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The Purgatory Saga #1: People of the Fire

Page 33

by Michelle Dalson

  Jesus gave her a warm look. “Alexandra…”

  Lexie returned His gaze with a polite smile.

  Then Jesus faced me. “Zach, the SoulBird is still in Damien’s hands, and he is hiding with the SoulBird in a trench underneath the Beast who sleeps beside the abyss it had escaped from.”

  I stared with solemn wonder. Lexie was watching us with Micah at her side. She knew what we were talking about.

  “You are back here where you belong in Purgatory,” said Jesus, facing me. “Your soul-mate saved you before your father could take you down with him. You ought to be thankful for a SoulBird like Dewey.”

  I felt nauseous when I thought back to the moment when that green angel had saved me from the evil current.

  Jesus continued to speak. “However, you will rank in the academy of Primal where you can accompany Jenna in her class. Congratulations, Zach,” Jesus was smiling. “You have proved yourself worthy of your place in Purgatory.”

  I widened my eyes. I had skipped two stages in Purgatory, and I was already in the fourth stage. I couldn’t believe I deserved this. But the apparently I did. It was…a miracle.

  “Oh…..thank you….thank you so much,” I gazed up at Him, not knowing what to say. His face glowed in the dark sky, and then suddenly I felt saddened. He could do so much for me. He can even take me to Heaven right now if He wanted to. The least I could do to Him…..was obey Him.

  I started to feel tears in my eyes. I could feel the fear of my parents, and I never wanted to fall into either of their traps again.

  Jesus wiped a tear from my eye. He was gazing at me with understanding in His glowing eyes. “Courage, spirit. Your many sins are forgiven.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut as more tears started to form. I felt embarrassed to be crying in front of Lexie. But she put a hand on my shoulder, giving me a look of sorrow.

  “But Zach…” Christ was gazing down at me. “Your uncle is still on Earth. Hades left him as soon as the Beast crashed onto the region of what used to be Babylon.”

  I suddenly pictured my uncle, limp and weak on the deforming Earth.

  “Shall we help him?” Jesus was waiting for my answer.

  I realized how much progress I had made. I would be in the fourth stage of Primal. Maybe there was hope for me. If there was hope for me, there would be hope for my uncle, who couldn’t get into Heaven unless I got in first. I turned to Lexie, who was nodding.

  “Go save your uncle, Zach,” she said softly. “He needs you.”

  I smiled and took her hand. “Come with us, Lexie.”

  So we were taken to the face of the terrible Earth. Jesus took us to the destroyed region that was once called Babylon. Ahead of me, there was a terrible trench that had formed at the beginning of the apocalypse. It was the very trench that the Beast had escaped from. Steam was rising from the crevies, and down the depths was a fiery flow of water.

  Across the other side of the trench, there was the Satan Beast—sleeping with its huge head facing toward me with its eyes closed.

  Looking carefully, I suddenly felt my heart wither with dread. There, sitting on top of the Beast’s head, was a tall, ice-skinned lady with long dark hair. It was Prima Dona. She was leaning on her side as if she were posing for the Hollywood paparazzi. She held a half-filled wine glass in her right hand and her thin lips looked blood red from drinking.

  “Oh, Zachariah Ezekreth….” her piercing voice echoed through the air as she eyed me. I took a step back. There was nothing she could do with Christ right beside me. Lexie was at my side, gazing with horror.

  There were drunken men gathered around the Beast, climbing its seven heads to bow down to Prima Dona.

  Prima Dona stared at me, and etched an evil smile on her thin lips. Her white face was a mess with blood, and it was distinctive on her pale skin. She seemed like she would melt with all this fire and hellish beasts surrounding her, but she remained unharmed.

  At last, Prima Dona shot up on her feet and threw her wine glass to the ground, breaking it to pieces. She let out a scream and faced all the kings dancing around her. “Fools! Will you idiots get outta my sight?! I don’t need your company right now!”

  And at her command, the kings wailed and the people jumped off the Beast, fleeing from her terrible scream.

  The only person that remained with her was a man’s body lying at her right heels. It was Uncle Ebenezer. And a dark haired girl was lying on the left side of her heels.

  “Mira!” I gasped, staring at the girl.

  Mira lifted up her head to face me. Her face was dirty and she looked much worse than she had been when I first met her near the Gehenna Volcano.

  “Zach…” her voice was hoarse.

  Lexie gasped and let out a sound of sorrow to see Mira in this state.

  “Aha!” Prima Dona put her hands on her hips. “Pick one! Which shall I spare? Your foolish uncle, or your dear little girlfriend, who is almost a harlot like me?”

  I looked from Mira to Uncle E. I turned to look at Christ behind me, not wanting to make this choice. But Christ’s voice reassured me. “You must listen to your mother right now. But do not worry. Whoever you do not choose, I promise you, will not be forsaken or doomed.”

  I realized I had to choose the one most worthy. It was a hard choice. Uncle E was Death. He was pure Death, and I knew it now. But Mira was much more sinful than my own uncle, though I couldn’t be the one to say that. I faced Mira, who looked at me longingly. My uncle was still motionless. He probably didn’t even notice my presence.

  “Zach…” Lexie put her hand on my shoulder. “You should choose who you really believe cannot take care of themselves with Prima Dona.”

  She was right. But suddenly, Mira noticed the presence of Lexie as she put her hand on my shoulder. Mira suddenly clenched her teeth and let out a dangerous hiss, and then glared at me with a wide-eyed look of anger and disbelief.

  “Zach….” she growled. “Who is she?”

  I instantly chickened out. I turned from her gaze and yelled, “Uncle E! Uncle E!” I widened my eyes as I faced him, jumping up and down. “Save Uncle E!”

  Prima Dona chuckled slyly. “Oh, how adorable. Your uncle would be so proud of you! And he wouldn’t make use for me anyway. I was never interested in the foul hearted fool..” She turned to Uncle E and gave him a kick. “Ebenezer Ezekreath! Wake up, you stupid, ugly-minded imbecile! Outta my sight! Be gone with you!”

  Uncle E suddenly flinched at her harsh tone and opened his eyes. He whimpered at another one of her sharp kicks and then got up to his feet, facing up at the taller lady. “Sarah! Please! I can do better! I’ll do anything for you!”

  “Nonsense!” Screamed Prima Dona with disgust. She gave him a smack on the face with the back of her hand. “GET OUT!” Uncle E’s face whipped to the right from her blow and he fell off the Beast. But Christ stepped forward with a frown and Uncle E hovered above the ground and disappeared before he hit the fiery floor.

  “Oh!” Miranda was rising to her feet, staring at me with horror. I looked at her with the same surprised look. What had I done? “Zach….!” Mira was narrowing her eyes and biting her lip with anger.

  She screamed as Prima Dona grabbed her shoulders and hugged the girl to her side. The ice lady let out an evil cackle. “Ahahaha! Don’t worry. Your dear girl will be safe in my hands! I‘m so glad you left her with me.” She grimaced and hugged Mira tightly.

  “Ugh!” Mira tried to struggle from her grip. “Zach!”

  “Mira—” I stepped forward, glaring at Prima Dona, about to change my mind, but suddenly the Earth trembled.

  Prima Dona hurled an ice shard that nearly cut across my face. “It’s too late, you fool! Or would you also like to come with us?” Prima Dona suddenly smiled and let out a hand, gesturing me to come forwards.

  It was then that I jumped back and watched as the Earth trembled under the Beast. Fire erupted between us. When the flames were gone, Lucien the Higher was standing in front of the Beast with A
racto at his left side. Another devilish earth type SoulBird appeared behind one of the heads, and I recognized Shiigo as she made her way from behind the Beast’s head and joined his right.

  “You’re always welcome home, Zach,” said Lucien evilly, looking into my eyes with his terrible bloody red gaze.

  Prima Dona jumped to his side, gripping Mira to her left. My parents held hands and faced me with hungry, evil expressions. I was backing away.

  “Come on, Zach,” they were both speaking. Their eyes were intriguing and deepening into me. “You’ll never run too far from your own parents….”

  I was just about to turn and run away, but then the fires erupted between us again, and I felt my spirit drift away from that terrible world.

  As I rose to the sky, Christ was giving me a warm look. “Do not worry, Zach. I will be watching Mira.”

  I suddenly felt relieved for a short moment. I could trust Him.

  Lexie sighed. “Oh, Zach, I’m sorry you had to go through what you just went through.” She turned away. “If only there was something I could’ve done—”

  “You’ve done more to me than you know,” I reassured her. “I’m glad to have met you. And I can visit you in my star-portal dreams.”

  I cupped her hands and smiled at her.

  Lexie smiled back. “Thank you, Zach. But what about Damien?”

  Jesus spoke. “He is still in the abyss. He has found the second golden egg.”

  Lexie and I were silent with horror.

  Jesus went on, “There’s still much to be done about the three SoulBirds, and Lucien and Prima Dona are far from being defeated. But for now, you both must return home, where both of you belong.”

  I looked at Him longingly. “Will I ever see You again?”

  “Of course,” said Jesus. “Let your guardians guide you Zach. Trust in you SoulBirds. They, too, will help you through your classes.”

  I snickered. “Me? Listen to Dewey? You‘ll have to use Your godly powers to make me do something like that.”

  Jesus smiled. “Here,” Jesus suddenly held out His hand at me. I watched as something shining started to appear, and I widened my eyes with delight and surprise. It was a golden SoulBird.

  “Oh!” Lexie gasped. “It’s so cute!”

  The golden SoulBird fluttered off His hand and hovered in front of me, facing me with its closed eyes. Its angelic body glowed brightly and I felt purified as it landed on my shoulder.

  “You’re giving this to me….” I breathed. “This one is the Son, isn’t it?”

  Jesus nodded. This was the SoulBird with the spirit of the Son. And Jesus had given this SoulBird to me. I looked at Him with relief and awe. Then I was nodding. I was ready to go back.

  I felt my spirit drift away. Lexie and I were taken back to Purgatory, and the two of us separated to our own stages.

  Chapter Thirty-

  I entered the land of Primal with the golden SoulBird at my shoulder. I hovered above my stage, able to see a view of the entire pyramid-shaped planet. The first three stages, Bhad, Nawt, and Primal, were a mess. Hell spirits were stilling roaming the lands. I watched as the SoulBird spread its wings and let out a beautiful and mysterious hymn. Slowly, the land started to clear up and pretty soon, the hell creatures were swept away until they disappeared under the grounds.

  Dewey suddenly appeared and hovered up to my side, eying the golden SoulBird with a wondrous look.

  “Hey, Dewey,” I said to him. “Meet our new partner. He’ll be with us for some time.”

  “The Son!” Dewey gasped, hovering around the golden SoulBird.

  The golden SoulBird murmured a strange tone and Dewey was instantly captured with awe.

  I laughed. “We’ll need to give him a name. I don’t know why, but a particular name suddenly popped into my head. I‘ll call him….Adonai.”

  Adonai rose higher in the sky and then cast a glow over the world of Purgatory. All the devilish SoulBirds in Purgatory cried with fear and they all headed south, gathering toward the lands of Bhad. The angelic SoulBirds were descending from the sky, and they all returned to the lower lands where they had belonged.

  Pretty soon, Dewey and I blacked out and fell asleep, listening to the SoulBird’s murmuring.

  I woke up lying by the doorstep of a house. Jenna was sitting on the steps beside me with Grace and Dewey playing around in front of her.

  She turned to me with a raised look. “You finally awake?”

  I sat up and looked around. “Where are we?”

  “Enoch took me to your uncle’s new house. Instead of sleeping in a dorm, I can have Uncle Ebenezer look after me.” She rolled her eyes. “Don’t know why Enoch would suggest such a thing. I barely know the guy, except for the fact that he’s Death.”

  I snickered. “Uncle E lives here too? In Primal?”

  “He’s become new janitor of the school. The lands of Bhad are still overrun by devil SoulBirds. The lower lands pretty much have no hope of their Mediums graduating, despite the fact that Adonai restored the presence of angels. It‘s still going to be difficult to restore the High Ones back in their academies since Adonai isn’t strong by himself.”

  “Well, being the middle land makes us pretty safe.”

  Jenna shrugged. “You’ve got the golden SoulBird in your hands. You lucky duck.”

  I watched as there was a small glow in the bushes and Dewey and Grace chased after Adonai’s diamond form in the air. Dewey and Grace tried to peck at it, but the diamond kept darting away like a firefly.

  I laughed. “Amazing how Adonai can do that. Dewey’s gonna like him.”

  “Hey,” she turned to me with a sharp look. “Your uncle’s still acting crazy. He spends time in his room, looking at maps and observing the stars. I think he’s trying to see into the future or something without God’s permission. You ought to check on him.”

  “Well, why don’t you help him out while you were here?”

  “He’s not my uncle!” Said Jenna indignantly.

  I huffed and gave her a look. “Well, you’re living with us. It’s gonna be pretty tough living with you in the same roof—especially with Uncle E to look after us.”

  “Ugh! You bet! And guess what? He even wants me to call him Uncle E as well, rather than Death, Mr. Ezekreth or Ebenezer!” She shook her head and looked away, handing me a paper. “Well, here’s your schedule for your new academy. Moses is the Headmaster, and the Mediums range from ages eighteen through twenty-three. Merry Christmas. You have the same classes as I do, and the same High Ones.”

  “Oh, great,” I said blandly.

  “Hey, on the bright side, Cain transferred here as well! Apparently, his faith and love for Christ rose very high, so he was granted a boost as well, especially since he was with you. He‘ll be in the same classes also.”

  “Good for him,” I said. I was willing to have at least someone I could be comfortable with. I looked at the paper. I raised my eyebrows at the classes we had here. Tree Rituals, Petal Bathing; a list of classes I had never experienced back in the academies of Bhad.

  “Cool,” I muttered. “Let’s see how I can do here. I wonder what kind of punishments they have?”

  Jenna laughed and got up. “I don’t even have to tell you. I bet you’ll get suspended within the first hour school starts.” She opened the door behind me and entered the house.

  I stood up and watched Dewey and Grace playfully chased around Adonai’s diamond shape.

  “Heh! The world may seem to be lying back for now….” Uncle E’s voice startled me as the man suddenly appeared in front of the door.

  “Uncle E,” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  He sat beside me and stared ahead into the shadows. For a moment, it was awkwardly silent. I huffed and then asked him a question.

  “So how do you feel? Are you mad that you’re stuck with me again? Should I have left you with Prima Dona instead?”

  “Naw…it’s all good…” mumbled Uncle E. “It’s just…..I’m just so lonesom
e without your…your mother. Humph! I bet you wish a million times more that I was your father instead of that creep Lucien!”

  I gave him a wry look. “Nah, I bet things would be a lot different if you were my father.”

  Uncle E rubbed his hands together and looked behind him. “Check out what I made your troubled little friend do.”

  I peeked into the window, and saw that Truman was sitting on the kitchen table, observing a lantern lit in front of him. His halo shone dimmer than the lantern, and the water type was totally transfixed. “Whoa! Truman?”

  Uncle E snickered. “Hehe! Your friends were nice enough to lend me the SoulBird. Jenna and Cain didn’t want to have any more to do with it!”

  “Wow, good luck looking after Truman then,” I looked away, wondering how Uncle E would get along, now that Truman was his soul-mate.

  Uncle E sighed. “Just keep your little twinkling star from his vision,” Uncle E eyed Adonai in its diamond shape. “The thing will be bothered with heck once it sees something shining like that.”

  I laughed. “Well, Adonai’s enough to keep Purgatory safe,” I said. “There’s still the one that Damien has that needs to be well as the second egg he just found.”

  “Yech!” Uncle E gave a look of disgust. “I don’t even want to go into what that foolish boy made me do! Ugh! And to think….to think Sarah went down the abyss with your father…”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Prima Dona went down the abyss?”

  “With Lucifer,” said Uncle E, nodding his head slowly. “And that creepy desperate prostitute, which was the little mini version of your mom.”

  I winced. “You mean Miranda?”

  Uncle E grumbled and said nothing.

  I looked up at the dark sky. “Well…..if Damien’s going to travel further to the center of the Earth, then from there to the bottom of the Earth, he’ll bring that golden SoulBird closer to Hell.”

  “You’ll know what that will mean for you,” Uncle E eyed me. “Your parents still want you. Your sister’s already gone and far out of their reach ‘cause she’s safe in Heaven. But you’re still in danger. Your parents will venture down after that Damien, and they will still plan to drag you back down there with them.”


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