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Fight Me

Page 12

by Lacey Black

  “How is he?” Nate asks.

  It’s Maddox who replies first. “He’s stable. Will was just here a few moments ago and said he hadn’t come to yet.”

  “Was Will in the ambulance?” Nate asks.

  “Yep. He was awesome through it all. He remained calm and collected the whole time, even after he realized it was his brother lying there.”

  “So, what happened?” Nate asks Maddox. “When you called, you didn’t get out anything more than to say that Jake was shot before all hell broke loose at the house.”

  “We responded to a domestic call. When we arrived, the man was in the house with a rifle to his wife’s head. I went around back to try to gain access to the residence while Jake stayed up front and talked to the assailant. We both got inside the house about the same time. Jake distracted the assailant while I jumped him from behind, Jake covering the wife. He was able to get her outside immediately and out of harm’s way. But, while in the struggle, the gun fired. We both thought it was a wild shot until we got outside.” The look on Maddox’s face told the story. He was tortured by the incident and the resulting injury to his partner, his best friend.

  “When we got outside, I noticed that he was bleeding from the back of the head. He was real shaky on his feet and very pale. He started to sweat and looked like he couldn’t focus on my face. That’s when I looked down and saw the blood all over his arm and uniform sleeve. I realized he was hit by that stray bullet. That’s when he blacked out.”

  The room was silent as everyone absorbed the details of the incident. I feel an arm go around my shoulder, but I have no idea who it is. I can’t stop staring at the floor.

  “Honey, are you okay?” I hear and realize that the question is directed at me.

  I shake my head up and down, but know that until I actually see Jake with my own eyes and know that he’s truly okay, I won’t be alright. I need to see him, touch him, hold him more than anything right now.

  The next thirty minutes feel like days. Horrible days that just drag on and on and on. Cops are in and out of the waiting area, all checking in and seeing if there are any updates on Jake. An older gentleman has been here for about twenty minutes and is sitting in the seat next to Maddox. I overheard conversation that he is their lieutenant.

  When a doctor finally comes into the waiting area, the entire Stevens family is up on their feet in a flash.

  “I’m Doctor Cambridge. Jake is awake and alert.” I feel the breath I’m holding exhale loudly as happiness settles over me. There’s audible exhales all around me as everyone takes a moment to breathe again. “The bullet that hit Jake was a flesh wound to the upper left arm. He’s going to be fine; sore, but fine. We were able to stitch that up nicely. My biggest concern has been the blow to Jake’s head. He was unconscious until just a bit ago and doesn’t remember much about the incident after hitting his head. We had to give him a few staples to close up the gash. The CT scan came back clear for bleeding on his brain, but he’s nursing a pretty big concussion. We’re going to keep him overnight to monitor that, but if all continues to improve, he should be able to go home sometime tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Thank you so much, doctor,” Michael exclaims as he extends his hand towards the doctor with a smile on his face.

  “He’s a tough guy. He’ll pull through just fine,” Doctor Cambridge adds.

  “Can we see him?” Elizabeth asks anxiously.

  “They’re moving him to a room right now. As soon as he’s settled, I’ll have the nurse come out and get you.”

  After many “thanks” and handshakes to the doctor, he heads back down the hallway. I wait for the relief to wash over my body, but it doesn’t entirely do so. I need to see Jake. I’ll be okay when I see Jake.

  I sit back down in my chair and Avery comes over and sits next to me. She laces her hand within mine and leans her head against my shoulder. I feel the warmth of friendship wash over me, something I’ve never really felt before. I’ve had friends before, but this feels different. This feels deeper.

  “He’s going to be okay,” she whispers.

  “Yes. He is,” I reply as I close my eyes and rest my head against hers.

  “He’s too stubborn to really hurt himself too much,” she adds with a smile.

  I laugh at the truth in her statement. I look down at our linked hands and realize I have tan and chocolate brown paint all over my hands. When I sit up straighter, I realize I’m covered in paint. I’m a hot mess! I’m wearing a pair of big, baggy sweatpants and a sweatshirt that doesn’t even match.

  “Oh my God, do you have a mirror?” I ask with a panic.

  Avery reaches for her bag and pulls out a compact mirror. When I flip it open, I’m shocked by my unruly appearance. My hair is pulled up in a crazy bun that has pieces of hair sticking out every which way. I’m wearing no make-up and have dark paint splattered all over my face. I am a walking disaster!

  I groan at my appearance as I snap the compact shut and hand Avery back the mirror.

  “You look fine,” she says.

  “I look like a disaster!”

  “You were in a bit of a hurry when you left the house, Erin. I take it you were painting?”

  “Yeah, I was painting my office. I was just starting the second coat when you called. I should head home and clean up.”

  “No way! You’re not leaving.”

  “I’ll let you guys all spend some time with him and then I’ll come back up and visit later. You guys need some family time.”

  “You are family, too, Erin. Whether you and Jake see it yet or not, you are a part of this family, too.”

  Since I don’t really know how to respond, I don’t. A few minutes later, a young nurse comes into the waiting room and tells us that Jake is ready for visitors. His parents take off down the hallway after the nurse, followed closely behind by his brothers, sister, Maddox, and Brooklyn. I hang back a little bit, not wanting to impose on their family time.

  “Get up here,” I hear Maddox say. When I look up, he’s turned around at the threshold of an open doorway and waiting for me. “He’s going to want to see you most of all.” Maddox gives me a knowing grin and walks into the room.

  As I approach the doorway, I see Jake’s parents lean down and giving him huge hugs and kisses. Brooklyn is trying to get up on the bed, but Maddox grabs her and holds her just out of reach so she can’t grab a hold of Jake and hurt him any further. Will, Travis, and Nate all shake his good hand – which fortunately is his right hand - and go to stand over in the corner. Avery practically jumps on the bed causing Jake to wince in pain at the impact of her body against his. Maddox gently pries her off of her brother and bends down to hug his friend.

  When Jake looks up and sees me standing in the doorway, my heart stops beating. Our eyes lock in the most intense moment of my life. I love him. Seeing him laying in that hospital bed, IV hooked up to his arm, bandages wrapped around part of his head and his arm, I realize that I am so over the top in love with Jake Stevens that I can’t even think straight. My heart squeezes and crashes against my chest as I take in his slightly battered features.

  Jake reaches his good hand out towards me, and that’s when the tears finally come. Relief washes over me like a summer rainstorm as I stare into his beautiful crystal blue eyes. I slowly make my way towards him, no longer aware that there are other people in the hospital room. As I reach out and take his extended hand, he pulls me down onto his bed next to him. He reaches up and gently wipes away the tears on my face.

  “Hi,” he says with a small smile.

  “Hi,” I reply, still staring deep into his eyes. “Are you okay?”

  Jake pulls me against his big broad chest and wraps his uninjured arm around my shoulders. “I’m perfect now,” he says as he inhales my hair deeply.

  The Stevens family stays and visits with Jake for another hour until everyone is starting to get hungry. “Come on everyone. Let’s head to the Café to grab dinner since the one I was making at home probably
isn’t edible anymore. Jake, can we bring you back something to eat, dear?”

  “No thanks, Mom. I’m going to get some rest. Thanks, though.”

  One by one, the entire group goes over to Jake and gives him a hug or a handshake. When everyone has filed out of the room, Elizabeth turns to me. “You coming, dear? You’re more than welcome. I’m sure you’re starving too.”

  I look between her and Jake. I really want to stay with Jake for a little longer and then head home and clean up. I still feel gross and unpresentable. “Umm, no thank you. I think I’m going to stay here for just a few more minutes and then head home. Thank you so much for the offer.”

  Mrs. Stevens gives me a knowing smile and waves as she walks out of the hospital room with the promise to return very soon.

  “Come here, you,” Jake says as he holds out his good arm for me to sink down into his embrace on the bed. “It’s about time they all left,” he adds as he places a kiss on the top of my head.

  “I can leave too and let you get some rest.”

  “I don’t want you to leave. I want you to stay here with me. I feel better when you’re in my arms. Arm,” he adds with a cocky smile.

  “I can’t believe you got shot,” I whisper as the tears threaten to spill over my eyes again.

  “It was just a graze. I’m fine. My head is fucking killing me though. How bad is the back? Can you see the staples?” I sit up as Jake leans forward. There’s a bandage there, but I gently lift it up and peek inside.

  “Yeah, that doesn’t look so hot. They had to shave a little area around it.”

  “I figured. It already itches like crazy.”

  After I snuggle back into Jake’s embrace, I take another deep breath and let the feel of his body wash over me. “I’m so glad you are okay. I was so scared when I got that phone call.”

  “I’m sorry I scared you, darlin’. It’s gonna take more than a stray bullet and a coffee table to get rid of me.”

  I laugh a little before I reply, “Your sister said pretty much the same thing.”

  He chuckles. “Oh, I bet she did,” he says with a big yawn.

  “I’m going to head out and let you rest. Besides, I’m in desperate need of a shower.”

  “I don’t want you to leave yet.” When I look up at Jake, his eyes are closed. “What were you painting?”

  “I was just starting the second coat in my office. I think I have more on my body than I actually got on the walls.”

  “You look adorable as hell,” he mumbles and shifts himself to a more comfortable position - without letting go of me.

  As I lay with Jake on the hospital bed, I take in all of the sounds around me. The slow beeping of the machines, the steady drip from the IV pump, the even sounds of Jake’s breathing against my head. I’m completely comforted by the feel of his strong arm wrapped around me. It’s the only place I want to be - wrapped up in the strong arms of the man I love. That’s my last thought as I slowly succumb into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Eleven


  My head is pounding as I slowly wake from a fitful sleep. One arm is aching and has a slight burning feeling. The other arm is pinned. I quickly realize that it’s pinned under the beautiful redhead that filled my dreams last night.

  Yesterday starts to all come back to me at that moment. The dull ache of my arm and head, the gunshot, the hospital room. Thankfully, it’s just a flesh wound so I should be able to get out of here today. The doc said the bump on my head is what concerns them the most. But, I know I’ll be fine if I can get out of here and into my own house. Hell, maybe I can sweet talk a smoking hot redhead to come over and play nursemaid for me. Now, that thought makes me smile.

  Erin starts to rouse from sleep, opening her beautiful green eyes and looking up at me.

  “Morning, darlin’.”

  “Good morning.” She sits up and looks at my other arm and face, concern etching her beautiful features. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  “Better. I’m ready to go home.”

  “You can go home when the doctor says you’re ready to go home, Jake. You can’t overdo this. You’ll end up back in here.”

  “I’m fine. Give me a few Tylenols, and I’m good to go. Come here and give me a kiss.”

  Erin leans forward and places a gentle kiss on my lips. The kiss goes straight to my groin and I’m hard instantly. “I’m a little sore down here. Maybe you should kiss that too and make it feel a lot better,” I say against her lips with a smile.

  Erin pulls back, eyes wide, and swats at my good arm. “Behave, you,” she says with a laugh.

  Just then a knock sounds at the door and Maddox walks in. “Am I interrupting?”

  “Yes,” I say at the exact same time Erin says, “No.”

  “I’m going to head home to shower and change. I’ll be back up in a little bit, okay?”

  “Okay, darlin’. Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “See that you don’t, Mister. Be nice to the nurses.” She leans down and gives me another kiss on the lips. As she walks towards the door, she says good-bye to Maddox.

  Maddox approaches my bed and sits down at the seat next to my bed. “How’d you sleep?” he asks.

  “Not bad. You?”

  “Like shit.” Maddox pauses with a pained look on his face. He looks like shit. His hair is sticking up all crazy like he’s ran his hand through it all night, his eyes are shadowed, and his face hasn’t been shaved. It’s like he can’t decide which side to take on the internal debate going on in his head. “I just can’t stop thinking about what we should have done differently.”

  “Don’t. Don’t do that. We did everything we were supposed to do. That guy had a gun trained at his wife’s head. It was our job to put ourselves in harm’s way. To take her place in front of the barrel of that gun. That’s the oath we took. We did everything we were supposed to do to keep that woman safe. None of this is your fault, Maddox.”

  “Deep down I know that, really I do. But I still can’t help but feel guilty over it. I tackled that man and he pulled the trigger.”

  “That’s right, he pulled the trigger, not you. So quit this guilt shit. I’d do it all over again, exactly the same way, if I had the choice.”

  Maddox looks at me a few moments before finally shaking his head. “So, listen. Avery and I were talking about the parties this Saturday night. We’re cancelling them in light of your shooting and head injury.”

  “Hell no, you’re not cancelling them! I’m the freaking best man. You can’t cancel the party, only I can cancel the party. And I’m not cancelling the party.”

  “Dude, you were shot and have a concussion.”

  “I don’t care. I’ll be fine by Saturday night. Besides, I don’t have to drink. I’ll be your designated driver.”

  “You?” Maddox asks, eyebrows arched to the ceiling.

  “Yes, me. I’ll drive your drunk ass around from stop to stop. I have the whole night planned and everything. I’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure? Avery will kill me if something happens to you Saturday night.”

  “Like I said, I’ll be fine. My best friend is getting married next weekend. We have a lot to celebrate.”

  Maddox gives me a grin before he stands up. He walks over to me and bends down for a hug. “I’m so damn glad you are okay, man.”

  “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”

  “Believe me, I know,” he says with a laugh as he heads towards the door. “We’ll stop by your place as soon as you get sprung from the joint.”

  “Deal. Bring the pizza.”

  “Deal,” he says as he walks out of my room.

  Maddox’s bachelor party is Saturday night. That reminds me, as I grab for my cell phone. I have a stripper to confirm.

  A few minutes after I get off the phone confirming Saturday night’s entertainment, Nate walks in with a big smile on his face.

  “What’s up, man?”

  “Not much. I was just on
my way to the fire station and wanted to drop this off. I thought maybe Erin would be here so I could return it to her,” Nate says as he lays her cell phone down on my bedside table.

  “How’d you get that?” I ask - and I’ll admit - my tone not very friendly.

  “Chill, man. When I went to her house to pick her up and bring her here yesterday, I dropped it in my pocket.”

  “Oh,” I say as I consider his words. “Thanks for picking her up and bringing her. It was nice to see her face.”

  Nate sits down in the chair Maddox just vacated a bit ago. “I’ll be completely honest with you, dude. When I got to her house yesterday, she was a mess. She had this distant, far off look on her face. I knocked on the front door and when she didn’t answer, I just let myself in. I hollered a few times but didn’t get a response so I started checking all the rooms. I finally found her upstairs in the office she was painting clutching her cell phone to her chest. I picked it up and realized that Travis was still on the other end. Once I told him we were on our way, I practically had to carry her down the stairs and out the door. She was freaked the hell out. It scared the shit out of me.”

  I sit there for a few minutes, processing what Nate just told me. Was Erin that upset and scared at the thought of something happening to me? Is she going to be able to deal with this side of my life if we were to consider a relationship? I’m a cop one-hundred and ten percent. I can’t imagine myself doing anything else, but what if Erin can’t handle my occupational hazards because, let’s face it, I have them every time I put on my uniform and slip on that badge.

  “Well, thanks again for getting her. I just wish I didn’t have to upset or worry her. But it’s my job, you know?”

  “Yeah, I know. If anyone understands that, it’s me. I think that’s part of the reason I haven’t been too worried about settling down and finding a wife. I don’t want to leave her a widow. Too many firemen parish in fires every year. It’s a scary thought.”

  “It is,” I reply looking down at the blanket covering my legs.


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