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Darcy's Downfall

Page 12

by Erin Osborne

  Crash and Trojan look at one another. I can see the regret and pain flash across their faces at how harsh they’re being with me. This only leads to more tears running down my face. I don’t want them to be upset or regret how they’re acting with me. In reality, I know that they’re trying to protect me, and I’ve been keeping things from them about what’s going on. This is only going to hinder them in their attempt to figure out who is after me.

  “I’m sorry guys, I was just trying to take care of this myself. I’m so used to worrying about myself lately, that I forget I have you two now,” I tell them, standing up to go in the house and get a few minutes by myself.

  “Don’t you cry firecracker. We didn’t mean to take this shit out on you. We’re just worried for your safety,” Crash tells me. “After all this time, we finally got you to be ours. Trojan and I don’t want to lose you. Or have anythin’ happen to you.”

  “Exactly. We know that you’re independent, strong, and you want to take care of this yourself. Unfortunately, you’re stuck with us now and we want to make sure that it lasts a lifetime. Just know that when we get upset, when we yell, and when we get pissed as fuck, it’s never aimed at you. We’re just tryin’ to hold it together right now. Everythin’ will calm down once we have this twatwaffle and there’s not a threat against you anymore,” Trojan says, leaning in close to me and planting a breathtaking kiss on my open mouth. Crash follows suit and I’m left wanting while they go in to make dinner for us.


  I can’t believe that our girl has kept the fact that she’s been getting random phones calls on the burner and to the salon without saying a word about them. There’s no way that this asshole should’ve had a way to get the number. Not even everyone in the club has it. The girls in Clifton Falls don’t know it. As a matter of fact, the only ones that know the number are Crash, Gage, Tech, and myself. The only reason that Tech has it, is so he can do what he has to if we ever need to trace the number or view the activity on it. Now, we have a new problem that we have to deal with; finding out how the number of a burner phone got in the hands of a fucking psychopath.

  “We’re goin’ to get you a different phone, firecracker,” I tell her, making sure she knows that we have to step up the game and put more men on her. We also have to make sure that you keep the phone off until you absolutely need it. I’m not sure how that’s goin’ to work, but we’ll figure it out.”

  “I’m goin’ to call Gage and let him know what’s goin’ on. I’ll let you know what he says,” Crash tells us, kissing Darcy again before heading into the house.

  “I think I’m going to go clean something,” she tells us, walking past Crash and into the house.

  Crash looks at me and sits his ass back down in the chair since our girl isn’t out here anymore. Placing the call, I watch him as he explains what’s been going on with Darcy and the phone calls. Before I can hear what Gage has to say, a nose turns makes me turn my head towards the door. Darcy is standing there; her face pale and a look of pure fear shines bright on her face.

  “What’s the matter?” I ask, standing up quickly and putting my hand at the back of my pants where my gun rests. We’ve all started carrying since this shit has been going on with her.

  “I-I-I didn’t expect to see a room filled with guns. There’s so many in there,” she says, heading back inside and towards the room we share.

  “Fuck!” Crash mutters, thinking this was the last thing that she was going to find. He must have forgotten to lock the door when he grabbed his gun this morning.

  Following her into the room, I see her sitting on the edge of the bed, starting at absolutely nothing. She’s in shock with the shit she’s seen. I have to make her understand what the guns are all there for. Most of them are Crash’s for when the military calls him to do a job for them. It’s nothing more than that. Well, along with a few of our personal guns we both have.

  “Baby, I get that seein’ that room is a complete surprise. You need to understand what’s in that room though,” I begin, kneeling down in front of her so she can see my eyes. “Most of the guns in that room are for Crash when he gets called out. He chooses them based on the job they call about.”

  She sits there and takes a few minutes to process what I’ve just told her. I know it’s a lot to take in for her. Maybe there’s something else we can do about it. Something to make her feel more comfortable around guns. I’ll run my idea by Crash and see what he says. I think it’s going to be the only thing that’s going to help her out.

  “Instead of cleanin’, why don’t you go relax in a hot bath? It will help you relax. I’m goin’ to go talk to Crash and we’ll be in shortly,” I tell her, standing up to lead her into the bathroom.

  As she strips down, I run the bath to the temperature that I know she loves. Adding bubble bath, I let the tub fill as she steps in and sinks down into the hot water. For a minute, all I do is stand there and stare at the woman that is capturing my heart more and more every day we spend together. Before I strip down and join her, I leave the room. So, we can easily hear her, I make sure the bedroom door is open and the bathroom door is left open a crack. I’m sure that Crash is already inside waiting for me to return.

  Walking into the kitchen, I grab a beer and make my way back into the living room to talk with Crash. Just as I sit down, he shoves his phone back in his pocket. I can see the anger still radiating off him in waves. There’s also concern for Darcy. I’m sure he feels horrible that she saw the one room we never wanted her to see. At least for now.

  “She okay?” he asks, not letting go of his concern for our girl.

  “Yeah. I got her in a bath relaxin’. We need to talk about that. I have an idea and I think we need to push this,” I begin, letting the idea sink further into my head about how to help her. “I think we need to take her to the range and show her how to shoot. Maybe then she won’t be afraid to go near the room we’ve taken over for guns.”

  Crash mulls over the idea for a few minutes. I can see the wheels spinning in his mind about my idea. He’s the perfect one to teach her everything she needs to know about using a gun. From tearing it down and cleaning it to actually shooting one. I’ll be there every step of the way, but it will be better coming from him. Hell, maybe we should include Riley in this so she’s comfortable around it all too.

  After a few minutes, Crash looks at me and I can see that he’s going to go for the idea. There’s a light in his eyes and it’s a way that he can open up a little and share something of himself with our girl. Part of me doesn’t want it to come to this, but I think it will be good for everyone involved.

  “I’m down. Do you think she’s actually goin’ to go for it though?” he asks, hesitation firmly set on his face at the prospect that she won’t want to do this.

  “We might have to talk to her more than once about it, but I think she’ll see reason. Let’s let her relax for a little bit and then we’ll talk to her about it. Why don’t I call Gage and see if we can get Riley on board with this? Maybe then it will be easier to talk Darcy into doing it,” I tell him, seeing the hope flair once more.

  Pulling out my phone, I place a call to our President and let him in on my idea. At first, he’s hesitant, but the idea quickly grows on him. We have the perfect area already set up behind the clubhouse, so no one will ever know what’s going on. Gage tells me that he’ll talk to Riley about it and get her on board so that we can do this for them. There’s no way that we can be with them constantly, not even the prospects can be with them all the time. This way, we’ll know that they have the tools to try to protect themselves if the occasion ever arises.

  Telling Crash Gage’s response, I slide my phone back in my pocket and sit back and enjoy the rest of my beer. This way we can give her time to unwind after the shock of seeing a ton of guns in one room. I’m sure that she’s never seen as many as we have in the house. And, that’s not the only room we have them in. There’s guns in almost every room of the house. She doesn’t ne
ed to know that at this point in time. Eventually, we’ll tell her.

  We’re sitting down for dinner, after preparing a meal at home and I look at Crash. The time for the conversation about teaching her to shoot has come. He nods his head, so I can take the lead on this one. Setting my beer down, I clear my throat and put all of my focus on her.

  “Darcy, we need to talk to you about somethin’,” I start out, making sure I have her full attention. “We want to take you and Riley to the range we have behind the clubhouse. Crash will teach you everythin’ you need to know about guns.”

  Darcy sits in stunned silence and I can see the shock of the idea slowly start to fade. There’s something else brightening her eyes and I’m not quite sure what it is. Hopefully, we won’t have to fight her on this.

  “Okay,” she says, completely unsure of what she’s about to get into, but willing to take a chance anyway.

  “Thank you, firecracker,” Crash tells her, leaning forward to kiss her temple showing his appreciation.

  Finishing our meal, Darcy and I cleanup while Crash goes in to take a phone call. I’m sure that he’s getting ready to head back out on a job. The only time he ever hides is club business or a call from the military. If it were club business, he’d stay outside while we were in the kitchen. Since he’s gone in a different room entirely, I’m going to guess that he’ll be heading back out of town to do a job. This sucks, but it’s who he is and what he does.


  We no sooner finish dinner and my phone rings. Looking at the blocked number, I know already who is calling. My old boss always calls from a blocked number when he needs me to go do a job. While the timing isn’t ideal, I know that I have no choice in the matter. Even though I’m not truly with the military anymore, I’ll always go when my old commander calls me. He saved me in more ways than one and I’ll be forever grateful to him.

  “Jim, always good to hear from you,” I answer the phone, walking into my gun room.

  “No, it’s not,” he replies, laughter filling the phone on his end.

  “What can I do for you?” I ask, wanting to get the job description so I can find out when I’m leaving as soon as possible.

  “We need your help. Got a guy we’ve been tracking for months now. He always manages to escape at the last second,” he tells me, his tone going serious. “There’s reason to believe that he’s working with a militant group and we need to get him as soon as possible to find out what he knows.”

  “When do I leave?” I ask, needing to know.

  “At first light. Need you to meet me at the office so I can give you more information. Not doing it over the phone,” he tells me, knowing that we never discuss anything over the phone.

  “I’ll see you in a few hours,” I tell him, hanging up and deciding what I need to do right now.

  For now, the only thing I can think about is spending time with Darcy. Hopefully Trojan won’t mind if I spend some one-on-one time with her before I leave. Whenever I go on a mission for Jim, I always act like I’m not going to make it back. This is something that I need to talk to Trojan about before I leave too. He needs to know what I have planned and that he’s going to need to be there for our girl.

  Walking back out in the kitchen, I see them laughing and doing the dishes. Trojan senses me and turns to face me. He can tell based on the look on my face that I’m going to be leaving. So, he kisses our girl on the head and disappears. Based on hearing his bike rev outside, he’s going to give us some private time. Right now, I need to lose myself in our girl. Forget everything for a while before she goes to bed, and I walk away from her for a little while. This time, I have something to come back for, but walking away in the first place is going to be hard as fuck.

  “I need to talk to you baby,” I tell her, grabbing her hand and leading her into the living room.

  After getting comfortable on the couch, Darcy turns to me and waits for me to tell her what’s going on. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. She wasn’t ours when I had to leave for this shit before. Now, I don’t know that I’m going to be focusing on my mission when I know that someone’s after her. Fuck, I don’t want her worrying about me either.

  “I got a call and I need to head out for a while. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone for either,” I tell her, trying to focus on her and not hide because I don’t want to do this anymore. There’s too much to live for here now.

  “Where are you going?” she asks, her voice laced with worry already.

  “That’s the thing, I can’t tell you. I’m not doin’ anythin’ wrong, it’s for the military. That’s all I can really say. Just know that as soon as I can, I’ll be back her with you,” I say, grabbing her hand and holding it tightly in mine.

  “Will you be safe?” she asks, my safety her number one concern. “Hell, will you be able to call us at all?”

  “I don’t know if I’ll be able to call this time. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can’t. It just depends on the job and where I am,” I answer her honestly.

  “Okay. Well, there’s nothing I can do. So, I’ll miss you, but there’s nothing I can do about it. What about your work for the club?” she asks, wanting to know as much information as she can.

  “They’ll cover it. This isn’t the first time, but it might be the last one,” I reply, thinking of the long-term plans we want to make with Darcy.

  “Why? Just because I’m in the picture now doesn’t mean you have to change your life. If you want to keep working for the military, then do it. I don’t want either one of you to give up anything for me,” she tells me, leaning in and resting her head on my shoulder.

  I wrap my arms around her and pull her even closer to me. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be right now. I’m upset that Trojan isn’t here with us, but I’m thankful he’s giving us this time together. It’s something I need before leaving for however long. Hopefully it’s not as long as in the past. More than once, I’ve been gone for over a month. I don’t want that to happen this time. So, hopefully I can find the guy and get back home.

  Standing up, I lead her into the bedroom. Yeah, there’s been a time or two we’ve taken Darcy in the living room, along with other rooms in the house. Tonight, I want it to be somewhat special. Not just for her, but for me too. I need to take this memory with me. Hell, there’s been a ton of memories we’ve been making, but I need more. There’s never a guarantee with anything and I’m going to be alone on this mission.

  Once we get in the bedroom, I turn and face my girl. Slowly, I start to strip her. There’s no need to rush. If Trojan gets home, he can join in. For now, I want to take my time and devour her body. So, I take one piece of clothing off at a time and kiss my way to the next item for removal. Darcy is standing there making noises and opening up her body to me. I love the fact that she is trusting us and comfortable enough to open herself completely to us. She’s changed so much since we’ve made her ours.

  As soon as she’s bared to me, I stand back up and start to remove my own clothes. It doesn’t take me as long, especially with her helping. The only time she stops is when she wants to rub her hands across my body. I freeze when she leans forward and licks a path from my chest to my aching and hard cock. Sinking to her knees, she licks the precum leaking steadily from me before taking as much of me into her warm, wet mouth.

  I sink my fingers into her hair after pulling out the hair tie holding it away from her face. I’m not going to use her hair to control her movements or pace, I just want to feel her silky strands wrapped around my hands. This show is all hers to control. Growing even bolder, Darcy uses one of her hands to gently roll my balls as she sucks and licks my cock. My eyes roll to the back of my head at the feelings she’s making me feel. I’ve never felt anything like I do when we’re with Darcy. Honestly, this is the first time that it hasn’t been both of us with her.

  Knowing that I’m not going to last long if she keeps going, I pull her off of me and stand her up. Leading her to the bed, I lay her down
and climb between her creamy thighs. I spread them with my shoulders and lift one over my shoulders to lay across my back. Taking my first lick, I swipe my tongue from her opening to her clit. Darcy’s back arches off the bed and I continue to take my fill of her sweet pussy. I’ll remember the taste that is all her while I’m gone.

  Adding in my fingers, I suck her clit into my mouth and bite down on it before laving it with my tongue. My fingers continue to thrust in and out of her willing body as I kiss and lick every inch of her I can reach, continuously going back to work her clit. When I know she’s close to going over the edge, I pull back. Doing this several times, I know I’m driving her crazy. She’s not going to cum on anything other than my cock though.

  Finally sliding up her body, I wrap my arms around her and roll her over so that she’s on top of me. Her taking the lead and taking what she wants is something that we’re trying to work on. She needs to learn that she can initiate anything at any given time with us. We’re not going to be the only ones to start something and she’s going to be the one riding my cock tonight. Everything is at her pace and what she wants to do.

  “You take the lead baby,” I tell her. “And don’t forget what I want you callin’ out when you cum all over my cock.”

  “Brent,” she says breathlessly, rubbing herself up and down my cock without putting it inside her.

  Finally, she pushes her body off of mine just enough to slide my cock inside her drenched pussy. Sliding down, I hold my breath as she takes her time filling herself up with me. Once she’s fully on me, Darcy sits still and doesn’t move for a minute. I’m not sure if she’s getting used to me, or thinking that Trojan is going to be joining in. Maybe she’s just used to waiting for one of us to lean over her.

  “I don’t want to move,” she finally tells me, with tears shimmering in her eyes. “If I do, then this gets over with sooner or later and you leave.”


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