Book Read Free

Time Will Tell

Page 7

by Chantal Fernando

  “What’s happened?” I ask as I stand before him. “Is Summer okay?”

  “Hello to you, too,” he says without the usual sparkle in his eye. “We tried calling you, but you haven’t been answering your phone.”

  Oh, right.


  I put it on silent last night, then forgot it at Zach’s this morning when I went to get changed.

  “Talk to me.”

  “You need to come home, Xander,” he says without blinking. “Now.”



  I pack up all my shit at Zach’s house, give him a call explaining the situation, then head over to Trillian’s house. I have to leave. Summer is in the hospital, and it isn’t good. I’m not sure how she’s going to handle something like this, but I know she needs me to be there for her. I scowl when I find Trill’s front door unlocked. walk inside and find her in the kitchen where she turns to me with a wide-eyed look.

  “What happened?” she asks quietly.

  “I need to go back home,” I tell her. “My sister Summer is in the hospital.”

  She gasps. “Is she okay? I’m so sorry, Xander.”

  I step to her and wrap her in my arms, burying my face in her neck.


  I feel peaceful when I’m around this woman.

  “I need to leave, Trillian,” I whisper. “Right now.”

  She rubs my back. “Of course you do, Xander.”

  I lift my head up, staring down at her. “Do you want to come?”

  I don’t want to let her out of my sight. She could come back with me and spend some time with me. We could get to know each other better. I can’t explain it, I just don’t want to say goodbye to her.

  “I… I have uni and work,” she stutters. “I can’t just leave. Though I wish I could.”

  I sigh. Of course. Her life is here. I can’t expect her to drop everything to come back with me, no matter how much I want her to. I lower my lips to hers and give her a goodbye kiss. She opens her mouth eagerly, her arms reaching around my neck, pulling me down to her. She tastes sweet, and I wish I had the time to show her just how much I want her, but I don’t. I pull away and kiss along her jawline, then place one kiss on her collarbone.

  “I have to go,” I tell her. “I’ll call you, okay? I’ll be back whenever I can.”

  She smiles sadly, looking like she doesn’t believe me. “Go, Xander, your family needs you right now.”

  Another quick, almost desperate kiss, and then I walk out the door.


  Summer was pregnant. She hadn’t told anyone except her husband, Reid. She was waiting for the three-month mark but has lost the baby at two months. She isn’t taking it very well, as would be expected. After riding back to Perth, I went home for a quick shower then straight to the hospital. Ryan didn’t tell me the exact details; just that Summer had lost a baby and was asking for me. When I walk into the hospital room, my sister sits there staring straight ahead. At nothing. Her face is blank, her normally bright eyes dull.


  She turns her head to me. “Xander, you came.”

  Her voice comes out cracked, broken, like she hasn’t used it much.

  I walk to her bed, pull a chair from the side, and sit next to her, taking her hand in mine. “Of course I came. You know I’m always here for you.”

  She looks down at our hands. “I lost her.”

  “I know,” I reply on a whisper. “I know.”

  I don’t know what to say. It will be okay? You can always try again, have more children? The comments seem insensitive. Instead, I stand, moving next to her on the bed, and pull her into my arms. She starts to cry, her body shaking with each heart-wrenching sob. I lift my head to see Reid standing in the doorway, his eyes red, and his body stiff. I know that each tear Summer sheds kills him. The man is so in love with her. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before, and I can tell how much this is hurting him. His posture and expression scream defeat. He nods at me, and then leaves the room. I kiss Summer on top of her head.

  “We’ll get through this, okay? We always do.” My voice is barely a whisper.

  She wipes her wet eyes with my t-shirt. “Thanks for coming back. I know you were on holiday trying to work out your own shit.”

  “Don’t you worry about all that, Sum,” I reply.

  “How was Channon?”

  Trillian’s face flashes before my eyes. “Fuckin’ beautiful.”

  She lifts her face and studies me. “What happened over there?”

  I rub the back of my neck. “I think we have other things to discuss, don’t you?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Are you kidding me? What I need right now is a distraction. I don’t want to think about what I’ve lost and what a failure I am.”

  My body stills at that. “You aren’t a failure, Summer, and don’t say that again.”

  She sighs. “Fine. Tell me about Channon. I know Dad loved that place.”

  “He did love it. I stayed with Zach, which was nice. There was a girl I met…”

  I trail off as I see a spark of the Summer I know. She rubs her hands together and narrows her eyes. “This ought to be interesting.”

  “Are you going to let me talk or keep interrupting me?”

  She smirks. “Keep interrupting you. So who was she? Did you bone?”

  My mouth twitches. “Trillian. Her name is Trillian.”

  Chapter Eleven


  One Month Later

  I cut a slice of red velvet cake and put it on my plate. At this rate, my ass is going to be the size of a house. I usually don’t eat much of what I bake, besides the odd taste here and there or the casual cupcake, but suddenly, I’m making up for it. I’m eating everything. To be fair, though, I now run in the morning and the evening, so I keep up with my fitness routine.

  “The guys at the clubhouse are going to want to marry you after tasting these cakes,” Zach says¸ talking with a giant piece of said cake in his mouth.

  I grin. “Are you ever going to take me into the clubhouse?”

  I didn’t know why I wanted to go, but I was curious. And I could use a distraction.

  He chews thoughtfully and then swallows before answering. “If you really want to go, I’ll take you. But the men will want you and some of the things you see will shock you. Are you ready for that? ’Cause if you look at me differently, I’m gonna be pissed.”

  I roll my eyes. “Do you think I’m stupid? I know what happens there. Do you think I don’t hear the women talk?”

  He licks cake off his bottom lip. “Fine. You can come with me now to drop off the cakes.”

  It’s one of the members’ old lady’s birthday and I’d made three different cakes for everyone at the club.

  “Are you going to wear that?” Zach asks, taking in my jean shorts and tank top.

  “Are people going to be dressed up?” I ask, frowning. Maybe I’ll put on a dress or something.

  Zach chuckles deeply. “It’s casual, it’s just that your ass looks good in those and I really don’t want to have to fight off men today.”

  I purse my lips. “Why are your eyes on my ass, Zach?”

  His eyes twinkle. “Oh, please, it’s not like anyone can miss it. Everywhere I look, it’s like, bam! In my face.”

  I rub my forehead. “Is that so? Whatever. You know, I heard you got your dick pierced.”

  He chokes on his cake, and I actually have to hit him on his back, maybe a little harder than necessary.

  “Who the fuck told you that?” he asks when he can finally speak.

  “Like I said,” I say, “women talk. And women also like ice cream. I hear a lot of shit, most recently about you having an interesting piercing down there. Oh, and apparently you shared this woman with one of your club brothers.”

  Zach cringes and glances at me. “Fine, I won’t make any more comments about your ass.”

  “I’d appreciate that,” I reply dryly. “Let
me get changed and then we can go.”

  He groans. “You don’t have to change. It’s fine. Are you going to ride on the back of my bike?”

  I hadn’t been on a bike since Xander left. He’d called me twice in a month.

  Only twice.

  I messaged him a few times, and he messaged back, but he never said anything about whether he was coming back. I take that as a bad sign. He is obviously busy with his sister, whom I hope is doing okay, but I don’t know where we stand and it’s driving me crazy. I’m overthinking everything.

  Analysing our time together.

  It’s stupid.

  “We can’t take your bike. We’re carrying three cakes,” I point out.

  Zack chuckles. “Oh, yeah. Good point. We’ll go in my car then.”

  “Okay, sounds good to me,” I say, grabbing my handbag from where I threw it on the couch. “Ready when you are.”

  I lock up the house and walk over to Zach’s car. “Have you spoken to Xander?”

  He unlocks the doors with a click of a button and I slide in, holding the chocolate mud cake on my lap. Zach puts the two cakes he’s carrying in the back seat.

  “A few days ago,” I reply when he sits in the driver’s seat.

  “I’m sure he’ll be back. Dude was practically in love with you,” he says, shaking his head in astonishment. “Never seen him so into a woman.”

  “I seriously doubt that,” I reply, sighing and looking out the window as the car starts and reverses. “It wasn’t going to work out, anyway. I’m not going to leave Channon and his family and business are in Perth. Maybe it’s for the best that he left as soon as he did.”

  “Do you really think that?” Zach asks quietly.

  I shrug. “I don’t know what to think.”


  “Hmmm, what?” I ask him.

  “Well, then, maybe if you and Xander are over, you might be interested in one of the Wind Dragons members.”

  My head snaps to him. “Yeah, I don’t think so.”

  “And why not?” he asks, sounding smug. “We aren’t all that bad and you’d make a hell of an old lady.”

  I sigh. “I can’t even think of another man right now. In that short time, Xander has done a number on me. No one is him. No one will ever be him. How the hell did he make me feel so comfortable around him so soon?”

  “I fuckin’ knew it!” Zach replies. “If you want him, why don’t you do a trip to Perth and tell him? I’ll take you if you want.”

  I look to him. “You’d do that? What if he doesn’t want me there?”

  “Then he’s an asshole who doesn’t deserve you. But trust me, he’d want you there. He’s been calling me to make sure I’m keeping an eye on you. Like I haven’t been doing that for the last few fuckin’ years.”

  He can call Zach but can’t find the time to call me? Now I was even angrier.

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “I know, Trill, I know.”

  “I’ll think about it,” I say. “So tonight is Gina’s birthday, right? And she’s Poison’s old lady?”

  Zach nods. “Yep. Gina’s turning thirty-five. She’s gonna love the cakes.”

  “How many people are going to be there?” I ask, staring down at the cake in my hands.

  “Ummm, I don’t know, maybe fifty people.”

  We spend the rest of the drive in comfortable silence.

  When Zach turns right into the compound, I take in the building, my eyes scanning it greedily. I’ve driven past it, of course, but never been inside the gates.

  Zach laughs. “Look at you.”

  I turn to him with a sheepish smile playing on my lips. “I’ve been curious for a while now.”

  “I can see that,” he murmurs. “Dad’s not gonna be happy about me bringing you here.”

  I sit up straighter at that. “Why not?”

  “You’re like the daughter he always wanted but never had.”

  “So? These are his men, right. I mean, he is the president,” I say, not understanding.

  Zach chuckles. “Yes, that’s true, but come on. Sending you in here is like dangling a mouse in front of a snake.”

  My lips tighten. “Great metaphor, asshole.”

  “How does Xander put up with you?” he mutters under his breath. I reach over and pinch him.

  “Ow! That was my nipple.”

  I shrug. “You should like that. I heard you like it rough.”

  He parks the car and stares at me wide-eyed. “Since when are you so mouthy?”

  “I don’t know. All I know is I’m a little more comfortable in my own skin nowadays.”

  I think I have Xander to thank for it.

  Zach smiles at me and shakes his head.



  “Tell me.”


  I open the car door and stand, cake plate firmly held in my arms. Zach gets the other two cakes out, balancing them on each hand.

  “You ready for this, Trill?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” I say, turning to him. “Surely, nothing will go on today. It’s an old lady’s birthday party, not a weekend party with the women of Channon.”

  Zach chuckles. “Just wait until everyone starts drinking.”

  I open the door for Zach, since he has his hands full, and step in behind him. He takes me to the kitchen, which has three women getting stuff ready. They stare at me as I put down the cake.

  “New piece?” one of them asks Zach.

  He puts both cakes down and wraps an arm around me. “This is Trillian. Trill this is Mia, Veronica, and Sarah.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I say, smiling at each of the women.

  Two smile back at me, one doesn’t.

  “Where’s Dad?” Zach asks them.

  “Outside, grilling,” the one named Mia replies. “Trillian, you the girl who lives next door to Grim?”

  I nod. “Yes, that would be me.”

  “Come on, Trill. Let’s get this over with,” Zach murmurs, taking my hand and leading me to the back door.

  “Get what over with?”

  “My dad.”

  “It’s not that much of a big deal, is it?” I ask, looking around.

  “Me bringing you here is making you part of the club, Trill. Before you were family to us, but an outsider to the club.”

  He opens the door for me.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, my Trillian girl?” is bellowed as soon as I step into the backyard, which is filled by bikers and their women.

  I look up at Grim, who is standing on the opposite side of the lawn, tongs in his hand, and barbecue behind him.

  All eyes are suddenly on me.

  I lift my hand in an awkward wave as Zach leads me across the lawn to where Grim is standing. A few men, who were sitting stand and walk over to us.

  “What are you doing here?” he asks me, scowling.

  “I brought the cakes,” I reply. “And I wanted to come for the barbecue. You say I’m family, then don’t invite me to these events and I wanted to come. So I made Zach bring me.”

  I know I’m completely naïve to the whole MC lifestyle, and Zach and Grim only let me see what they want me to see. But like I said, they’re family to me, and I’d like to be more included and a barbecue seems innocent enough, right?

  Two men stand behind him. One is young, and extremely good looking with jet-black hair and emerald green eyes. The other, slightly older, is a bulky man with blond hair and brown eyes.

  “Where the fuck you been hiding her?” the dark-haired man asks, checking me out from head to toe.

  Zach pulls me closer to him. “This is Rex and Snake.”

  Rex takes a step forward, grinning. “I call shotgun.”

  Grim slaps him on the back of the head, and the blond man, Snake, chuckles.

  “This is Trillian. You fuckers don’t get to go near her, you hear me?” He raises his voice. “No one fuckin’ touches this girl.” />
  Okaaaaay then.

  I step closer to Grim, stand on my tiptoes, and kiss him on the cheek. “You going to feed me, old man?”

  His lip twitches and then he turns to his son. “You let her come here in those fuckin’ shorts?”

  Chapter Twelve


  “You baked this cake?” Rex asks, licking his lips and staring right at me.

  “I did,” I reply warily.

  “Talented,” he murmurs, licking cream off his finger.

  “For fuck’s sake, leave her alone,” Zach growls as he takes the chair next to me on the opposite side of Rex.

  Rex puts his plate down on the table and scowls at Zack. “I’m just talking to her, or would you rather her sit here alone while you disappeared?”

  “I didn’t disappear. I was taking a piss if you must know,” Zach fires back, then turns to me. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I tell him honestly. And I am. Sure, a few of the men are very forward, and a little rough around the edges—okay, a lot rough, but they don’t cross any lines. Some of the women are a little wary, whereas others are very friendly. I keep to myself and speak when I’m spoken to. Grim introduced me to everyone like a proud father, muttering threats to any man who stared at me too long or showed a little interest. We all sat around and ate together in the backyard, and I listened to them all talk and watched them interact. They really are like one, big, unusual family.

  “So, this wasn’t as wild as I was expecting,” I say to Zach, so only he could hear.

  He laughs, loudly. “Wait until tonight when all the old ladies leave.”

  “What happens then?” I ask, but I can guess.

  He strokes the stubble on his face. “I get to have some fun, is what happens.”

  “You’re dropping me home first, right?” I ask, saying each word slowly and deliberately.

  He grins. “Why, you don’t want to stay and play? Forget about Xander?”

  “I’ll make you forget anyone you want to,” Rex inserts as his eyes linger on my breasts.

  I roll my eyes. “Maybe another time.”

  Two men join us at the table, men I’ve never seen before. One has brown hair and eyes that match, a beard, and a gruff expression. But he’s hot. Like holy hell hot. Wow. The man next to him is also a looker, in a completely different way—blond hair, blue eyes, and a friendly smile. He also has two facial piercings, an eyebrow ring and lip ring. He smirks in my direction.


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