The Alpha Premonition: Book 1: A Gathering Storm

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The Alpha Premonition: Book 1: A Gathering Storm Page 15

by Steve Catalano

  About halfway up the stairs to the Capitol, he slowed down and let her catch up. The two agents at the top of the stairs were already exchanging a twenty-dollar bill.

  “So Lynn, should I wear panty hose with my gown or a garter belt and nylons?”

  “I think you should go commando.”

  Both Paul and Lynn walked the last few stairs. “You were a gentleman and let me win, so I will probably need to borrow that dress from you for tonight.”

  “So, I take it you are going commando?”

  “I’m sorry, Paul, that is restricted top Secret Service information.”

  “Agent Brend, are you flirting with me?”

  Once again that broad smile warmed Paul Christian’s heart.

  Though she would never admit it, even to herself, she was attracted to Paul, his humor and easygoing personality.

  He looked at Lynn and the other two agents. “You know, I have never been inside our nation’s Capitol building.”

  “Well tomorrow, you will be inside addressing both houses of Congress. Not bad for a first timer!”

  “Paul, if you are going to make that Smithsonian engagement, we had better head back soon. And you still need to buy me that gown at the local thrift store.”

  The other two agents cast her a questioning gaze.

  “Don’t even ask!”

  The luncheon at the Smithsonian was quite pleasant. It was an invitation-only event and, after dining, Paul gave a video presentation of his journey.

  Many of the same questions seem to keep popping up. “How did you conceive of and build the Alpha?”

  “How did you come up with the concept of quantum drive and quantum slipstream?”

  And then there was his personal favorite, “So what’s next?” It was a great question indeed.

  In short order, Lynn and Roger escorted Paul back to the White House for that evening’s State Dinner.

  The last time Paul Christian had worn a tuxedo was for a friend’s wedding many years ago. The event coordinator had secured one that fit perfectly. He was getting a briefing on what to expect and the general protocols of the evening’s events.

  In walked Agent Lynn Brend, hair and make-up perfect, wearing a flowing blue and white gown. If this were a fashion show, she would not have seemed out of place. Paul walked over and smiled.

  “You look almost as good as me!”

  “What do mean, almost?”

  What followed next was almost a blur - numerous handshakes, introductions, and lots of small talk. In the course of a few minutes, Paul Christian had met most of the world’s leaders, power brokers, and captains of industry.

  The President of Universal Airlines was an attendee as well. Paul had met him many years ago. Then he renewed that acquaintance at the LA reception hosted by the Governor. He seemed to have aged significantly, but aviation will do that to you, notwithstanding faster-than-light travel.

  The food was excellent, and after a while he asked his “date” Agent Lynn Brend to dance.

  “Can we sneak out and get some fresh air, Lynn?”

  “But you are the guest of honor, Paul.”

  “I’m ready for a break and some fresh air.”

  It was a warm, pleasant evening, and the lights of the Washington were beautiful. “Any advice, Lynn?”

  “In general or for tomorrow?”

  “This is all a bit overwhelming - perhaps for both.”

  “Paul, you are doing fine. Just be yourself. You are honest and sincere, two qualities that are in short supply in Washington.”

  “So Lynn, tell me a bit about yourself.”

  “I’m sure you had a good briefing about me, and my background and history.”

  “But I want to hear from Lynn about Lynn.”

  “Born and raised in Southern California, spent a lot of time at the beach playing volleyball. That led to an athletic scholarship to UCLA, then graduate school at Stanford. I was recruited by the government and have been working for the taxpayers for the past twenty years. No time for kids with this career, but that’s okay. My ex-husband was dating a child when we were married.”

  “Okay, Lynn, I did read your bio, but tell me more about you.”

  “My, my, you are quite the nosey and pushy genius.”

  “Yes, on both counts, but you are the one with the genius IQ, Lynn.”

  “I’m not a genius, Paul, just really good at taking tests. You should appreciate that since you’re always testing me.”

  “Ah, humility and false modesty, too. The woman has it all.”

  Lynn punched him in the shoulder. She already felt herself getting closer to her charge than she normally would have felt appropriate. But the circumstances were anything but normal.

  “I enjoy 70s and 80s classic rock, but I love smooth jazz. I am also a big fan of science fiction and I love to cook. Strange as it might seem for a Washington D.C. resident, I prefer Mediterranean or tropical climates.”

  “You sound like a female version of me. I enjoy those same things - and one more.”

  Paul smiled and looked deeply in Lynn’s eyes. He was about two inches away when he slowly and tenderly brushed her lips and kissed them.

  He could tell he had caught Lynn off guard; she smiled and pulled back, “We should probably get back inside.”

  “As you wish m’lady,” and he offered her his arm as they returned to the room.

  In less than an hour, the festivities had concluded. Paul said his goodbyes and goodnights to friends old and new.

  As he was getting ready to retire, he thanked Lynn for accompanying him to the State dinner.

  “You’re welcome, all part of the service.”

  “Really, Lynn,” smiled Paul.

  “Paul, I like you, but I do need to keep a professional distance and maintain my objectivity. I don’t have a choice, and neither do you.” She smiled weakly; she was just giving the party line.

  “You have to admit, Lynn, that was the best kiss you’ve had today.” Paul winked and smiled.

  “Kiss? What kiss are you talking about?”

  As Paul walked by her towards his room, Lynn smiled and whispered, “The best ever.”

  Paul Christian began his day with a workout and a run, this time a “running” tour of several memorials near the White House. This was the afternoon he was to address Congress.

  Paul was impressed with the Capitol. As impressive as it was from the outside, it was even more so from the inside. He toured several offices, and saw several Senators and Congressmen.

  Some he had met before; most he had not. When he entered the chambers, he was introduced and met with a standing ovation.

  He began his speech, “Thank you for your invitation, and the grand Washington hospitality that I have received during my visit. Of all the wonders I have seen in my recent travels, nothing comes close to the magnificence of our planet Earth. As I came out the quantum slipstream, I first saw the Moon and then the Earth. Even at over a million miles away, the Earth was a spectacular site. It’s truly an oasis in the dark coldness of space. I thought about all the conflict on our planet, and it seemed petty in the big scheme of things. At the risk of sounding preachy, we all have been given the gift of life; let us go forward together as friends and neighbors and use this life to improve our environment, our home, and the lives of others. For reasons unknown, I have been given a gift, a gift of technology, and in due time I will share that gift with all, for the betterment of our planet and its inhabitants.”

  That led to another standing ovation, followed by many, many questions - some old, some new. Paul did his best to answer with simplicity and brevity.

  “Is it possible for the Alpha to leave our solar system for the stars?”

  “A good question, Senator, one I have asked myself, as well. At quantum Slipstream 3, or 300% of light spee
d, it would take over sixteen months to reach our nearest star Alpha Centauri, and another sixteen months back. Just the logistics of food supply would be problematic, and make a journey that long not feasible.”

  “So, Captain Christian, the Alpha is limited to travel within our solar system?”

  “I believe that we have just scratched the surface of faster-than-light travel. There is a tremendous amount of data to review and analyze. In the short time that we have looked at the data, it would indicate that much higher velocities would be possible.”

  “How much faster, Captain?”

  “If my math is correct, by making a few structural modifications on the Alpha, coupled with some software changes, at least double of the previous peak velocity and the potential for even more.”

  “Again, Captain Christian, how much faster?”

  “I have a graphic that will help.”

  Paul Christian put the graphic on screen. He used his pointer to show quantum slipstream velocities. The lowest green line displayed his peak speed from LaGrange. About mid-graph, a blue line showed the modified Alpha projections. Towering above the previous two and running off the chart was a red-hashed line with the word exponential above it.

  “Are you saying what I think you are saying - that interstellar travel might be possible?

  “Yes, Senator. It is within the realm of possibility, if not probability, that we could travel hundreds of times, even thousand of times, faster than the speed of light. With the proposed modifications to the quantum drive system, the time to Alpha Centauri could now be just under eight months, still not feasible. However, with additional study, engineering, and modifications, I do believe that trip could be cut to a few days, if not hours.”

  “Has the military discussed the applications of what you have done, as well as future capabilities?”

  “Senator, the Alpha is an experimental ship of exploration. It has no offensive capabilities, and when the time comes that we are able to find other applications for its technology, rest assured, those applications will be peaceful.”

  “When do you plan to start sharing this technology with your country?”

  Paul could sense a little hostility in the Senator’s voice.

  “This technology is for all, not just some. If we are going to move towards a brighter future, we must do it together as a planet, for the benefit of everyone.”

  Most in the gallery clapped, a few did not. Paul was starting to sense what AG, Jim, and even the Secret Service agents had warned him about. This was valuable technology, and some would stop at nothing to have it. That included powerful men in this country.

  Unknown to Paul, there was already a subcommittee formed to discuss the Alpha, its technology, and applications. Its chairman had ties to General Bellinger.

  General Bellinger, himself, was growing impatient. He was contemplating sending a team onboard the Alpha and disassembling some components for further study. He decided to wait a while longer before he put his clandestine plan into play.

  His technical experts had been unable to understand, let alone analyze, what information they had on AIMI and the Alpha.

  “Nothing has changed, General Bellinger. The program files have basically unwritten themselves on a microscopic level, and most of what we know about the ship is what has been released to us.

  “We have been unable to create a computer simulation of the quantum drive, and even the best minds in astrophysics tell us that faster-than-light travel and the generation of a quantum slipstream are impossible.”

  The General scowled, “Well, Dr. Genius, that is obviously not the case. Any progress on the computer system?”

  “We are a decade or two away from an artificial intelligence system that would even be in the same league as the AIMI system.”

  “Just walking around the outside of the ship, I get the feeling that I am being watched. If we were to go inside and begin tinkering around, the system would most certainly be aware. In short order, I’m sure Paul Christian would know as well. And we do not know what defensive or even offensive systems the ship has either. I think Area 51 would be an ideal location for the ship, all things considered.”

  “I agree, but I’m certain that Paul Christian would not accept that type of control. And we do need his cooperation, if we are going to make any progress.”

  “Correct, General. He is the key to our unlocking the technology. Without his cooperation, it’s an impossible task.”

  “Well, then, we will just have to ensure his cooperation, one way or another.”

  The General had a plan, and it was not a benevolent one, it was one, however, that he and the Covert Operations Group were well suited to put into play.


  Paul was on his way back to his home in the Northwest. He was working diligently, typing away on his laptop computer. He had modified some of the programs that controlled applications for the quantum drive system.

  He already had one of his vendors hard at work manufacturing some of the aforementioned structural changes - improved flow regulators and variable incidence emitters. These simple changes combined with the new software should at least double the Quantum slipstream velocities. Paul Christian’s learning curve had indeed improved.

  Roger Bannon had been watching Paul intently for the past couple of hours.

  “You have been working pretty hard, something new?”

  “I’m working on some changes to the Alpha as well as AIMI’s software.”

  “How so?”

  “By making some very modest dynamic changes to hydrogen flow, and going to variable incidence emitters, we can improve efficiency of the drive system.”

  What Roger didn’t realize is that, as Paul was typing, he was affecting changes to AIMI and the Alpha by data link.

  “Well, that all is past my pay grade, but you seem to know what you are doing.” They both laughed.

  “Well, I certainly hope so!”

  “Don’t let a few less-than-friendly Senators and Congressmen bother you. I have seen those same guys turn on each other with a vengeance. But don’t underestimate them or their power, or the depths they will go to get what they want. And you have something they want. Our job is to protect you from the bad guys. In politics sometimes it’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad.”

  “As you know I’m pretty new to all of this, but I do appreciate your honesty, and I’ll be on my guard.”

  Paul found that it was good to be home, at least for a while. It seems, between speaking engagements and meetings; the days were going by in a blur.

  It was a beautiful summer day in North Carolina. Lynn and Paul had run in the morning, followed by a tour of an ivy-covered campus. Paul was to receive yet another honorary degree, this time from one of the most prestigious learning institutions the country. In a graceful yet humble manner, he accepted.

  “I am indeed honored by your recognition, and will continue to advance our knowledge and expand new boundaries for the good of all...”

  A rifle shot rang out. Its projectile hit Paul’s shoulder, the impact spun him around a quarter turn. In an instant, Lynn pushed him to the ground and used her body to shield him. Roger Bannon was yelling orders in his microphone and surveying the area.

  It was one lone shot, but by whom and why?

  Paul spun Lynn around and now was protecting her. She resisted, but even with her special skill and training, Paul had strength and leverage on his side.

  “You ok, Lynn?”

  “I’m fine, but what are you doing, Paul? I’m supposed to be protecting you!”

  “I will not let you take a bullet that was meant for me.”

  In what seemed an instant, a flurry of agents and security hustled Paul into the limousine.

  “I think my shoulder was nailed, but just barely. Everybody else okay?”

  “We are all fi
ne. Let me look at that shoulder.”

  As Roger and Lynn pulled Paul’s shirt aside they saw the entrance wound. Clearly it had come from a high caliber rifle. However, there was no exit wound. But that would be impossible! And there was almost no bleeding just residual dried blood from the impact.

  As the limousine arrived at the medical facility, numerous security and police vehicles had already arrived.

  As the attending physician examined Paul’s wound he questioned him. “How do you feel?”

  “Other then a sore shoulder, I feel fine.”

  The doctor shook his head, “I am just at a loss to explain this, and in thirty years of practice I have never seen anything like it.”

  “Like what, Doc?” questioned Paul Christian.

  “You have a high-velocity rifle wound, yet no exit wound, and no remains of the bullet. The wound is healing as I watch; it is half as deep as when I started looking for the bullet. If I didn’t know better, I would have to conclude that your immune system formed a barrier to stop the bullet, and then absorbed it. I would like to do an MRI and a few other tests just to be sure that you are okay.”

  The tests did indeed reveal that Paul Christian’s immune system had absorbed the bullet. By now a team of doctors were absolutely giddy about performing additional tests to find out more about this unusual immune system and how it worked. The doctors were trying to decide if this hybrid immune system was due to genetic enhancements or nano-technology.

  “He is doing fine, Mr. President. He will be released soon.”

  “Any ideas on who’s responsible?”

  “No, sir. No one has taken credit, and we have not heard anything from under the radar yet. For his own protection, we are going to have to rein him in a bit.”

  “He’s not going to like that, Perry!”

  “Neither do you, Mr. President, but we do what we must for safety and security.”

  The President agreed with Agents Bannon and Brend’s boss, Perry Stephens, the head of the Secret Service.

  The doctors were dumbfounded, and many were still in denial after the tests. But the time had come for Paul Christian’s departure from the medical facility. In short order, he and Agent Bannon were in a limousine heading for the airport and a charter flight home.


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