Souls ReAligned

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Souls ReAligned Page 34

by Tricia Daniels

  Dragging her hand along the wall, she makes her way down the hallway, then plops herself into bed.

  “Ethan?” she calls out

  “What’s wrong?”

  “The bed is spinning.”

  “Put one foot on the floor, Love.”

  “Does that really work?” She slightly lifts her head and squints at him.

  “Worth a try, don’t you think?”

  Rolling on to her back, she grimaces.

  Ethan shakes his head. “Tender?”


  “Here. Let me look. Roll over on your stomach.”

  Sweeping her hair off to the side, he peels back the adhesive to get his first glimpse of her tattoo. He stares, speechless for quite some time, giving Olivia cause for alarm.

  “Ethan? Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, it’s a little red, but that’s normal right now.”

  “Does it look okay?”

  As he stares down at the small Celtic love knot at the base of her neck, Ethan swallows hard, trying to hide the emotion. “It’s beautiful, Olivia. Can I ask why you decided on this one?”

  “I like the symbolism; no beginning and no end. I saw the design when I first got here. It made me think of us. Eternal… and see? In the middle? It’s you and me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The lines… I saw them immediately.”

  He watches as she uses her finger to demonstrate, tracing invisible letters on the top of the sheet. “E” for Ethan and “O” for Olivia.”

  Looking closer at where the lines intersect in the center of the heart shaped knot, he sees it.

  “Are you mad at me?” she asks him, looking over her shoulder and pouting.


  “Are you going to punish me?”

  Running his fingers along her skin, he gently guides the strap to her camisole to the edge of her shoulder, letting it slide down her arm. His hand follows its journey. He leans his lips against her skin, at the base of her neck, careful not to apply too much pressure on the delicate skin around her new tattoo. “No, Sweetheart, not tonight. Tonight, that’s not what you need. And it’s definitely not what I want.”

  Brushing, his fingertips down her back; his heart begins to race as they trail along her voluptuous curves. The feel of her skin is like silk beneath his hands and he’s content to take his time. “Tonight I want to explore your body with soft caresses. I want all-night-long, slow kisses. I want to make you purr.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “Ethan!” In a panic, Olivia sits straight up. “Why didn’t you set the alarm? It’s almost 10 a.m.!” Tugging the blankets off her body, she swings her legs toward the side of the bed. Ethan’s strong arms reach out and grab her, pulling her back in beside him.

  “Stay here. We’re not going into work today.” He wraps his arms around her tightly when she protests.

  “I have things to do. We can’t just keep blowing off work,” she complains, struggling against him.

  “I can do whatever I want.”

  “I don’t understand you. You practically kidnap me, to get me out here, to work on this project. Then, once I’m here, you insist on distracting me so I can’t work on it.”

  Ethan presses his lips tenderly on the back of her shoulder, taking care not to brush against the still sensitive skin at the base of her neck. “You still think I brought you here to work on the project?”

  Turning over her shoulder, she waits curiously for an explanation.

  “I brought you here because I couldn’t stand the thought of being away from you. And I’m bloody glad I did. The last two days in London were absolutely miserable, without you. That’s why we aren’t going in to work today, Olivia. I just want to spend the day with you. No phones. No boardrooms. No sisters. I want you all to myself today.”

  When she relaxes in his arms, he loosens his hold and nuzzles into her neck.

  “Geez, how do you do that?”

  “Do what?” He nibbles on her earlobe.

  “Say things that make it difficult to be angry with you.”

  “Lots of practice, apparently.”

  Her shoulders jiggle as she laughs. “Okay, Ireland. What are we doing today? Staying in bed and blowing off the entire day?”

  “Mmmm, I like that idea. I can be your sex slave.”

  “Now, that would be a switch. Somehow, I don’t think you’d do very well.”

  “No?” He nibbles on her neck

  “Ummm, no. Plan B?”

  “Actually, what I’d like to do is take you for a drive. Show you what a beautiful place the Irish countryside is. I want to take you to all my favorite spots.”

  “Wow, that sounds like a wonderful day. I’m in!”

  Ethan climbs out of bed and begins to get dressed, while Olivia watches. “Can we take the Zagato?” she asks hopefully.


  “Can I drive?”

  Zipping his pants, he looks her straight in the eyes. “No.”

  A wicked grin spreads across her face as she crawls across the bed. “Maybe I can change your mind.” Looking up, she reaches for his zipper.

  Ethan shakes his head and takes a step back, grinning.

  “As much as I love it when you suck my cock, I refuse to let you use it as a means to get what you want.”

  “It works most of the time,” Olivia snickers.

  Ethan smirks as he considers the truth in it. “Well, it’s not working this time. Keep your hands off my car, Woman!”

  “Fine!” Sitting back on her heels, she crosses her arms and pouts.

  The sun is warm and bright, as they make their way across the lush, green, Irish countryside. As much as Olivia would prefer to be driving, she’s content sitting in the passenger seat with the cool breeze blowing across her. She’s totally enamored with the man sitting beside her. She raises an eyebrow in concern as he turns the Zagato down a narrow, dirt pathway. At the end of it, an oasis awaits.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything this beautiful.” Getting out of the car, she glances over at his smile.

  A fallen tree trunk, offers a makeshift bench along the side of the river. Olivia sits beside him and closes her eyes, listening to the sound of the rushing water. Breathing in the fresh air cleanses her soul. Tucking in under his arm, she lays her cheek against his shoulder. For the moment, there are no doubts. No questions. No secrets. It’s just the two of them, as it has always been meant to be. Thoughts, dreams, and memories meld together in her mind, strengthening the hold he has on her.

  Unexpectedly, she gets to her feet and walks toward the water. Ethan watches curiously.

  Balancing on the edge of the shoreline, she slips off her shoe and dips her foot in to the rushing waters testing the temperature. Sneaking up behind her, he playfully pretends to push her in. She screams, grabbing at him, trying not to lose her balance. Laughing, he holds on to her tightly, and pulls her well into the safety of his arms, away from the edge of the bank.

  “Lucky I was here.” He flashes her a roguish grin. “I saved you.”

  “My knight in shining armor. Seems to me that’s not the first time you’ve saved me.” Smiling up at him, she flutters her eyelashes, like a true damsel in distress. He resigns to his weakness, lowering his lips to hers and rewarding himself with a passionate kiss.

  Olivia moves her hand to the side of his face and caresses his cheek with her thumb. His lips are soft, yet demanding; she craves them more than anything else in her life.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he lifts her off the ground and spins her elatedly in the air. When he stops, he loosens his grip and allows her to slowly slide down the length of his body until her feet touch the ground. The action brings back a memory of long ago: the wind in her hair, the smell of the ocean air, the love beating rigorously in his heart. Leaning down he bites her lower lip, tugging on it gently as he pulls away.

  “The best day of my life was when we got past that rule about kissing,”
he confesses, “I want your kisses… in fact I need them. Now that I know how sweet they are, I would surely die without them.”

  “A little overly dramatic don’t you think, Ethan?” She tries to hide how his romantic admission stokes the desire building inside her.

  “No, not at all. It was a silly rule.”

  “What?” She frowns at him, feeling a little defensive. “My rules were NOT silly!”

  “Really?” he laughs, “You’re dating someone and you can have sex with them, but you can’t kiss them? You’re right, that’s not silly, it’s fucking ridiculous.”

  She thinks long and hard about his statement. She doesn’t want to argue with him and ruin this perfectly magical day. Taking on this debate would be pointless and exhausting.

  Her silence makes him smile. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen her so… still. Holding out his hand, he guides her back to the car. “There’s a little town close to here that I want you to see.”

  They travel a short distance along the country road in silence. Ethan reaches over and places his hand on her thigh, caressing it gently. The rolling green hills and beautiful landscape distract Olivia’s attention from the teasing brush of his fingertips across her skin. Everything about Ireland feels ‘right.’ This feels like home. As they keep to the right, at the fork in the road, surroundings become all too familiar. The grand tree, centuries old, still stands majestic, his roots firmly planted in the earth. Determined. Unmoved. Olivia’s chin drops as they pass it, her mouth open in bewilderment.

  Ethan smiles, knowing exactly what she’s feeling. He feels it too, every time he travels this road. Nothing has ever compared to the ardor beating in his chest at this moment. His heart feels like the lit fuse on a box of fireworks; waiting to explode into an array of stunning light at any moment. That’s how he feels in the presence of Olivia James. It’s beyond magical. It’s more than just feeling their connection. It’s knowing, without a doubt, that they are meant to be. Ireland is a cunning, enchantress. She has finally fused their lost souls together. Ethan will never lose Olivia again.

  Only a few miles further, they come to a crossroads. Ethan stops to let a farmer pass.

  “What’s down that way?” Olivia stares to her right, feeling drawn.

  “Nothing, just more country road. It doesn’t take us to where we’re going.”

  “Can we drive down there anyway?”

  Ethan furrows his brow, and scratches his head. Shrugging, he cranks the wheel, turning down the open road. There’s not a person in site. The perfect time for Ethan to push the Zagato, impress his girl, and give her a little thrill. Olivia sits with her face to the window, breathing in the air and loving the speed. Until, they pass the ruins of a small cottage set way back from the road. She’s not even sure how she saw it, nestled among the overgrown brush. “WAIT!” she hollers. “Go back!”

  Shocked, Ethan slows down and brings the car to a stop.

  “What’s the matter?” he says concerned

  “I need to check that place out.”

  “What place? There was NO place.”

  “Turn around, I’ll show you.”

  Crawling back up the road, he stops, staring at the fragments of broken stone in the middle of the meadow. Olivia jumps out of the car and heads up the grassy path.

  “Where are you going?” Ethan shakes his head and starts after her. When he reaches her, she’s standing in the middle of the fallen home, staring at him with a sentimental expression. “Olivia, that doesn’t look safe.”

  Ignoring him, she continues to walk around what, at one time, would have been a small country cottage. The only thing left is the rock foundation and a pile of rubble. From the grass, he holds his breath, watching her walk through the ruins as if she’s following a familiar floor plan.

  His eyes skirt around the perimeter of the property; noticing the lush, green bushes planted in a straight row along the side of the house. Although they’re not in bloom, he knows that they’re lilacs. He’s seen them before.

  The short rock wall that surrounds the property is also in ruins, completely fallen in several places. However, the wooden gate, with its heavy metal hinges, still hangs true. As true as the day he hung it.

  “Do you feel it?” Picking through the pile, she searches for a memory. When she lifts her eyes to his, she’s struck by his maudlin appearance.

  “Do I feel what?” Ethan exhales a long breath. How can he not feel it? When he’s around Olivia James, he feels every emotion with an intensity he never knew could exist.

  “The energy here.” What once was, is now a very clear image in her mind; white, stone walls and a heavy wooden door. A thatched roof that leaked when it rained. With a slow intake of breath, she inhales the energy, letting it flow through her. Century old emotions come alive inside her. The weight of his love becomes an unbounded presence, wrapping around her.

  Ethan’s body thrums, his emotions mirroring those of his effusive lover. His own thoughts recall images of their life together here: the good times, the bad, the laughter, and the love.

  A loud noise startles him back to reality and an overwhelming need to protect her. Making his way onto the foundation, the hair on the back of his neck stands and chills run down his spine.

  “Sweetheart.” He extends his hand. “This isn’t safe, get out of there, please.”

  Olivia teeters on the top of a pile of rubble, and allows him to safely guide her down. Holding her hand, he locks their fingers together as they make their way back to the car.

  “The spaces between your fingers are meant to be filled with mine.” He lifts their hands to his mouth for a kiss.

  Olivia swoons. Mesmerized by his sincerity. Enthralled by their surroundings. He leads her toward the wooden gate and she stops, laughing at him.

  “What are you doing?” She glances a few feet to the left of the gate where the walls have completely fallen, allowing them an easy exit.

  “It’s only proper that we use the gate. After all this time, it’s been waiting for someone to make it feel useful. It would be impolite to deny him that.”

  “Him?” Holding back her snickers, she glances up at the playful grin on Ethan’s face.

  “Yes, him.” Struggling with the latch, he pushes against the gate, forcing the rusty iron hinges to open with great difficulty. Then reaching down, he lifts Olivia into his arms and carries her through. She laughs as she wraps her arms around his neck and holds on. Placing her down on her feet on the other side, he turns and forces it closed, shuddering at the loud squeal of rusty metal hinges.

  Ethan turns to see the gentle breeze blowing through her hair. The green in her eyes sparkles in the sunlight, drawing him in, making him a willing captive. She’s positively glowing and it astounds him. Holding her face, he claims her lips: warm and luscious, and ALL HIS.

  “I love you,” he whispers as he pulls away.

  “I love you, too.” She brushes her fingers across his lips before kissing him again. “But your friend, ‘the gate’ is watching us, and it’s getting a little creepy. Maybe we should go.”

  Ethan laughs, continuing toward the car. “Agreed.”

  Stopping abruptly, she pulls on his hand, forcing him to turn around.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Is this place for sale?”

  Ethan looks around for a sign but doesn’t see any.

  “I don’t know, Love. Why are you asking?”

  She squeezes his hand tightly, “I know this will probably sound silly to you, but this place feels…” she pauses looking up to catch his enamored expression, “magical. I feel like we’re meant to be here.”

  Ethan smiles and nods; reeling her in to his chest, he holds her tightly. “It’s absolute madness, but I feel it too.”

  Only a few moments down the road, Olivia’s head bounces from left to right as she tries to take in all the small village charm. Ethan comes to a stop out front of the small shop where he found his most treasured book. The old man sitting, ju
st outside the door, gets to his feet as they approach.

  “Ethan! It’s been a long time.” He shakes his hand vigorously, patting his shoulder with the other. Smiling he turns to Olivia. “And this, beautiful woman? Is this Mrs. O’Connell?”

  “Not yet, George, but I intend to correct that soon.” Ethan smiles, looking down to see Olivia’s red face and stunned expression. Steering her through the door, he leans down and whispers in her ear, “You know what it does to me when you blush. You’re so beautiful, right now. I need to find somewhere to get you out of your clothes and underneath me.”

  “Stop it!” Olivia gasps trying to put some distance between them and gain some composure.

  “Ethan.” George follows them into the store, “Come, I want to show you my newest treasure.”

  “Okay, George.” Turning to Olivia, he gestures toward the store. “You look around, and I’ll be right back” He winks and she rolls her eyes at him, shaking her head.

  “Mary will keep you company while I talk to the boy. Mary!” George calls.

  A small, elderly woman appears from the other room. Olivia lets out a small gasp at her appearance. Staring at her as she crosses the room, she blinks several times in disbelief.

  “You’ve been away far too long.” Mary scolds.

  “Hello, Mary.” Ethan grins. “This is Olivia James.”

  Mary stops in her tracks, glancing between them, as her eyes fill up with tears. “You finally found her and brought her home?” Emotion is heavy in her voice, leaving Olivia feeling even more perplexed.

  Ethan smiles and nods. “Yes, Mary, I did. Show her around the shop would you, please. I’m sure she can find something beautiful that she can’t live without. George and I will be right back.” Ethan glances over at Olivia’s odd expression. “Olivia? Is everything okay?”

  Startled by his question, Olivia finally tears her gaze away from Mary. “Sorry, yes, go ahead.”

  Ethan narrows his eyes at her, thinking that there’s something she wants to say. She considers it for a moment, almost blurting out her thoughts, before noticing his questioning look and changing her mind.


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