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Darcy's Downfall

Page 10

by Erin Osborne

  We turn around as the main door bangs open and in walk the Phantom Bastards. I had a feeling they were going to make an appearance tonight, I just didn’t know it would be so soon. They’ve heard what’s going on with our girl, and they’re going to help in any way they can. Before the end of the night, I’m sure that we’re going to have to talk about what’s been going on. Hell, it would be nice if we knew what the hell was going on. I watch as the guys flow through the door in a steady stream, crossing my fingers that Wood didn’t make the trip. Unfortunately, Wood is in fact here. He comes strutting in last, stopping as soon as he gets in the door and looking around. Making his way over to us, I can only imagine what he has to say.

  “Guys,” he says, sitting down and ordering a beer. “Heard Darcy finally put you out of your misery and agreed to be your old lady.”

  “Yep. Now, we just have to figure out who’s after her and then we’ll be able to get on with our life with her,” Crash tells him, drinking a sip of his beer and motioning for another one.

  “If you need any help, just let me know,” Wood tells us, standing up and going to join another group of guys.

  The rest of the Phantom Bastard men and the guys from Clifton Falls are circling around, talking with all of us. I can’t bring myself to stand up and mingle with other brothers. Everything going on with Darcy is weighing on my mind. There’s no way I can fix this right now. Hell, there’s no way that I can even truly promise her that we’ll make sure nothing happens to her or the salon again. Not until we find out who’s after her anyway. Crash hasn’t left the bar either, so I’m sure that he’s feeling the same way right now.

  “Look at her,” he suddenly tells me, his focus completely on Darcy sitting in the booth with the rest of the girls. “Our girl is havin’ a good time. Hell, I’m sure that she’s relaxin’ really good right about now.”

  “It definitely looks like she isn’t worried about anythin’ right now. I wish we could find this fuckin’ cocksucker and make sure nothin’ else happens to her or the salon. We’ve made promises to her that we may not be able to keep. I don’t like that, Crash,” I tell him, knowing that he’s going to feel the same way when he realizes what has me feeling bad.

  “I get where you’re comin’ from, and I don’t like it any better than you do. What are we supposed to do though? I don’t know how we’re supposed to get this twatwaffle to come out so we can catch him,” he replies, letting me know that he’s been having the same thoughts as me. Like me, he hasn’t come up with any answers though.

  “I say we table this discussion for the night and have fun with our girl at her first party. She’s relaxin’ now and the club girls are goin’ to be gettin’ here in a few minutes. I bet the old ladies stay here tonight so that Darcy doesn’t have to be alone right now. They’re goin’ to want to make sure nothin’ happens to her,” I tell him, standing up to head over to our girl.

  Before we get too close to her, she practically jumps over the table. I’m thinking that she’s on her way over to us, but she completely bypasses us. Turning my head, I watch her head down the hallway towards the bathroom. Immediately, laughter erupts from me and I realize that Bailey told Shadow how to make the drinks and they’re just starting to hit the girls. All of them, if them practically running over one another to get to the bathroom is anything to go by.

  Crash and I sit down with Cage and Joker. They’re laughing at the girls like we are. Hell, I think all of the men are doing the same thing we are right now. Picking up my beer, I drink some more while I wait for my girl to come back out. Now, maybe we can talk to these two about the whole dating thing with Darcy. I know she’s still concerned about spending enough time and attention with both of us.

  “I think we need to talk,” I blurt out, not wanting to delay this conversation any longer than we already have.

  “What’s up?” Joker asks, taking in my serious tone and giving me his full attention.

  “We need to know how we make Darcy believe that she’s spendin’ enough time and attention to both of us. I’m at a loss right now,” I tell him, looking at Crash to make sure he’s paying attention too.

  “It’s never too early to start takin’ her out on individual dates,” Cage tells us, setting his beer down and leaning forward. “Don’t let her know where you’re goin’ or what you’re doin’. Plan the whole thing out and make each one special and different. It’s not a competition, it’s about showin’ your girl love and attention. Plus, she gets one-on-one time with you both. It’s goin’ to be somethin’ she craves if she’s anythin’ like Skylar.”

  “Don’t let her plan any of them?” I ask, dumbfounded.

  “Nope,” Joker answers. “We each plan the entire date from beginnin’ to end. The only other thing we tell her is a vague description of what she needs to dress like.”

  Crash and I take this information in and process it for a few minutes. This isn’t going to be hard to do. It will be one of the easiest things Crash and I have ever done in regard to our girl. Speaking of which, she’s still not back here. Looking around, I see all the girls making their way back out to the common room. Darcy still isn’t out here though. Where the fuck is she?

  Standing up, I start to make my way down the hallway she disappeared down a while ago. Crash is following me as we head towards the bathroom. It may be the women’s bathroom, but I can guarantee that we’re still going to go in there if that’s where Darcy is. If there’s something wrong with her, then we’ll be by her side no matter what.

  The closer we get to the bathroom, the louder the sound of laughter and pain is. Now, we’re all but running to get to our girl. I can’t tell if she’s the one laughing, or the one in pain. Whoever is in pain, is groaning and almost screaming out. As we round the corner, the scene before me has me cringing and wanting to burst out in laughter right along with our girl. Crash does start laughing his ass off. The fucker almost has tears running down his face from laughing so hard right now.

  Darcy is flat on her ass, laughing so hard she’s holding her stomach and trying to hold it in. Wood is sprawled on the floor in front of her. One hand is holding his junk and the other one is holding his foot. I’m not sure exactly what’s wrong with him, but Darcy needs to get off the nasty ass floor. So, I walk over to her and pick her up, never letting go of her.

  “Wood, I’m so, so sorry,” she’s telling him over and over again. More laughter is bubbling at the surface and she’s doing all she can to hold it in.

  “What happened here?” Crash asks, finally pulling himself together. “Or do we not want to know because he’ll be in more pain than his current state?”

  “It’s totally my fault. I was coming out of the bathroom as Wood was walking down the hallway. We crashed into one another and when I landed on him, my knee went right into his um…” she begins, a blush creeping up her face.

  “His cock?” Crash asks, trying to get the whole story out of her.

  “Yeah. I think I stepped on his foot and that’s why he’s holding it, but I’m not sure. I’m sorry guys,” she finishes, apologizing to us so that we don’t get upset with her.

  “We should’ve know,” I grumble out, but trying to keep my tone light so she doesn’t think I’m pissed off at her. It’s just another one of the situations these two find themselves in constantly. “Let’s get you back out to the common room. Crash, you want to help him back out there?”

  “Fuck no!” he says, pissed that Darcy and him had yet another incident. “One of the club girls can offer him assistance.”

  The three of us make our way out to the common room, with Darcy walking in between us. Crash pulls Red aside and tells her to go see if she can help Wood. If he’s busy with a club girl, we don’t have to worry about him and Darcy anymore for the rest of the night. Boy Scout stands up and follows her in the hallway. Yep, knew he’d be following her back there. I sit down at a table with Slim, Grim, Cage, and Joker. Darcy is pulled down in my lap as the club girls start circulating the room,
trying to find a single brother to land for the night. Sally keeps looking our way and I let her know with my eyes that it’s not happening.

  “Do I even wanna know what happened this time?” Slim asks, a smile breaking out on his face.

  “I hit Wood in the junk with my knee,” Darcy blurts out. “I didn’t mean to. We just ran into one another in the hallway.”

  “Is he okay?” Slim asks, looking at us for his answer.

  “He will be. Red and Boy Scout are tendin’ to him right now,” Crash responds, letting us all know that he’s not happy about the situation.


  The party is in full swing. Darcy, Trojan, and I have moved with most everyone else outside. Darcy is dancing with her girls, Wood is sitting with ice still on his cock, and Trojan and I are keeping a close eye on our girl. I love watching her dance and move to the music. She’s carefree and doesn’t worry about who’s watching her, Darcy is the sexiest when she is dancing without a care in the world.

  Before we can really get into watching our girl Sally makes her way over to us. No matter how much protesting or anything else we do, she won’t take the hint and leave us alone. I go to stand up to make sure she takes the hint this time, but someone beats me to it. All of a sudden Sally goes flying backwards and lands on her ass. Standing behind her I see Darcy, hands on her hips, a scowl on her face.

  “Is this what you want? Some skank to get a quick fuck from?” she asks, the scowl turning into rage on her face.

  “Fuck no!” I bellow out, trying to move towards her.

  “Then what the fuck is going on here?” she asks, tears starting to pool in her eyes.

  “We were tryin’ to get her to back away and leave us alone. You got over here before she could truly take the hint,” Trojan tells her, circling around her so we can both get to her.

  “Well, if we’re going to do this, then I’m the only one riding your cocks. There will be no club girls, girls you meet wherever, or anything else! It’s me only or nothing at all!” she tells us, the fight leaving her.

  Before we can reply to our girl, Sally decides she’s going to have some input in our lives. “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are heifer, but you will never keep the attention of these two men. They’ll be back in bed with me between them in a matter of days. Fuck, I give it to the end of the night.”

  Darcy absolutely loses her shit. She punches Sally in the face and follows her down to the ground. I want to drag her off of the nasty bitch, but at the same time, it’s hot as fuck to see her beating the shit out of her. Hell, she’s sexy as fuck claiming the two of us. Whether she knows it or not, Darcy just laid claim to Trojan and me in front of all three clubs. The rest of the girls are standing back with awe and respect shining through. Finally, I realize that we need to stop Darcy before she gets hurt.

  Trojan grabs our girl and pulls her kicking and screaming away from Sally. Steel grabs her so she can’t be a complete bitch and attack our girl while she’s in the arms of one of us. I stand in front of her so that she can’t even see the bitch and place my hand on her cheek, forcing her attention to me. We need to get her calmed down, so we can get her back into party mode. I only know of one way to do that and I’m not going to use sex right now. We’re going to let her have some time with her girls before we ravage her.

  “She means absolutely nothin’ to us. We want you and only you. Before you made your way over to us, we were in the process of pushin’ her off of us,” I tell her, not letting her look away from me. “Now, while it was hot as fuck to see you go ape shit on that skank, I want you to relax and have a good time. That’s why we’re here tonight.”

  “I just didn’t like seeing her all over you. Wondering if you were going to choose her over me,” she says, relaxing in Trojan’s embrace and leaning into my hand. “I’m going to go around the corner for a minute and compose myself. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “We’ll go with you,” Trojan tells her, moving to step beside her and go with her.

  “No!” she all but screams out, looking at both of us and trying to make us understand. “I’ll be fine and be back in just a few minutes.”

  “I’ll go with her,” Riley tells us, wandering over to stand by her friend’s side. “I won’t let anything happen to her.”

  Trojan and I look at her before nodding our heads. After what I’ve seen the last few days or so, I know Riley will put herself in the way if anyone attempts to get to our girl. I’m not sure where the fuck Sally is now, but I hope I don’t see her for the rest of the night. If I do, I won’t be held responsible for my actions. And, I can guarantee that Trojan is going to feel the same way. Without a doubt, he’ll step up and make sure that not only no one gets to our girl, but that these skanks around the club leave us alone.

  Darcy has been back at the party for a while now. Things are really getting crazy as everyone tries to find their pussy for the night. We brought extra girls in for the single guys, but I still think there isn’t going to be enough for everyone. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there I guess.

  Our girl is definitely feeling carefree and relaxed with the amount of alcohol she’s had tonight. And I’m watching her as she watches everything that’s going on around her while she dances. There’s a few particular sexual acts she’s watching. Even though she’s trying not to pay attention. Her gaze constantly flicks back to Wood and Boy Scout sharing a girl over in the corner and then there’s a few nomads sharing a girl in another spot by the fence. These two groups of threesomes are doing things that we haven’t tried with her yet.

  Over the last few days, we’ve been getting her ready to take both of us together. At first, Darcy was extremely embarrassed and shy about using a butt plug to get ready. Or have us pay any attention to her ‘forbidden zone’ as she calls it. We’ve talked about it and she’s willing to try to take Trojan in her ass. I know she’s going to be nervous as hell, but maybe tonight is the night we need to try it.

  Looking over at my brother, and best friend, I nod my head toward our girl. He’s already been watching her and paying attention to where her gaze has been travelling. Standing up, we finish the rest of our beer and make our way over to her. Music is still blaring into the night, people are dancing, couples are in all different stages of sexual activity, and we need to dance with our girl. It’s one of the things that we haven’t had a chance to do yet. Seeing how open she is when she lets go and follows the beat of the music is one of the sexiest things we’ve ever seen about her. These are the moments we love seeing her in. Especially with trouble around the corner.

  Trojan and I surround her, and we begin to move to the beat of Paradise City by Guns ‘N Roses. I don’t care if the song is fast, slow, or one you can’t possibly dance to. We’re going to stay here with our girl, working her up until she’s all but begging us to take her. Running my hands down her sides, I lean in close and kiss her neck.

  “We’ve seen you watchin’ what’s goin’ on around you. You like what you see firecracker?” I ask, kissing, licking, and biting her neck. Darcy is trembling in our arms and I relish the response we can bring from her.

  “I’m just trying to figure out what I have to look forward to trying,” she tells us, leaning in to my touch while pushing her ass closer to my brother.

  “Anytime you’re ready to try it out, just say the word and we’ll go to our room,” Trojan tells her, pushing her hair to the side so he can kiss on her neck while grinding into her ass.

  Darcy is really trying to pay attention to what’s going on around her and ignore the response that we’re drawing out. She wants to keep dancing, but I can tell that she’s starting to go crazy with the way we’re making her feel. It’s not going to be long before we head to our room for the rest of the night.

  “What’s the matter baby?” Trojan asks her, watching her as she looks at Wood and Boy Scout with the club girl. “You want to try that out?”

  “I don’t know if I can,” she answers, staring in their

  I’m not happy that she’s watching Wood of all people, but she’s seeing another way that we can have some fun and make sure Darcy gets all the pleasure she’ll ever want. I lean to the side to make sure that I don’t get in her line of sight and continue to rub my hands up and down her. On my way back up her delectable body, I make sure to pay attention to her tits. They’re one of my favorite assets of hers.

  “We’ll never let you fall. Crash and I are down to try anythin’ you want to. And we’ll teach you a few things along the way,” Trojan tells her, continuing to kiss the back of her neck and right under her ear.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I say, pulling away from our girl and starting to make my way through the crowd.

  Trojan and I never let go of her hands as we weave our way past our brothers, hang arounds, and family. I’m not going to stop for anything. Well, apparently, we’re going to stop for Gage as I see him step out with Riley tucked in his side. We let the girls talk for a few minutes while Gage lets us know what’s going on. Hopefully nothing more has happened to the salon.

  “Need to talk to Darcy in the morning. We need to know everythin’. It’s not goin’ to be easy on her so you’re goin’ to have to tell her about it tonight. Especially since I want all the patched members there,” Gage tells us, leaving me more confused about the whole situation.

  “What’s changed?” Trojan asks, his protective streak coming out in full force.

  “Nothin’. And I want to keep it that way. The more we know about her past and the situation as a whole, the easier it might be to find the asshole attackin’ your girl,” Gage responds, trying to calm us down before our girl make her way back over to us.

  “Alright, we’ll talk to her. I’ll message you when we get up in the mornin’,” I tell him, turning towards my girl after giving my President a man hug, complete with slaps on the back.

  It took forever to get Darcy away from the rest of the old ladies. I swear they did that shit on purpose but it’s okay. We made sure to keep our girl nice and ready for the plans we have with her tonight. Trojan and I are definitely going to be taking her together. We’ve been going slow and at her pace, but she’s ready for us to be one. The only thing holding her back is her fear of the unknown. But, we’ve been earning her trust and she’s been giving more and more of it to us. So, tonight is the perfect night to introduce to her something new.


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