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Alien Mine (Zerconian Warriors Book 7)

Page 4

by Sadie Carter

  Maybe after this she’d feel more like she’d carved her own place. A sense of worth. Or maybe she would find out that the Zerconians weren’t as honorable as they appeared.

  Better to find that out early on rather than after she’d settled in. If they turned around and tried to use her then she’d rather walk away with her emotions intact.

  “Sure. Thanks.” She’d planned on just going to sleep. She was exhausted and she knew she would need all her energy for the coming few days. The Zerconians already knew what direction to take, because of the last communication from the spaceship before everyone evacuated. However, she had tracked a few of those who’d been onboard, including Koran, just to be certain. Tracking people drained her.

  But she had to leave her quarters at some stage and perhaps it was best to go with Willa. Walking into a room filled with hungry Zerconian warriors was kind of intimidating.

  “Has anyone given you a tour?” Willa asked as they moved down the passageway.


  “Cool, I’ll point out a few things.”

  A few things? By the time they reached the dining area, her head was reeling and she was pretty sure she would never be able to find her own way back to her quarters.

  “Lucy? Lucy?”

  “What? Oh, sorry, I was thinking.”

  Willa grinned. “I was talking too much, wasn’t I? Damn, I always accuse Zoey of being a chatterbox now I’m the one who can’t shut up.”

  “It was just a lot of information to take in. Pretty sure I’m going to get lost finding my back to my quarters.”

  “I’ll take you back and if you do lose your way just ask any of these guys. They’ll be happy to help.”

  It did seem that the Zerconian warriors would be happy to come to her aid. They all nodded and stepped out of the way of the two women. She put some food on a plate and carrying her tray, followed Willa to one of the long, large tables. They sat at a long, rectangular table half-filled with warriors. Across from them, a truly stunning male looked up and nodded at Willa. Then his gaze turned to her and narrowed as he studied her.

  A huge smile broke out on his face, surprising her. Zerconian warriors didn’t tend to smile much. Or ever in some cases.

  The smile almost blinded her, making her catch her breath. He had to be the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, and not beautiful in a feminine way. She couldn’t think of a better word to use to describe him. Golden hair lay around his head, reaching his shoulders. She’d never understood the saying, hair like spun gold. Now she got it.

  Vibrant blue studied her for a long moment.

  “Hello. We have not met. I am Safan.”

  He held out his hand. It wasn’t Zerconian custom to shake hands so she was kind of taken aback. But she figured it would seem strange if she ignored him, so reluctantly, she reached out. He took her hand and squeezed it. Then suddenly standing, he leaned over and kissed her hand.

  Ugh, gross.

  He was stunningly gorgeous. Breath-takingly so.

  Didn’t mean she wanted his lips touching her skin. Who knew where those lips had been? A man that gorgeous probably had a different lover every night. He could carry all manner of skanky diseases.

  A huge roar filled the room and she snatched her hand back, staring in horror as Thor sped across the room. He was almost a blur, he seemed to move that fast. Then he grabbed Safan, almost tossing him through the air as he threw him to the ground. Red eyes studied her briefly before he turned towards Safan.

  Safan didn’t take long to recover. He quickly stood, chest heaving as he glared at Thor.

  “Thor. What are you doing?” She stood, gaping at him.

  He didn’t turn. Didn’t even seem to hear her as he scowled at the other male. “Do not touch her.”

  Safan frowned. “You have a claim on her?”

  “Yes!” Thor stepped forward, hands clenched. “She is mine!”

  Oh, hell no. No she was not.


  Thor wondered if he had lost his mind. He was normally so level-headed but the moment he had seen Safan touching Lucy, fury had tornadoed through him. Like nothing he had felt before.

  Perhaps it was because it was Safan. He was known as having a way with females. He seemed in no hurry to find a mate. Safan had been born on Zerconia but raised on Moran where, according to him, females swarmed to get into his bed.

  Thor rolled his eyes. Personally he thought Safan was filled with his own self-importance. Still, as his fury calmed he realized he owed the male an apology for his reaction.

  But he had his lips on her! That was Thor’s privilege. Admittedly, Safan had not realized Thor had a claim on her. Neither had Lucy until he had blurted it out in front of everyone.

  What had he been thinking? He hadn’t been thinking. Not clearly. When he had finally calmed down, he discovered Lucy had left.

  “Be prepared to grovel,” Willa told him as she strode beside him. “She did not look happy when she left.”

  Willa turned down the corridor towards her own quarters. Thor stepped in front of Lucy’s door and pressed down on the communicator. Nothing. He pressed again. Still nothing. Perhaps she was asleep? Or hadn’t returned to her quarters?

  He pressed again.

  The door slid open and Lucy scowled up at him.

  “Umm, Lucy.”

  “What do you want?” she asked. The hostility in her voice took him by surprise. For a moment he was speechless then remembered why he was here.

  “I came to apologize.”

  “Fine. Goodbye.” She turned her back. Realizing she was about to close him out, Thor slipped into the room.

  The door slid shut.


  “What are you doing? Get out!” Panic crossed her face and he held his hands up. The last thing he wanted was to scare her.

  “I just wish to speak to you, Lucy.”

  “So you force your way into my room?” She took a step back and he bit back a growl at the fear emanating from her.

  “Not force. You have nothing to fear from me, Lucy.”

  “What are you going to do? Throw me to the ground as well?”

  Shock filled him. Never. “No. Certainly not. I would never harm you.”

  “But you were fighting Safan?”

  “Not fighting,” he corrected. Although it could easily have turned into one had Safan fought back. “He touched you.”

  “He didn’t harm me. I gave him my hand in greeting. What right did you have to attack him? And what was that bullshit about me being yours. I’m not yours, Thor.”

  “I did not mean to tell you in such a way.” Certainly not in front of everyone. “You are my mate.”

  Her face paled. “Uh-uh. No way. Not on your life, Nellie.”

  He frowned. “Who is this Nellie?”

  “It’s something my mom used to say. I’m not your mate, Thor. I never intend to mate anyone. So you can get that out of your head right now.”

  “I cannot, Lucy. I cannot get you out of my head. Since meeting you, I think of nothing but you.”

  She shook her head. “No. Not happening. And don’t think just because you announce it to the goddamn world that it means you own me. I won’t be owned again, Thor.”

  “Again,” he whispered. “Someone owned you?”

  He knew something terrible had happened in her life. The glimpses of fear, her attempts to keep a distance between herself and everyone else, the little hints she’d let drop. But someone had owned her? That was something he would never have guessed.

  Face pale, chest heaving, she stared at him. There was a haunted look in her pale blue eyes. “You need to leave. Please.”

  “Lucy. I did not mean to hurt you or scare you.”

  “I can’t deal with violence. I know the Zerconians are an aggressive race so maybe this just isn’t the place for me.”

  “Yes, we are aggressive. But never towards women. I made a mistake. We are very protective of our mates.”

Am. Not. Your. Mate. You cannot force me to mate you.”

  “I would never force you. I always intended to give you time. I still do. All the time you need. But I will win your trust. You will be mine.”

  “When pigs fly. Now get out. I want to be alone.”


  Lucy collapsed on the sofa as Thor left. She stared down at her shaking hands. What the hell had just happened? In the space of an hour everything had turned on its head.

  Did he seriously think he could just declare that she was his and she’d fall into his arms? He was going to be waiting a long time before she would agree to mate him.

  A shiver raced through him at the memory of him throwing Safan to the floor. She knew he was strong, but she hadn’t seen him display that strength aggressively.

  She’d almost thought he was different, but he was just like the rest. He thought that he could own her.

  Never again.

  From now on, she would do everything she could to avoid Thor.

  Chapter Four

  “She is avoiding me.” Thor paced back and forth across Darac’s living quarters. Impatience filled him.

  “Can you blame her? You declared she was yours in front of everyone. Like she was a bit of property.” Willa glared up at him. “Idiot move, man.”

  “I know that, woman.”

  “Don’t woman me. I’m not the idiot.”

  He turned to Darac, puzzled. Why did she take offence at him calling her a woman? Darac shrugged.

  “I regret my actions. I wished to inform her first that she was my mate.”

  Willa hit her forehead with the palm of her head. “And here I thought you were more enlightened than the rest of them. There is no hope for any of you. You all belong in the stone age. You cannot just declare her yours and expect her to fall to your feet in gratitude.” She mumbled some words beneath her breath that he was certain were not flattering.

  “Willa,” Darac scolded gently. “Thor believes her to be his mate. He has the right to defend her.”

  “Yep, cause Safan’s lips were doing so much damage. Lethal weapons.”

  He snarled at the thought of that idiot, Safan, kissing his mate. Even if it was just the top of her hand.

  “Safan did not mean anything by it,” Darac said. “He did not know she was yours.”

  “I know. I have made my apologies to Safan.”

  “She’s not his,” Willa sat forward, glaring at them both. “I know you guys think differently. I know you need your mates. I know that better than most.” She gave Darac a warm look. “But that’s not the way we think. Lucy has an opinion. She has a right to make up her own mind about what she wants.”

  “I would never force her.”

  “I know. Look, I don’t know what Lucy went through before Rye brought her back to our village. But when she arrived, she was so thin I was certain she wasn’t going to survive. She didn’t speak to anyone but Rye for the first three months. Something had terrified her. Badly.”

  “She mentioned that she would not be owned again.”

  “Again?” Darac jumped to his feet. “Someone owned her?”

  Thor nodded, grateful for his friend’s outrage. Those words had haunted him the past two days. The fact that she avoided him, not answering any of his communications only added to his angst. His mind had shot forth all sorts of scenarios.

  None of them good.

  “I do not know the details. But I understand why my declaration scared her. I did not mean I wished to own her. I would cherish her. Care for her. Protect her.”

  Willa sighed. “You guys are so lucky you’re cute. And good in the sack. Really good in the sack. You need to move carefully with her.”

  Thor ran his hand over his hair. “I know. I have always known that. I was not thinking properly when I declared her mine. But the urge to touch her, to make her mine, it is nearly overwhelming.”

  Darac nodded. “It is impossible to ignore the urge to claim your mate. And it only grows worse as time continues.”

  He knew that. He only hoped he could give her enough time before the urge grew too great to ignore.

  “Perhaps I must speak to Rye. Learn what it is in her past that makes her so fearful of being my mate.” Rye had chosen to accompany them on this mission, while Willa’s others brothers had remained on Zerconia.

  “You can try,” Willa said doubtfully. “But without Lucy’s permission he’s not going to tell you anything. Rye is really good at keeping secrets. He’s had plenty of practice. I don’t even have a clue where he found her.”

  Darac stood. “I must go, we are getting close to Zaru.”

  They had managed to pick up six of the seven emergency beacons, two of those beacons were coming from Zaru. Darac had sent the other two ships that accompanied them to follow two of the other beacons.

  “I’ve never heard of Zaru, is it dangerous?” Willa occupied.

  “It is a hostile planet, filled with huge wild beasts called Boru,” Darac explained. “They are stupid creatures but deadly. Our warriors should be able to avoid them. Their high density weight means they cannot climb so if you see one coming the best idea is to climb the nearest tree.”

  Willa made a face. “Hope they landed in a forest then.”

  “Can you please let Lucy know we are close. We have a clear reading on the emergency beacons, but it would be best if she was prepared.”

  “You will not allow her on Zaru, though,” Thor dictated.

  Willa sighed then, shaking her head, left the room muttering something about idiot men.

  “I wish to be there if you need her help.”

  “Of course,” Darac agreed.

  Thor walked out beside Darac. “What is it that you do in a sack that is so good?”

  “I have no idea, old friend. Often I just nod and smile. Understanding these humans is sometimes impossible.”

  Chapter Five

  Lucy stared down at the bracelet. It was a delicate, silver chain with little jewels between each link.

  Mila’s bracelet. She swallowed heavily. So far, Darac had only needed her abilities once. They had managed to find the two escape pods and rescue everyone who had remained close by. But one warrior had left to get water. He hadn’t come back.

  Unfortunately, she hadn’t been able to get a reading from the article of clothing his family supplied. Which only meant one thing.

  The poor man was dead.

  She’d hated giving Darac that news. But there was nothing more she could do. She couldn’t trace a dead person. They assumed one of the deadly beasts that roamed Zaru had spirited him away. Lucy hated disappointing people. A sick feeling in her stomach had developed as she’d wondered if Darac would be like the others. If he would hurt the messenger.

  But he’d just nodded and thanked her for her help. She’d been left standing there, speechless. Thankfully, Thor hadn’t been around—he’d had wounded to help.

  The other ships had been successful. They’d retrieved everyone else and there had been only one other casualty.

  That left just the one missing escape shuttle, whose beacon wasn’t transmitting. The escape shuttle that must have held Mila, Koran and the former Empress. The other ships were headed home with all of the extra warriors. That left just their ship to track down the remaining shuttle.

  “Ready?” Willa asked her.

  She stared over at Willa. Behind her stood Darac. Across the room Rye leaned against the wall. Lastly, she turned her head to look at Thor. He was as far from her as he could get without being out of the room. Maybe she’d driven him away. That was for the best. Right?

  God, she was so confused.

  She didn’t want to be his mate. But when he wasn’t around, she kind of missed him.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

  “Lucy?” Thor moved towards her, his gaze filled with concern. “Are you okay? You don’t have to do this.”

  Yes, she did. No one knew why this last escape shuttle wasn’t emitting an emergency beacon, but
Lucy had a really bad feeling. So it was up to her to find the missing warriors, including Koran, Mila and the Empress.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You do not look fine. You are pale and have dark marks under your eyes. Have you not been sleeping?” He reached up, as though to place his hand across his forehead. She leaned forward, her body moving of its own violation.

  A fog of need surrounded her, like a drug seeping through her blood. She wanted his touch. Craved it.

  At the last second, he snatched his hand back looking horrified.

  Jeez, he didn’t have to look quite so relieved. Hurt, she took a few steps back.

  It’s for the best, Lucy. Best that he keeps his distance. A relationship is the last thing you need or want. She didn’t know what she’d been thinking. She knew a simple touch, skin-to-skin, could start the mating process.

  Not that she was his mate. But why take the risk?

  “You should be in bed,” he said gruffly. “You look exhausted.”

  “Wow, you have really got to work on your pick-up lines, Romeo,” Willa snarked, coming up and placing her arm around Lucy. “Telling someone they look like shit doesn’t usually end in slap and tickle. Well, unless the slap is to your face.” She turned to Lucy. “Want me to give him a smack around the head for you? You know, since you two are dancing around this whole touching thing. Ain’t really going to work if you ever want babies. Touching is a prerequisite.”

  “We are not having babies. Or slap and tickle.” Lucy gave Willa a firm look. What was she playing at? She knew Lucy didn’t want to get involved with anyone. Least of all an overprotective, sexy warrior.

  Willa threw her hands up. “Fine. Whatever. I should really leave the matchmaking to Zoey.”

  “We are not a match. I am not his mate.” She glared at Thor, who stood there looking confused.

  “I am. I am sorry you do not wish it, but I cannot change that. I can only give you time to come to overcome your fear of mating.”

  What if she didn’t want time?

  Now where did that stupid thought come from? She wanted all the time in the world. Forever. And she just needed to keep reminding herself of that. Cause the last thing she needed was to start dreaming about what life might be like with Thor.


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