The World That Never Was: A True Story of Dreamers, Schemers, Anarchists and Secret Agents

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The World That Never Was: A True Story of Dreamers, Schemers, Anarchists and Secret Agents Page 4

by Alex Butterworth

United States: Publication of Johann Most’s booklet Revolutionary Warfare; police captain Bonfield issues shoot-to-kill orders regarding streetcar strike amid mass unemployment, Chicago; Statue of Liberty arrives in New York Harbor

  Other: Jan: General Gordon trapped in Khartoum by Mahdi and killed; Malatesta travels to Argentina; prospects for gold in Patagonia

  Date: 1886

  France: Release of Louise Michel and Peter Kropotkin from prison, the latter a cause of diplomatic confrontation with Russia; troops stationed at strike-bound Decazeville mines in Aveyron

  March: Gallo throws Prussic acid into the Paris Bourse; General Boulanger appointed minister for war in Freycinet’s cabinet

  Oct: Clément Duval, member of the Panthers of Batignolles, commits burglary in the name of anarchism; publication of Verne’s Robur the Conqueror and Drumont’s La France Juive

  Russia: July: Alexander Kropotkin shoots himself in Siberia, unable to face prospect of release from exile

  Britain: 8 Feb: Trafalgar Square riot ('Black Monday'); Kropotkin settles in England, in Oct founds Justice with Charlotte Wilson; tensions in the Socialist League between anarchists and Marxists and suspicion of police infiltration; Morris publishes Pilgrims of Hope; Henry James, The Princess Casamassima; Richard Jefferies, After London

  Other European:

  Belgium: May: Commemoration of Commune results in a jacquerie

  Nov: Okhrana raid from France destroys Swiss printing presses of the People’s Will

  United States: McCormick strike in Chicago

  4 May: Haymarket bombing; Eleanor Marx speaks ‘brilliant words of fire’ to huge protest meeting in New York


  Date: 1887

  France: Paris police estimate more than 150 revolutionary groups in the city; Boulanger posted to Clermont-Ferrand; fall of Grévy’s government owing to scandal of honours-selling by son-in-law; return of General Boulanger to Paris; bankruptcy of Panama Canal company, previously concealed by bribes; Rachkovsky persuades Lev Tikhomirov, de facto leader of People’s Will, to recant

  Russia: Failed attempt to assassinate tsar by Alexander Ulyanov (older brother of Lenin) and others; conspirators hanged in May; Kennan revisits the tsarist labour camps in Siberia for Century Magazine; Russian population grown by almost 50 per cent in previous twenty years

  Britain: Jan: Hyndman publishes A Commune for England

  June: Jubilee Plot against Queen Victoria foiled; questionable role of police provacateurs under Edward Jenkinson; Eleanor Marx withdraws from Socialist League in protest at anarchists

  13 Nov: Trafalgar Square riot ('Bloody Sunday')

  Other European:

  Germany: April: Schnaebele border affair threatens war with France, Bismarck already re-elected; Wilhelm II succeeds to German Imperial Throne;

  Belgium: Provocateur Pourbaix lures socialist leader Defuisseaux into conspiracy and destroys career; Léo Taxil, now fiercely anti-masonic, granted audience with Pope Leo XIII

  United States: 11 Nov: Execution of Haymarket Martyrs

  Other: Malatesta active in anarchist propaganda in Buenos Aires; Auguste Vaillant lured into ‘peon’ labour in Argentina by emigration agents

  Date: 1888

  France: Jan: Louise Michel shot while lecturing in Le Havre; Boulangism at its height

  Russia: De Cyon helps broker transfer of large part of Russian debt from Germany to France

  Britain: Bryant and May matchgirls’ strike;

  Aug–Oct: Jack the Ripper murders in London’s East End; publication of TheTaking of Dover, imagining a Franco-Russian invasion; Special Branch no longer specifically ‘Irish’

  Other European: Number of anarchist demonstrations in Belgium outnumber those of all other socialist groups; anarchist James Ensor paints Christ’s Entry into Brussels

  United States: Publication of Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backwards, sells 200,000 copies; arrival of Russian immigrant Alexander Berkman


  Date: 1889

  France: April: Panama promoters provide slush fund for anti-Boulangist campaign: Boulanger forced into exile; Paris Exposition and centenary of French Revolution of 1789, Eiffel Tower; two concurrent socialist congresses in Paris plan for May Day 1890 and eight-hour-day demands

  Nov: Lecturing in Paris, Tarrida del Marmol demands ‘Anarchism without adjectives’

  Russia: April: Yakutsk massacre of internal exiles; Kara Outrage; Volkhovsky escapes from Siberia; after an appeal to the tsar, Tikhomirov received back into Orthodox, conservative fold

  Britain: Publication of Charles Booth’s poverty maps of London

  19 Aug: London Dock strike; publication of Stepniak’s Career of a Nihilist; Fabian Essays; arrival of Rochefort; in flight from treason charges as a Boulangist, attacked by Communard; return of Malatesta from Argentina

  Other European:

  Switzerland: Feb: Bomb testing kills one radical, injures another

  Belgium: Trial of ‘Grand Complot’ reveals dynamite supplied by police; Publication of La Revue Blanche

  Italy: First in a series of bank failures that La Civita Cattolica will blame on Jewish interests

  United States: Violent strikes in Colorado and American west


  Date: 1890

  France: May Day passes off without predicted confrontations; troops posted to Paris

  May: Arrest and trial of mainly Russian conspirators in bomb plot organised by ‘Landesen’

  Dec: Assassination of Seliverstoff in Paris

  Russia: Rapprochement with England suggested by Salisbury; Lazarev escapes from Siberia; Chekhov visits penal colony on Sakhalin

  Britain: The Society of Friends of Russian Freedom founded and Free Russia first published; publication of Morris’ News from Nowhere, Morris withdraws from Commonweal leaving it in anarchist hands

  July: Arrival of Louise Michel in London; Dr John Creagh, Auguste Coulon and Fred Charles in Sheffield, Carpenter absences

  Oct: Collapse of Barings Bank

  Other European: Burtsev in Bulgaria at time of bomb arrests in Paris; fall of Bismarck

  United States: Dec: Stepniak begins a visit and lecture tour of several months

  Other: Dec: Carpenter sails through Suez to Ceylon

  Date: 1891

  France: Jan: Rachkovsky and Minister of Interior Durnovo meet in Nice to discuss Okhrana strategy; Zo d’Axa founds L’En Dehors; doctrine of live according to instincts

  May: Violent clashes in Clichy and Fourmies; early macabre crimes by Ravachol; theft of explosives

  Russia: April: Jews expelled from Moscow; in St Petersburg for Exposition, for which exhibits borrowed from 1889 Paris, Flourens has meeting with tsar, arranged by back channels

  July: Visit of French naval squadron to Kronstadt

  Aug: Secret letters of Franco-Russian agreement’ de Mohrenheim to St Petersburg to take credit; widespread famine, denied by authorities

  Britain: Delivery of Russian Memorandum to Lord Salisbury’s government

  May: Inspector Melville of Special Branch informs Italian authorities of Malatesta’s travel plans; Melville offers his services, unofficially, to the Okhrana; recruitment of Coulon as Special Branch informant, who instigates Walsall bomb conspiracy; Oscar Wilde expresses anarchist sympathies in The Soul of Man Under Socialism; anarchist friend of Oscar Wilde, Barlas, fires revolver at Houses of Parliament

  Other European:

  Switzerland: Rachkovsky uses forged documents to disrupt Russian émigrés

  Spain: Malatesta on lecture tour, advised to avoid violence in Cadiz

  Belgium: Suicide of General Boulanger in Brussels

  Italy: Malatesta expelled

  United States: Evalenko aka Sergeyev sent to infiltrate Society of Friends of Russian Freedom

  Other: Most again imprisoned on Blackwell’s Island

  Date: 1892

  France: Feb and March: Bombings by Ravachol and others, Ravachol arrested at Café Véry

sp; 25 April: Café Véry bombing by Meunier; Malatesta and Emile Henry dispute in print the validity of terror tactics; L’En Dehors speaks out against police conspiracy to talk up bomb risks

  Sept: Scandal of Panama Canal bribes in Drumont’s Libre Parole

  Nov: Henry targets Carmaux Mining Company with bomb that explodes in police station; flees to London

  Russia: Sergei Witte becomes influential finance minister; as a young lawyer in Samara, among exiles, Lenin assimilates People’s Will ideas

  Britain: 7 Jan: Arrest of Walsall conspirators; influx of French and Italian anarchists swells the émigré colonies; Sûreté officials follow; Russian immigration to East End at high levels

  6 May: Trial of Nicoll and Mowbray on incitement charges, latter acquitted

  July: Inspector Houllier to London

  Other European:

  Spain: Jan: Insurrection in Jerez; four ringleaders executed

  Belgium: Rochefort visiting Ostende and duelling nearby; three days of bomb attacks in Liège

  Switzerland: Documents forged by Okhrana circulating, including one accusing Stepniak of selling out to England

  Germany: Cholera epidemic in Hamburg

  United States: March: Documents forged by Okhrana circulating, including one accusing Stepniak of selling out to England

  June: Henry Clay Frick becomes chairman of Carnegie Steel Company; strike begins at Homestead steelworks, Pinkertons deployed

  13 July: Berkman wounds Frick in assassination attempt; Most horsewhipped by Goldman


  Date: 1893

  France: July: Riot follows Bal des Quat'z'Arts in Paris; election of government with ‘socialist’ representation; expropriations carried out by anarchists operating out of London, many arrested

  12 Oct: Russian fleet visits Toulon and sailors later received in Paris

  12 Nov: Leauthier stabs Serb ambassador

  9 Dec: Vaillant throws bomb into Chamber of Deputies;

  12 Dec: Enactment of the ‘Lois Scélérates’ the Wicked Laws

  Russia: Jan: Russian commission of inquiry into Panama visits Paris and London; recruitment of Evno Azef into the Okhrana; secret military agreement signed with France

  Britain: Five Russian nihilists deported to Dover by the French authorities

  April: William Melville appointed head of Special Branch

  Sept: Strikes and riot at Featherstone; publication of Griffith’s Angel of the Revolution

  Dec: Publication of attacks on anarchists by ‘Z’ and ‘Ivanoff’

  Other European:

  Spain: 10 Feb: garrotting of supposed Jerez ringleaders

  Italy: Peasant revolts in Sicily, anarchists active in Carrara marble quarries

  Sept: Attempted bomb assassination of Captain-General of Catalonia by Paulino Pallas

  Nov: Bombing of Liceo Opera in Barcelona

  United States: Feb: Senate agrees extradition treaty with Russia

  June: New York stock market crashes; Rachkovsky hires Pinkertons to follow Korolenko; Columbia World’s Fair in Chicago; Governor Altgelt of Illinois posthumously pardons three of Haymarket Martyrs


  Date: 1894

  France: Meeting in Paris between Henry and ‘Bourdin brother’; provocateur Dumont also there

  12 Feb: Café Terminus bombing by Emile Henry

  March: Pauwels killed by bomb he was carrying to La Madeleine

  April: Foyot Restaurant bomb

  21 May: Execution of Henry

  24 June: President Carnot assassinated by Caserio

  Aug–Oct: Trial of the Thirty, most anarchists acquitted

  Russia: Manasevich-Manuilov visits Rachkovksy in Paris to inspect his activities

  April: Bonus paid to Rachkovsky for his recent successes

  Nov: Death of Tsar Alexander III

  Britain: 15 Feb: Bourdain killed by bomb he was carrying in Greenwich Park; last Gladstone ministry ends

  12 April: Meunier arrested by Melville

  14 and 22 April: Polti and Farnara arrested; visit to lecture by Emma Goldman; anarchist exiles losing heart

  July: Salisbury fails to force Aliens Act through Parliament

  Other European:

  Belgium: Feb: Following withdrawal of lectureship at Free University, Reclus helps found New University

  May: Liège bombings instigated by mysterious Russian Baron Ungern-Sternberg

  Italy: Bombs in Rome

  Spain: 21 May: six convicted for Liceo bombing plot

  United States:

  Other: Massacre of insurrectionary anarchist prisoners on Devil’s Island

  Date: 1895

  France: Jan: Formal humiliation of Captain Dreyfus, found guilty of espionage, witnessed by Herzl

  Feb: Amnesty laws allow return of Rochefort and anarchists; Signac exhibits In a Time of Anarchy now titled In a Time of Harmony; attacks by de Cyon on Finance Minister Sergei Witte in Nouvelle Revue; foundation of Pelloutier’s Confédération générale de Travail

  Russia: Esterhazy, the real spy in Dreyfus case, said to have been working as much for Russia as Germany; waves of strikes, with Plekhanov’s Marxism helping bind the masses; Kropotkin comments to Grave that the anarchists must struggle against Marxists in Russia

  Britain: Feb–May: Mclntyre’s ‘Revelations’ about Coulon’s role in Walsall plot in Reynold’s Newspaper

  May: Trial and conviction of Oscar Wilde on evidence produced by Littlechild, ex-Special Branch

  Dec: Death of Stepniak in apparent railway accident

  Other European:

  Belgium: Jan: Trial of Liège conspirators: official cover-up of Okhrana role; Reclus embarks on plans for Great Globe

  United States: Okhrana agent Evalenko returns to London, having destroyed Society of Friends of Russian Freedom; United States overtakes Great Britain in steel production


  Date: 1896

  France: Oct: Laying of foundation stone of Alexander III Bridge in Paris: Rochefort and Boisdeffre present; anarchist Lazare challenges validity of Dreyfus conviction; Reclus explores issue of anti-Semitism: ‘As for the question of race, it becomes lost in the social question'; Harting given the Légion d’honneur, despite five-year sentence pending as ‘Landesen’

  Russia: Jan: Coronation of Nicholas II, tragedy of Khodynka Field; Pobedonostsev out of favour; exposed by Gorky as an informer, Golovinsky flees to Paris to work as forger for Rachkovsky

  Britain: July: London Congress of the Second International: anarchists excluded

  Oct: Death of William Morris; Carpenter takes the news to Fred Charles in prison, who weeps; Carpenter, McMillan, Shaw, Forecasts of the Coming Century

  Dec: Burtsev arrested by Melville

  Other European:

  Portugal: Feb: Bomb in Lisbon against doctor who had declared an anarchist insane

  Spain: 7 June: Corpus Christi bombing in Barcelona

  Austria: Anti-Masonic congress at Trent

  Germany: Johann Neve dies in prison

  United States:


  Date: 1897

  France: April: Jogand-Pages aka Léo Taxil reveals his long-running Masonic hoax at Paris Geographical Society; La Revue Blanche publishes its ‘Inquiry into the Commune', contributions from Reclus, Michel, Grave, Rochefort

  Russia: Ivan Pavlov, ex-student of de Cyon, publishes his research into Conditioned Responses

  Britain: Burtsev publishes incendiary journal Narodovolets

  May: Thousands attend Trafalgar Square meeting of Montjuich torture victims

  16 Dec: Arrest of Burtsev by Melville, in connivance with Rachkovsky; foundation of League of Libertarian Education

  Other European:

  Spain: 8 Aug: Assassination of Spanish Prime Minister Canovas by Angiolillo

  Switzerland: First Zionist Congress in Basle; Okhrana raid on de Cyon’s villa at Territet

  Italy: Malatesta present during riots in Ancona

  United States: Sep
t: Ten-week strike by 75,000 miners in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio; twenty shot dead on last day; Benjamin Tucker argues for passive resistance, rather than ballot or violence, in coming revolution


  Date: 1898

  France: Jan: Zola publishes open letter to President Faure concerning Dreyfus case: ‘J'Accuse’; forgeries used to substantiate Dreyfus charges revealed

  Russia: Aug: Attack planned by anarchists or nihilists at monument to Alexander II, foiled; Evno Azef returns to Russia; economic slump following overinvestment in now completed railways; Tsiolkovsky begins intensive research into space rockets

  Britain: Feb: Trial of Burtsev, sentenced to eighteen months’ hard labour

  May: Arrest of Bedborough for obscenity over sale of Havelock Ellis to Special Branch undercover officer

  Other European:

  Italy: Malatesta arrested and sentenced to five years on Lampedusa but escapes; cannon fired into bread demonstration in Milan; bourgeoisie watch from their balconies

  Switzerland: 10 Sept: Assassination of Empress Elizabeth of Austria

  Italy: Nov–Dec: Rome Anti-Anarchist Congress

  United States:


  Date: 1899




  Other European:

  Italy: Malatesta escapes from penal colony on Lipari

  United States: Most on communism: ‘Communism is conceivable only in anarchy, and anarchy is possible only through communism'; Thorstein Veblen publishes The Theory of the Leisure Class


  Date: 1900




  Other European:

  Italy: 29 June: Assassination of King Umberto I by Bresci

  United States: Carnegie sells out to JP Morgan for $480 million, making him the richest man on earth


  Date: 1901

  France: Encausse as ‘Niet’ censures Witte and Rachkovsky’s financial dealings in Echo de Paris


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