The World That Never Was: A True Story of Dreamers, Schemers, Anarchists and Secret Agents

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The World That Never Was: A True Story of Dreamers, Schemers, Anarchists and Secret Agents Page 3

by Alex Butterworth


  Date: 1861


  Russia: Alexander II’s edict freeing the serfs


  Other European:

  United States:


  Date: 1862


  Russia: Kropotkin posted to Irkutsk in Siberia at his own request; ‘nihilist’ coined in Fathers and Sons; Zemlya i Volya, Land and Liberty


  Other European:

  United States:


  Date: 1863


  Russia: Chernyshevsky – What is to be Done?; Stieber taken back to Prussia by Bismarck to head the police


  Other European:

  United States:


  Date: 1864

  France: Reclus brothers found a co-op (First in Paris); Joly publishes Dialogues from Brussels

  Russia: Kropotkin expedition to Siberia and Amur Valley


  Other European: IWMA founded

  United States:


  Date: 1865

  France: Death of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon


  Britain: Bakunin, having escaped from Siberian exile, visits Marx in London

  Other European:

  United States: End of American Civil War


  Date: 1866




  Other European: Attempt on life of Alexander II by Karakozov; Ferdinand Cohen-Blind attempts to assassinate Bismarck

  United States:

  Other: Nobel takes out patent on dynamite

  Date: 1867

  France: Paris Expo: World Exhibition – attack on Alexander II by Berezowski; Reclus has become member of the International



  Other European:

  United States:

  Other: End of disastrous French involvement in Mexico with execution of Maximilien

  Date: 1868




  Other European:

  Switzerland: Berne Congress of Peace and Freedom; first Russian woman takes medical diploma; Peter Lavrov publishes Historical Letters urging educated youth to provide political enlightenment to the peasantry

  United States:


  Date: 1869

  France: Rochefort, as deputy, campaigns for universal conscription in France



  Other European: Nechaev meets Bakunin in Switzerland; The Revolutionary Catechism

  United States:


  Date: 1870

  France: Jan: Noir funeral

  July: Ems telegram; 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea published

  19 July: Declaration of War

  2 Sept: Defeat and capture of Napoleon III at Sedan

  4 Sept: Hotel de Ville declaration

  7 Oct: Balloon flight of Gambetta out of Paris; declaration by Bakunin of a commune in Lyons; failed attack from Tours

  27 Dec: German bombardment of Paris begins

  Russia: Tsar concerned what republican France might mean for European monarchies


  Other European: Vatican council rules Pope infallible in matters of doctrine

  December: Cesare Lombroso enjoys ‘revelation’ of criminal atavism

  United States:


  Date: 1871

  France: Jan: Armed stand-off between Breton soldiers and Flourens’ radicals around the Hotel de Ville

  18 March: Failed attempt to seize National Guard guns at Montmartre and elsewhere precipitates government withdrawal to Versailles

  28 March: Declaration of Paris Commune

  22 May: Bloody Week massacres of Communards as Versaillais troops retake Paris

  Russia: Trial of Nechaevists

  July: Genesis of what would become the Chaikovsky Circle during rural study retreat

  Britain: Marx writing The Civil War in France; Bulwer Lytton, The Coming Race; Darwin publishes The Descent of Man; Hyndman, as fellow of Magdalen College, visits Commune; Carpenter travels to France and is arrested by Prussians; flight of Communards; London Congress: Marxists’ investigation of Bakunin and Nechaev

  Other European:

  Germany: Coronation at Versailles of Wilhelm I of Prussia as kaiser of united Germany; Pius IX of Commune: ‘devils risen up’

  Switzerland: Foundation of the Bakuninist Jura Federation, headed by Guillaume

  Oct: St-Imier anti-authoritarian congress

  United States: Knights of Labour started at tailors meeting in Philadelphia

  Oct: Fire destroys much of Chicago

  Other: 18 Jan: German Empire declared; union of German States

  1 March: German triumphal march through Paris

  Date: 1872

  France: Military tribunal to try Communards continues, amid transportations to New Caledonia

  Russia: Kropotkin and Kravchinsky join Chaikovsky Circle; Dostoevsky publishes The Devils

  Britain: Communards sleeping rough in London parks

  Other European: Feb: Kropotkin arrives in Switzerland

  14 March: Reclus arrives in Switzerland

  United States: Andrew Carnegie begins revolution in steel manufacture


  Date: 1873

  France: 23 May: General MacMahon becomes president of Third Republic; Michel and Rochefort deported

  Sept: War indemnity to Germany paid off early

  Russia: Summer: Mass movement of young radicals ‘go to the people’ during ‘Mad Summer’ with many arrests in coming two years; Koroptkin works on his draft Manifesto for the Chaikovsky Circle

  Britain: The fictional Phineas Fogg of Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days accepts bet at the Reform Club; Edward Carpenter joins University Extension work

  Other European:

  Spain: Insurrection in Cartagena

  Switzerland: Lavrov starts publication of Forward! in Geneva

  United States: Sept: Railway entrepreneur Jay Gould bankrupt, precipitating economic crisis and depression

  Other: 10 Dec: Ship carrying Louise Michel and Henri Rochefort arrives in New Caledonia

  Date: 1874

  France: First Impressionist exhibition

  Russia: 22 March: Arrrest of Peter Kropotkin in St Petersburg; riots by St Petersburg students against conservative professor of physiology, Elie de Cyon; the radicals’ mission ‘to the people’ gains momentum, as does its persecution

  Britain: Society for the Advancement of Science object to Pius IX’s ‘fatuous’ Syllabus of Errors

  Other European:

  Italy: Malatesta prepares abortive insurrection in Bologna, Bakunin flees ignominiously

  Switzerland: Sept: Rochefort arrives

  United States: Jan: Brutal suppression of Tompkins Square demonstration in New York

  June: Arrival of Rochefort in New York to lecture; Marx transplants the International to Philadelphia to save it from Bakuninist control

  Other: 18 March: Rochefort, Pain, Grousset and others escape from New Caledonia

  Date: 1875

  France: Work begins on the basilica of the Sacré-Coeur in Montmartre; publication of Zola’s L’Assommoir and Verne’s Mysterious Island; threat of war with Germany sees mass purchase of cavalry horses

  Russia: Hundreds of young radicals kept in prison in terrible conditions without trial

  Britain: Foundation of Manhood Suffrage League by Frank Kitz

  Other European:

  Spain: Malatesta to assist in anarchist prison breakout

  Bulgaria: Confrontation looms between Britain and Russia

  United States: Dec: Chaikovsky arrives in New York, having travelled via Lavrov in London; height of Molly Maguire activities, infiltrated by Pinkerto

  Other: Britain buys shares in bankrupt Suez Canal

  Date: 1876

  France: First of nineteen volumes of Elisée Reclus’ Universal Geography published

  Russia: 3 March: Violence around funeral of Pavel Chernyshev in St Petersburg

  June: Kropotkin escapes prison in St Petersburg and flees to England

  Dec: Demonstration in Square of Our Lady of Kazan, many arrests; Dr Cyon sent to Paris as special councillor


  Other European: Kravchinsky leaves Russia to fight in Bosnia-Herzegovina against Turks; Turks brutally suppress risings in Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria

  Switzerland: Death of Bakunin, Reclus delivers eulogy; title ‘anarchist’ adopted by Italian anti-authoritarians at Berne Congress, and subsequently the strategy of ‘propaganda by deed’

  United States: Chaikovsky and Godmen join Frey’s colony at Cedar Vale, Kansas; centenary of American Independence, French promise of Statue of Liberty as gift


  Date: 1877


  Russia: Trial of the Fifty: many more await trial; beating in prison of Bogoliubov for insolence; Russia declares war on Turkey over its activities in the Balkans

  Britain: Disraeli uses British fleet to deter Russian march on Constantinople

  Other European:

  Italy: Kravchinsky and Malatesta in Naples preparing for failed Matese insurrection in April

  Switzerland: Kropotkin returns

  Belgium: April: Universal Socialist Congress in Ghent

  Bosnia: Death of Madame Novikoff’s brother provides her with martyr

  United States: Disputed election of President Rutherford, with support of robber Barons

  July/Aug: Great Railroad Strike and Great Upheaval; Chaikovsky leaves Cedar Vale and is on the tramp; foundation of paramilitary Society for Education and Defense in Chicago; Edward Carpenter visits Walt Whitman in Camden

  Other: Malatesta active in Egypt

  Date: 1878

  France: Verne publishes The Begum’s Millions; Exposition Universelle in Paris: much of best work from exiled Communards; retirement of President MacMahon, succeeded by Jules Grévy

  Russia: Trial of the 193 produces mixed result, followed by repression

  24 Jan: Zasulich attempts to assassinate General Trepov

  4 Aug: Kravchinsky assassinates General Mezentsev

  Britain: Disraeli attracts anti-Semitic comment in Russia for his role in Berlin Congress

  Dec: Most starts publishing Freiheit

  Other European:

  Italy: Jan: Death of King Victor Emmanuel brings amnesty for socialist prisoners;

  Feb: Death of Pope Pius IX

  Germany: May: Hoedel attempt on life of Kaiser Wilhelm, followed by that of Nobeling. Severe crackdown results. Expulsion of Johann Most

  Italy: Attempt on life of Umberto I by Passanante; Pope Leo XIII inveighs against ‘Deadly pestilence of communism’

  Spain: Attempt on life of Alfonso XII

  United States:

  Other: June: Kanack revolt in New Caledonia brutally suppressed by April 1879

  Date: 1879

  France: Retirement of President MacMahon

  July: Amnesty of exiled Communards agreed

  Russia: 9 Feb: Assassination of Dmitri Kropotkin, governor of Kharkov; wave of strikes in St Petersburg; Rachkovsky recruited as informant by Third Section

  April: Attempt on life of Alexander II in Winter Palace garden by Soloviev; birth of group Freedom or Death

  June: Voronezh Congress, radicals adopt strategy of violence, out of which the People’s Will founded in Aug

  Nov. Failed bomb attack on tsar’s train


  Other European: Kropotkin and Reclus publish Le Révolté; Malatesta forced out of Switzerland under threat of arrest

  United States: Benjamin Tucker begins publication of Liberty

  Other: Nationalist revolt in Egypt; tension high between Russia and Britain on Afghan border

  Date: 1880

  France: Feb: Arrest of Lev Hartmann, would-be assassin of tsar, deported to England

  May: Violent demonstration in Père Lachaise on anniversary of Bloody Week

  June: Return of Henri Rochefort from Swiss exile

  Nov. Return of Louise Michel from New Caledonia

  Russia: Feb: Bomb in Winter Palace kills many guards; near-dictatorial powers for Loris-Melikov

  June: Death of tsarina and tsar’s remarriage to mistress Catherine Dolgorukaya; appointment of Loris-Melikov as chief of the Supreme Administrative Commission; attempt on his life

  Oct: Trial of the Sixteen, three of whom executed for conspiracy; police reform: Third Section disabled to be replaced by Okhrana

  Britain: April: return of Gladstone, Madame Novikoff’s friend, as prime minister; corruption scandal in British and Belgian police prompts reform

  Other European: Reclus publishes pamphlet Evolution and Revolution

  Oct: Kropotkin and Reclus in Switzerland prepare agenda for London Congress

  Germany: Cologne Cathedral completed after 600 years; Belfort Bax attends ceremony

  United States:

  Other: Young Egypt active in nationalist cause, on model of Young Italy

  Date: 1881

  France: Jan: Funeral of Blanqui, Michel delivers oration; France occupies Tunisia; first issue of shares in Panama Canal

  Oct: Bomb thrown into Bellecour Theatre in strike-bound Lyons

  Dec: Short-lived Gambetta premiership

  Russia: 1 March: Assassination of tsar

  10 March: Letter of executive committee to Alexander III; trial of conspirators and execution of five leading figures

  April: Anti-Jewish pogroms sweep the south; creation of the Holy Brotherhood

  Britain: Jan: Fenian bomb attack on Salford barracks, then in March on Mansion House

  June: London Anarchist Congress

  18 June: Trial of Johann Most, arrested March for celebrating tsar’s assassination; inaugural meeting of Henry Hyndman’s Social Democtratic Federation; Edward Carpenter proclaims as marking ‘a great new tide of human life’

  Other European: Pressure on Switzerland to act against political émigrés; Kropotkin expelled

  United States: 2 July: Assassination of President Garfield


  Date: 1882

  France: Jan: Crash of the Catholic Union Générale bank; Violent strikes and activities of the ‘Black Bands’ around Lyons

  Oct: Cyvoct imprisoned for life for the Bellecour bombing

  Dec: Arrest of Kropotkin, who had recently published Memoirs of a Revolutionist

  Russia: May: Sudeikin recruits Rachkovsky, following disbandment of Holy Brotherhood

  Britain: 6 May: Phoenix Park Murders in Dublin

  Other European:

  Spain: The supposed activities of the ‘Mano Negra’ groups provoke savage repression

  United States:

  Other: Malatesta back in Egypt to fight British

  Date: 1883

  France: March: Arrest of Louise Michel and Emile Pouget for inciting Paris bread riot; spate of writing, in France and elsewhere, concerned with degeneracy and decadence; Jules Ferry’s government begins policy of colonial expansion in South East Asia; young Melville as port watcher in France, dealing with Fenian provocateur Millen

  Russia: Arrest of 250 officers in Kronstadt garrison for People’s Will sympathies

  December: Murder of General Sudeikin by Degaev

  Britain: Fenian bombing campaign

  March: Death of Karl Marx

  April: Edward Carpenter sets up Millthorpe smallholding near Sheffield; publication in English of Underground Russia by Kravchinsky, now to be known as ‘Stepniak', who settles in London; William Morris and Edward Carpenter join Social Democratic Federation

  Other European: Anarchist bomb at Ganshoren, carried by Cyvoct

  Switzerland: Plekhanov and Zasulich create ’Emancipation o
f Labour’movement;

  Spain: hundreds arrested and tortured over alleged ‘Mano Negra’ conspiracy

  United States: Johann Most publishes The God Pestilence


  Date: 1884

  France: Rachkovsky arrives in Paris to hunt Degaev, subsequently takes over Okhrana bureau; Signac and Seurat meet and work together developing ‘post-Impressionist’ techniques

  Russia: Arrest of German Lopatin, elected leader of rump People’s Will following Vera Figner’s capture two years earlier

  Britain: Fenian bombing campaign; Morris leads 4,000 on commemorative march to grave of Marx; split in SDF, formation of Socialist League; Greenwich adopted as site of prime meridian; Reclus publishes An Anarchist on Anarchy in London Contemporary Review

  Other European:

  Germany: Attempt by Reinsdorf to blow up kaiser and government at Germania ceremony; Johann Neve’s network of activists uprooted; Pope Leo XIII issues encyclical Humanum genus urging a new inquisition against Freemasonry, socialism and anarchism

  United States: Pittsburgh meeting of American Federation of the Working People’s Association

  Other: Jan: General Gordon’s expedition to subdue Egypt

  Date: 1885

  France: May: Death of Victor Hugo; Rachkovsky writes to French police chief of his plans to disrupt émigré revolutionaries; Le Révolté transfers from Switzerland to Paris, now the centre of anarchism

  Russia: Myshkin, outspoken at Trial of the 193, shot in Schlüsselburg for assaulting a warden; visit of Frey, meets Tolstoy

  Britain: Fenian bombing campaign

  Sept: Dod Street clashes between socialists and the police: Morris arrested; first edition of Socialist League’s Commonweal published

  Other European: Jan: Police chief Rumpf assassinated in Frankfurt; International Congress of Criminal Anthropology; war between Serbia and self-declared Greater Bulgaria


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