Souls ReAligned

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Souls ReAligned Page 35

by Tricia Daniels

  “I’m fine!” she assures him, “Go!”

  After the men leave the room, Olivia offers Mary a polite smile. “I’m okay, really. You can go back to what you were doing. I’ll just wander around.”

  “He’s been looking for you his whole life,” Mary informs her, as she steers her further into the shop.

  “Me? How do you know that I’m the one?” Olivia picks up several items from one of the displays, pretending not to be affected by the conversation.

  “It was always known, that he would know you the moment he saw you.”

  “I’m sorry, how long have you known Ethan? You seem to be very close.” Olivia finds a collection of antique hair combs and jewelry and focuses her attention on them.

  “We’ve known each other since he wandered in here and found his book.”

  “Romeo and Juliet?” Olivia holds one of the combs up to her head, imagining how it would look with her dress for the upcoming charity ball.

  “Yes.” Holding up a small hand mirror, she allows Olivia to see how perfect it looks, holding her curls away from her face. Mary recognizes that glow. She stares at her, and cocks her head to the side. Moving toward her, she places her hand on Olivia’s stomach and grins. “You’re with child,” she says delightedly.

  “What?” Olivia places her hand on top of Mary’s, guiding it away. “You’re mistaken.”

  “No, dear. I’m not.” Mary’s eyes begin to tear up again. “He’s been denied this child in past lives.”

  “Oh, okay I get it. You’re all messing with me right?” She lifts a pearl necklace to her neck and admires it.

  “No, dear.”

  “So, maybe you can explain to me then, why you look exactly like a psychic who’s been stalking me back home?”

  A knowing smile, flashes across Mary’s face.

  “You know who I’m talking about, don’t you? So what is it Mary? A game? A joke?”

  “Eva is my sister,” Mary admits. “She went to Canada to help steer you two together. The higher powers can be cruel sometimes, testing us; separating souls across great distances. But the universe won’t be denied love. You just needed some help to find each other.”

  “Apparently, I’m a magnet for you people. I’m guessing you’re a psychic, as well then?”

  Mary lets out a small laugh, “Heavens no, child. Eva is the one with the gift. I’m just intuitive sometimes.”

  “I’m afraid your radar is a little off today, Mary. I’m not the one who’s having his baby.”

  “You are the only one having his baby,” Mary answers adamantly. The phone rings, drawing her away for a few moments.

  Olivia continues to browse the treasures and antiques, with Mary’s words in her mind. Her mind now starting to add up all the signs: the waves of nausea and loss of appetite, feeling exhausted all the time, hormones making her crazy, emotional, and extremely horny. She desperately tries to think back to her last period and does a quick calculation. Could Mary be right? Olivia reaches down and runs her hand over her belly, caressing it gently.

  “Did you find any treasures?”

  Olivia is startled, when Ethan cozies up behind her.

  “Are you okay?” he laughs.

  “I’m fine. You shouldn’t sneak up on a girl like that.” Her heart races, as she goes back to digging through a small box of trinkets and watches. Picking each one up she turns it several times, before putting it back down.

  “What exactly is it that you’re looking for?”


  “Every time we go into a shop it seems as if you’re looking for something specific. What are you looking for?”

  “I have no idea,” she sighs, “I guess I’ll know when I find it.”

  Mary returns with a brown paper bag, holding the few items Olivia picked out.

  “Thank you. How much do I owe you?”

  “Nothing. This is a gift.” Mary smiles as she hands it to her.

  “Oh, no. That’s very kind, but I couldn’t accept.”

  Mary looks over at George and waits for his acknowledgement. “Of course, you’ll accept.”

  “Ethan,” Olivia protests. “Say something. I’m not taking this stuff unless they let me pay for it.”

  Ethan shrugs, “There’s no point in me arguing with Mary, Sweetheart. Accept the gift.”

  Exhaling in frustration, Olivia takes the bag out of Mary’s hand and is pulled into a warm embrace. “He’s a good boy,” she whispers into Olivia’s ear. “Love him. Believe in him. Give him your heart and he will not fail you.” As Mary releases her, she once more runs her hand across Olivia’s stomach and smiles.

  Olivia says little on the way home. How bizarre her life has been lately?

  Her silence makes Ethan feel a little edgy. “Did Mary say something to upset you?” he finally asks.

  “What?” Occupying herself with the view out the window, she has been avoiding conversation. “Ethan, why didn’t you tell me about Mary? You had to know that I’d figure it out.”

  “Tell you what about Mary? Figure what out?”

  “Seriously?” she glances his way and is met with his blank stare. “Come on. You’re kidding me. Are you going to try and tell me that you don’t know?”

  Ethan shakes his head, not following her point.

  Olivia takes a short frustrated breath. “Okay, let me ask you this. Doesn’t Mary look a lot like someone you recently met?”

  “I don’t think so; you’re going to have to help me out with this one, Baby.”

  Olivia stares at him, her mouth slightly open in bewilderment. “Wow!” Folding her hands in her lap, she gives up. “Never mind, Ethan. It’s not important.”

  “So, now you’re upset with me?” He cocks a curious eyebrow and then frowns.

  “No,” she sighs. “Yes, actually. Why did you give in to her? They obviously need the money. I don’t imagine they get many sales. How are they supposed to make ends meet?”

  Ethan’s shoulders relax as he exhales a breath. “Is that what you’re stressing over? Olivia, you don’t need to worry. Trust me.”


  “Yes, really,” he assures her.

  “I don’t know how you can say that, the rent on the building alone must set them back more than they earn every month. I can’t imagine how…” Pausing, she looks over at his humble expression. “You’re paying the rent on the shop, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” He nods. “They don’t know that it’s me. I had John contact them and tell them that he belongs to the historical society and that since the building was a historical landmark they would be taking over the monthly lease payments.”

  Olivia stares at him with adoration; her silence causes him to look toward her. He gently pinches her chin and then brushes his thumb across her cheek. She sighs and leans her face against his hand. Smiling, he runs his fingers through her hair, tucking it behind her ear so he can see her face.

  “I told you. Trust me. I’m looking after them.”

  “You amaze me sometimes, Ethan.”

  “Oh good,” he teases, “Hopefully, that cancels out all the times that I fuck things up.”

  “Can I ask you a question?” her mind has been considering Mary’s suggestion.

  “Of course, but I can tell you already… the answer is YES! I will find someplace to pull over so you can fuck me for being so amazing.”

  She stares at him, unimpressed, and raises an eyebrow.

  “Okay, maybe not.” he says disappointed. “What’s your question?”

  “Do you want to have kids?” She holds her breath as she watches the look of confusion wash across his face.

  “Doesn’t really matter at this point. Does it?”

  Olivia gets flustered, worried. “I mean, if Jessica wasn’t pregnant. Do you think you’d want to have kids some day?”

  “Not likely,” he says, seemingly annoyed that she asked.

  “Oh. I thought you loved kids?” She tries to hide her disappointment as she cr
osses her arms over her stomach.

  “I do.” Scratching his head, he feels compelled to explain. “I like my life. I like my cars, and my toys, and picking up and going anywhere, at anytime. Not to mention that my career has me continually travelling. Sometimes I’m gone for weeks at a time. That’s no life for a child, to grow up with an absentee father. Not to mention how unfair it would be to my partner, to have to shoulder the responsibilities of raising a child, practically alone. I have never considered that one day I’d want to be a family man. I’m content with my life the way it is now.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Ethan, be reasonable,” Madison says, as she paces across the wooden floor of the dance studio.”

  “Oh, I am being reasonable.” Placing two shopping bags on the table, he begins to sort through his purchases.

  “No, you’re not!” Madison argues. “You’re being ridiculous.”

  Looking at his watch, he peers out the window as he untangles a skein of rope.

  “She’s struggling, Ethan,” she tries to reason with him.

  “So tell me then, what is she struggling with?


  Ethan laughs out loud. “I find that hard to believe.”

  “I mean she has trouble giving it up.”

  “Even harder to believe,” Still grinning, he moves his purchases to the bedroom, organizing them so that they are ready when he needs them.

  “Stop it,” Madison says. “Are you taking this seriously or not? I thought you wanted her to know this waltz by the charity ball?”

  “Okay, okay. Why, all of a sudden, are the women in my life giving me a hard time? I think I liked it the way it was before.”

  “When everyone was afraid of you?” Madison asks curiously.

  “Yes! Let’s go back to that.”

  “You can’t be serious?” Madison scolds, “Do you want to help or not?”

  “I’m still not sure what the problem is.” Looking out the window, he watches and shakes his head as she gets out of the cab with several boxes. There is no room in his Thursday evening plans for work. Occasionally needing a dark adventure, the anticipation kept him on edge. He thought about it all day long; knowing that tonight she will allow him to take her there drove him to distraction, until he could no longer concentrate on work. He intends to make sure that she keeps her promise, the minute she arrives home.

  “Ethan, if she’s going to learn this dance by the event, then she needs a partner who she’ll give up control to; someone that she’ll follow. Michael is the only one she trusted.”

  “Not a chance. Leave it with me. I have to go now.” Ethan ends the call, distracted by his thoughts.

  When the door swings open, Olivia stumbles in. With her hands full, she attempts to close the door with her foot. Off balance, she almost tips over. Leaning against the wall to steady herself, she looks up as Ethan emerges from the kitchen still dressed in his business suit. The sight of him in it, confirms his unquestionable authority, his power.

  Unbuttoning his jacket as he walks toward her, he slides it off his shoulders and hangs it on a hook. Standing perfectly still, she firmly grasps onto the box of paperwork she’s brought home to read.

  “You’ve kept me waiting longer than I’d like, Olivia.” Undoing the cuffs of his dress shirt, he rolls them back. Meticulously running his hand along each fold, making sure that it’s crisp. Perfect.

  Olivia swallows hard as she watches. The gesture sends a signal to her body that ‘shit is about to get very real.’ There’s a loud thud as the heavy box of paperwork hits the floor.

  Looking up, he’s pleased with her expression. Her eyes are open wide with wonder. Excitement. Possibly, even fear. Her perfect lips, part slightly to accommodate her need for air. Her chest rises and falls with stuttered breaths. The reaction stirs something inside him, awakening a hibernating beast. Adrenaline pumps through his veins fuelling his desires. He can’t wait any longer. He’s ready to test her obedience. “Let’s get started.”

  Startled, Olivia wakes from sleep. Reaching for him, she finds him missing. Lifting her head, she looks around the room. Getting out of bed, she winces and groans. Stiff muscles complain as she forces them to move. The more confident and secure she grows, the further Ethan pushes her boundaries; slowly introducing the wicked things he’s fantasized about since the day he set eyes on her. She granted him a long awaited fantasy when she admitted that she too, wanted to explore some of his desires. When she gifted him with her full submission, he pushed her limits, taking her down a path she has never explored. The knowledge of intricately tied knots, and the way he regarded her breathing and body language was clearly a sign that Ethan was no stranger to this sort of adventure. After settling her mind, he took her on a journey to the edge, skillfully keeping her from falling. When he was done, she was emotionally spent and physically exhausted.

  Stiff and aching, she wanders into the hallway of the small Dublin flat. Occasionally hearing him raise his voice, she follows the sound to the bathroom. She finds the door locked, and Ethan attempting to whisper on his phone. All week long, she’s been fighting the urge to ask him about Griff’s comments. It’s a battle that she has with herself several times a day. She loves Ethan. She wants to trust him but he’s still keeping secrets: meetings, she can’t attend with him, trips out of the office in the middle of the day; now, locked doors, and whispering. Shamefully, she leans her ear to the door, trying to listen in.

  “You’re coming with me, right? I’m afraid I’ll lose it if they start accusing me of shit.”

  There’s a short pause, then his voice gets really quiet, almost a whisper. “Yes, I know, Shannon. I don’t understand why they need to see me again.” Then, clearly agitated he yells, making Olivia jump back from the door. “I’M NOT GETTING WORKED UP!”

  There is a brief clattering of noises on the other side of the door before she hears his muffled voice. Olivia cautiously moves to put her ear back against the door, praying that she isn’t caught.

  “Fine! So what exactly is it that you want me to tell them?” Anxiety vibrates in his voice, “The truth? Oh, that’s grand! Is that how you intend to handle my defense, Miss Quinn? Claiming I was too drunk to remember the truth?”

  Olivia’s stomach gets nervous. She doesn’t want to hear anymore. She’ll go out of her mind. With uncomfortable movements, she makes her way to the kitchen. Pouring herself a cup of tea, she looks up to see him standing in the doorway, watching.

  “Good morning.” Moving toward her, he takes the lid off a bottle he’s carrying, and then dumps two pills into his hand. “Here, Love. Take these.”

  “What is it?” She lifts her arm to take them, wincing at the pain.

  Ethan frowns. “Tylenol. I’m sure you need it this morning.”

  “Thank you.” Taking them out of his hand, she tosses them in her mouth and washes them down.

  “Take the bottle with you to work. You can take them every four hours for the muscle pain.” Looking at his watch, he picks up his jacket.

  “Ethan?” The words are on the tip of her tongue. Ask him. Just ask him about the call.

  “Yes?” Buttoning his cuffs, he waits for her question, scowling at her hesitation.

  Fear of what she may find out overrides her need to know. Her brain kicks into denial and survival mode. “You’ve done that before, haven’t you?”

  Ethan raises an eyebrow at her question and confirms with a nod. “I have to go. Are you okay to get ready on your own?”

  “Yes, I’ll be fine,” she says annoyed. “Honestly, I’m not that delicate.” Turning to walk away, she grimaces as she tries to drag her muscles into the motion of putting one foot in front of the other.

  Ethan watches her pain. “No, of course not. You’re not delicate at all,” he says sarcastically.

  “Don’t say another word, Ireland. I swear I’ll kick your ass,” she threatens, as she slowly makes her way down the hall.

  “I doubt you can lift your le
g that high today, Princess,” he chuckles.

  “Wipe that smirk off your face. I don’t think you’re funny.” Slamming the bedroom door behind her, she curses.

  Swinging the door open, Ethan follows her into the room. He watches as she sits on the side of the bed, trying to lift her leg to put her shoe on. Feeling sympathetic, he crouches in front of her. “Here. Let me help.” Picking up her shoe, he slides her foot into it, then smoothes his hand up her leg. “Why don’t you stay home today? Have a hot bath and get some rest.”

  “I can’t. I have a meeting with Dr. Cameron today.”


  “Absolutely not,” she argues. “It took forever to find a time where we were both available.”

  “If you start feeling any worse, have John bring you home. Dave can meet you here or arrange another time.”


  “Don’t argue with me. Why is it that suddenly the women in my life like to argue with me?”


  “Fine,” he repeats, mocking her.

  “Gah! Do you know what I regret about what we did last night?”

  “What?” Walking toward the door, he turns to give her a cocky grin.

  “That my arms are too heavy to throw something at you right now,” she growls.

  Fixing his tie, he chuckles, “Well, then perhaps we should consider exploring those adventures a little more often.”

  She opens her mouth, prepared to protest but reconsiders. Surprised, Ethan tilts his head to the side and raises an eyebrow. “Well, Well.”

  “Stop talking,” she says, feeling embarrassed.

  Ethan holds open the door, waiting for her to get to her feet. Smiling, he leans in and kisses her as she reaches him. “Promise me you’ll come home if you need to rest.”

  Ignoring him, she brushes past him through the doorway. Reaching out he grabs her arm, forcing her to stop. “Olivia.”

  Releasing a loud sigh, she turns to look at him, breaking his hold. He lifts his hand to her face, skimming his fingers across her cheek. Relaxing, she leans into the palm of his hand. “I’ll go out of my mind worrying about you, and I need a clear head for an important meeting today. Promise me.”


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