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Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories The Novel (light novel)

Page 9

by Tomoco Kanemaki

  “But…,” Sora stammered.

  “In fact, Naminé doesn’t even want to look at your face,” Riku added.

  “Why not?!”

  He couldn’t understand it. He thought it would be only natural for friends to want to be reunited. But Naminé really didn’t want to meet him at all…?

  “You should ask your memories…about why Naminé disappeared from the islands. If you remembered that, you’d know.”

  “Did I…? Did I do something? Is it my fault?” Sora asked desperately.

  He really couldn’t remember.

  What I remember…is Naminé suddenly left one day. I couldn’t believe it, and I was crying so hard… That’s all.

  But was I really crying because she was gone?

  It feels like maybe there was something else, something sadder than Naminé leaving, that made me cry like that… But I don’t know.

  I can’t remember.

  Was it my fault? Did she leave because of something I did?

  What if I forgot on purpose because I couldn’t accept that it was my fault she went away…?

  “Riku…” Sora was pleading.

  “Go home, Sora. I’ll take care of Naminé. Anyone who goes near her…has to go through me!” As Riku said that a dark fog enveloped him…and he changed, his clothes turned dark and armor-like.

  Now he looks…the same as when Ansem was controlling him?!

  “What—what’s wrong with you?!” cried Sora. “We’re supposed to be friends!”

  “Please, Sora. Since when did you ever care about me? Naminé’s not the only one who got sick of looking at you. So did I!”

  Riku brandished a sword that looked like some kind of demon’s black wing and charged Sora.

  “Riku, stop it!” Just in time, Sora blocked Riku’s strike with the Keyblade. “…Ngh!”

  “So, you’ve gotten a little bit stronger, huh?” Smirking, Riku jumped back.

  “What do you mean you’re sick of looking at me?” Sora yelled but kept his distance. “Why would you say that?!”

  “Hmph… Because I was holding it in until now, that’s all. I’ve never liked you, you know.” After firing off those words, Riku leaped high and brought his sword down…

  “Sora!” Goofy tried to run into the fray.

  “Stay back!” Sora shouted, blocking Riku’s sword again. “I’m gonna take him.”

  Goofy and Donald looked at each other, and Goofy lowered his shield, and Donald his wand.

  “If you’re serious…then I’m fighting for real, too…!” Sora forced Riku’s sword aside and swung the Keyblade without even pausing to breathe. Thrown off balance, Riku barely managed to block him.

  “Hey, are you sure I got stronger, or are you slipping?” With that Sora showed him a slight smile and pushed against Riku’s sword with all his might.

  They’d had so many arguments before. So many pretend sword fights. And so many times they’d made up. So why would this time be any different?

  Inch by inch, Sora drove him back and shouted his name just as Riku shoved off and ran for the stairs. With a small angry sound, he hurtled up the stairs.

  “Riku! Please, wait!” Sora tried to follow him—but Riku ran straight through the door that should have been impossible to open without one of those cards, and disappeared. “Riku!”

  Sora flung himself against the door, fists first. There was no reply.

  “Sora… Are you okay?” Goofy said anxiously from behind him as he kept pounding at the door.

  “Don’t worry about me. But Riku… What happened?” Sora turned then, all the strength gone out of him.

  Jiminy Cricket hopped out of his pocket and looked up at him. “He sure was acting strangely. Almost as if someone was controlling him again…”

  Those black clothes Riku wore—they were the same as when Ansem had controlled him.

  “But we got rid of Ansem for good!” said Sora but hung his head again.

  Had they really beaten Ansem once and for all? He couldn’t even be sure about that much.

  Goofy folded his arms. “Gawrsh, I wonder what’s wrong with him. Did somethin’ happen to Riku’s heart?”

  “Wak! Then what about the king?” said Donald with a jump. “He was supposed to be with Riku!”

  When they’d closed the door to Kingdom Hearts, King Mickey had stayed with Riku. But if something strange had happened to Riku…did that mean the same thing could have happened to the king, too?

  “We’ve got to go help him!” Donald blurted furiously, but Sora didn’t move.

  “…I guess so.”

  “Sora…,” Goofy said, worrying.

  Then Jiminy spoke up. “I know…you’re thinking Riku isn’t your friend, right? But that’s just not true.”

  Oh… Riku said he never liked me, Sora thought. Really? The whole time, even back on the islands? Why not?

  “He did say some awful things to you back there,” Jiminy went on. “But you gotta remember…we are in Castle Oblivion. Folks lose their memories here a little bit at a time. Riku’s probably forgotten that the two of you were such good friends, that’s all.”

  Sora looked up finally. Riku forgot? About me?

  “You really think he just forgot?”

  If he just forgot that we were friends…if he only remembers the times when we fought, then maybe that’s making him think that he doesn’t like me.

  Right after we were fighting, I would hate him, too. I would really think that I never wanted to talk to him again. But then, the very next day, I’d forget that I felt like that at all, and we’d go play together on our island again.

  “That’d be my guess. But Sora… Instead of being sad, we have to figure out a way to help Riku get his memory back. No need to mope. If we all work together, why, we’re sure to get you through it,” Jiminy told him with a heartfelt smile. “That’s more like you, isn’t it?”

  “Jiminy’s right. You gotta let your friends help!” Goofy grinned.

  Sora let out a tiny sigh and smiled a little bashfully. “…Yeah. Okay.”

  Donald flailed with his wand. “No, no, not like that! You have to be braver!”

  “Huh? Oh, I get it…” Sora shrugged and brandished the Keyblade with a cocky grin. “I’ll save them all! Naminé and Riku and King Mickey, too!”

  Jiminy hopped up onto his shoulder. “There! That’s the spirit.”

  “Heartless or whatever, I’ll take ’em on!”

  “That’s our brave hero!” Jiminy cheered.

  Sora laughed quietly.

  “…That’s all it takes to get him smiling again,” Donald whispered into Goofy’s ear, smiling himself.

  “Yep! That’s our Sora!”

  “Did you say something, Goofy?” said Sora.

  “Nope, not a thing! C’mon, let’s go! Riku and…and the king are waitin’ for us!”

  Sora nodded and turned to the door again and raised the card to unlock it.

  Humid salty air swirled around them.

  “Where are we now…?” Sora looked around. The wooden construction felt familiar, but he couldn’t quite recall from where.

  “The floor’s kinda unsteady.” Goofy’s nose twitched. “I can hear the ocean, too…”

  The sound of waves was all around them. The moon hung in the dark night sky.

  “I know! We’re on a ship!” blurted Donald. That certainly would explain the unsteady floor.

  “Sora, do you remember comin’ here before…?” said Goofy.

  Sora had to shake his head. I don’t remember this place. “What about you, Goofy?”

  “I don’t remember it, either…” Goofy’s head drooped.

  “Donald? Do you?” asked Sora.

  “Nope…” Donald looked unhappy about it, too.

  If this world really was made out of my memories, Sora thought, then we must have been here before—but I don’t remember it at all.

  In Monstro, he’d at least had the vaguest sense of a memory, but here he didn’t even have th
at. And neither did the others. To think even Goofy didn’t remember a thing about this world…

  Our memories really are disappearing, bit by bit.

  “Well, the only thing to do is keep going!” said Donald, and Sora nodded.

  Right… If we don’t keep going, we won’t find anything. I won’t find Riku again… And her… And King Mickey, too. They must be somewhere in this castle.

  “I wonder if Riku’s on this here ship, too…,” said Goofy, looking a little distant.

  “I don’t know… I guess we should look, anyway.” The moment Sora took a step, something shiny flew above his head and went in glittering spirals around them.

  “Wak! What’s that?!” Donald stared up at the flittering light. It came to a stop in the midst of the trio and revealed itself as the tiny figure of a girl with translucent wings—a fairy.

  “Who are you…?” Sora murmured.

  “Maybe she’s here to help us,” said Jiminy, poking his head out of Sora’s pocket. The fairy, who was scarcely any bigger than the cricket, flew close to Jiminy and nodded emphatically.

  “Looks like you’re right!” said Goofy.

  She shot up high in the air again, then ahead as if to lead them somewhere.

  “Let’s follow her!”

  They began to, but then Heartless seemed to appear out of the air, jumping down to block their way.

  “Wak! Should’ve known this would happen!” shouted Donald, gripping his wand. From beyond the cluster of Heartless, the fairy looked back at them anxiously.

  “Don’t worry! We’ll keep up with ya, Tinker Bell!” Goofy called to her.

  Sora turned. “Oh!”

  “Hyuck?” Goofy cocked his head at the startled look on Sora’s face.

  “You said her name!”

  Goofy jumped.

  “You’re Tinker Bell?” Sora shouted to her, and she spun around, twinkling brightly in reply.

  “Anyway, let’s get rid of these Heartless! Wak!” yelled Donald, whacking a Heartless over the head.

  “Oh, right! —Take this!” Sora brought the Keyblade down on another one.

  So Goofy did remember the fairy’s name! Their memories weren’t completely gone. Just knowing that made Sora glad.

  “All right! Here goes!” Swinging the Keyblade around him, he ran.

  They went through a number of cabins and cargo holds, all very similar, and more of the same Heartless came out to plague them. Unable to say how far they’d gotten, they came to a stop.

  “…Is it just me or are all these rooms starting to look the same?” Sora sighed and looked up at Tinker Bell, who flew around sparkling.

  Goofy was looking up, too. “Maybe we’re just goin’ in circles?”

  “Some help she was,” Donald grumbled, pointedly not looking at her. Tinker Bell darted right at his face and kicked him in the bill. “Wak!”

  Holding his bruised bill, he glanced at her sidelong, as she hovered above them giggling.

  “Gee, I think you mighta ruffled her feathers, Donald,” Goofy murmured, and then they heard a high, clear boy’s voice.

  “Tink, what are you doing? You weren’t supposed to bring the pirates back with you!”

  The boy wore all green, including his cap, and he flew, alighting in front of them.

  “Who are you?!” demanded Sora. The trio stood with their weapons ready, on their guard.

  The boy had his hand up in warning, too. “Stay back, pirates! Or this will be the last fight you pick!”

  “Hey, what’s the big idea?! We’re not pirates!” Donald snapped, still holding his bill. “We’re only here because… Umm… Wait, how can we explain this, Sora?”

  “Huh?” Sora turned from the boy back to Donald, scratching his head. “I don’t know! C’mon, Donald, don’t put me on the spot like that! …What do you think, Goofy?”

  Goofy only cocked his head. “Gawrsh, beats me…”

  The boy burst out laughing at them. “Okay, okay! I understand. Sora, Donald, and Goofy, right? I guess if you were real pirates, you wouldn’t get lost on your own ship. And you’re dressed funny, besides,” he concluded rather cheekily.

  “That’s not very nice…,” Donald muttered.

  “Wait, so if you thought we were pirates…then this must be a pirate ship!” said Sora.

  “That’s right. You’re trapped inside the Jolly Roger—ship of the ol’ codfish, Captain Hook.” For some reason, as he said that name, the boy puffed his chest out.

  “Wak! Well, if we’re trapped, that means you are, too!” Donald shook his wand. He just didn’t like this kid.

  “Me? Don’t be silly. No one can capture Peter Pan!” He took a step toward them. “I’m just laying low until it’s time.”

  “Time for what?” Goofy wondered.

  “The pirates kidnapped my friend Wendy. She’s got to be somewhere on the ship. I just didn’t expect there to be so many pirates on watch. I sent Tink to look for a way around…but all she found was you.”

  Sora folded his arms, looking thoughtful.

  “What is it?”

  “I bet I know what she was thinking. If we all make a big enough racket, we can distract the pirates!” Sora replied, and Tinker Bell happily flew in circles around him.

  “Gawrsh, you musta read her mind,” said Goofy, watching her.

  “So, how ’bout it? Let’s work together, at least until we get back above deck.” Sora held out his hand to Peter Pan.

  “Okay, why not? Of course, I could save Wendy myself, if I wanted to. But you guys look like you’d be stuck without me!” As if he didn’t know what a handshake was, the boy put his own hands behind his back and smirked.

  Peter Pan was gliding through the air, smoothly avoiding the Heartless, while the trio struggled to follow.

  “Hey, wait up! Peter Pan!” Donald yelled after him, out of breath.

  “What’s the matter?” He looped around and floated in front of Donald.

  “We can’t run that fast!”

  “Well, you can fly!” said Peter Pan, as if it would be easier than walking.

  “Er… How?”

  “Like this!”

  Peter Pan snapped his fingers and Tinker Bell flew in a spiral above Donald. Sparkling dust drifted down onto his head.

  “There, now you can fly!”

  “…Really?” Donald took a running start and leaped into the air…and fell on his face. “Wak! I cannot!”

  Tinker Bell looped above Donald, twinkling.

  “Hmm…” Goofy cocked his head.

  “What’s the matter, Goofy?” asked Sora.

  “Didn’t this sorta thing happen before…?”

  “…I don’t really remember,” Sora said miserably.

  I can’t remember coming to this world or even meeting Peter Pan. I forgot everything…

  He stared at Donald trying to chase Tinker Bell. “There must be other important stuff I’ve forgotten…”

  “But you do remember the important stuff,” Goofy told him.

  Which was easy enough to say, but Sora still felt terribly uneasy. “I’m not sure anymore…”

  Riku and…that girl.

  If my memories of being happy with them disappear, like Riku’s did, then I might hate Riku, too. When Sora thought of that it terrified him.

  And she’s really important to me, too…but why do I get the feeling I’ve forgotten something even more important?


  Trying to get away from Donald, Tinker Bell had flown up to the ceiling, where boxes were piled high, and she paused there.

  “What is it, Tink?” Peter Pan drifted up to the top of the stack of boxes. “Hey! Sora, there’s a trapdoor up here.”

  To be sure, there was a small trapdoor in the ceiling.

  “Gee, that’s funny…” Goofy clambered up the boxes to look at it.

  “Well, let’s see what’s up there!” Sora climbed, too, and flung the trapdoor open.

  “Peter? Peter Pan!”

  A girl i
n a blue nightgown ran to him.

  The room they had climbed up into was different from the ones before, a little more spacious.

  “Hey, Wendy. Are you all right? I’ve come to rescue you with my three new Lost Boys!” Peter Pan grinned.

  “Lost Boys?”

  “Is that us?”

  “Don’t you have any manners?!”

  Goofy, Sora, and Donald all complained in turn, but Peter Pan didn’t even seem to hear. “C’mon, let’s get off this leaky ol’ tub and go exploring in Neverland! We’ll never grow up!”

  He offered Wendy his hand, but she didn’t take it.

  “Listen, Peter… I’ve got something to tell you,” she said, looking quite serious. “I want to go home to London.”

  “What are you talking about? Why would you want to do that?” He glared at her.

  “Hey, d’you know where London is?” Donald whispered.

  “Nope! Never heard of it!” Goofy whispered back.

  Peter Pan glanced at them and sounded more upset as he went on talking to Wendy. “If you stay here, we can go on playing forever! But if you go back to London you’ll have to turn into a grown-up! And then you won’t be able to come to Neverland. We’ll never see each other again!”

  He flew up in the air as he said that, looking down at her.

  “I know, Peter. But…I still want to go home.” Wendy’s voice wavered like she was about to cry.

  “I came to rescue you! And you don’t care if you never see me again!” He spun, turning his back on her.

  “No! You don’t understand!”

  “Suit yourself! And while you’re at it, rescue yourself! I’m leaving,” he snapped and flew back down through the trapdoor.

  “Hey, wait a minute!” Sora ran to the hole in the floor and crouched down to poke his head through, but Peter Pan was already gone, shadow and all.

  “And there he goes,” Donald fumed.

  Beside him, Wendy disconsolately clasped her hands over her chest. “Peter…”

  “Um… Hi. Nice to meet you, Wendy,” Sora said gingerly.

  She looked at them, then, curious. “Who are you…?”

  “We’re… Uh, how do I explain this?” He turned to the others.

  “Maybe we can just be the Lost Boys for now?” Goofy murmured in his ear.

  “We’re Peter Pan’s Lost Boys… Well, his friends,” Sora told her.


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