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The Purgatory Saga #1: People of the Fire

Page 23

by Michelle Dalson

  I gave a slight shudder. Prima Dona was right.

  But I looked at Prima Dona with determination. “My father wants to accomplish this before the thousand-year reign is over. He wants to make sure no one in Purgatory escapes to Heaven—especially me. If I get rid of the Satan Beast from this world, we would be preventing him from accomplishing this task, but I would be safe from him forever.”

  “Yes, but don’t think the Beast would disappear just like that,” said Prima Dona icily. “Don’t think the Beast has a small chance of taking you down with it before it lets itself fall to Earth. Lucien’s following you around, isn’t he? You saw his face in the mirror before the Egbala nomads had their house burned down.” Prima Dona narrowed her eyes. “Do not forget your uncle as well. He walks the earth with shame. Accompanying him is your father’s SoulBird, Aracto, and your little archrival, Damien.”

  I gasped. “Damien is with my uncle?”

  “Have you not dreamt it yet? Hmm, I guess your mind has been in Heaven’s clouds a little more than it should be. Yes, Damien has found your uncle. And Damien has developed an unusual bond with Satan. Damien is acting as his slave, and he is helping your uncle find the other two golden SoulBirds for Satan.”

  I bit my lip. “Well….like I said, we must defeat that Beast so that it can perhaps stop what it’s doing to Earth, and stop whatever Damien and my uncle are doing.”

  “Well, I can help you out, my child,” Prima Dona’s voice became calm and feathery again, and she gently grabbed my chin with her two long and cold fingers. She tilted my head up to face her. “Where are you headed right now?”

  “Well, Enoch is taking us to the Evergrown Tree, where we will climb to the top to reach the next stage of Primal...”

  “Ah…” Prima Dona narrowed her eyes. “That’s perfect. That would be the best place for you to go, especially since your father may have all sorts of traps for you on land.” She winked at me. “If you don’t want the Beast to easily drag you to Hell before it is defeated, you’d visit that tree, make your way to the top, and you will find me awaiting you.”

  I raised my expression. “You’re coming to Purgatory?”

  “Of course….I care for you, Zach. If you want to get rid of the evil that’s within you, then I’ll be there to help you. But mark my words—your blood of evil and darkness is what is so strong against my world of Primeval. Without it, you cannot see me again.”

  She fixed me with a stony gaze. She was right. The blood that I shared with Satan was the only source of power in me that was able to withstand the cold in this world. If I were no longer evil, I would not be able to survive this cold, desolate world.

  I blinked and gave a troubled gaze. “Well…won’t you visit me in Heaven?”

  Prima Dona laughed. “Oh, goodness! Zach, I may have not created my own world, but my world created me. I was born through the ice. I belong here, and I belong nowhere else. I may make visits to other dimensions, but I will never visit the Lord’s kingdom in Heaven. It’s too complicated to explain, so please don’t ask me why.” She hardened her gaze.

  Facing her, I gave a slow nod, though I didn’t quite fully understand.

  “Now….please mark my words, dear Zach. I will be waiting for you at the top of the Evergrown Tree, where I can grant you with an extraordinary power. You will be strong enough to defeat the Beast.” Her gaze deepened into my soul.

  The snow was starting to fall harder and a blizzard was picking up. Prima Dona became less visible through the snow, and I felt myself fading away.

  Her sharp but softening voice was distant in the wind. “I’ll be waiting for you, Zach…..”

  And just as before, my spirit exited from that strange and extreme coldness, I felt my soul thawing as I entered the darkness of my dream trance again. I started feeling like my real self again.

  But this time, I could feel others around me as well. My dream was not over yet.

  “Zachariah Ezekreth!” I heard a loud yell. It was the voice of Dewey. The earth type SoulBird was hopping out of the darkness, fixing me with an angry glare. His shining angelic body glowed in the dark. “There you are! Argh! Seriously! Are you trying to escape me every time I appear in your dreams?! I mean, come on! I finally tell you how powerful I am, and you’re still treating me like this?!”

  I huffed. “What are you talking about? You can’t tell me what to dream!” I felt my heart tighten, for I was relieved that Dewey didn’t get to follow me to Prima Dona’s dimension. If he ever caught me and came after me, his soul would freeze up in the world of Primeval forever.

  “Oh yeah?! Don’t think I won’t find up what you’re up to in your ‘private dreams!’ Who’s Prima Dona?” Dewey hopped forward and gave me a raised stare.

  I flinched and gave him a naughty smile. “What the heck are you talking about?”

  “Come on,” Dewey growled. “You know who she is. She’s that spirit you’ve been visiting in your dreams, right?” He smiled deviously. “Tell me who she is!”

  I started to laugh. “I don’t know how you come up with these names! What’s a Prima Dona?!”

  “Hah! You tell me! Is she your secret girlfriend?”

  I flinched and widened my eyes. “Hell no!”

  “Aha!” Dewey jumped up. “So you have been seeing someone named Prima Dona!”

  I rolled my eyes and gave a narrowed rotten glare at Dewey. “So what? She’s helped me a lot. Without her, I wouldn’t have found out that Lucien was my father. And now she’s given me great advice for our journey.”

  “Oh yeah? Why would you want to trust her?”

  My saints all appeared above the bird. Grenada, Annabelle, Bernardo, and Hoshinda all had stony looks on their faces.

  “Yeah, Zach!” Bernardo’s loud voice was urgent. “Why would you listen to some lady in your dream, if you don’t want to reveal her to us?”

  I briefly explained about meeting her on the Evergrown Tree so that I can be granted powers against the Beast.

  Grenada’s eyes narrowed. “Did she tell you what kind of power she would give you?”

  “No, but she said if I am willing to find out, I would have to look for her at the top of the Evergrown Tree.”

  “Pah!” Hoshinda crossed her arms. “Yeah right! I bet this lady’s just gonna give you a spank on the butt for being so stupid!” She threw back her head and gave a loud laugh, nudging Bernardo.

  I glared at them. “You’re just mad because I’m listening to someone whom you spirits cannot trace.”

  “Of course we are!” Snapped Grenada. “You shouldn’t be going behind our backs like this!”

  Bernardo laughed. “Yeah, boy! It’s our job to know everything about you.”

  I glared at them all, but Annabelle was fixing a solemn gaze on me. Her hands were clasped and she moved forwards.

  “Zach,” she spoke carefully, “I’m sorry if we’re being so nosy. But the only spirit you should be speaking to in secret, is the Holy Spirit.”

  At this, I felt anxious, but I kept a narrowed expression to hide it.

  Annabelle continued to speak. “The Lord is everywhere, and He understands you more than you understand yourself. He is the only Spirit you should be meeting in private. You shouldn’t be seeing some foreign spirit. If we cannot trace the spirit, something must be wrong.”

  Bernardo was loudly snickering. “Prima Dona! I like that spirit’s name!”

  Grenada elbowed Bernardo and glared at me. “Zach, don’t think we can’t ask the Holy Spirit about this spirit you’re seeing. Even though we cannot monitor your every move, He can see you. He knows what you’ve been doing in your so-called ‘private dreams.’”

  I glared at her with fury, but Annabelle reassured me. “Zach, the Lord isn’t a tattletale, so don’t worry,” she said with a giggle. “He will only warn us if He thinks it’s right. So the best thing to do is to stop seeing that lady, whoever she is, and start speaking to the Lord. You’ve learned a lot about Him already, so you might as well st
art asking Him to see you in your dreams now.”

  Hoshinda gave her loud laugh. “Yep! If I were you, I’d confront the Lord and tell Him not to rat me out to my annoying, obnoxious guardian angels!” She gave me a wink.

  I looked away and said nothing.

  Suddenly, in the darkening distance, I saw a light start to form, and recognized the angel, Gabriel, coming forth. By his side was a dark figure that was even darker than the atmosphere surrounding us. It was the Shadow Man.

  I narrowed my eyes as the Shadow Man came forwards with Gabriel at his side. “So you’ve found my way to my dreams?” I was glaring at the Shadow Man. “Who are you? Are you some kind of disguised angel? Why won’t you reveal yourself?”

  My questions were pointless again, for he gave no reply.

  Hoshinda’s loud laugh echoed in the atmosphere. “Why don’t you ask the Lord? He knows everything, so He can tell you who this shadow is!”

  I glared at her. “What does it look like I’m doing?” I snapped. “I already told you about the Evergrown Tree, and how I can be given a gift to help me defend myself against the Beast. After I defeat that Beast, then it will be easier for me to talk to the Lord!”

  Grenada rolled her eyes disgustedly. “I don’t know why you’re taking in so much trust into a lady that can’t even reveal her face to us!”

  I didn’t know why either, but something about her just made me trust her. And I wished I was still dreaming in her world instead of spending my dream here with a group of pushy angels.

  Gabriel rested a hand on my shoulder and gave me a warm look. “Zach,” his face glowed and his dark beard looked even darker.

  I looked at him and huffed. “The lady has told me the truth—she says my uncle is with Damien on the Earth. That is true, isn’t it?”

  Gabriel nodded. “Things are not well for poor Damien. When Damien was taken from the world of Purgatory, the golden SoulBird was trying to defeat the evils that surrounded them to keep him safe. But unfortunately, Damien’s faith was stronger. The boy wanted to obtain the devil, and he chose the wrong path. He became more and more evil, and now he’s trying to work against the golden SoulBird that is still trying to save him. He is working with your uncle right now, to find the other eggs and obtain an invincible power over the Earth.”

  I looked up at him with wonder.

  “Would you like to see him?” Gabriel spoke quietly.

  But I didn’t have to answer. The rest of my star-portal dream was taking me to the planet of Earth, and after a glimpse of the wrecked planet, I found myself looking through the murky, hazy clouds. I was peering down at a terrible city where I was could see people running from corner to corner, escaping the fire balls that fell from the sky and escaping the random cracks that opened in the Earth.

  “This is the terrible city of Babylon,” said Gabriel. “Or this is what used to be Babylon. The city fell long, long ago due to its sinful power, but now it has risen again because of the horrible confines of the uprising Hell.”

  “Where’s Uncle E?” I looked around to spot my old, crazy-haired uncle, but the people were moving and disappearing too quickly. Many were half naked.

  “Look closely,” Gabriel took us to a quieter part of the city, where I saw an angry SoulBird running through an empty terrain. It was Aracto. The SoulBird was headed toward a tall darkly dressed teenage boy, Damien. The guy was standing in front of a fire that was lit in the middle of the street. The golden SoulBird’s body was hovering in the center. Aracto approached Damien’s side and squawked.

  Dewey huffed and jumped. “I’ve always disliked that SoulBird!” He hissed.

  “What’s he doing?” I narrowed my eyes at Damien. “What’s happening to the golden SoulBird?”

  “Damien’s had the SoulBird in that fire for three days. He’s planning to possess the bird, so that the golden SoulBirds will control worlds under the power of evil,” remarked Gabriel.

  “A possession?!” Annabelle gasped and put her hands on her mouth.

  Hoshinda threw her head back and gave a loud laugh. “Waha! That spirit’s an idiot! Does he really think a SoulBird as strong as that can be possessed by evil?”

  “He’s trying pretty hard,” said Gabriel, glaring at Damien. “Look closely behind the fire.”

  I saw a tall skinny man kneeling behind the fiery flames. He held a sickle in his hand. He was dressed in a dark suit, and he wore a black cape on his shoulders. His head was covered by a black hood, but when he lifted his head, I saw his face and dropped my mouth open with horror.

  “Uncle E!”

  Bernardo scoffed. “So that’s what you call him. Well, we call him Death.”

  I felt so betrayed. Why hadn’t Uncle E told me this when he was explaining me his story about my parents, back at the academy?

  “We cannot do anything right now,” said Gabriel, turning toward me. “Death is who he is—though he did have a chance to redeem himself.” He looked into my eyes.

  “But…he failed,” I said. “I’m not in Heaven.”

  “Not yet,” said Gabriel. “There’s still time for both of you. And there is someone who has been praying for you, especially.”

  My hopes raised and I gasped. “Angeline?”

  Gabriel smiled. “Would you like to see your sister?”

  “Yes, of course,” I replied.

  And pretty soon, my dream drifted to another distant place until I recognized the quiet city of Jerusalem. There was nothing left. Everything had been sucked into the boiling firepool.

  “Whoa,” I stared around with awe as we all appeared on the empty street. “Jerusalem is…finished?”

  The Shadow Man was standing in front of the Temple and the Ark, which were the only buildings in existence. “The Temple will be restored when the thousand-year reign in Heaven is finished, and then all of Jerusalem will be restored forever.”

  Suddenly, I saw two figures walking toward us from the empty wasteland behind us. They were both girls. The shorter one was my little sister and the taller one was Lexie. I recognized her pale innocent face. Somehow, I felt that uplifting feeling again in my heart when I saw Lexie again. I didn’t realize how much I had missed her since the last time we met.

  “Zachyyy!” Angeline threw her hands up in the air and ran up to me.

  This time I was ready for her hug. I smiled and bent my knees to catch her in my arms and hug her tightly.

  “I missed you!” She said, brimming up at me. “I was praying last night—and guess who visited me?”

  And out of nowhere, an angelic air type SoulBird was flapping its white graceful wings. It landed on my sister’s shoulder and gave a soothing coo.

  I gasped and gleamed at the SoulBird. “Angeline, you got a SoulBird?”

  “Well, I met her! Her name’s Lara! She only comes to me in dreams, though.”

  I chuckled. “That’s cause you’re not dead yet.”

  Lara flew around me and her bright halo glittered. She glided toward Dewey, who was gazing at the beautiful SoulBird with astonishment.

  “Laravanna?!” Dewey jumped up. “Laravanna! It’s you!”

  And he happily chased the air type SoulBird.

  I blinked, but it didn’t take me long to figure it out. This must be the Beast of Wisdom—one of the Four Beasts.

  Angeline was gazing at Gabriel, the Shadow Man, and the saints. “Oh! Zachy! Are those your guardian angels?”

  “Yup,” I said. “And that’s Gabriel, the highest angel in Heaven.”

  “Oh my gosh…this is the best dream ever!” Angeline squealed as she ran over to meet them. All my saints were very friendly and excited to meet her, and even Saint Grenada smiled and adored the little girl.

  “Oh! The child’s just adorable!” Annabelle praised.

  “Eheh!” Bernardo gave her a rough pat on the head, messing up her curly brown hair. “This kid’s gonna love Heaven!”

  I shook my head with a smile as I watched them. I wished I had met my saints like this.
/>   I watched as Angeline finally approached the Shadow Man, who was standing at the end of the Ark. Angeline had a curious expression on her face as she stared at the Shadow Man.

  The Shadow Man’s blank, shadow-covered body was facing her. He raised his shadowed arms. “Come, child,” his voice was calm and loving.

  Angeline slowly made her way forward. She pointed at him. “I know you…..I’ve seen you before….”

  The Shadow Man took her in his arms and chuckled. “Of course you have….”

  I blinked at them. It was a little strange to see my little sister carried in the arms of a shadowed body. I felt nervous to see the Shadow Man rocking her gently in his arms.

  I turned as I heard another warm coo. I was facing Lexie, who was standing a few feet from me with a calm look on her face. She gave a small, grateful smile as she met my eyes. She looked a lot cleaner and prettier than when I had last seen her. Her thin light brown dress wasn’t so ruffled and torn, and her short blonde hair was untangled and straight. In her arms was a cooing air type SoulBird of her own, though this one had a fluffier tuft behind its head.

  “Hey, Lexie,” I came up to her and returned her small smile. “You found a SoulBird too?”

  “Mm-hmm,” she looked down at her bird. “This is Micah. He came to me the same time Lara did. Both SoulBirds came to us in a dream we had on the night that the last of Jerusalem had disappeared.”

  I gave a single nod. Micah gazed up at me with small round eyes. “Why did they come to you though? Was it because you two were the last living ones in Jerusalem?”

  “Yes. Our time will be up soon, and these SoulBirds have come to meet us so that they can take us away and guide us to where we belong in the afterlife.”

  I gave a narrowed look. “Aw, you know you’ll go to Heaven.” I looked away. “You don’t want to go to Purgatory…trust me.” I turned to gaze at Micah. “Make sure you guide her to Heaven, okay? She deserves it.”


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