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Souls ReAligned

Page 21

by Tricia Daniels

  Her phone chimes a notification for a new message. Glancing down, she rolls her eyes.

  Ethan: How’s my sandwich coming along? I’m wasting away out here. And I miss you. You’ve been gone too long.

  Olivia: I’ll be right there. Do you think you can survive another two minutes without me?

  Ethan: It’ll be tough but I’ll try.

  Opening the fridge to put everything away, she grumbles when her phone beeps again. “Relax, I’ll be there in a minute,” she says, loudly enough so that he can hear her.

  “That wasn’t me,” he yells from the other room.

  Curious, she glances down at the display.

  Rachel: Really James? I’m getting tired of always being the last person to find out about what’s going on in your relationship with Ethan.

  Olivia: What the heck are you talking about?

  Rachel: Your Facebook status. You’re letting everyone know that you and Ethan are an official couple now?

  Olivia: I didn’t post that on Facebook.

  Rachel: LOL! Well then, somebody else changed your status about 3 minutes ago.

  Taking a few deep breaths and closing her eyes, Olivia counts backwards from ten. Cutting his sandwich in half, she carries the plate into the living room.

  Sitting with her laptop on his knees, he looks up at her innocently, flashing her that boyish grin. The one that looks like he’s up to no good.

  “What?” he asks, reaching for the plate.

  “You changed my Facebook status to say we’re in a relationship,” she says annoyed.

  Trying to hide his amusement, he takes a large bite of his sandwich. “Yes,” he says, as he chews and swallows. “We already resolved that issue.”

  “Yes, but...” Her phone beeps and despite her urge to ignore it, she pulls it out of her pocket to look at the text.

  Noah: You unfriended me on Facebook?

  Olivia: Not me, it was Ethan. I’m dealing with it right now.

  Noah: He’s a dick! Good luck with that. There’s a storm coming. I’ll be around tonight with those sedatives you’re out of.

  Gah! Looking up to see the look of total gratification on Ethan’s face, she almost smiles. This is one of those times, when she feels like she could strangle the man for his disregard of boundaries. Yet, that somber, aching feeling of loss haunts her. It draws her anger and every other feeling back inside her; promising her that if she doesn’t acknowledge them, she won’t be utterly crushed when he leaves.

  Shoving her cell phone back into her pocket, she glares in Ethan’s direction, not sure how to deal with him. His grin widens, as he pops the last bite of the sandwich into his mouth. Licking his lips and wiping the crumbs from his face, he glances over at her, trying to clear his expression of satisfaction, “I’m assuming that was Thompson?”

  Of all the! “Okay, Ireland. You know that was wrong, don’t you?”

  Seemingly unaffected by her statement, he shrugs. Moving toward her, he prepares for all hell to break loose. He doesn’t want to spend his last afternoon with her arguing, “Olivia.”

  Moving away from him, she tries to keep her distance. She can’t even bring herself to get angry with him. Feeling very emotional, she knows that if he touches her, she’s likely to burst into tears.

  “How about we go upstairs for a nap?” he suggests. The unmistakable wiggle in his brow indicating his intentions.

  Olivia shakes her head, “No thanks.” Moving to sit back down on the couch, she leaves him standing in the middle of the room by himself. Wait. What? Why isn’t she yelling at him? Knowing that normally she’d be furious with him, he turns and watches as she picks up her laptop and busies herself with it. Moving to the seat beside her, he puts his hand on her thigh. Rubbing it gently, he frowns when she doesn’t respond.

  After several minutes of the silent treatment, he feels like he’s going to go out of his mind, “Olivia? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she answers, trying to sound convincing.

  Ethan tenses; the ever-dubious nothing. Now he knows for sure that there’s something wrong, “Baby, don’t do that. Don’t shut me out. I have to leave soon, to get some stuff done. I’m on my way home first thing in the morning. Talk to me.”

  Home. Didn’t he declare, not that long ago; that home from now on, would be where ever she is? It isn’t easy, but she ignores his caressing hand and gentle touch, “I’m not shutting you out. I’m just not in the mood right now. There’s nothing wrong. Maybe you should just go, and do whatever it is that you have to do.”

  “You want me to leave?” Looking at her with wounded eyes, he waits for her to look up at him, “Do you want to come with me? Come back to my place while I pack and spend the night with me?”

  “No, thank you… I’m still a little wiped out. I think I’ll just stay home.” Covering a yawn, she glances over to see his hurt expression and feels guilty. “Besides, it’s going to rain and we both know that I’m made of sugar; so I’ll melt if I get wet.”

  Ethan struggles with a consuming anger. One that insists he take control and demand that she goes with him. The previous women in his life were easy to deal with. They did what they were told. That won’t be received well by Olivia, and he knows it. Why must he always mess things up with her? And why does he care so damn much that he does?

  Feeling completely trounced and unsure of the cause, he’s at a loss on how to fix it. Feeling as if he’s back to square one and afraid to push her any further he looks defeated, “Well then, I’ll get on my way.”

  Following him to the door, she keeps her distance, knowing that if he were to get anywhere near her she’d cave instantly.

  Ethan is surprisingly complacent, not pushing or demanding. Determined to give her the space she seemingly needs, although it’s killing him that she won’t tell him why. “I’ll stop by on my way to the airport tomorrow to say goodbye. If you change your mind, call me. I’ll come and pick you up.”

  Something flashes in her eyes, giving him a slight clue and he furrows his brow, “You know I don’t want to go without you, right? But I do have to go.” That look is killing him, “You can change your mind and come with me. Or meet me there in a couple of days.”

  Olivia holds her breath and forces a smile, “I know.”

  Leaning in, he attempts to kiss her, but he’s met with a quick brush of her lips to send him on his way. It’s agony for him, and he reaches for her, trying to pull her close. “Liv, I’m worried about you.”

  She shrugs, “Don’t be. I’ll be fine here, alone, while you’re in Ireland.”

  Ethan looks down at her, startled. What-the-ever-loving-fuck? He was worried about her shutting him out and whatever it is that made her pull back. With John accompanying him tomorrow, he hadn’t even considered that he was about to leave her alone, unprotected.

  “Jesus, why did you make me think about that? Is that what’s bothering you?” Pulling her into his chest, he refuses to let her resist. Wrapping himself around her, he surrounds her with his muscular body, until she finally relaxes in his arms.


  She holds her emotions very close to her chest, fighting hard to keep them from becoming exposed. It’s the only way that she’ll survive. She needs to convince him that she’ll be fine. Pulling away, she assures him, “I’m a big girl. I can look after myself. Been doing it for many now.”

  Frustrated, he curses.

  “Stop it, Ireland. I’m fine. You need to go and get ready for your trip.” Reaching for the door handle, she pulls it open and stands aside.

  Pressing her against the door, he makes her take in a deep breath as he runs his hands over her body, “I want a kiss. And don’t even think that, whatever that was a few minutes ago, will be good enough.”

  She’ll give him that. She’ll do anything to get him out of the house, so she can breathe and deal with these thoughts. Lifting her chin, she moves in to press against his mouth, opening her lips and inviting him in. Ethan rubs his hands fi
rmly across her back. Trying to absorb every last minute he can before he leaves her, he holds her close. He can’t put it off any longer; he has things he has to do. Reluctantly, he tears himself away.

  “Are you sure that you’re going to be okay?”

  That Irish accent makes her stomach tighten. Damn him! “Yes, I’ll be fine.” Please just go!

  He nods as he clenches his jaws, “Alright then. I’ll be around in the morning before I go. Unless you put me out of my misery and stay with me tonight.” He’s only moments away from hitting his knees and begging. That would be a first for Ethan O’Connell, but he’s seriously considering it.

  Finally getting him out the door, Olivia walks up the stairs to take a shower. She hopes that the warmth of the water will soothe her aching muscles and relax her mind. Tears stream steadily down her face as she sobs into the mist. Last night has left her body sore and tired. The warm water stings the chaffed skin on her wrists, making her wince. Showering is doing nothing to ease her despair. Thinking back to her last period, she tries to figure out if hormones are the reason for her unreasonable emotional reaction.

  Ethan’s only been gone about a half-hour when the severe thunderstorm begins. The lights flicker on and off for several minutes, triggering in her an unmanageable anxiety. With every flash of light, she begins to think that she sees Sam’s face in the shadows. Hands trembling, she holds off as long as she can. Pulling out her phone, she stares at Ethan’s number. How can she call him? She spent all that time convincing him that she was a big girl and could look after herself. How sad is it that a silly a thunderstorm has her frightened to death? She really needs to hear his voice but he’ll notice her fear.

  Instead, she decides to send him a text.

  Olivia: Hi.

  Ethan: Hi. Do you miss me already? Can I come pick you up?

  Sitting on the edge of the couch, holding her phone to her chest she repeats to herself, “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”

  Ethan watches his display, waiting for an answer. When there’s still no reply after several minutes, he starts to worry. Unable to concentrate on the work in front of him he sends another message.

  Ethan: Olivia? You ok?”

  Gahhh! She has to answer now.

  Olivia: Yes, I’ll be ok. I guess the storm is just freaking me out a little.

  Signing the last document, he stacks the papers in a neat pile on the corner of his desk and puts on his jacket. A few moments later, he dials her phone.

  Olivia’s heart nearly stops when Ethan’s name shows up on the display. “Hi,” she answers feeling foolish. “I’m so sorry I bothered you. Ouch!” She jumps, burning her fingers on a match. “I’m trying to light a few more candles.”

  “You’re not bothering me, I was just paying some bills,” his voice fades in and out, muffled at times by strange background noises. “What happened?”

  “I just burnt my finger. I should let you go so you can finish your work.” She’s not very good at hiding her emotions from him. As she suspected, he can hear the fear in her voice.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” A loud roar of thunder follows a flash of lightening, making her gasp as it echoes through the house. The flickering lights make her stand frozen where she is.

  “Are you still there?” Ethan asks, concerned about the silence.

  She tries to pull herself together and fails. “Yes… I,” heavily, she sighs. “The power just went out.” She suddenly feels the need to explain her irrational behavior. “Ethan, I know it’s just a thunderstorm... but,”

  “Olivia,” he interrupts, his phone signal cutting in and out.

  She can barely hear him over the background noise. She stops herself and closes her eyes, shaking her head, “I shouldn’t’ have sent you that text.”

  He calls her name again, hoping she can hear him more clearly now, “Olivia?”


  “I’m at the back door… undo the chain lock and let me in.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  A crushing weight is lifted from her at that moment, although she would never admit it. Rushing down the stairs, she slides the chain lock and pulls the door open. Stubbornly it sticks and she jiggles it, cursing. When it finally springs open she finds Ethan, soaking wet, standing outside. Lightening flashes, illuminating his face. He gives her that gentle reassuring smile.

  When he steps in and strips off his wet jacket and shoes, she has a sudden onset of guilt. “I feel really silly,” she confesses. Thunder booms, making her launch herself like a rocket into his arms.

  “Hey, it’s okay.” As he wraps his arms around her, Eva’s voice echoes in his mind. You’ll protect her, as you always have.

  Embarrassed she pulls away, “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Taking her by the hand, he leads her to couch. Pulling her down to sit beside him, he continues to console her, wrapping her in his powerful arms. Eyes locked together, he leans his lips against the top of her head. He’s not sure how long they’ve been sitting there quietly in the flickering candlelight. Time seems nonexistent when he’s with her.

  The driving rain slows to a drizzle as the storm passes. When the power is restored, the doorbell rings, followed by an impatient knock on the door. Ethan looks at her curiously, “Are you expecting someone?”

  Olivia shrugs, “I don’t think so.”

  Flipping the hall light on, she opens the door to find Noah, soaked to the bone and shivering.

  “I tried to get here as soon as the storm started,” he says, slightly out of breath.

  Olivia swallows hard. She had completely forgotten about Noah. He’s usually the one to help her get through her thunderstorm anxiety. Standing in the doorway, she holds the edge of the door, saying nothing.

  “Are you going to let me in?” he asks awkwardly.

  Dear God, how is she going to handle this one?

  “Umm, errr… No… Sorry, Noah.”

  Looking past her into the hallway, he can see Ethan standing in the background. Grinding his teeth, his jaw tenses into a hard straight line, “I see. I thought he went back to Ireland.”

  “Noah.” She reaches for him, the disappointment on his face breaking her heart.

  He holds his hands up to stop her, “Hey, don’t worry. It looks like you’re in good hands.”

  Olivia senses Ethan behind her and turns to frown at him.

  “Here,” Noah hands her a pill bottle. “You mentioned you were out.”

  Taking the bottle from him, she smiles, “Thank you, you’re an awesome friend.”

  Noah nods, but it doesn’t make him feel any better. Looking past her, he establishes eye contact with Ethan, “O’Connell… can I see you outside for a moment?”

  Olivia looks at him with panic on her face. “It’s okay. I just want to talk to him for a minute.” He runs his hand down her arm in a reassuring manner.

  Ethan brushes against her as he makes his way past. Distraught, she watches them take a few steps off the porch and out of earshot.

  Ethan puts up his hood and stands with his hands in the pockets. Noah swallows his pride with a hard gulp, “Listen, man, you don’t know Olivia very well, yet. I’m telling you this for her sake. Make sure she takes the meds and whatever you do... don’t, leave her alone. They’re predicting several more storm systems to roll through tonight.”

  Ethan stares at him, trying to figure out where this is going, “What did you give her?”

  “A pretty powerful anti-anxiety medication. To help her sleep.”

  The thought of Noah previously staying with her, while she’s drugged and defenseless, makes him sick. His jaw clenches, “Yeah, I don’t think she’ll be taking those tonight.” Uncontrollable rage inflames his face.

  “Don’t be a dick, O’Connell. Storms are a trigger for her. If you don’t give them to her, she’ll have horrifying night terrors. Trust me when I tell you, it’s not something you want to witness, and you sure as fuck don’t want her to go through it.”

stands tall, preparing for conflict. His hands close into tight fists. “Thanks for the advice. Remind me again, what kind of doctor you are?” his words are rudely spoken with no attempt to hide the contempt. “Oh, that’s right. You’re a veterinarian.”

  Noah shakes his head. “I’m not going to let you provoke me into another fight, O’Connell. Just look after her. My phone number is in her cell if she needs me. I can be here in a minute.”

  Ethan has never wanted to hit someone so badly in all his life. His temper threatens to unhinge with the fury of a hurricane. Noah gives him a smug smile and turns to walk away. Unable to stop himself, Ethan reaches for him, firmly grabbing his shoulder. Noah stops and turns slightly to glance at him over his shoulder.

  “I’m not going anywhere, any time soon, Thompson. Best you get used to that idea.” His chest expands with an anger that so desperately needs an outlet. As much as he’d like it to be Noah Thompson’s face, he has made a promise to Olivia.

  “What’s your point, O’Connell?”

  “Don’t be coming around anymore. Especially, when you think I’m out of town,” he warns, squeezing his shoulder tighter.

  Noah laughs once and pulls out of his grasp. “Isn’t that a decision Olivia should make?”

  With anger still pulsing through his body, Ethan watches Noah wander up the street and around the corner. Soon, he’s going to be 3,500 miles away, and he’s just been hit with the realization that Noah Thompson lives practically next-door. The thought eats away at him as he makes his way back into the house.


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