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Page 12

by Owens, Wendy

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Artis, but I will if I have to.” Patina called out.

  “Your student is gone, Patina. The curse has gone on too long untreated.” Michael insisted. As the words left Michael’s lips, Gabe realized what was happening. Artis had been the one who was cursed and switched the stones. Though his original instinct was to not trust her, he wished he had been wrong.

  Gabe felt sympathy for this girl he had just met, though he couldn’t help but think of Sophie and how she would become a monster just the same if left untreated. He felt an even more intense urgency to break the curse.

  “Somnus,” the word was soft and delicate as it left Patina’s lips. Nothing like the powerfulness in Michael’s voice when he had cast it on Sophie at home in the hall.

  Gabe watched as Artis’ body fell to the ground, the muscles no longer contorted and her appearance returning to normal.

  “I don’t understand.” Uri replied.

  Michael turned to look his young friend and student in the eyes. “Patina called me after she spoke to the Oracle. When she figured out it was Artis who had switched the stones, she thought it might be best I come here to be at your side.”

  “What about Sophie?” Gabe asked, concerned for the entire reason he had made this trip.

  “She is still sleeping with Dina and Raimie.” Michael replied. “Haim is looking after them, Gabe. Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out.”

  “Wait,” Uri uttered, though still trying to make sense of everything he had just seen, he was suddenly more confused by Michael’s presence. “I thought you were injured.”

  “Nothing I can’t bounce back from, you know me.” Michael replied.

  “Yeah,” Uri replied, shaking his head, the shock of it all overwhelming him.

  “What do we do now?” Gabe asked. He felt bad for Uri who was hurting, but he knew time was running out for Sophie unless they acted fast.

  “Patina and I are going to perform a memory regression spell on this poor girl in hopes we will see who she came in contact with when she was cursed.” Michael replied.

  “Artis!” Uri shouted.

  “What?” Michael asked, stunned by his student’s tone.

  “She has a name, it’s Artis.” Uri paused before he pleaded, “You have to help her.”

  “We will,” Michael walked to Uri’s side, a slight limp telling just how injured he in fact still was. Wrapping his arm around Uri, he repeated, “We will.”

  The group followed in silence as two of the guards carried Artis’ lifeless body through the courtyard and to Patina’s nearby chambers.

  When they reached the door, she turned to Michael and said, “Your students should wait here.”

  “No way!” Uri snapped.

  “I’ll take responsibility for them.” Michael replied, raising his hand towards Uri in a silent command for him to be quiet.

  “Very well.” Patina said walking into the large room.

  Uri followed close behind Patina, careful not to lose sight of Artis. Michael and Gabe were the last to enter the room; Gabe instinctively closed the door behind them.

  As the group gathered around the girl’s lifeless body, Gabe caught site of Uri twisting his fingers around one another, unable to contain the anxiety that was flooding through him.

  “I need absolute silence.” Patina commanded to the already quiet room.

  Patina lowered down onto her knees next to Artis’ body. As Gabe watched, he felt his breath catch in his throat. What almost sounded like a low growl started to come from Patina’s throat. She reached out and gently placed her hands on Artis’ forehead. Tucking her head into her chest, Patina began to mumble numerous words so low that the room struggled to hear or understand them.

  Patina began to tremble slightly. When she suddenly flipped hear head back violently, her chin tilting towards the ceiling, the whites of her eyes revealed themselves to the room. She began moaning words in a language Gabe was unfamiliar with. This continued for the next minute.

  Gabe looked around at the other faces in the room to see if any might recognize the words, but it was clear everyone else was just as clueless as he. Everyone except Michael. He had a terrified expression on his face. When at last Patina collapsed from sheer exhaustion, Michael quickly turned and rushed from the room. Gabe and Uri looked at each other, puzzled, and then followed their leader without a word exchanged.

  Frantically looking both directions down the dimly lit halls, Uri caught sight of Michael’s robes just before they whipped around a corner. He grabbed Gabe’s arm and pulled him in the same direction. “This way!” Uri barked.

  The two took off running, Gabe allowing Uri to lead the way. As they turned each corner, Uri was able to just catch a glimpse of Michael’s robes. They both were shouting their mentor’s name but he did not slow his pace. At last the boys heard Michael’s steps halt. They hurried their pace and as they rounded the last corner, saw Michael enter a room at the end of the hall.

  Gabe and Uri followed without hesitation. They reached the room’s door just as it almost closed. Uri reached out and grabbed the iron handle, pulling it open once again. When the boys entered the room, Michael was already on the other side of the narrow room, a telephone in hand, his back turned to them.

  “Michael? What’s wrong?” Gabe questioned, unsettled by the manner in which his normally cool and collected leader was behaving.

  Michael said nothing. He did not turn around, but simply raised a hand, displaying the backside of it to the boys as if in a gesture to wait a moment. Gabe looked at Uri who stared quietly.

  Gabe had not taken the time to notice the room they were in and as he did, he was less than impressed by the way the room was furnished. If he had to guess, he would have to say the room had not been touched in at least a hundred years.

  There were no tapestries of bright colors on the wall like in other parts of the castle. A few well-meaning messages were scrolled on some signs and hung randomly throughout the room. Several small, wooden chairs and benches were also placed sporadically.

  Michael stood in front of a large, wooden desk that lacked any decorative features. Gabe listened closely as Michael finally reached his intended target on the telephone.

  “No, it’s important; you need to listen to me carefully.” Michael warned in a direct tone. “It’s nothing like we thought. You have to bind them from magic and then place them in holding cells. Once they are secure you must wake them.”

  “What?” Gabe yelped, unable to contain the word. Michael did not respond and just continued talking to the person on the other end of the phone.

  “Do you understand?” There was a moment of silence as Michael waited for an answer. “Good. If you have any problems contact me right away and I will transport if I have to.”

  Realizing the urgency of the situation as Michael returned the receiver to its cradle; Gabe rushed to his side and spun Michael around by his elbow.

  “What is going on?” Gabe demanded, no longer concerned if he was showing his mentor any disrespect; he needed answers. “Is this because of what Patina was mumbling? What did she say?”

  “Gabe, it’s going to be alright.” Michael said, trying to comfort the young boy.

  “I don’t want to hear any more about how things are going to be alright. They are not alright! You said if Sophie were awake, eventually the curse would be irreversible.” Gabe argued.

  “We have to wake her…” It was clear Michael did not want to explain any further.

  “Michael, you need to give him something.” Uri insisted, rushing to Gabe’s side.

  “The curse they are poisoned with was created by a slumber demon.” Michael explained.

  “What does that mean?” Gabe gasped.

  “It means that, even though Sophie and the others are in a deep sleep, they will still be able to enter our minds in the dream world. Anything they find out from our subconscious they can report back to whatever demon they serve. They can visit the dreams of anyo
ne they have been in contact with. Gabe, by now Baal may already know where you are at.” Michael continued.

  Gabe didn’t seem to flinch at the idea of Baal knowing his location. It was almost as if he were used to the idea of the most evil creature on the face of the earth stalking him.

  “So if we wake them up, it’s no longer a worry that the curse will be irreversible?” Gabe’s question went unanswered by Michael. The silence was in itself answer enough for Gabe however.

  “How much time do we have?” Uri interjected.

  “No way to tell for sure but time is definitely urgent and now we have the added concern that if by chance Sophie did get an idea of where Gabe is, there may be a larger presence around Iron Gate.” Michael replied.

  “I think I would know if Sophie were hunting my dreams for information.” Gabe chimed in defensively.

  “Gabe you wouldn’t know, it would seem like any other dream.” As Michael responded to him, Gabe thought about the flight to Iron Gate; his dream of Sophie. Perhaps Michael was right and now everyone was in even more danger.

  “Do we have anything else to go on?” Gabe asked in a panic. “Maybe something Patina said in there.”

  “Yes, but I’m afraid we are going to need some help on this one.” Michael divulged. “Artis had gone to a local home of royals they trade with often. The demons have apparently taken control of the Duke that resides there and his palace.”

  “Let’s go then!” Gabe said, the urgency of the situation weighing heavily on him.

  “Gabe, listen!” Uri snapped. “We are not just going to go running into something we don’t know or understand. If you could calm down and shut up long enough to listen to Michael, maybe we can actually figure out a plan.”

  Gabe stared at Uri, mouth hanging open, shocked by the way his friend had just spoke to him.

  “We should talk to Patina and her advisors about the best approach. We can’t blindly run in and attack this Duke Mortiguard and his followers, it could be an ambush.” Michael asserted.

  Gabe hung his head in silence. He wanted so badly to protect and save Sophie, but he knew his friend was right. The best way to save his dear love was for him to retain a level head.

  “Then let’s go talk to them. The sooner we have that conversation, the better for everyone.” Uri suggested.

  “I agree.” Michael affirmed while walking towards the door. “Everyone ready? We have to remain calm.”

  Uri nodded and Gabe still followed, head hung in silence, fearing to speak in case his friend were to condemn him once again. The small cluster of men travelled back down the dark corridor towards the chambers they had just recently exited.

  Gabe took a deep breath, focusing on remaining silent in the pending conversation. If his silence would greater help Sophie, then he was determined to be as silent as he had ever been.

  They entered the room and all eyes were turned to them. Uri was surprised to see Artis sitting up, her large almond shaped eyes peering up at him.

  “Artis!” Uri cried, rushing to the young girl’s side and grabbing hold of her slender hand.

  The girl pulled away and gave Uri a puzzling stare.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Uri cried, confused by who sat before him.

  “She won’t remember you son.” Michael said.

  “What?” Uri asked.

  “Has she been wiped?” Michael asked, looking at Patina. She stood at the fireplace, back turned to the group. She nodded her head in silence.

  “How far?” Michael asked, his voice dripping with disgust.

  “Hard to tell yet.” Patina responded in an almost whisper, “We had to go deep.”

  “What are you talking about?” Uri pleaded. “Can someone please explain to me what’s happening?”

  “Uri,” Michael said walking over and lifting the boy to his feet. He took hold of Uri’s shoulders and turned to look him in the eye. “The only way to save her was to wipe her memories, Uri. She had to lose all memories of ever being cursed.”

  “So what does she remember?” Uri pleaded.

  “It will take some time to figure that out, but she doesn’t know who you are. You just have to be patient.” Michael assured his student.

  Frustrated by the overwhelming helpless feeling, Uri turned to exit the room. He could no longer look into Artis’ eyes that showed no recollection of who he was.


  “Patina, you have to be realistic. You can’t honestly expect these boys to take the entire castle on alone.” Michael insisted in a stark voice.

  “You and I both know if they do it right that their presence may not even be detected until after they’re gone. I probably would be putting them at greater risk by sending a team to go along with them.” The tall slender woman retorted as she slowly walked over to a nearby arm chair, sitting down gracefully.

  “Oh please!” Michael scoffed.

  “That is my answer.” Patina restated.

  “Well that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. We wouldn’t be in this mess if one of your people hadn’t switched the stones in the first place.” Michael snapped back to her cool and cold response.

  “Let’s not start placing blame, Michael. I don’t think you will like some of the things I can bring up from our past.” Patina shot right back.

  “Please be reasonable. I’m begging you. They can’t go in there alone.” Michael pleaded.

  Patina said nothing. She rose from her chair and strode across the room, coming to rest in front of a tea pot. She began pouring a cup in silence, still not willing to relent to Michael’s request.

  “I’m contacting the council.” Michael added, turning and walking toward the door. Gabe wondered who the council was and why they had never been mentioned before.

  “Oh fine, Michael. You know, I really don’t know why you always have to be so unreasonable. I did help you solve this entire fiasco. They can have Artis and Peter.” Patina replied flatly.

  “What?” Michael gasped. “She doesn’t even realize what the heck is happening to her.”

  “She understands enough.” Patina insisted.

  “You can’t do this, Patina.”

  “I made my offer. It’s your choice if you want to take it.” Patina said raising a hand to silence her old comrade.

  “I guess I don’t have much choice, do I?”

  “Peter will know what to do. He’ll formulate a plan with your students and of course you are welcome to whatever supplies you might need.” Patina’s offer was clearly still not sitting well with Michael.

  “Any bloodshed over this is on your head.” Michael snarled. Gabe was not use to seeing his mentor coming unraveled, but the man that stood before him was nothing like the man he had come to know. It was clear the stress was getting through Michael’s tough exterior.

  Gabe looked closer at him, realizing for the first time that his skin was pale, eyes sunken into gray pits; his frame had lost muscle since they had met, and he seemed frailer. Michael was not well; Gabe could not be certain if it was the stress, the recent battle with the trackers, or something worse.

  “Really Michael? Do you think your spiteful words will suddenly make me crumble? My duty is to ensure the safety of this place so we can continue our work. Maybe it is time you start thinking about the greater good instead of the few.” Patina was cold and direct with her words.

  Gabe felt his face flush red with heat. He managed to control his anger on the outside, but inside he was fighting the urge to strangle Patina. The few she was referring to happened to be his friends and the woman he loved. The thought of abandoning Sophie to evil was unimaginable.

  “Send Artis and Peter to my room.” Michael said flatly, turning and leaving the room quickly. Gabe scurried behind him, struggling to keep up with Michael’s fast pace.

  “Are you all right, sir?” Gabe finally asked as they turned down an unfamiliar hall.

  Michael didn’t answer, just continued walking. Clearly his thoughts were con
sumed by what Patina had said.

  “Sir, who is the council?” Gabe questioned, distracted by the mention of them in Patina’s office.

  Michael slowed his pace and glanced down at Gabe. “No one has told you of the council?”

  Gabe simply shook his head and eagerly waited for an explanation.

  “The council is made of the eldest and most respected Guardians of our time. When you are no longer able to do battle, if you served honorably, you might be given the honor of being asked to serve on the council. They make the tough decisions that some of us are unable to because our judgment may be clouded.” Michael explained before falling silent once again.

  Terrified that Michael might be suggesting that his judgment of Sophie was clouded, Gabe thought best to remain silent and leave Michael to his thoughts, in hopes they would shift in another direction.

  Though he was silent, Gabe stayed near his leader in case he may need his assistance. Even when all three of them had rejoined each other in Michael’s temporary chambers, they still did not speak. Each one clearly distracted by their own piece in this disastrous situation.

  Uri stood and walked to the door in response to a knock. The other two stopped their mindless busy work to watch as Peter and Artis entered the room. Artis kept her head bowed as she entered the room, careful to avoid eye contact with Uri.

  “Hello. Please, come in and sit.” Michael said, motioning to a nearby seating area. The two youths scurried over to a small bench and took their seats. “Peter, Artis, I know I am not your leader, but I hope you understand we have the same goals. The longer we allow these demons to terrorize Guardians and go unpunished, the harder it will become to fight this in the future.”

  “Michael.” Uri interrupted, seeing his teacher’s objectiveness was still heavily compromised. Michael looked up at Uri in appreciation for the gentle reminder.

  “What we need to do is figure out a way in. All we have to do is kill Duke Mortiguard and get the hell out of there. It is not like we have to take on the entire castle.” Michael explained.


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