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Prince Charming Wears a Badge

Page 14

by Lisa Dyson

  She was about to close a file folder when she suddenly quieted and stared at the record.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  She slowly looked at him. “Did you know my stepsister works for the city?”

  “Really?” She handed him the evidence and there was Wendy’s name. He ran a finger from her name across to her salary. “If she has a job with the city, then why was she taking advantage of free food Friday night?”

  Callie nodded. “And why does she look like she’s been living on the streets?”


  CALLIE LOOKED CLOSER at the file she’d randomly chosen to make her point about numbers, glad for a change in subject. “From what I see here, she was hired a little over a year ago.”

  “Can you tell if she’s still working for the town?” Tyler asked.

  Callie shook her head. “No. This is just a list of employees.” She skimmed through the file, but there was nothing else related to Wendy’s employment. “I’ll see what else I find as I go through these files,” she said. “I’m finding a lot of them have little or nothing to do with the town’s finances.” She gestured with the file in her hand. “Like this one. So going through each file is what’s taking up most of my time so far.”

  “Sorry about that. I didn’t realize when I asked for financial files that they’d box everything else with it.”

  “That’s okay.” She smiled, admiring his erect posture in that darn sexy uniform. “This is so much better than cleaning built-up grease on stoves or picking up disgusting trash.”

  He winced. “Sorry again. I had nothing else for you to do. You should have mentioned your day job sooner.”

  She shrugged. “I wasn’t sure what to expect when I arrived in town, and I didn’t want to make waves. If I’d known about the email you received concerning the town’s finances, I would have spoken up right away.”

  “Speaking of the email, did you get it? I forwarded it earlier.”

  She nodded. “I did. There’s not much to it, is there? Just the person claiming that the records needed to be audited because funds had been misappropriated.”

  “Do you feel you’re making progress?”

  “I’m only into my second box of files, and so far I haven’t seen a problem, but it’s a slow process.”

  A thought came to Callie. “Don’t town employees work at City Hall?” At his nod, she continued. “So if Wendy worked for the town, then why didn’t you know? Wouldn’t you have run into her occasionally while working in the building next door to City Hall?”

  “Good question,” he replied. “I’m not that familiar with what positions are at City Hall, but I do know there’s also an annex where some town employees have offices.”

  “So she probably works there?”

  He nodded. “I have to wonder if she still has a job with the way she’s looked recently.”

  “Me, too.” Callie was becoming more and more interested in what was going on with Wendy, even if she didn’t want to be.

  “I keep hearing bad things about her husband, like he’s abusing alcohol and drugs, but nothing’s been substantiated.”

  “I wonder—if she’s as hard up as she’s appeared—why she hasn’t gone to my dad for help.”

  He nodded. “You said her mother is having health problems, but, yeah, you’d think it would be a given that she’d go to your dad for help since he raised her, too.”

  “Maybe she did,” Callie said. “And maybe he said no. Or maybe he has been helping her, but not enough.” Her dad hadn’t appeared to be financially well-off by the look of their home and furnishings, so maybe he was unable to provide for Wendy at the same time he obviously had medical bills for his wife.

  Which made her wonder if he had been able to manage financially even before the medical bills.

  “I think I need to see my dad again.” She even surprised herself with the idea. “I have questions I need to ask. And not just about Wendy.”

  “You’re concerned about your dad?”

  “More about his financial stability than anything else.” She paused. “I’m pretty comfortable financially, so if he needs help with medical bills…”

  “It’s nice that you’d help them out like that.”

  “I prefer to look at it as helping my dad. Period.”

  “Whatever. I think it’s admirable either way.”

  “I’m not trying to be,” she said honestly. “I just don’t want him to suffer financially because of my stepmother. He’s worked hard his entire life.”

  “Is he retired?” Tyler asked.

  “I’m not sure. I never asked. He’s sixty-eight, so it’s probable. I don’t know how he could leave my stepmother alone in her present condition otherwise. He was an independent long-haul trucker and is probably living on social security. I doubt he has much saved to supplement his income.” She hadn’t felt poor growing up, but there was never extra money for luxuries. Especially for Callie.

  “You don’t think Medicare is covering your stepmother’s medical bills?”

  “Probably the majority, but he’s liable for a percentage of the deductible.”

  “Don’t they own the house they live in?”

  She shrugged. “As far as I know. I guess a reverse mortgage is a possibility if they haven’t gone that route yet. Or maybe they’re carrying a hefty mortgage. I don’t know.” She straightened the files on the table and turned to Tyler. “These are all good questions that I need to ask. Maybe I’ll give my dad a call to see if he’s available tonight.”

  Tyler nodded and reached for her hand. She met his gaze and smiled. He smiled back and asked, “I know I’m totally switching topics here, but are you still interested in that plan we spoke about earlier?”

  “Plan?” She widened her eyes to play the innocent. She knew full well what he was talking about. In fact, she thought she’d have to be the one to bring it up.

  He grinned even wider. “So you’re not interested?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Then you’ll let me know when you’re back from your dad’s, so I can come to your room and—”

  “And?” She batted her eyes.

  He paused. “And hear all about what you learned.”

  “Oh!” She playfully slapped at his arm.

  He laughed aloud. “You are so easy to tease.”

  She grew serious. “We’ll see who can tease better when you come to my room tonight.”

  He opened his mouth but no words came out.

  Merely a groan.


  POPPY OPENED THE oven door to check on the progress of her dinner casserole. “Not quite,” she said aloud to her empty kitchen and shut the oven door.

  Meanwhile she washed the frying pan she’d used to brown the sausage and had the rest of the kitchen cleaned up when she heard the front door open and close. From the conversation she could hear, Tyler and Callie had arrived home simultaneously.

  “The girls are in their room playing,” Poppy told Tyler when he came into the kitchen. “Did I hear Callie?” She checked the casserole’s temperature again and decided it was done.

  “You did. She had a phone call to make. She’ll be down in a few minutes.” He peeked at the casserole covered with foil that Poppy had removed from the oven and set on the stovetop. “Smells great.”

  Poppy put the cornbread she’d mixed up earlier into the oven. “Dinner will be ready as soon as the timer goes off.”

  “I’ll get cleaned up, and the girls and I will set the table.”

  Poppy nodded. “I’d appreciate that.”

  “How are you?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “I’ve been better.”

  “Have you talked any more to Gino?”

  “No.” Her answer was sharper than she’d intended. “We have nothing more to say to each other.”

  “Will he be here for dinner?”

  “No idea,” she said. “And I don’t care one way or the other.”

h, right,” Tyler mumbled as he left the kitchen, leaving her no chance to reply.

  As if they’d willed him to appear by talking about him, Gino came through the front door. She’d recognize the sound of his walk anywhere. He was heavy-footed and couldn’t tread lightly if he tried.

  She pursed her lips, reminding herself that she was angry with him. He’d betrayed her by becoming her competitor. Unless he stopped working on the Lincoln Hotel, she had no time for him. She busied herself by getting out plates for dinner.

  “Hi,” he said when he entered the kitchen.

  “Hello.” She replied stiffly without turning around. She opened the silverware drawer and counted out the necessary utensils. “You’re staying for dinner?”

  “If that’s okay.” He remained in the doorway.

  She shrugged, pretending not to care. “You pay for your room and meals come with it.”

  “Smells great.” He stepped closer to her. “Poppy?”

  She turned to face him. “What?”

  “I hate that we’re not speaking.” Even in work clothes—jeans and a T-shirt—he looked good. Better than good.

  She decided to act flippant. “What do you call what we’ve been doing just now?”

  He scowled. “I mean really talk about what’s going on with us.”

  “I don’t have anything more to say. You’ve made your decision and I’m the one who’s left hurting.”

  He took a step closer and her heart sped up.

  She raised her hand to stop him. “Stay back.”

  “We have to talk.”

  “What else is there to say?”

  He hesitated. “First of all, I’m sorry.”

  She didn’t respond. A simple apology wasn’t what she was looking for.

  He continued. “I had no idea what you had in mind for your house.”

  She opened her mouth to answer but this time he was the one who held up a hand to stop her from speaking. “I know, it’s completely my fault. I didn’t pay close enough attention to what you were saying.”

  “Thank you for acknowledging that you didn’t listen to me, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re going to be taking away my business.” Her demeanor was ready to crack but she held it together.

  “I’ve been thinking about that, and I have a question for you. Why are you interested in running a B and B? Is it the money?”

  She was about to answer when he continued speaking.

  “If it’s the money, I can help you out. You don’t need to run a business to pay your bills.”

  She stared at him in shock. “You really haven’t been listening to me, have you?” She turned away so he wouldn’t see her eyes welling up. “I don’t need the money. That’s not why I decided to do it.”

  Before she could say more she heard Tyler and his girls coming downstairs. “I can’t get into this now.”

  Gino reached for her. “Can we talk later?”

  She pulled away, unable to allow his touch when he so obviously didn’t understand where she was coming from.

  Soon Callie joined them, too. The table was set, glasses were filled and the timer for the cornbread went off. With everyone at the table talking about their day, there was no need for Poppy and Gino to say another word to each other.

  She tried to ignore him at the other end of the table, but it was harder than she’d anticipated. At one point she glanced at him and their eyes met. He smiled at her—that smile that got to her every time. She guarded her feelings, looking away without acknowledging him.

  “Did you arrange a time to see your dad?” Tyler asked Callie.

  She nodded. “He couldn’t do tonight, but he invited me for dinner tomorrow night.”

  “That’ll be nice,” Poppy said. “I’m glad you’re spending time together.”

  Poppy caught the look between Tyler and Callie but she didn’t want to ask what was going on in the midst of dinner.

  When dinner was over, Tyler and the girls offered to do the cleanup, leaving her time to hear what Gino had to say.

  Before discovering his plan for the Lincoln, Poppy would have welcomed the time alone with him. Now she wanted nothing to do with him.

  At least that’s what her mind kept telling her. She refused to hear what her heart had to say.


  CALLIE CLOSED HER laptop and sat back on the love seat in her room. After dinner she’d come up to change into shorts and a T-shirt before checking her work email. She ended up doing some research online regarding a clothing company whose owner recently passed away. She suspected a competitor would buy the company, which could either be a good or bad thing for investors looking for a quick return.

  A quiet knock on her door had her checking the time. It was close to ten. She hadn’t realized she’d been working so long. She rose to let Tyler in and smiled when she saw him.

  “Hi,” she whispered, her voice sounding a little rough after not speaking for a few hours. The sight of him and his broad shoulders and sexy mouth made work and everything else slip from her brain. They were replaced by thoughts of being naked with him.

  He grinned. “Hi, yourself.” He held two bottles of beer, one in each hand. He put them both in one hand and pulled a bottle opener from his back pocket. He popped the top of one bottle before handing it to her.

  She took it, loving the slight spark of electricity when their fingers touched. “I love a man who brings presents. Especially alcoholic ones.” She stepped back so he could enter her room completely and she shut the door behind him.

  “I didn’t know if you’d be up for company.” He opened the top of his own bottle and pocketed the opener and both bottle caps.

  “I got caught up in work and didn’t realize how late it was getting.” She took a long swallow of the cold liquid, loving the cooling effect it had on her throat.

  “I’ve been reading with the girls and trying to get them settled down enough to go to sleep.”

  Callie grinned. “I’m sure you instigated something that got them riled up in the first place. I’ve seen you in action.”

  He shrugged, his complexion darkening slightly at being caught. “I might have done something to set them off…perhaps reading in a British accent.”

  Callie’s eyes widened. “You’re so talented. Do you do other accents?”

  “Let’s put it this way,” he said after taking a long swallow of beer. “Accents and voices are for my daughters only. I’m not a public performer by any means.”

  She gestured to her room. “This seems as un-public-like as possible.”

  “Un-public-like?” He grinned. “Is that even a word?”

  “You’re changing the subject.” She raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips. “Maybe I need to do some eavesdropping when you’re reading with your daughters.” She pointed to the love seat. “Want to sit?”

  He followed her and said, “I guess I’ll need to watch out now to make sure I’m not overheard.”

  They both laughed as they got comfortable on the love seat, each turning to face the other.

  Callie set her bottle down on the end table and looked at Tyler, who was looking back at her. “What?” He looked like he wanted to say something.

  He put his bottle on the floor next to him since there wasn’t a table nearby.

  “You’ve changed your mind,” she said before he could speak and before she could edit herself. “You think it’s a bad idea for us to go through with this plan of ours.”

  He chuckled. “Not even close.”

  “Then what is it? I can tell you want to say something.” She wiggled in her seat a little, hoping he was telling the truth about not changing his mind. If he jumped on top of her right this minute, he still wouldn’t be fast enough.

  “You’re right. I do.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I want to make sure you’re okay with this ‘arrangement’ we’ve talked about.” He halfheartedly used air quotes to make his point.

  “You mean sex with no strings?” She decided one of
them had to be frank and he seemed to be skirting the issue.

  His eyes widened and he grinned. “Yeah, that’s the one.” He squirmed slightly in his seat, changing positions to put one foot on the opposite knee.

  “So you’re backing out?” She didn’t think so, but she wanted everything out on the table. Or on the bed, on the floor, against the wall…

  “No! Not at all.” He ran his fingers through his short hair. “I just don’t want you to have any regrets.”

  How could she regret being with him? She’d been attracted to him since they were teenagers. Now she was practically drooling at the mere thought of it. “Are you saying you won’t live up to my expectations?” she teased. If she had wanted to draw on any insecurity he might have, she could have recited a list of any number of factors that might make their experience less than ideal. His reaction to her question was humorous enough.

  His eyes widened and his jaw dropped momentarily before he could process her words. “Is that a dare? I’ll show you how I can meet and exceed your expectations.” His words were nearly a growl as he pounced on her, his mouth covering hers while he pulled her across the cushion to sit on his lap. He deepened the kiss and, just like the other times he’d kissed her, she was overcome by the heat they produced in her. Enough to cause her core to flare into a full-out firestorm and make her toes curl.

  She ran her fingers through his thick hair. Then she grasped his head so he couldn’t do anything but continue his erotic assault on her mouth.

  She heard a moan but she wasn’t sure which one of them produced it.

  She was about to complain when he removed his mouth from hers until it landed on her sensitive neck where his skill took her to another level of pleasure. This time she was sure she was the one who moaned.

  He slowly laid her back so her head rested in the crook of his arm and he lifted the bottom of her T-shirt enough to run his hand over her bare midriff. He raised goose bumps at the same time he heated her insides to a boil.

  She was dying for him to move his hand to her breast. So much so that she was tempted to shove his hand in that direction but she didn’t. He’d get there eventually, she was sure, and his roving hand at her waistband was more than enough to keep her interested in seeing what came next.


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