Book Read Free

Time Will Tell

Page 4

by Chantal Fernando

  Zach pauses the game and turns to me. “No, we don’t see each other like that. We’re good friends. Family even.”

  I run my teeth along my bottom lip. “It’s just that last night, I thought she was yours. I know you said she wasn’t, so I thought it was casual or something.”

  “She’s not casual,” he replies, a thoughtful expression on his face. “As long as I’ve known her, I’ve never seen or heard of her hooking up with anyone. She gets asked out, maybe even goes on a date or two, but that’s about it.”

  “My mistake,” I reply.

  My huge fucking mistake.

  She isn’t going to look twice at me now.

  “You like her, don’t you?” Zach asks.

  I look away. “She’s beautiful, of course…”

  “Why didn’t you fucking say something last night?” he growls, looking angry.

  I sit up straighter. “When was I going to say something? When you were all over her? Or when your dad was giving me threatening looks and telling me how she’s such a good girl?”

  Zach cringes. “I wasn’t all over her, and yeah, Dad’s protective, but he’ll get over it.”

  “You were all over her.” And I didn’t fucking like it.

  “Why the fuck would you go home with that girl if you liked Trillian? That’s fuckin’ stupid.”

  I look at my friend, and for the first time since we were kids, I want to strangle the shit out of him. “I thought you and she had a thing, your dad silently threatened me, and I’m just passing through and have nothing to offer except a quick fuck. Pick one, Zachary.”

  “Shit, no need to full name me,” he mutters.

  “Why does it seem like you want me to hook up with Trill?” I ask, suspicious.

  He resumes the game and continues to play. “You’re a good man, Xander. She could do a lot worse.”

  Well, this good man left with another woman last night and ruined his chances.

  “Thanks, I think. Not that it matters now.”

  Zach flashes me an odd look. “I guess not. Do you want her number? Or will you just go next door?”

  “Are you sure she wants to hang out with me?” I ask. Maybe she doesn’t even care that I left with Paula last night. Zach said she didn’t usually pay attention to any men. Why the hell would I be any different?

  “Yeah, she said she would.”

  Either she doesn’t care or the woman is a saint.

  “I’ll just go over to her house then, I guess. Will her parents be there or what?” I ask, wondering what her parents will think of her hanging out with me. Then again, she hangs out with Zach, and I’m not any worse than he is. Unless they have a problem with tattoos, then I’m shit out of luck.

  Zach’s body goes still. “She lives there alone. Why do you think I check on her all the time?”

  “What do you mean, she lives there alone?” I ask, scowling.

  A young, beautiful, sweet girl like her living alone? I don’t like it.

  “Her dad died two years back,” Zach replies in a low tone.


  Looks like we have something fucked up in common.

  “Yeah, now she’s alone.”

  “Her mum?” I ask, hoping she isn’t dead, too.

  “Left her when she was a kid. No one knows where she is,” Zach replies sadly, turning off the game and staring straight ahead of him.

  “That’s fucked up,” I say quietly.

  “Yeah, no idea how she came out so well. But her dad was awesome, loved her to bits. She was devastated when he died.”

  That sounds familiar.

  “And now she has no one?” I ask, feeling for the beautiful girl. She is way too young to have lost both her parents and to be living all alone. I’ve lost my dad, but I still have my mum and sister. She has no one, and here I am feeling sorry for myself when she has it a million times worse. I think about what it must have been like for her, my chest starting to hurt.

  Does she do everything for herself with no help? How does she manage financially?

  Fuck, she’s such an independent, strong girl.

  Zach throws me a look. “She has me, dickhead.”

  I really don’t think that makes up for the loss of her family, but I decide to change the subject. “Where’s Grim, anyway?”

  “He stays at the clubhouse more often than not. It’s usually just me here. I’d probably be there more often, too if it weren’t for Trillian.”

  So much for changing the subject.

  “Dad’s got some club business tonight. He’s meeting with Sin, the president of another chapter of Wind Dragons.”

  Sounded like club shit that I didn’t need to know.

  “I could just stay in tonight,” I think aloud.

  Zach shrugs. “Then she can keep you company for a bit. I already spoke to her about it. If you want, I’ll go over to her place and say you don’t feel like going out. She’ll probably assume you have other plans like—”

  “I’ll go,” I interrupt. “It’s a Saturday night. There should be shit to do, right?”

  Zach chuckles, knowing he has me. “Sure. The usual nightlife, movies, parties and all that shit.”

  “What do you have going on at the clubhouse?” I ask curiously, lifting my feet up onto the coffee table in front of me.

  “Party,” he replies, grinning. “I’d bring you, but it’s for Wind Dragon club members only. Like I said, another chapter is here and we always show them a good time. Offer them our hospitality and shit.”

  “I can only imagine what kind of party,” I reply in a dry tone, making Zach laugh.

  “You could always prospect for the club and find out,” he says, smirking. Not the first time he’s said something like this, and it won’t be the last.

  “No, thanks,” I reply. “This is just a temporary visit.”

  “I know, I know,” he mutters. “Did you enjoy last night?”

  I glance at him. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  More like, I don’t fuck and tell because I actually didn’t kiss her on the mouth. I know that makes me an asshole, but she knew why she was there and it wasn’t for me to romance her with sweet kisses—it was for both of us to get off. Besides, after staring at Trillian’s lips all night, hers paled in comparison, and I had no desire to taste them.

  “Well, I know from experience, she’s good at head,” he adds casually.

  Did he really just say that? This guy.

  My eyes narrow dangerously. “Please don’t tell me you passed me your sloppy seconds?”

  He shrugs. “What? It’s hard to find a hot girl in town I haven’t been with.”

  You could look right next door for one.

  “You’re something else, you know that?” I reply, shaking my head. “We’re close but we’re not that close. I don’t want someone who’s had your dick in her mouth.”

  Zach laughs, spreading his arms out on the back of the couch. “It was a while back, don’t worry. It wasn’t like it happened recently.”

  That’s not the fucking the point.

  “The next time you bring a girl my way, I’m going to be a lot more wary.” As in, I’m going to say no way in hell.

  “Oh, come on, I was a good host.”

  I shake my head at him. “You’re fuckin’ insane.”

  He just grins.

  Why is he my friend again?


  I knock on the door twice and take a step back. Rubbing my palms together, I hear the door unlock then slide open.

  “Hey, Xander,” she says, smiling shyly. Her cheeks are a little pink, and her hair is tied up and piled on top of her head. She’s so beautiful that for a second, I don’t speak, but just take her in.


  “Hey, Trillian,” I finally say.

  She opens the door wider. “Come on in, make yourself at home.”

  I step inside and she closes the door behind me. I smell something delicious and sweet.

  “What did you want
to do tonight?” she asks as we walk side by side into a large kitchen. She stands next to the oven while I stare at her ass as she bends over to open it.

  “What would you normally be doing tonight?” I ask, wanting to know more about her.

  She straightens and turns to me. “Nothing much. Studying, probably. Or reading. Or baking.”

  I glance down at the oven. “What are you baking?”

  She grins and I notice a dimple in her right cheek. Christ, she’s fuckin’ cute.

  “Cupcakes. Have a seat.”

  I move to the table and take a seat.

  “Can I get you something to drink or eat?” she asks as she watches me.

  Fuck, she’s sweet.

  “I’m okay, thanks. I thought we could maybe grab some dinner somewhere,” I say. I haven’t eaten anything since Zach and I had pizza for lunch.

  “Okay, sounds good,” she replies. “I’ll just finish the cupcakes and then we can go.”

  I nod. I want to address what happened last night, but know there isn’t a way to speak about it without the two of us admitting what is going on in our heads. I don’t think I’m ready for that, and I have no idea how she feels. She’s just a gorgeous, decent, sweet nice girl, and for all I know, she could be like this with everyone. Still, I’m drawn to her. I don’t know why, but I am.

  “Who are the cupcakes for?” I find myself asking. “They smell good.”

  She blushes. “They’re not for anyone exactly. I just felt like baking. Zach always comes over and eats them or my friend April. Grim drops by every now and again, too.”

  I don’t know what she’s blushing over exactly, but I smile at her in an attempt to make her more comfortable around me.

  “You can eat one from my first batch,” she says, watching me expectantly.

  I pick up one and take a big bite.

  “It’s good,” I say, moaning softly. “Really good.”

  I don’t know if it tastes so good just because I know she made it, but either way, it just melts in my mouth. Vanilla with choc chips. I approve.

  “Thanks,” she says, ducking her head. “They’re easy enough to make. Anyone could do it.”

  “I doubt anyone could,” I tell her. “Especially this good.”

  She glances up and smiles. It hits me straight in the chest.

  I don’t know why, but I want her to like me even though nothing can ever come of it.

  What the hell am I doing here? She knows I left with that chick last night. What must she think of me?

  I want her to see who I really am.


  I have no idea.

  Chapter Six


  He’s standing in my kitchen.

  When it hit seven p.m. with no contact from Zach or Xander, I thought for sure they had changed their plans, yet here he is. He looks good wearing dark jeans and a black t-shirt that fits him just right. I stare at his tattoos for a second, mesmerised by the intricate art.

  “Do you have any tattoos?” he asks suddenly, having caught me staring.

  I look down at my French manicured nails and shake my head. “No, no tattoos.”

  I do have a belly ring, though, that I got on my eighteenth birthday, which I think is quite pretty. The timer on the oven goes off, so I turn the oven off and pull out the cupcakes.

  “Do you need any help?” he asks, walking over to me. “Or will I ruin the masterpieces if I try?”

  My lip curls up at that. “They are easy enough. I’m just going to put some icing and sprinkles on these ones as soon as they’ve cooled down a little.”

  We wait and I get him a drink.

  “Nice place you have here,” he says before he takes a sip of his soda.

  I look around. “Thanks. I don’t like clutter, which is why it’s kind of bare.”

  And white. Everything was white. My dad liked it that way, and so did I.

  “I like it,” he murmurs and then takes another sip. I watch his throat work as he swallows. “You have good taste.”

  “Thank you,” I reply, smiling shyly.

  When ten minutes passes, he washes his hands in the sink then comes to stand next to me, our shoulders almost touching. Xander is tall, so I have to lift my head up to look at his face. I’m about five-six, so he must be well over six foot. I pass him the icing tube and watch as he carefully swirls icing onto one of the cupcakes, his forehead scrunching in concentration. When he’s done, I hand him the sprinkles and let him finish off the cupcake. Then we both work together, decorating all twelve of them as we see fit.

  “I don’t think this was how you expected your evening to go,” I say, my eyes on the cupcake he is icing. He is never going to come to my house again, that’s for damn sure.

  But he just smiles. “I like watching you do this. I can tell you love it. You seem to be in your element.”

  “I do love it,” I admit, glancing up at him. “Plus, it keeps me busy.”

  “I’m sorry about your dad,” he suddenly says, lifting his hand up and brushing his fingers across my cheek.

  “Zach told you about that, huh?” I say, repeating his words from last night. I shiver from his simple touch, from his close proximity. He smells so good, like leather mixed with soap.

  “He mentioned it,” he replies vaguely. “I may have been asking a few questions about you.”

  I swallow hard. “And why would you be doing that?”

  He licks his bottom lip, and my gaze follows the motion. “Curiosity, I guess.”

  Right. He’s curious.

  I picture him exiting the taxi this morning, his hair dishevelled, and the mood is broken. I break eye contact and focus on the cupcakes. “They’re all done. Give me a minute to clean up and then we can go to dinner.”

  He nods, a little stiffly. “Take your time.”

  I show him where the lounge room is so he can watch TV while he waits, then escape to my bedroom. I change into a black maxi dress and sandals and let my hair down. I washed it after work so it’s back to being defiant and curly, but it’s going to have to do. I put a little powder on my face and grab my handbag, taking a deep breath before I re-enter the lounge room.

  “I’m ready when you are,” I say.

  He turns the TV off and stands up, taking me in from head to toe. “You look beautiful.”

  My eyes widen. “Oh... umm... thank you.”

  His hazel eyes smile back at me. “You’re welcome. What do you feel like eating?”

  “Anything is fine with me,” I say. “I’m easy.”

  I walk in front of him, wincing.

  I’m easy?

  Did I have to say that?

  Although going by his actions last night, he likes easy.

  Pushing away that unpleasant thought, we exit through the front door and I lock it behind me. When I see his bike parked in my driveway, I stop in my tracks, smiling widely in excitement.


  He laughs, head turned in my direction. “I thought you’d like another ride.”

  “You thought right. You rode here from next door? Lazy much?” I tease.

  He chuckles. “It was more for you than me.”

  “You didn’t think I’d want to walk like, what, ten steps to Zach’s front door?” I ask as my mouth twitches.

  Xander crosses his arms over his chest and winks. “I try to be chivalrous and this is what I get, huh?”

  I laugh at that, and then rub my hands together. “Let’s get on this bad boy.”

  His entire body shakes with laughter. “Fuck, you’re cute.”

  He helps me onto the bike and I wrap my arms around him.

  I think that’s my favourite part.

  We come to a stop in front of a popular steak house.

  “We didn’t decide where to go,” he says sheepishly, helping me off the bike. “I remember seeing this place when I was riding in, but if you want to go somewhere else, we can.”

  “This place is fine,” I say. “I’ve eaten here a co
uple of times and the food is always good.”

  I take the helmet off and give it back to him.

  “I took the longer way here so you could enjoy the ride.”

  “I noticed. Thanks, I appreciate it,” I tell him. “Maybe I should get my own bike?”

  “You liked it that much then?” he asks, shaking his head in amusement.

  “I think I did,” I admit, even though I know I could never ride one myself. Maybe I’ll let Zach ride me around from now on after all, even though the thought of riding with anyone apart from Xander isn’t as appealing.

  “I’m glad it was me that took your motorcycle virginity,” he says casually. I’m glad it’s dark because my face is suddenly flushed. “You showed me something and I showed you something.”

  “What did I show you?” I ask.

  He leans down closer to me. “You showed me how to decorate cupcakes.”

  “You’re actually admitting that?” I ask, my mouth twitching again. “I don’t know many men that would.”

  Xander takes my comment in stride, flashing me a smile. “I have nothing to prove, babe. I’m all man. And I don’t give a fuck what other people think.”

  Damn if that isn’t attractive as hell.

  He holds the door open for me as we walk into the restaurant and gestures for me to take a seat before him in one of the booths. I thank him.

  “I hope you’re hungry,” he says as he picks up a menu.

  I am.

  The waitress comes over and we place our orders.

  “What did you want to do after this?” I ask him. “There’s a few places we could check out if you want to go to a bar or something. Or if you want to see some sights around town, we could do that, too.”

  He glances up at me through his lashes. “Maybe we could watch a movie or something? I don’t really want to go out to a bar or club.”

  I suppose it would be boring to go out to a club with just the two of us. He’d want to find someone to hook up with and I would be left alone. It doesn’t seem like a good time.

  “Sounds good to me,” I say. “I don’t really mind, either—”

  “Trillian, hey,” comes a voice, interrupting my sentence. I look to the right and see Richard standing there as he stares at Xander. “I thought you said you were single.”


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