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A Lynx in Their Den [Shifting Desires 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Marla Monroe

  “So fucking tight,” Creed groaned as he pressed deep inside her soaked pussy.

  Pressure built inside of Serenity. Already her climax was close when before it had taken much more to stir her desire. The bond between the three of them tightened even as she sucked hard on Shayne’s dick. His fingers massaged her scalp, the blunt nails stimulating her though they weren’t sharp in his current form. She wanted him to come before she did, wanted to watch his face as he filled her mouth with his cum. Her cat stretched inside of her, pleased with the way her mates treated her. Serenity could agree, but right then all she could think about was the cock in her pussy and the dick in her mouth and her need to climax.

  “Fuck! I’m going to come, baby. Your mouth is so damn hot.” Shayne threw back his head and growled as every muscle in his body tightened in front of her.

  Serenity rolled her eyes up to watch him as his cum filled her mouth in warm spurts. The way his face changed into a grimace as he growled, baring his teeth would have scared her had she not known it was pleasure that had him in that condition. His sharp teeth elongated and the roar that erupted from his mouth had the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end. The call of her mate triggered her own orgasm as she struggled to swallow the gift of his cum.

  The muscles of her cunt quivered then spasmed and tightened down around the thick shaft as it pummeled her. Each thrust of his cock added to her blooming explosion until all Serenity could do was ride the waves of pleasure. Her belly tightened almost painfully and she screamed just as Shayne pulled free of her mouth.

  “Aw, hell. So fucking tight, honey. You’re strangling my cock,” Creed said in a growly voice. His hands held tight to her hips, the tips of his fingers erupting into claws, but he didn’t allow them to draw blood.

  Serenity’s entire body tightened until her muscles felt as if she’d turn into one huge cramp from all the pleasure that centered in her cunt. She was sure her eyes rolled up into her head as the first tendrils of the mating bond latched on to her, connecting her to her mates in a way that would bind them together forever.

  Creed wasn’t able to hold out against her orgasm as it milked his cock. She felt the heated jets of his release pulse inside of her even as his bear roared in pleasure behind her. He all but collapsed on top of her, driving her all the way to the bed where he curled around her as Shayne cl on and buried his face in the side of her neck. It was at that moment that Serenity realized something else that had happened as the bond began to form. Her lynx was quiet inside of her. For the first time in over twenty years, her cat felt calm and settled. For the first time in longer than she could remember, Serenity’s feline felt safe.

  Chapter Ten

  “Why didn’t you mark me?” Serenity asked.

  Creed slowly opened his eyes and yawned. What time was it? He looked at his mate’s confused face with the dainty eyebrows squinched up above her equally expressive eyes. He could look into those gorgeous light green orbs for hours. They reminded him of new pine growth but full of intelligence that might have been intimidating if he and his brother weren’t just as smart in their own areas of expertise.

  “What? I’m sorry. What did you say?” he finally asked after remembering that she’d asked him a question.

  “Why didn’t you mark me? I thought we were mates,” she said with a frown.

  “We will mark you when we take you together. Since we share you as our mate, the final bonding mark must be made at the same time. I’ll bite you on one shoulder and he’ll bite the other one.

  “You’ve already taken me together. I don’t understand.”

  Creed hesitated. He hadn’t considered that she might not have any knowledge of shared mates. Bears and even wolves shared sex between them in every way. He wasn’t familiar with the feline shifters since they were rarer in nature and didn’t often venture into colder territories. This wasn’t going to be an easy conversation if she was adverse to the idea of anal sex. He glanced over to where his brother slept, oblivious to the serious conversation. Creed drew in a deep breath.

  “When we both claim you, we will both be inside of you. Oral sex doesn’t count. I’m not sure why it doesn’t work that way except that it would be very difficult for us both to claim you at the same time.”

  Her eyes suddenly widened as realization of what he was suggestion hit her. A mirage of expressions flew across her face before they all disappeared as if a door had been shut against them. Her features no longer spoke of her inner thoughts. Creed worried that some of what he had seen before she’d managed to control herself were of fear and unease.

  “You mean one of you would take my pussy and the other would take my ass?”

  “Yes. Serenity, we would never hurt you, honey. You are our mate and the idea of causing you pain is abhorrent to us. You know this.” He watched for any sign of what she was feeling, but she’d shut down so tightly that even their tenuous connection from the start of the mating bond wasn’t helping him discern her feelings or fears.

  “I’m going to take a bath. I didn’t get mine before we went to sleep last night.” She started to slip from between he and his brother. Creed stopped her with a hand to her shoulder.

  “What are you thinking, Serenity? Don’t run away when it’s obvious that you aren’t comfortable with something.”

  “I need a bath, Creed, and I need some time alone to process what this means. Felines don’t share in anal sex. It’s a form of dominance that few females will tolerate. I’m not so inflexible that I can’t understand your way of things, but I need to think about it. I know that male wolves insist on it with their mates as a way to remind them of their dominance over them. I don’t like that.”

  He sighed. “It is not like that with us. We don’t wield dominance over our mates. We will only pull rank when it’s a matter of your health or safety. We treasure our mates as the vital parts of our sleuth. You are our other half and help us secure and cement us all as a sleuth. I don’t even know many wolves who practice that sort of mentality anymore.”

  She just shook her head and slid off the foot of the bed. “We come from different worlds, Creed. As a shifter, I would have thought we’d all be similar, but we’re not. I need some time.”

  He watched her as she slipped out of their room into the in-suite bathroom and gently shut the door. He had no clue what to do about this. It had never occurred to him that their mate wouldn’t understand or accept their way of bonding. Of course, he and his brother had always assumed their mate would be a bear shifter or wolf shifter. They’d seen so few other shifter types that any other possibility hadn’t crossed his mind.

  “What is it? Where’s Serenity?” Shayne sat up in bed looking around.

  “She’s taking a bath,” he told his brother.

  “What is wrong? I could feel your anxiety as I slept. That’s why I woke up.”

  “Serenity woke me up asking why we didn’t bite her,” Creed told his brother.

  “Did you explain we would when we are both buried inside of her?”

  “Of course, and that is why she is anxious, which is why I’m that way myself right now.” Creed sighed. “She’s feline and evidently felines don’t do anal sex. It’s a form of aggression, it sounds like.”

  Shayne rubbed his face and scooted back so that he could lean against the headboard. Creed could see his brother’s worry etched on his face. He felt the same way. Getting her past the mindset that they were trying to dominate her was going to be tough. Until she accepted them both and they could mark her, their mate would be open to another’s advances. It wasn’t an option as far as he was concerned, but neither could he force her to accept them in their way. They would have to take it slow and keep her close to them. It would cut down on the chance that another would try and stake a claim on her while keeping her safe from the hunters.

  “For now, we give her some room to think about it and continue to show her that she is our world and we would do nothing to harm her.” Creed didn’t like that id
ea much and could see that it didn’t sit well with his sibling either, but they didn’t have much choice.

  “She’s going to talk herself out of mating with us if we give her too much room,” Shayne said.

  “I didn’t say we leave her alone. I said back off some. I have every intention of keeping our scent and touch all over her to keep the others away from her. Plus, this business with the Rogue Hunters will give us the time we need to bond with her and convince her to fully mate with us. She’s stuck here until they are dealt with,” Creed reminded his brother.

  “True,” Shayne smiled. “I have no problem with touching and rubbing on her all the time. I love the way she smells when she’s aroused.”

  Creed smiled. “Keep her aroused all the time and when we take her to bed, she’s wild with need. Eventually, she will relax enough to allow us to truly take her.”

  “My bear doesn’t like that she isn’t wearing our mark,” Shayne said. “He’s going to be difficult to control until she does.”

  “I understand. Mine isn’t silent on the issue either. We’ll have to keep her between us and away from the others as much as possible.”

  Shayne scowled at him. “You know she’s not about to allow us to keep her sequestered in our suite. She’s going to expect to have free rein of the house.”

  “I know. As long as she stays away from the windows and doesn’t answer the door then she will be safe from the hunters. As for keeping her away from the others, that will be a little more difficult. We will take turns working with them on the master suite of rooms while the other one keeps an eye on her,” Creed suggested.

  “Okay. Besides, she did say she wanted to help with some of the design work. That will keep her down here some and help to keep her occupied.”

  Creed hoped it would be enough to stop any notions of refusing to finish the mating. Already his bear had covered himself in her scent and periodically played along the light tether connecting them. He could smell her from the bed. He could also feel some of the anxiety their earlier conversation had brought up.

  “She’s pretty anxious, Creed,” Shayne said staring at the bathroom door as if he could see right through it.

  “I know. I feel her, too. It’s just going to take time. Remind your bear that the more you push her, the faster she’ll run, and it won’t be because she wants to get caught.”

  “I’ll try and keep her occupied with designing the bathroom like she wants it. When she’s tired of that I’ll send her upstairs to your office so you can spend some time with her. Between the two of us, we’ll keep her safe and occupied so she doesn’t have time to think too much about running away,” Shayne said. “I couldn’t take it if she rejected us. My bear would go crazy.”

  “I know. It’s not an option. We’ll figure something out if she refuses to allow us to take her together. I don’t know what, but there has to be another way.” Creed would contact their father if it looked as if their mate was going to balk. He didn’t want to do it yet, but if it became necessary, he’d do it. Securing Serenity as their other half was more important than his pride.

  * * * *

  Serenity stepped out of the tub after soaking for nearly an hour, having to add hot water twice in the process. The long soak had helped her relax enough that her lynx no longer fought her to run. It had also given her time to think about her entire situation. The only thing it hadn’t done was provide the answers she needed that would satisfy her lynx and the bears just outside the bathroom door.

  How was she supposed to convince her lynx that allowing them both to make love to her at the same time was a special part of the mating and not an attempt to dominate her into submission to them? Serenity actually believed that Creed was being truthful and they had no desire to humiliate or subjugate her. Where her cat didn’t feel their honesty through the mating bond like she did, the wily lynx did feel their desire and need to complete the mate marks. It made her nervous. Learning they expected anal sex as part of that only stirred her up more.

  “Crazy cat. You can’t push me to bond with them then step back and refuse to finish it.”

  But, that was exactly what the bitch was doing. Now Serenity was stuck in limbo with a need to be near her mates and her other half wanting to run again. This wasn’t supposed to happen. In fact, she wasn’t supposed to ever find her mate in the first place. It was why she’d left her den. It was also why she’d come so far north, believing it would lower the chances that she’d find her mate if she lived somewhere most cats didn’t want to. Fat lot of good that had done.

  I guess all I did was play right into fate or destiny’s hands by running. It was part of the big plan all along. Bitches!

  As she dried off, it dawned on her that she hadn’t thought ahead enough to bring something to wear into the bathroom with her. It didn’t matter that she’d been naked when she’d entered an hour earlier. She really didn’t want to walk back out there without clothes on. When she searched the little room she came up empty and settled for wrapping the bath towel around her torso. She’d dress in the closet.

  With a solution in mind, Serenity checked to make sure she was adequately covered and opened the door to stroll into the bedroom as if she wasn’t uncomfortable at the moment.

  Never let them see you sweat.


  She pulled open drawers in the dresser until she found the one with her underwear. When she walked toward the closet Shayne’s voice startled her. She’d thought they were both still asleep.

  “Come back to bed, baby. It’s still early yet.”

  She didn’t look in his direction but stopped with one hand on the closet door handle. “I’m awake now. I think I’ll go get something to eat.”

  “Climb back into bed and I’ll fix breakfast in bed for you,” he said in a deeper voice.

  She felt the weight of it slide down her spine, his voice a pick against the strands of her desire. No one had the right to be that sexy. She shivered but pushed down on the lever to open the door.

  “Thanks, but I’m up now.”

  “So are we, kitten,” Creed said in a raspy voice.

  She rolled her eyes at his obvious suggestion and flipped the light switch before walking into the small closet. When she closed the door behind her, she breathed a sigh of relief and dropped the towel to pull on her plain-Jane cotton panties. As she pulled the straps of her bra on over the shoulders, the closet door opened behind her.

  “Need help, babe?” Shayne asked.

  “No thanks. I’ve got it. Go back to bed if you’re still tired. I’ll be fine,” she said presenting him with her back.

  Rough fingers took the ends of the bra away from her and hooked it for her. Hot breath feathered her bare shoulders. “I’ll help you dress then make breakfast for you.”

  “Really. There’s no need. I can fix my own meal.”

  “I know you can, Serenity, but I want to do it.” Shayne’s sincerity was obvious to her through their partially intact bond. How could she deny him something he seemed to need to do for her?

  Instead of answering him, she pulled on a pair of jeans and reached for a T-shirt. Shayne took it from her. When she turned around to ask him what he was doing, he had replaced it on the hanger and held up a much larger one.

  “Wear Creed’s shirt, babe. It will make him feel better for you to have his scent on you until the mating is complete.”

  She blinked up at him. “What about you?”

  A slow sexy smile spread across his face, making his light brown eyes twinkle. “Don’t worry about me, baby. My scent is going to be all over you, too.”

  Before she could ask what he meant by that, he’d pulled the big T-shirt with a large grizzly bear standing on his hind legs over her head. Serenity blew her hair out of her face and punched her arms through the arm holes. Then Shayne opened the door of the closet once again and pulled her back into the bedroom by the hand.

  Creed was no longer in the bed but the bathroom door was closed. Shayne drew her
out of the bedroom into the main living area and up the stairs to the kitchen. The first thing she noticed as they emerged from the lower level was that all of the blinds and drapes had been closed around the house. She was sure that was to keep anyone from seeing her there.

  “What are you hungry for, Serenity, eggs and bacon or pancakes or waffles?” Shayne asked.

  “Waffles would be good,” she admitted. “Do you have plenty of syrup?”

  “Honey and syrup. You can take your pick,” he said with a wink.

  “Of course. Honey. That is so clichéd,” she drawled.

  “Are you telling me that if I threw a ball of yarn across the room you wouldn’t go chase it?” he dared.

  “Asshole.” She couldn’t help but smile though. Where Creed was mostly serious, Shayne’s since of humor bordered on cheesy at times.

  “I didn’t see any yarn at her place when Quill and I snuck inside her place to pack some things for her.” Zeth walked into the room grinning. “She does have a lot of milk, ice cream, and these.”

  The crazy bear held up a pair of her favorite house shoes that happened to have a mouse’s face on the ends of them. Well, okay, she had several pair of them. She liked mice.

  “Oh, and she also has these,” Quill added from the doorway with an even wider grin.

  The other bear held up some of her stuffed animals in his hands. And yes, they were all mice. She growled and stomped over to where the two males stood laughing with her prized possessions.

  “Who gave you permission to go through my things?” she demanded with a snarl.

  When she tried to snatch them from their hands, both bears held them out of her reach. She jumped up and managed to catch Zeth by surprise at her jumping ability, snagging her house shoes.

  “Creed told us to gather some of your things and bring them over so you would feel more at home,” Quill replied still holding her mice out of her reach.


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