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Devil's Heart

Page 13

by William W. Johnstone

  And as quickly as the thought came to him, it was removed from his mind, leaving the near zombie standing dumbly in the dim hallway, wondering what he had been thinking.

  Jimmy heard a door open and ducked behind drapes in the hall. Peeking through the crack in the heavy drapes, he watched Balon’s bastard son walk down the hall, past him, and into the stairwell leading downward. He listened to the footfall until they faded.

  Quickly, Jimmy shuffled to Nydia’s door. He stood listening for a moment, hearing the young beauty humming a soft tune. His erection was throbbing, his groin aching, his tongue swollen as he placed his hand on the doorknob and gently turned the brass.

  Nydia was naked, all her beauty exposed to Jimmy’s hot eyes: the full, mature breasts, rose-tipped; the heavy bush between her legs. He could not see her face for it was turned from him.

  Jimmy pushed the door open a bit farther, ready to step inside and take her, by force if necessary, when a hand fell on his shoulder, hauling him bodily out of the door, the door closing soundlessly behind him, the loveliness cut off from view.

  Jimmy turned to look into the fathomless eyes of Falcon. Not her,” the tall man whispered. Never her, Jimmy. Not unless you wish to die ten thousand agonizing deaths a year for all eternity.”

  Jimmy dared to argue, so great was his need. She is one of His now—what difference does it make?”

  Fool!” Falcon hissed at him, leading the man from the door, down the hall. Your Master has other plans for her, and they do not include you. Now leave this wing immediately, and do not return—ever—without orders from Roma or me. Go!”

  He watched as Jimmy shuffled off, his shoulders slumped in rejection. The man was becoming more and more a buffoon, his usefulness almost past. Falcon could not understand why Roma kept him alive. And then Falcon chuckled without mirth. Of course: he was the last reminder of her love for Balon. How typically female.

  His eyes narrowed as the thought of the girl behind the closed door entered his mind. Falcon could understand Jimmy’s desire, for Nydia was of astonishing beauty and very much worthy of any man’s attention. Even Falcon had entertained thoughts of entering her; fantasizing of her moaning beneath him as he gave her more cock than mere mortals could ever possess.

  And now he had that permission to do just that. But only when Roma gave the word. His smile became a thing of ugliness as he thought of the girl’s satin-smooth flesh, all hot beneath him.

  He abruptly turned away, slipping quietly down the hall then up the stairs to his rooms. There he began to dress for the mass that evening. Once the mass was under way, and the true Master was called, no one would be allowed to leave this area, and only those who practiced the Black Arts could enter. Falcon House and the area surrounding it would be as unattainable as a lost planet in a black hole of space.

  And then, Falcon smiled, hefting his penis, the party could really begin.

  We have no virgin for the ceremony,” Roma said as she prepared to dress for the mass.

  Lana,” Falcon corrected. She has never been penetrated.”

  I ... am hesitant to use her,” Roma said, slipping out of her gown, standing naked in the room. There is ... something about her that disturbs me.”

  Yes,” Falcon agreed. I picked up on the same troublesome vibes. Pity. She is very pretty.” Falcon thought no more of it as he became aware of a heating in his groin and a slight stirring of the massive organ that hung between his legs. Like Roma, he, too, was naked, very carefully choosing his robes for the ceremony.

  We can’t use Judy,” Roma mused, as much to herself as to Falcon. She is now one of us. And I will need more blood from her.”

  The pretty little Linda, then?”

  I ... think not,” Roma replied, glancing at the clock on the dresser. Their eyes met in reflection from the mirror. The mouths smiled. She thinks she is fooling us, you know?”

  Yes,” Falcon agreed with a smile. But we know what she is.”

  We’ll let her play her little game.”

  Falcon looked at the witch, thinking how beautiful she still was . . . and how desirable. He stroked his penis, feeling it fill with hot blood under his touch.

  Roma laughed at him. Contain yourself, Falcon. Sometimes I believe your brains are located in your cock.”

  I believe Wilder once said your brains were situated between your legs, Roma—did he not?”

  She sat down naked at her dresser and began to brush her raven hair. Falcon walked up behind her to cup her full breasts, gently pinching the nipples, feeling them grow beneath his touch. She turned, kissing his penis.

  Wilder made a mistake,” she said.

  Yes. Yes, I believe he did.”

  We will defile one of the boys.” Roma made her decision. They have all had dinner and should be drugged by now.”

  Falcon frowned his distaste. How droll, Roma. You know how I dislike pederastic sacrifices.”

  Black rather enjoys them,” she reminded him. As you noted earlier.

  Yes, and I say again: Black is weak, and even for our standards, not quite normal.”

  Her face expressed her concern. So the Master reminded me. Failure, failure,” she shook her head. I will not fail this time.”

  Falcon bent his head to kiss her, recoiling only slightly as he observed that her teeth were suddenly fanged. Their tongues touched gingerly, Falcon saying, So that is how it will be?”

  Yes.” Her smile was grotesque. “Howard will know the pain of our world at the point of my son’s climax.”

  Sometimes, Roma,” Falcon said, pulling away from her, your humor is hideous.”

  She shrugged. I have never professed any desire toward becoming a comedienne, darling.” She snapped at him playfully, laughing as he jerked away from her flashing fangs.

  Nydia emerged from the bathroom looking pale. That’s the very first time in my life I ever forced myself to vomit,” she said. How do you feel, Sam?”

  A little weak.” He opened a napkin and took out several rolls, handing one to her. Eat this, it’ll give you strength. You’ll need it. I don’t think they could drug the bread.”

  They sat on the edge of the bed, sharing their meager dinner, their stomachs accepting the bread after the self-induced vomiting.

  Sam glanced at his watch. What did you tell your mother?”

  That we were tired and were going to rest for a while.”

  Her reaction?”

  She smiled and said that was probably a good idea. Sam? You seem to know a lot about what is going to happen—when will the mass take place?”

  Tonight. Full dark. That’s what popped into my head. And we’re going to be there, watching.”

  Her voice was filled with fear as she asked, Do we have to?”

  Yes. I want to know just who is involved. Who I have to destroy.”

  She trembled beside him. Why did I suddenly get this feeling we have passed the point of no return?”

  And just as Sam took her hand into his, some small thing touched him, touched him inwardly, striking with a hard but invisible force. Because we have.”

  They had gathered.

  Among the circle of dark stones, the worshipers of the Dark One had silently grouped. The servants, including Jimmy Perkins; the ten young men and women who wished to serve a new Master; Roma and Falcon and Black. Howard stood naked inside the inner circle, his eyes glazed from the drugs in his system. The torchlight reflected dully from the scarcely comprehending eyes of the young man. Outside the circle of people, the Beasts had gathered quietly, more than a dozen of them. They stood patiently, slobber leaking from massive jaws, their eyes glowing red with evil anticipation. For they knew should someone die at a high mass, they would feast well on that night.

  Roma went among the new members, cutting off a small piece of hair from each head, then she walked to a stone where The Book rested. Their names were carefully recorded in that evil book, the hair placed beside the name.

  Just as we have done for hundreds of years, Roma silen
tly mused. As I personally have done for more than four hundred of those years, and those before me for thousands, all the way back to the caves . . . and beyond, before the first flood.

  Roma cut her eyes to Howard’s nakedness as a feeling of something very much amiss struck her. Something was all wrong. Falcon sensed it as well, walking swiftly to her side.

  What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice low.

  The Master is here. And he is angry.”

  What about?”

  I don’t know.”

  The voice of the Ruler of the Netherworld boomed in their heads, thundering to them in a roar only they could hear. Is this the best you can do? One shivering male?”

  Roma thrust her thoughts to the Ruler of Hell: We did not think you would object.”

  You did not think!” Satan roared, causing them both to cringe. That much is correct. Look at your idiot son, Roma. Look at him stroking his organ, practically drooling at the mouth like a Beast as he thinks about man love. Disgusting! And the son that should have been mine is crouched not a thousand meters from the circle, watching with your daughter. The daughter that should be taking part in this ceremony . . . worshiping me! You have failed me, Roma. Don’t fail again. Wilder warned me you had a streak of decency in you; a very narrow streak, to be sure, but nevertheless . . . there.

  What in the name of all that is unholy have I ever done to deserve you two? This should be easy. The world is spinning about in utter chaos; wars breaking out everywhere; morals finally declining at a satisfying rate of deterioration; drugs and free sex and ... oh, for pity’s sake! Do I have to lecture the both of you? If so, I have failed miserably.

  Now, you hear me well, witch and warlock: the both of you will not fail this time. These are my commands: you will establish a Coven on these grounds; to insure that, I have ordered more members in, to reinforce this group. They will be here tonight. You, Roma, will give me a demon son from the seed of Balon’s bastard; you, Falcon, will give me a bitch demon from the womb of Nydia. But test them before you seduce them—as God is doing—see if they are worthy of my touch. You must offer them ample opportunity to leave, and allow them to do so if that is their choice. Of course,” the Devil chuckled, you can also ambush them on their way out.”

  The torches smoked for a few moments, the circle of stones silent in the flickering light. Then Satan roared.

  Do either of you really think I care how you accomplish any of this? I don’t care how you go about it. I don’t care if there is a sacrifice this night. I put the sacrifice business in the mind of that fool writer a thousand years ago . . . it’s been repeated ever since. Why is everything I say constantly taken out of context? Can’t I make a joke occasionally? After all, I was once an angel, and a goddamned good one, if I do say so myself. I’m not humorless. I gave the world Pilate, Hitler, and rock and roll music, didn’t I?

  No, Roma, Falcon, you will not fail me. I want to hear the screaming of those puky holy people; I want to hear the wailing as their blood stains the ground, and I want to see a demon burst forth from your womb, and a matching bitch from the cunt of your Christian daughter.

  There are no rules—none! I have this precognition that I am going to be defeated in Whitfield. Very well. I can live with that; I can accept it. I will derive some satisfaction from it, however: the wailing and begging of Balon’s Christian whore as she is ravaged and flogged and finally nailed naked onto my cross. And, no, you may rest your fears, Balon will not interfere here. He’ll be much too busy back in Whitfield, with that impossible golem.

  No, that meddler from the firmament broke His word, even though He denies it, so I see no need for many rules. But you two hear me well: I want blood, pain, degradation, filth . . . everything we believe in ... and more. Tell your fool son to mount the male if that is what he desires; he will never be anything other than a stooge to me. Failure, Roma. You failed with both your latest children. But at least, and it pains me to say this, Nydia did accept something; she is faithful to something. Which is much more than can be said of that foolish son of yours. He disgusts me. Scheming, plotting, foolish, foolish boy.

  It is doubtful I shall return here until you have completed your assignments. I must return west. That psalm singer broke His word, thinks He has me fooled; thinks I believe He has departed. Well, I don’t trust Him. I know He’s got something up His sleeve—I just don’t know what. Be careful: Balon’s goody-two-shoes son has tremendous powers, which is another reason I’m sending in help. So, good-bye. And don’t fail me!”

  Something happened,” Sam whispered. I feel as if I was locked in some kind of time warp, where everything stood still.”

  Me, too,” Nydia said, returning the whisper. Look! Roma and Falcon are moving now.”

  They were speaking with Satan.”

  How do you know that?”

  Some ... one just told me.”

  She looked at him in the darkness, her eyes wide and scared. Who?”

  I don’t know.”

  Nydia suddenly gasped. My God!” She grabbed at Sam’s arm. Look at that.”

  Both of them grimaced their shock and horror as Howard was led to the dark altar by two servants and Black began his sodomy of the young man. Howard screamed his outrage and pain, fighting against hands that held him while Black laughed as he forced the ugliness.

  Howard screamed again, his cries echoing around the small valley. Roma ran to the scene of rape, her black robe open, exposing her nakedness, the stones preventing Sam and Nydia from seeing what was taking place. They could but wonder what the witch was doing.

  Kneeling in front of the altar, Roma sank her teeth into the femoral artery of Howard’s thigh, the blood gushing from the fang bites, spilling over her face and lips. She drank greedily of the hot red liquid, biting him again and again, working steadily upward, until his thigh and groin area were pricked with the needle marks.

  She drew away from him, her face covered with blood. Howard’s cries tapered off into low moans as Black began shivering with approaching climax. The Beasts began dancing, a grotesque, obscene hunching, a debasement of any rhythm that needed grace or beauty. Soon all were dancing and chanting: Prince of Darkness! King of the Night! Lord of the Flies and of Filth! Hear this one scream for you!”

  Howard screamed as Black climaxed. The Coven members danced about the altar, tearing off their clothes. Howard lay unconscious across the altar.

  Falcon pointed to the young man draped in humiliation across the flat stone altar. Tend to his needs,” he ordered.

  Then, oblivious to the cold and the damp, the men and women coupled like animals, their naked bodies gleaming in the torch-lit circle of stones.

  The naked Satan worshipers began fucking like dogs, while the Beasts danced and howled and slobbered around them, their own erections starkly vivid in the flickering light.

  Roma took Jimmy into her ageless cunt, while Falcon impaled a screaming Sandy against the damp ground, the young woman suddenly filled with his massive organ. She screamed her pleasure-pain and wrapped young legs around the older man’s back, meeting him lunge for lunge, shrieking out her evil joy. She cried blasphemies, flinging the oaths into the night air, her shrill voice seeming to push the others into more profane, perverted acts.

  I’ve seen enough,” Sam said, taking Nydia’s hand, leading her away from the circle of flickering lights, back toward the house. They were dressed in dark clothing, blending into the night as they walked.

  As they walked away from the blasphemous screaming and cursing, from the scene of Devil worship, Nydia said, I get the feeling mother knew we were watching. You?”

  Yes. And I think Satan told her we were.”

  That . . . feeling of being suspended for a time.”

  Yes.” They waited in silence for a time, Sam breaking the mood by asking, I wonder what my mother is doing?”

  You should have seen Hershel do his stuff this afternoon,” Miles excitedly told Jane Ann over the phone. The only two phones belonging to be
lievers that still worked in Whitfield, although the plugs had been pulled and the wires severed by phone-company personnel. Those people who have been so crappy to us for the past year don’t act so high and mighty now.”

  Sam didn’t do so badly himself,” she replied. She looked around for the mist that was Balon. She could not see any evidence of the vapor, but she knew he was present.

  Janey? We’re all right here. I don’t understand what is happening; why this has to happen; why God just doesn’t take us if that is His will ... but you, are you doing all right?”

  I was afraid, Miles. But Sam comforted me. I prayed. You?”

  Like I haven’t been away from synagogue for fifty years.”


  Like a mountain of faith. Janey? I don’t understand any of this. It’s so baffling. Are we being tested? Is that it? If so, why? What have we done with our lives that makes us so worthy ... or unworthy, as the case may be? What does Sam say?”

  He says we will all understand someday.”

  How like him.” Miles’s reply was dryly put. Stay strong, Jane Ann. Our prayers will be with you, at the end,” the last words were filled with emotion.

  You know what is going to happen?”

  Her old friend’s silence told her he knew only too well.

  I’ll talk to you later,” she said. She hung up the phone and turned to face the rear wall of the den as she sensed Balon’s presence. Have you been away?” she asked the forming mist.

  Part of me,” Balon projected.

  I won’t ask how that is possible.”

  You’re learning.”

  Eight more days,” she said, some of her fear returning, changing the tone of her voice.

  Put it out of your mind,” Balon told her. Think only of how pleasant it will be later.”

  I wonder how our son is doing?”


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