scent of his cologne weaved its way through her senses, causing her to become even more addicted to him than before. Her knees started to give way but Alex held her up, urging her closer to his body. His hands were warm on her bare back, the softness of his touch causing a spread of fireworks to explode within her.

  Jordanne threaded her fingers through his hair one last time before sliding the palms of her hands down his neck and shoulders. They travelled further south, her fingertips delighting in the firm muscled torso beneath his white dress shirt.

  Gently she edged her hands beneath his arms and around to his back. As she did so, his own hands slipped lower. Jordanne lightly ran her fingernails down the centre of his back, again marvelling at how incredible he felt beneath her touch.

  ‘Mmm,’ he groaned, and deepened the kiss even further. For a split second she was conscious of the real effect she had on him and was amazed at his previous self-control. She was ecstatic that it was finally shattered.

  A moment or two later, Alex pulled his mouth from hers. ‘Please, don’t wear this dress in public again,’ he ground out, his tone desire-filled. ‘It causes way too much of a stir. I wanted to fight every other man who looked at you.’

  Jordanne laughed softly. ‘My hero,’ she said, and looked into his deep blue eyes, drowning instantly. ‘I promise to only wear this dress for you.’

  ‘You’re one incredibly sexy and beautiful woman, Jordanne McElroy.’ Alex lowered his head and kissed her again. ‘I can’t get enough of you.’

  ‘The feeling is quite mutual. I knew from the instant I threw my arms around you after you’d rescued Joel that there was something between us.’


  Jordanne glanced up at the stars above them. She shook her head. ‘Fate.’

  They were silent for a while, and even though his arms were still around her Jordanne sensed his emotional withdrawal from her.

  ‘I’d better get you back to your car,’ he said finally, and eased away. Jordanne gathered her coat around her, feeling bereft and cold without the warmth of Alex’s body against her own.

  They drove down Mt Stromlo and back to civilisation, the streetlights once again illuminating them as the car purred quietly through the suburbs. Alex had rummaged through his CD collection in the car but hadn’t found any Strauss.

  ‘It doesn’t matter,’ Jordanne said, keeping her tone light. ‘I don’t mind what we listen to.’ She was trying to figure out what had happened to cause him to withdraw. Had she said something wrong?

  He must have picked up on her tone because he groaned in exasperation. ‘Ah-h, Jordanne. You give so much of yourself so freely. You’re going to have to be careful.’

  ‘Why?’ He didn’t answer. ‘Besides, I’m a big girl,’ she reminded him with a sexy smile.

  ‘I’d noticed.’ He gave her a brief glance that rocketed her senses once more. At the edge of his driveway he pressed the remote control for the garage door, and after it had opened he drove the Jag in.

  Switching off the engine, he turned to face her. ‘Coffee?’

  Jordanne smiled at him. ‘Unfortunately, I think I’d better get home and go to sleep. My boss doesn’t like to run late on his clinics.’

  ‘He’s a tyrant, is he?’ Alex asked with a grin.

  ‘The worst.’ Jordanne rolled her eyes mockingly, the teasing nature disappearing immediately as Alex leaned in closer before kissing her softly. Jordanne’s eyelids fluttered closed as her lips parted, willingly surrendering to the masterful manoeuvring of his mouth on hers.

  ‘Call in sick,’ he murmured, his breathing as ragged as her own.

  Jordanne cradled his face in her hands. She kissed him briefly before taking a deep breath. ‘So tempting.’ She bit her lower lip. ‘But then you’d have to call in sick, too, and I fear it may look just a little bit conspicuous.’

  Alex sat back and nodded. ‘You’re right.’ He opened the door, asking her to wait again. Jordanne undid her seat belt whilst Alex walked around the car. The door beside her opened and once more he offered her his hand to help her out.

  Jordanne swung one leg out and then the other, revealing a good amount of sculptured calves and thighs. Alex helped her up, being careful not to knock her head against the car.

  He pulled her into his arms and plundered her mouth. This kiss was hot and hungry, his hands were everywhere, as were Jordanne’s. She matched the force of his kiss equally, allowing her own hunger for him to come to the fore.

  Eventually, Alex broke free and trailed passionate kisses down Jordanne’s neck, across her shoulder and upper arm before he dipped slightly lower towards the valley between her breasts. Jordanne tipped her head back, revelling in his touch. This was where she belonged—in Alex’s arms.

  ‘You smell so good,’ he ground out as the kisses started working their way up towards her other shoulder. ‘You taste so good.’

  ‘Mmm,’ Jordanne murmured as she rolled her head to the other side, allowing him access.

  Finally his lips found her mouth again and he plunged his fingers into her flowing hair, holding her head firmly in place. Not only did she taste and smell good, Alex had the strangest feeling that she was also becoming addictive.

  With what amounted to superhuman effort, he pulled back and looked down into Jordanne’s upturned face. He breathed out slowly as she opened her eyes. Taking a step back from her, he shoved his hands into his pockets. ‘I’ll walk you to your car,’ he said, his breathing still ragged. It gave him immense satisfaction, though, to see that Jordanne needed a few moments to convince her legs to support her. She was correct in one respect—it did feel so right to be in each other’s arms.

  Alex placed one hand around her waist for support as they walked towards the road, drawing in another deep breath, only to have his senses assaulted by that incredible perfume she wore.

  He groaned and tightened his grip around her waist. Jordanne turned to look at him and laughed.

  ‘I know how you feel,’ she said softly.

  Against her car, Alex took her in his arms and kissed her goodnight. When she opened the driver’s door, Alex kissed her goodnight. When she was seated with her seat belt fastened and the window down, Alex kissed her goodnight.

  ‘There is one thing,’ he said as she put her key in the ignition. When she turned her face to look expectantly up at him, Alex was once more struck by her beauty. Her hair, her eyes, her neck, her lips…

  ‘Yes?’ she prompted, and he realised he was staring.

  Alex cleared his throat. ‘I’d rather be the one to tell Jed about what happened tonight, if you don’t mind.’

  Jordanne looked down at the steering-wheel. ‘When will that be?’ she asked, before glancing back up at him.

  ‘Soon,’ he promised, and kissed her again. ‘Jordanne McElroy, you have a way of getting under a man’s skin and driving him to distraction.’

  Jordanne laughed. ‘I hope that’s a good thing?’

  ‘My resolve this evening was to keep you at arm’s length and if you tried anything
I was going to politely tell you that there could never be anything more than friendship between us.’

  Jordanne tilted her head to one side and looked at him in amazement. ‘Even after that brief kiss the other day, you were still going to say no?’

  He nodded and kissed her again.

  ‘So what made you change your mind?’

  ‘My resolve was whisked away with the wind the instant I saw you standing at my front door.’

  ‘Before you saw the dress?’

  ‘The dress…’ Alex whistled. ‘No, the dress knocked me for six.’ Alex leaned in through the open window and kissed her again. ‘You’ve knocked me for six,’ he amended, ‘and I can’t seem to keep my hands or my lips off you.’

  ‘Do you hear me complaining?’

  Alex grimaced. ‘Right now, though, I’m starting to lose all feeling in my toes and fingers due to the iciness of that wind.’ Alex kissed her once more. It was a slow and arousing kiss, filled with promise. ‘Drive safely,’ he whispered, and cleared his throat. ‘See you in the morning.’

  ‘Sweet dreams,’ she told him, before beckoning him closer for just one more tiny kiss before she started the engine.

  Alex watched her drive away before slowly making his way inside the house. He was a first class cad for what he’d just done to her. He didn’t need to be told that Jordanne McElroy was a woman who deserved marriage and a family and there was no way he could ever provide her with both.

  On the other hand, whenever she was near, he was unable to stop the power she wielded over him. She was hypnotic, like a drug coursing through his blood, lifting him up to a place so high he never wanted to come down.

  Alex crossed to the mirror in the bathroom and looked at his reflection with disgust. ‘Break it off tomorrow,’ he told himself sternly. ‘Before you really break her heart.’

  Jordanne slept better that night than she had during the week. They were a couple, she told herself the next morning as she dressed for work. Jordanne McElroy and Alex Page were dating.

  Whenever she’d started dating a man seriously in the past, Jordanne would be on the phone to her mother and her sister Jasmine, as well as Kirsten and Sally, discussing him in a lot of detail.


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