Book Read Free

Time Will Tell

Page 9

by Chantal Fernando

  “You couldn’t even get dressed this morning?” I ask him, making a face.

  “No time,” he says after a sip of coffee. “I need to know the gossip.”

  “Seriously? Badass biker by night, gossiping neighbour by day.”

  He chuckles. “Only for you, Trill.”

  I hide my grin and lift my own mug to my lips. “It was perfect.”

  Zach grins and leans forward against the counter top. “Where is he now, anyway?”

  “In the shower.”

  “And you aren’t joining him? That’s just bad form, Trill.”

  “If you want to know, I’m a little sore, you know, down there, so I thought it would be best if I didn’t join him because if I did, I’d be up against the tiled wall right now screaming his name.”

  I enjoy watching him spit out the mouthful of his coffee. “You know, Trill, anyone else says anything and I don’t even flinch. Every time it comes out of your mouth, I’m caught off guard. Jesus! A little warning maybe? Xander must be good if he fucked the prude right out of you.”

  I pick up an apple from the fruit bowl and throw it at his head. He ducks and laughs as it hits the wall.

  “Oh, come on, I’m just playing with you.”

  “You’re a jerk!”

  “You love me.”

  I shake my head at him. “You came over for breakfast, didn’t you? I think the gossip was only second on your agenda.”

  He sighs, shoulders dropping. “I am very hungry.”

  I laugh, turning to the stove. “Okay, I’ll make some pancakes, how about that? Or do you want waffles with strawberries.”

  “Waffles. Always waffles.”

  Xander walks into the kitchen, wearing jeans and a fitted black t-shirt.

  “Zach,” he says, nodding.

  “Xander, you look well rested.”

  I roll my eyes and pull out the waffle maker. Xander comes up behind me, pushing my hair to one side, and kisses my neck.

  “You want some help?”

  “No, I’m okay. You can take a seat with our uninvited guest over there,” I tease, sticking my tongue out at Zach.

  “Oh, come on,” Zach says. “After I let you fuck in my house and everything.”

  Xander walks over to Zach and slaps him on the back of his head. Zach laughs and playfully grabs Xander in a headlock.

  I keep myself busy, turning away so Zach can’t see my flushed face. I am never going to live this down with him. I just know it.

  But it’s worth it, so I don’t care.

  I make the waffle batter from scratch, stirring the mixture.

  “You sure you don’t want help?” Xander asks, watching my movements.

  “You could wash and cut up the strawberries if you like.”

  “Make me look bad, why don’t you,” Zach says, smirking. “This is a whole new side of you, Xander.”

  “Shut up,” Xander and I call out at the same time.

  “Oh, wow, you even talk at the same time now,” Zach chuckles. “And both ganging up on me. I see how it’s going to be from now on.”

  Xander shakes his head at Zach. “You’re a pain in the ass, you know that?”

  I finish making the waffles and serve them with the strawberries Xander cut for me and some whipped cream. We all sit at the table, making jokes and enjoying each other’s company.

  It feels good.

  After breakfast, Zach leaves the house, walking back to his own in his boxer shorts, and then Xander and I clean up. Xander insists on giving me a ride to uni, and then tells me he will pick me up when I’m done. He kisses me properly before he rides away, leaving my body tingling and his taste in my mouth.

  I could get used to this.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The weekend comes around and I tell April I’ll come out to Drake’s to see her at work. I also think Xander might want to go out, even if it’s just for a little while. I lick my lips when he walks out of my bedroom dressed for the night in dark jeans and a black shirt. His eyes roam over me, taking me in from head to toe.

  “You look beautiful,” he says, stepping to me and wrapping a possessive arm around my waist. He grips the blood red material of my dress and draws me closer for a kiss. The dress is one I’ve never worn before. Strapless, it hits above my knees and is cut out around my waist, showing a dash of skin. I’ve paired it with my strappy white shoes with a platform heel.

  “You look amazing yourself,” I tell him when he pulls back from the kiss.

  “I almost want to drag you back into the room,” he murmurs, hands squeezing my ass.

  I roll my eyes. “You can pull the dress off after we go out for a little while. I promised April and I haven’t seen her much this week.”

  “I wouldn’t mind dancing with you again.”

  I smile at the memory. “I wouldn’t mind that either.”

  We arrive at Drake’s and head for the bar.

  “Hey, April,” I say, leaning over the bar to kiss her on the cheek. Xander stands behind me and pulls down my dress. I turn my head to see him staring at my ass and roll my eyes.

  “April,” Xander says, nodding at her and offering her a small smile.

  “You both came,” April says happily, bouncing on her feet. “What can I get you?”

  I order an energy drink and Xander gets a beer. April slides the drinks over to us but refuses to take any money.

  “You can’t do that,” I whisper-yell at her.

  “I just did,” she smirks. “Everyone does it all the time, calm down.”

  I open the can of my drink and take a sip, silently disapproving of her actions.

  She ignores my scowl.

  “I feel like I haven’t seen you in so long. Good to see that you finally came out of your sex coma.”

  I smirk. “Sex coma? Is that even a thing?”

  She shrugs, a smile playing on her pink lips. “I made it up, but it’s still a thing. You know, your little sex bubble. At the start of a relationship all you want to do is tear off each other’s clothes.”

  That’s the truth, but now I’m feeling a little guilty over it.

  “How about we catch up tomorrow?”

  Her eyes brighten. “Yes, please. Come to my house, I’ll cook you lunch.”

  “Sounds good.”

  The bar gets busy and April smiles apologetically. “You two enjoy. I’ll be back.”

  She leaves to serve the customers and Xander takes the opportunity to slide me onto his lap. “Don’t get angry,” he says in my ear.

  “Why would I get angry?” I ask with brows furrowing.

  He grimaces a little before nodding his head in the direction of the dance floor. I turn to look and see Paulina, Xander’s past conquest. She sees Xander and quickly heads in our direction.

  I turn to Xander and scowl. “This is your baggage.”

  “I know,” he mumbles. “I’ll handle it.”

  “Hello, Xander, you’re back in town,” Paulina purrs. She glances down at me and scrunches her nose. “I’m surprised you’re with her, considering she’s Zach’s.”

  I throw her a dirty look. It’s she who’s been with Zach before, not me. I know people around Channon think that I am with Zach, but they don’t know the truth of our friendship. I don’t really care what they say about us anyway, but I don’t miss the way Xander’s body stiffens at the mention of me being Zach’s.

  “She’s not Zach’s,” he grits out between clenched teeth. “She’s mine.”

  Paulina sniffs. “Well, if you want another taste of something better, you know where to find me.”

  Xander laughs without humour. “My woman is sitting right here and you think it’s okay to run your mouth like that? I regret ever sticking my dick in you. Trust me. I won’t be back for another anything.”


  I think that’s a little harsh, but keep my mouth shut tight. Like I said, this is his baggage, his to deal with.

  “Fuck you,” Paulina growls befor
e she storms off, stomping away.

  Xander kisses my nape. “Sorry about that. Don’t let her ruin our night, Trill.”

  I puff out a breath, glad for the distraction when April returns. “Who was that?”

  “A friend of Xander’s,” I reply, sliding off his lap and facing April. It really sucks to think about Xander with another woman, but I know he isn’t a saint. I can’t exactly be angry over this. I knew they slept together and I still wanted him. But damn if seeing her again didn’t suck.

  Xander takes my hand. “Let’s dance.”

  I say bye to April and follow his lead to the dance floor. Facing each other, we dance, our bodies touching. Xander grips my waist and presses me against him. Kissing my lips once, he moves to my ear and kisses the spot just underneath it. “I don’t want anyone else but you, Trillian. I don’t even think about anyone but you.”

  He says the words loudly in my ear, so I can hear them over the music. I smile at him and reach up to kiss him back. The song mixes into another, one a little more upbeat than the other. Xander’s hands run down my stomach, resting on my hips. I can feel his hardness pressing into my stomach, letting me know how much he wants me. It’s a powerful feeling to have a man like this want you. It’s addictive, all consuming, and I’m not sure how I’ll deal when it’s gone. We dance for two more songs then head back to the bar to get some water.

  “Do you know how sexy you are when you dance?” he asks, grinning at me playfully. “The way you move your hips is… fuck.”

  I laugh at the expression on his face. “Are you kidding me? I think you’re the only guy that can dance in the whole of Channon. Everyone was staring at me with envy.”

  I excuse myself and head to the bathroom. I’m in a stall, handling my business when I hear two women talking.

  “Did you see her? She’s fat. Why the fuck is he with her?”


  “Who knows, maybe he likes them big.”

  They both laugh.

  I know I’m not skinny, but I’m also not fat. My body is curvy, but not soft. It’s just the figure I was born to have. The girls leave as I open the door and step to the sink, washing my hands and looking at my reflection in the mirror.

  Don’t let them get to you, Trillian. Xander wants you. They’re just jealous.

  I push all thoughts away, dry my hands, and exit the bathroom, and then I join Xander at one of the tables.

  He stands up as he sees me and kisses my mouth gently. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, why?” I reply instantly. I thought my expression was blank when I left the bathroom.

  “Trill,” he growls into my ear. “You look upset. Tell me. Now.”

  I sigh. “It was nothing. Just some girls saying shit about me.”

  He looks back toward the bathroom where I just came from. “Who?”

  “Who do you think,” I grumble. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Tell me what they said. I don’t like anyone talking badly about you and I’m fuckin’ pissed right now.”

  Great, now I have to relive it.

  “They were wondering why you were with someone as fat as me,” I say, cringing.

  Xander lifts my face up so I can’t look away. “Are you fuckin’ kidding me? You’re perfect. I love every inch of your body and I like that you’re not stick thin. They’re clearly just jealous.”

  I shrug. “I’m okay with my body. I exercise and I’m healthy. This is just my shape.”

  “I know, Trill. I love your body. I get hard just thinking about it so don’t pay them any mind, all right?”

  I nod. “Yeah, okay.”

  “Good girl. Do you want something else to drink?”

  “No, thanks, I’m okay.”

  He cups the back of my neck and raises his head, looking behind me. “Who the fuck is that guy staring at you?”

  I turn to look in his line of sight and cringe when I see Cain, the guy I lost my virginity to. He was my first and only boyfriend and the relationship lasted three years.

  “Old friend of yours?” Xander asks, examining my face closely.

  “You could say that,” I reply, shrugging sheepishly.

  “Come on, let’s go.”

  Xander looks back at Cain then leads me outside the bar.

  “What?” I ask as we walk up to his bike.

  “I didn’t like the way he was looking at you and last thing I need is to get into a fuckin’ fight tonight.”

  My mouth drops open. “How was he looking at me?”

  “Like he’d already had you.”

  He can tell that by one look?

  “I had to deal with the same thing tonight from Paulina. And your time with her was much more recent, but you don’t see me losing my temper,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “When did you sleep with him?” he asks, a muscle ticking in his jaw.

  I sigh. “The last time was when I was eighteen. It was about three years ago. He just happens to live in the same town so I’m stuck seeing him around from time to time.”

  “He was your first?” he asks through clenched teeth.

  “He was,” I say slowly, nodding.

  Xander takes a shaky breath. “Yeah, we’re definitely getting out of here.”

  I roll my eyes. “Double standards, much?”

  He draws me to him with a hand on my ass. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt possessive of a woman before, and I don’t exactly know how to handle it, okay? Right now, all I want to do is shove my fist through his smug looking face for having touched you at all.”

  I rest my hand on the centre of his chest. “You’re overreacting, you know that, right? It’s not like I saw you, spoke to you, felt a connection between us then went ahead and slept with someone else.”

  He flinches. “Ahh, come on, you can’t throw that in my face, Trill. The difference is, you obviously felt something for this guy to give him your virginity. Everyone before you, I’ve fucked without emotion. Paula whatever the fuck her name is, I fucked her thinking about you. It could have been any woman there. It didn’t matter. You were the only woman I wanted.”

  My eyes widen at his admission. I didn’t want to think about him sleeping with anyone else whether he was thinking of me or not. In fact, I didn’t know how to process that bit of information.

  I inhale and exhale deeply then decide to change the subject. “Can we talk about this later? Where do you want to go now?”

  “We can get something to eat and go back to your house,” he says, tucking my hair behind my ear. “First we’ll go and say goodbye to April.”

  “You sure you don’t want to go anywhere else? I don’t want you to have a boring time while you’re here,” I say. “I know we don’t have much to offer compared to the city, but we still have a few fun places to visit.”

  “Babe,” he says, grinning. “I came back here this time for you. I just want to be with you. I don’t care what we’re doing. Vertical, horizontal... I just want to be where you are.”

  My breath hitches. “Screw the food, we’re going home. To bed. Now.”

  I step closer to his bike, and Xander starts chuckling. “Let’s say bye to April first.”

  I pull his face down for a hungry kiss, showing him just how badly I want him right now.

  “Fuck, Trill,” he groans. “You can’t kiss me like that in public. Do you have any idea how badly I want you? So bad it hurts. I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting you.”

  What does one say to that? Instead, I kiss him again.

  Then I go and say goodbye to April.

  Then we ride home. I unlock the door and let us inside.

  We don’t even make it to the bed.

  Chapter Sixteen


  One Month Later

  I know I can’t stay here forever. I have to go back. I have my friends, my family, and my business that are all being neglected, and it isn’t fair on them. While Trillian is at work or school, I help fix things around the house fo
r her or I hang out with Zach. I also pay the bills even though we fought about it more than once, but that is something I won’t budge on. I’m living here, so I’m paying, there’s nothing else to say.

  “You gonna stay in Channon now, boy?” Grim asks, sitting back with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

  I sit back on the outdoor chair in Zach’s backyard and strum my fingers. “I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do. I could always get someone else to run Dad’s shop, and I could go and see Summer and Mum every month, but it’s a big decision, you know?”

  Grim nods. “It is a big decision. You know you have us here, too. Wind Dragons are looking for new recruits if you’re interested. I think you’d be an asset to the club.”

  He’s mentioned this to me before. I rub my lower lip with my index finger, considering. My dad had been in an MC when he was younger. He somehow got out when he was fighting to get visitation with my sister, but still remained friends with his club brethren. I don’t know how that worked out, but I heard him telling someone that he had to do something for them to get out.

  “What exactly does joining the MC entail?” I ask, wondering if I want to take this route.

  Grim chuckles, which turns into a cough. “You want me to give away our secrets before you join?”

  I lean back in the chair. “Is the club clean?”

  “We don’t do anything illegal,” he replies, smirking. “Well, that’s a lie, but nothing too bad.”

  “Good to know,” I reply dryly.

  “If you move here, what are you gonna do about work? The club owns A & B Mechanics. You could work there. You would have passed it just as you drove into town. It’s one of the legit businesses.”

  “I would still get the profits from Dad’s shop even if I lived here,” I say, running my hand over my hair in contemplation. “But I’d need something to do with my time. I don’t like being idle. I’ve already fixed up everything in Trill’s house and worked on her car. I was thinking of buying her a bike and doing it up for her next.”

  Grim whistles. “That serious, huh?”

  I turn my face to look away. “That serious.”

  “She’s a special girl,” he muses. “Rex is practically panting after her.”


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