At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA
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Terrorism Analysis Office of
on terror threat
threat against headquarters of
threat matrix of
training programs at
TTIC and
UBL’s rumored contact with
USS Cole investigation of
UTN information of
war plans of
at “Why Iraq Now?” meeting
work ethic in
workforce cutting of
Wye River summit and
Zubaydah in custody of
see also Counterterrorism Center
Central Intelligence for Collection
Central Intelligence Report (CIR)
Chalabi, Ahmed
Chamberlin, Wendy
al-Qa’ida links with
Chechnya, terrorist attacks in
Chechnyan Mujahideen
Chemical Souk
chemical weapons
in Iraq
of Saddam Hussein
Cheney, Lynn, on day of 9/11 attacks
Cheney, Richard B.
African uranium claims and
call to Crown Prince Abdullah of
CIA briefing of
CIA interest of
on day of 9/11 attacks
Gore contrasted with
as helpful to CIA
and Iraq-al-Qa’ida relationship
on Iraq’s WMD
one percent remark of
and postwar Iraq
on “slam dunk” remark
at Tenet’s briefing on al-Qa’ida and WMD
UN disdained by
Chicago, University of
China, BBC
China, Belgrade embassy of
Chinese, in Afghanistan
Chirac, Jacques
Church of the Nativity, standoff at
“CIA University”
Cincinnati, Ohio, GWB’s speech in
CIR, see Central Intelligence Report
civil aviation, as terrorist target
Clark, Wesley
Clarke, Richard
al-Qa’ida memo of
on day of 9/11 attacks
classified briefings
Clinton, Bill
Israeli-Palestinian peace process and
Lewinsky scandal and
PBD briefings for
Tenet’s letters on terrorism to
terrorism fought by
UBL capture plan of
Wye River summit and
Clinton administration
Desert Fox campaign of
Iraq regime change desired by
terror threat understood by
Coalition forces, Iraqi insurgent attacks on
Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA)
Allawi and
Blackwill’s meeting with
Chalabi and
CIA relationship with
Powell on
Proclamation Number One of
Proclamation Number Two of
unwarranted optimism of
Cohen, David
Cohen, William
cold war
Cole, USS
Communist Party
Congress, U.S.
and CIA compensation system
intelligence budget and
Joint Inquiry on 9/11 of
Joint Sessions of
Kay’s WMD testimony to
Ledeen and
oversight by
Tenet’s testimony to
“Consequences of Catastrophic Success, The”
Constitution, U.S.
Counterterrorism Center (CTC)
airline passenger lists requested by
Blue Sky paper of
Global Response Center of
9/11 attacks and
and Pakistan problem
post-9/11 enlargement of
Special Operations Group (CTC/SO) of
Sunni Extremist Group of
and terrorist threats to U.S.
war plans of
WMD branch of
WMD investigated by
CPA, see Coalition Provisional Authority
crack cocaine
cruise missiles
Crumpton, Henry
CTC/SO, see Counterterrorism Center, Special Operations Group of
Cuban Missile Crisis
Curve Ball
Customs, U.S.
Dagan, Meir
Dahlan, Mohammed
Daily Telegraph, The
Daniel (military steward)
Dardiri, Yussef
Dar es Salaam
Darling, Frank
Darling, Judy Becker
David, Ruth
Dayton, Keith
Dearlove, Richard
“Deconstructing the Plots—An Approach to Stopping the Next Attack”
Defense Department, U.S.
al-Qa’ida contingency plans lacked by
and Atta-in-Prague story
CIA and
Iran as fixation of
and Iraq-al-Qa’ida connection
Ledeen and
NIE and
and postwar Iraq
Task Force of
at “Why Iraq Now?” meeting
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
African uranium claims and
Chalabi and
de Gaulle, Charles
Defense Policy Board
democracy, Jeffersonian
Democratic Party, U.S.
Deputies Committee
Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan
Derwish, Kamal
Desert Fox bombing campaign
Desert Shield, Operation
Desert Storm, Operation
“Destroying International Terrorism”
Deutch, John M.
as CIA Director
virtual stations set up by
Devine, Jack
Dichter, Avi
Dicks, Norm
Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire (DST)
Department of Energy (DOE)
Dolphinarium disco bombing
Dome of the Rock
Donaldson, Kevin
Donovan, “Wild Bill”
“Don’t Attack Saddam”
Doomsday and Life After Death: The Ultimate Faith of the Universe as Seen by the Holy Quran (Mahmood)
Dora Farms
dot-com revolution
Downing, Jack
Downing Street Memos
drug flights
Drumheller, Tyler
Duelfer, Charles
Durbin, Richard
early warning sites
East African embassy bombings
Egyptian Islamic Jihad
Eisner, Michael
in Iraq
in Palestinian territories
elections, U.S.:
as likely time for terrorist attack
of 2000
of 2004
Energy Department, U.S.
Erakat, Saeb
“Executive Steering Group” meeting
Fadl, Jamal Ahmad al
Fahd, Nasir al
Faisalabad, Pakistan
Faqih, Saad al
Fedayeen Saddam
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
al-Qa’ida and WMD investigated by
and Atta-in-Prague story
Attash investigated by
in CIA afternoon meetings
CIA’s relationship with
intelligence gathering by
Kuala Lumpur terrorist meeting and
Mihdhar investigated by
Moussaoui investigated by
Phoenix memo
“raw files” of
Sudan investigation by
on terror threat
threat matrix of
Time criticism of
TTIC and
USS Cole investigation of
Feinstein, Dianne
Feith, Douglas
Bremer and
postwar Iraq and
financial institutions, terrorist threats to
Fitzgerald, Patrick
Fleischer, Ari
Foley, Alan
Foley, Lawrence
Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
Foreign Service
Foreign Service Journal
“Foreign Terrorist Threat in the United States The”
Forstmann, Ted
Fox News Sunday
Frahm, Chuck
Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire (DST) of
9/11 intelligence of
terrorist plot disrupted in
Frandano, Paul
Franklin, Larry
Franks, Tommy
Freeh, Louis
Tenet’s relationship with
Freeh, Marilyn
Fuerth, Leon
Gadhafi, Muammar al
Gadhafi, Saif Islam al
Garner, Jay
Gates, Bill
Georgetown University
Federal Intelligence Service (BND) of
occupation of
postwar occupation of
Gerson, Michael
Ghaith, Suleiman Abu
Ghorbanifar, Manucher
Giland, Amos
Gingrich, Newt
Gistaro, Ted
Glakas, Nick
Glakas, Tommy
Glakas-Tenet, Stephanie
Global Response Center
Goldwater, Barry
Gordon, John
Gore, Al
Cheney contrasted with
Saudi visit of
Goss, Porter
Graham, Lindsay
Graham, Robert
Great Britain
African uranium and
intelligence services of
Iraq and
Iraq WMD white paper by
Libya’s WMD program and
9/11 attacks and
Secret Intelligence Service of
terrorist plot disrupted in
terror threats in
Green Zone
Grenier, Robert
Grossman, Mark
Guantánamo Bay
Gul, Hamid
Gulf War
Gunawan, Rusman “Gun Gun”
H., Rich
Haass, Richard
Hadley, Stephen J.
and African uranium claims
Hafs, Abu
Halevy, Efraim
Hall, Wilma
Hamre, John
Hannah, John
Hanning, August
Hanson, Dottie
Haq, Abdul
Harithi, Abu Ali al
Harlow, Bill
Hassoon, Israel
Haver, Richard
Hawali, Safar al
Hayden, Mike
Hazmi, Nawaf al
Heathrow Airport
Heidenberger, Michele
Heidenberger, Tom
Helal, Gemal
Hellfire missiles
Hemingway, Ernest
Herat, Afghanistan
Herzog, Mike
terrorist operations planned by
high-value detainees (HVDs)
“Hijackers We Let Escape, The”
Hindi, Amin al
Hiroshima, Japan
Hoagland, James
Hohlfelder, Mike
Hollings, Fritz
Homeland Security Department U.S.
TTIC and
Hopkins, Scott
House of Representatives, U.S.:
Intelligence Committee of
and NIE
Howard, John
“How the FBI Blew the Case”
“How Usama Might Try to Sink the U.S. Economy”
Hughes, Karen
Humphrey, Hubert
Hussein, King of Jordan
Hussein, Saddam
African uranium and
Allawi and
al-Qa’ida and
biological weapons program of
chemical weapons program of
CIA sources close to
covert action against
“denial and deception” by
on Iraq currency
nuclear weapons and
Palestinian bomber donations of
possibility of terrorist attack by
rifle-and-sword speech of
security service of
UBL’s differences with
UBL’s relationship with
WMD programs and
Zarqawi and
Immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S. (INS)
improvised explosive devices (IED)
nuclear tests of
plot to kidnap Americans in
Egyptian terrorists in
plot to kidnap Americans in
Indyk, Martin
In Focus Tech
information technology
Inman, Bobby
Inside Washington
administration overstatement of
in Iraq
intelligence community
budgets for
CIA assistance to
loss of funding or
postwar Iraq and
recruiting lack in
intelligence gathering, in war on terror
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) agency
al-Qa’ida in
Chalabi and
Iraqi insurgents and
missile development in