Book Read Free

Time Will Tell

Page 12

by Chantal Fernando

  I love these lips.

  “You feel so good, Xander,” she groans. “I never knew it could be like this.”

  I never knew it either.

  When I feel myself on the edge, I reach down and play with her clit, wanting us to come at the same time.

  My hand on her neck, we look into each other’s eyes as we do.


  I don’t know what I’m going to do. Am I going to move to Channon to be with Trillion? Can I go back and forth? That isn’t exactly a permanent solution, but it seems smarter than committing to moving so soon. Trillian has two days left before I have to take her back, and I have no idea what to tell her. How long can I stay this time? I’ve been spending a lot of my time here at the shop, and Trillian either tags along or Summer takes her out somewhere. Those two seemed to have hit it off, and I know Summer genuinely likes Trillian, so that makes my life much easier.

  “Mornin’” Trillian mumbles, eyes fluttering open and a sleepy smile spreading on her lips.

  “Mornin’, beautiful,” I say quietly, rolling over and bringing her closer to me.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks, glancing up at my face.

  I smile. “Nothing, was just thinking.”


  “Making plans to come back to Channon. Wondering how I’m going to work it all out.”

  Her brows furrow. “I don’t want you to give up your life. It’s unfair to ask you to do that. Maybe after I finish uni, I could move here?”

  My eyes widen. “You would do that? Leave your dad’s house?”

  She licks her bottom lip. “I wouldn’t sell it, but I could rent it out or something.”

  I know how much the house means to her, so her offer is a big fuckin’ deal.

  I place a soft kiss on her forehead. “You have a year left of uni, right?”

  She nods. “Yeah.”

  “Okay, so for now, why don’t I keep going back and forth, and then we can work out the details later. If you’re happier living in Channon, then that’s where I want to be.”

  Her eyes turn heavy-lidded. “You’re amazing, do you know that? Best man that I know.”

  I grin. “Just don’t tell anyone else.”

  She rolls her eyes. “What are we doing today? What’s the time?”


  “Shit. I was going to go for a run.” She throws me a playful look. “You’re ruining my routine, Xander Kane.”

  I grin and lay on top of her, pulling her under me. “I think your routine needed to be shaken up a little. There’s no fun in routine. You have to be spontaneous every now and again. Live a little.”

  Her look turns sultry. “I was spontaneous earlier this morning.”

  I harden at the memory. “Fuck, that was amazing.”

  I woke up at around four a.m. with Trill’s mouth wrapped around my cock. Best way to wake up—ever.

  She kisses my jaw. “I thought you’d like that.”

  “How about we go out for breakfast?” I suggest. “After I show you how much I enjoyed this morning, of course.”

  “What did you have in mind?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.

  I grin and lift my hand to her hair, trying to push back her dark, wild curls. “I’m going to taste that sweet pussy of yours, and then I’m going to let you ride me so I can sit back and enjoy the view.”

  Her eyes flare and her mouth opens slightly at my demand.

  But then she pulls the blanket down and spreads her legs in invitation.


  I can’t get enough of her.

  I grab her waist and lift her so she’s straddling my face.

  Chapter Twenty


  Three nights later, we arrive back in Channon. Tired from the drive (even though Xander didn’t let me drive, again) we both have a quick shower and practically fall into bed. The next morning, I wake up slowly, trying to force my eyes to open as I hear someone knocking on the door. Cursing to myself, thinking it must be Zach coming over to see us and demanding breakfast, I walk to the door still half asleep, dressed in my leopard print pyjama bottoms and tank top. I yawn as I undo the locks and open the door, sticking my head out.

  “Zach, couldn’t you have waited until…” I trail off, seeing that it isn’t Zach at the door at all. Instead, a woman stands there. Dark hair and vaguely familiar.

  “Trillian?” she asks, taking me in from head to toe.

  “Yes,” I reply. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”

  The woman tightens her lips. “Of course, you know me. I’m your mother.”

  My eyes widen and my jaw drops. I examine her facial features. It’s her. What’s she doing here now? After all these years?

  “What are you doing here?” I ask.

  She scowls. “Is that any way to talk to your mother?”

  My jaw tightens. “After you abandoned me when I was a child? I think I can talk to you any way I like.”

  Is it really her?

  Dad kept one picture of her on the wall. One. It was of them at their wedding. I don’t know why he kept it. If it were me, I would have burned the damn thing. I took it down when dad died and put one up of him and me instead.

  She’s aged, obviously. Her face is lined with wrinkles, but her eyes are the same. And her hair.

  Fuck, it’s her.

  “Are you going to invite me in?” she asks stiffly, lifting her chin up at me.

  It isn’t the reunion I had always envisioned. In my dream, my mother runs to me and wraps me in her arms. She gives a good reason as to why she left and tells me how much she missed me. How beautiful I am to her. How she wants to make up for missed time.

  I don’t get any of that.

  I feel… numb.


  “Trillian,” I hear Xander call out from behind me, breaking me out of my stupor. I turn around to look at him as he walks to me in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts sitting low on those delicious hips of his.

  “Who is it?” he asks, running his fingers through his messy brown hair. I want nothing more than to slam the door in my mother’s face, forget it ever happened, and get back into bed with my sexy boyfriend.

  So that’s what I do.

  I slam the door shut, lock it, and walk back to the bedroom, taking Xander’s hand along the way.

  “Who was it?” he asks again, staring at the door.

  “No one,” I mumble. “Just my mother.”

  Xander stops in his tracks. “What the fuck?”

  I turn to face him and sigh as she starts pounding on the door. “It’s my mother and I can’t deal. She’s a bitch. She wants something, I just know it. Why else would she be here?”

  Xander scrubs his hand down his face and looks between the door and me. “We should at least find out what she has to say, right?”

  I shrug. “I guess.”

  “Okay,” he says, placing a hand on my arm. “Let her in. I’ll throw some clothes on and meet you in the lounge room. You’re not alone in this. I’m here, okay, Trill. And I won’t let anything happen.”

  I believe him.

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  He kisses my lips. “I’ll just be a minute.”

  I nod, attempting a smile, and head back to the front door.

  Time to face my past.


  Xander is fuming mad.

  And I mean fuming.

  “You mean to tell me, after abandoning your husband and child, you’re coming back here after all these years to claim that this house is yours and you want it back?” he says, disbelief filling his tone.

  My mother sips the cup of coffee I made her. I should have laced it with something. “Your father and I never actually divorced. So, all of this should belong to me.”

  I’m speechless.

  My mother is a cold-hearted bitch.

  “Dad left this house to me in his will,” I say. “It’s mine. You left and you have no say anymore. Now, why don’t you please leave, and go
try to ruin someone else’s life.”

  Her eyes darken. “If you want to go to court, then fine.”

  Xander laughs without humour. “I think if you had to come back here for this house, you don’t have the money for a court case. I know a lawyer in Perth and I’m sure she would love to help us out in this situation. So, I guess we will see you in court. Now, get the fuck out of Trillian’s house.”

  My mother stands up. “If I had known my own daughter would treat me this way, I never would have returned.”

  “You returned for the house, not me. Let’s not pretend you’re a good mother,” I add.

  I can’t believe her audacity. Does the woman have no shame or pride? Xander walks her out while I sit and stare at the wall. I can’t believe this. I’m so damn disappointed right now that it’s not even funny. I hear the door close, and then I’m safe, wrapped in Xander’s arms.

  Only then do I allow the tears to fall.


  Later that day, Zach paces up and down my kitchen. “I will handle this.”

  I put my orange juice down. “What are you going to do, threaten her?”

  He grins evilly. “She doesn’t know just how well-connected you are, does she? I’ll just inform her. No one messes with one of our own and gets away with it. Wait until dad hears about this. Fuck, he’s going to lose it.”

  Xander walks into the kitchen, back from the gym. “Hey, Zach.”

  He slaps him on the shoulder in an affectionate yet manly way.

  “Hey, bro. Heard you met your future mother-in-law.”

  I can feel my face flush. Does he have to bring up something like marriage?

  Xander chuckles. “Yeah, she was a real treat.”

  Zach runs his finger over his bottom lip. “I have a plan.”

  Xander looks instantly suspicious. “Let me guess, you’re gonna threaten the shit out of her until she backs off and leaves Trillian alone.”

  Zach grins, his eyes taking on a devious gleam. “Yep. The bitch is gonna learn her place.”

  Xander looks to me, trying to judge my reaction. I just shrug, causing his lips to curve upwards. “I’m in. Anything to keep that woman away from Trillian. But if we have to go to court, I spoke to Tee, and she’s on call for us if we need her.

  Tee, as in Saxon from Morning Alliance’s wife?

  I try to keep myself from fan-girling.

  And fail.

  “Why do you have a creepy serial killer-ish look on your face?” Zach asks me, frowning.

  Xander laughs, clutching his stomach. “Fuck, imagine if you actually met Saxon. You’d probably faint.”

  I puff out a breath, making a few of my curls wave in the air. “So, I like Morning Alliance, sue me.”

  Great choice of words, considering the situation.

  Xander groans. “Yeah, you’re never meeting any of them. I wouldn’t want to be arrested for beating the shit out of them.”

  Zach makes some whipping sound effects.

  “I’m going to have a shower,” Xander says, wiping his forehead with his hand. He’s wearing a pair of blue basketball shorts and a white t-shirt that is pasted against his body. He’s in damn good shape, every inch of him toned and ripped. He pulls off his t-shirt, and I check out his chest and abs before moving to his arms. I love his arms. I stare at the sun tattoo he has, the one I know is meant for Summer.

  “Just thought you’d like a closer view,” he says, grinning and flexing.

  Zach throws a tea towel at him. “You two make me nauseous.”

  I lick my lips, my eyes still on Xander. Then, making sure he’s watching, I put my hands on the bottom of my top and move as if I’m going to pull it off.

  “What the fuck,” he grits out, quickly moving to me and hiding me from Zach’s view.

  “What?” I ask innocently. “I was just going to give you something to look at, too.”

  Zach groans. “I’m leaving. I can’t take all this foreplay. I’m going to get laid.”

  We don’t look away from each other as Zach leaves, slamming the door behind him.

  “Okay, now you can pull that top off,” he murmurs, flashing me a lopsided grin, “and those jeans, too.”

  I take two steps back from him, smiling playfully before I run to the bedroom, squealing as he chases me.

  He catches me and throws me on the bed.

  How I love this man.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Walking down the street, I stop to give some money to a homeless person.

  “Thank you, miss,” the man says gratefully as he takes the ten-dollar note from my hand.

  I smile at him then continue walking along the busy shopping street. My mother wants to meet me for lunch. She called my mobile number, which I have no idea how she got in the first place. I didn’t want to go at first, but then I realised I just want her to leave, and this is the only way for that to happen. Stepping into the restaurant, I look around until I see her sitting at a booth in the back. Exhaling slowly, I step in her direction, sitting down opposite when I reach her.

  “Trillian,” she says, her expression blank.

  We order drinks before I get to the point of this lunch.

  “What did you want to talk to me about?”

  She purses her lips and glances around the restaurant. “I was paid a visit by your friends. How you have a motorcycle club behind you, I have no idea. Looks like Ian raised you to be trash.”

  My hands clench. “Don’t you dare say anything bad about Dad. He was my hero and a million times the person you will ever be. I’m sure you don’t want to upset me. It would be a shame if it reached Wind Dragons MC.”

  She swallows. “Keep the stupid house.”

  “Why did you want it anyway?” I ask, staring at her.

  She seems to consider whether to tell me or not, but then shrugs and speaks. “My boyfriend left me and cut me off. He was filthy rich but didn’t leave me with a cent. I was living with him, and now I have to find somewhere else to stay.”

  “If you were a nice person and needed a place to stay, of course, I would have offered the house to you,” I say. “But you’re not. I’m sure you can find some other man to mooch from.”

  She scoffs. “Listen to you, acting all high and mighty, but trust me, if you were in my shoes, you wouldn’t have wanted to stick around, either. Your father was always working and I was stuck in the house with you twenty-four-seven. It would drive any woman crazy.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever you have to tell yourself. Dad and I managed just fine without you.”

  The drinks arrive, and I’m thankful for the interruption.

  “Thank you,” I say to the waitress, who bobs her head at me then leaves.

  “What about his insurance money? Surely, you could give me a little of that.”

  My jaw drops. “Are you fucking serious right now? Is that why you really came here? Hoping to get a chunk of money?”

  She narrows her eyes. “I know for a fact he had a large insurance policy. I know he took my name off it and gave you everything. I’m your mother at the end of the day, and I deserve some of that money. I was still his wife in name.”

  I stare at her for a few seconds and realise that she’s dead serious. I finish my drink in three huge gulps, put some money down on the table, and walk out. She isn’t getting a cent from me. She doesn’t deserve it. She isn’t my mother. She’s a woman who gave birth to me. There’s a difference in my eyes. If my dad wanted her to have something, he would have put her name in his will.

  He didn’t.

  The fact that she didn’t even come to my dad’s funeral, but decided to come when she needs money, says everything I need to know about her. She isn’t someone I want in my life.

  She’s toxic.

  And I’m better off without her.


  “You should have let me come with you,” Xander says for the second time.

  “It was something I needed to do alone, you kno
w? I faced her and now it’s over.”

  He makes a sound in his throat and kisses the side of my neck. “I hope she leaves town now.”

  “Me, too,” I reply, trying to ignore the pain over the person my mother turned out to be. A shit one.

  “So, I was thinking,” Xander murmurs, “I could do two weeks with you and two weeks back home. I could start working on cars too, to keep me busy while I’m here. What do you think?”

  I don’t like the sound of him leaving for two weeks every month, but the idea seems logical and reasonable. “I’m going to miss you.”

  He gently plays with my hair, resting his arm on the headboard of my bed. We’re both naked and wrapped up in each other’s arms. “I know. We could try it out and see how it goes. Nothing is set in stone. We can make it work for us.”

  “Okay,” I reply, knowing what he says is the truth. We aren’t in a rush. I can’t even explain the overwhelming urge I have to be around him, an urge I’m sure is reciprocated. Well, he’s here, isn’t he? He’s changed his whole life for me, and I never want him to leave. I meant what I said, if he wants me to move to Perth with him, I will. I would miss Channon, but I would miss him more, so it’s a no-brainer for me.

  “Are you happy here?” I ask, raising my face so our gazes connect.

  He smiles gently. “I don’t think I’ve been happier.”

  Then his lips are on mine, and my fingers are tangled in his hair.

  And all is right in the world.


  It’s Zach’s birthday, so Xander and I are at the clubhouse. This party is a lot different from the other one I went to, mainly because of the women. There are more of them and they’re wearing fewer clothes. I put down the massive chocolate cake on the table. It has a picture of a naked pin-up girl on it, since Zach is a perv and that’s what he asked for. Xander is carrying two full trays of cupcakes and other treats I made for the occasion.


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