The Alpha Premonition: Book 1: A Gathering Storm

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The Alpha Premonition: Book 1: A Gathering Storm Page 16

by Steve Catalano

  “Roger, I would really like to keep this low-profile. I don’t want to worry my family any more than they already are.”

  “Sorry, Paul. The media has it, and you have been all over the networks and cable stations. Based on our recommendations, the President has ordered additional security for you and your family.”

  “So, I guess my flying a goodwill airline trip is out of the question?”

  “Paul, we don’t know who the would-be assassin is or his motivation. For the time being, it would be best to limit your appearances somewhat. Are you still up for that meeting with the Pentagon the day after tomorrow?”

  “Roger, can you refresh my memory on that one? Is that the one with a General Bellinger?”

  “Yes, that’s the one, and a few other higher-ups as well.”

  “What’s on the agenda, or is it just another meet-and-greet?”

  “Well, I can tell you he’s a four star General and a NORAD bigwig; and we know he has been, and very well may still be, involved with several highly classified covert operations.”

  Paul Christian quickly programmed additional enhancements into the Alpha’s communication and sensor systems.

  AIMI was well aware of the shooting incident and Paul’s almost-healed injury.

  “So, AIMI, with the modifications we have made, will you be able to do it?”

  “Yes, Paul. If you leave your data/com link active, I can now scan anyone within approximately twenty feet. And even without previous baselines, through voice, respiration, moisture, and thermal imaging, I should be able to assess their truthfulness.”

  “I’m really looking forward to this meeting at the Pentagon.”

  His data link flashed yellow, and then went red.

  “Now you are being less-than–honest. Paul, but a novel way to test the system.”

  “As always, thank you, AIMI. You know I consider you part of our family.”

  “Thank you, Paul. And Paul…”

  “Yes, AIMI?”

  “Please be careful. You are my creator, my Father.”

  “Thank you, AIMI. I always wanted another daughter.”

  Paul had planned a breakfast for the next morning, with his friends Burt, John, Ted, and Eugene Lusk. The Secret Service had checked out the diner where they were all meeting and had extra security on site as well. They were not happy about it, but Paul was refusing to be a prisoner in his own home.

  “Paul, I saw you on TV the other day,” said Ted. “They goin’ to give you a sitcom soon?”

  “I’m hoping for my own cartoon show on Saturday morning. Just have to come up with a good name.”

  Eugene queried, “You’re not only rich now, you’re famous. How’re you dealing with all this fame?”

  “Guys, it’s a blast - most recently a rifle blast - but they only winged me, and I can still fly!”

  They all laughed, and Eugene exclaimed, “Paul, even after being an interplanetary explorer, you are still the class clown!”

  “Hey now, I resemble that statement!”

  “How is the shoulder, Paul?”

  “Good as new, guys. But, to be honest, the only people I trust are my family and all of you. Well, Roger and Lynn as well.”

  Burt and John chimed in, “Just how much do you trust them?”

  “With my life, literally. Lynn used herself as a human shield for me.”

  All his friends nodded. John added, “You know, she has the hots for you.”

  “Nice try, guys. She’s just doing her job.”

  They all disagreed. “Paul, wake up. It’s quite obvious she has feelings for you.”

  “She just likes my jokes.”

  Paul was enjoying the breakfast with his friends. It was a nice change from the hustle and bustle of appearances that he had been enduring for the past few weeks.

  “I think the government is going to start pressing hard for the new technology, and, if anything, I am even less inclined to cooperate. If something should happen to me, guys, between you and the Secret Service, please make sure Michelle and Steve are safe.”

  The mood turned somber.

  “Nothing is going to happen to you, Paul. And we will always be there for your family, just as you have always been there for our families and all of us.”

  Paul thought that it was interesting to watch his data link. He would glance at it during his conversations with Lynn and Roger and now his friends. It would flash green during all the conversations. But he did not need a remote high-tech data link to tell him what he already knew - they were all honest and loyal to a fault, even when he did not want to hear what they were saying.

  General Bellinger had done his homework - he left nothing to chance. He had Paul Christian’s children under surveillance. He also had the families of Paul’s Secret Service detail followed as well.

  His people had found some illegal financial dealings that Agent Lynn Brend’s ex-husband had been involved with. He read the file and smiled, thinking of ways he could use that information to his advantage. The General’s plan was well underway.

  “General, it’s not just his technology. He was shot with a high-velocity rifle, and his body just absorbed the bullet. Not only that, his healing was at an unprecedented rate. During a routine flight physical a few months ago, he attracted the CDC’s attention. They did numerous tests and established some baseline numbers. During his recent hospitalization, emergency room doctors ran the same, as well as some additional tests. The results are striking.”

  “How so?” asked the General.

  “It’s all in the file I just gave you, sir.”

  “Cut to the chase; give me the highlights.”

  “He is as healthy as a man of twenty-five, not one in his mid fifties. He is stronger, faster and, get this, younger than he was a few months ago. We gave him an advanced intelligence test. Perfect score and in minutes, on an exam that takes hours. If I did not know better, I would say his genetic structure is changing. Again, we suspect genetic/nano technology at work. We just can’t define it or even understand it. He might be as valuable as that ship and all its technology - perhaps even more so.”

  Paul had spent most of the morning on the Alpha, working on the new modifications and running simulations. Ironically, now he was flying to Washington to meet with the General and a few other officials at the Pentagon. He enjoyed being in the air again and visiting with the crew of the military transport.

  He was unsettled by how his newfound fame and notoriety had left him with a bullet wound in the shoulder, even if it had completely healed.

  “So, Roger, do you think you and Lynn will be as bored as I will be in that meeting at the Pentagon today?”

  “Sorry, Paul. It’s just you and the Generals. We will be waiting outside the room, at their request.”


  “Yes, Paul. Their turf - their rules.”

  “I guess if I can’t be safe at the Pentagon, where can I be safe? I could tell them - no Lynn and Roger, no meeting.”

  “Don’t do it on our behalf; we have no ego to bruise in this instance.”

  “Okay, I will go in alone, but my gut tells me not to trust any of these guys.”

  “I know how you feel, Paul. Be careful and trust your gut. Hey, Lynn wants to have a chat with you, and I have some paperwork to finish up before we land.”

  “Paul, I have enjoyed being part of your detail and getting to know you, but I’m losing my focus and objectivity. So, I am going to ask to be reassigned.”

  Tears were welling up in Lynn’s eyes, Paul walked over and embraced her and stroked her hair.

  “I thought you liked me, and to think I was going to wear a dress at a state dinner for you!”

  She looked up at him and laughed, and even through her tears, smiled at him. “Don’t you understand? I’m in love with you!”
/>   He smiled back at her and said, “Lynn, I’m in love with you, too. I knew it when I was shot and all I could think about was getting you out of harm’s way. I want you to stay, Lynn, but I don’t want you to be in danger because of me.”

  “I have been in harm’s way many other times, for people that I was not in love with, or even liked, for that matter. If you want me to stay, I will.”

  “Can’t think of anything that would make me happier right now!”

  With that, Paul Christian cupped her smiling face in his hands, and slowly and softly kissed her.

  “Roger knows how I feel about you, Paul. In fact, he encouraged me to talk to you, and to stay on as well. You know he really likes you, and even more importantly, he respects you.”

  “My goodness, am I going to have both of you fighting over me?”

  Lynn squeezed Paul’s hand and said, “Lucky for me he is happily married and devoted to his family.”

  Paul and Lynn embraced again and kissed, as the seat belt sign went on and the military transport commenced its approach.

  He was a trained killer. As a soldier, he’d been trained to be a sniper. He had put that skill to work in Afghanistan and Iraq on many an occasion. Now he worked as a private security contractor. He was on his way to a vacation after completing an unusual contract - a non-lethal shot to the shoulder. Easy money and he didn’t have to kill anyone. It was almost a refreshing change. And he could disappear into obscurity once again.


  Paul had never been inside the Pentagon. Security used to be tight; now it was even more so, after the sad events of 9-11.

  A Marine Colonel escorted Paul, Lynn, and Roger to the meeting room, deep within the Pentagon.

  Paul turned to Lynn and Roger, smiled, and said, “Wish me luck.”

  He was introduced to several civilian advisors, other military uniformed officers, and finally to General Bellinger.

  Paul listened to many opinions, ideas, and suggestions in regard to the Alpha and its technology. Quite to his surprise, however, was the interest in him and his physiology. They discussed everything from curing disease to the concept of a new super soldier. He glanced at the data/link - yellow and red alerts in abundance.

  “As I have stated before, gentleman, this technology is for all - not for just a select few. It is unfathomable to me that you would even entertain its use in an aggressive way. It truly saddens me.”

  General Bellinger stood up. “Captain Christian, as a loyal American, you should be hard at work helping your country develop and apply this new technology. Imagine if someone else, say an unfriendly nation or a terrorist group, acquired this technology. It could be devastating for this country.”

  “With all due respect, General, if you don’t have a handle on this technology, what makes you think anyone else has?”

  “I should not have to tell you, Captain Christian, what people will do for what you have. That injury to your shoulder should be ample proof!”

  “I understand that, General, and I’m curious. Do you have any leads on who was responsible?”

  “We are following several leads. I think it was a fringe terrorist group.”

  Paul looked at his data/link. It was flashing red, but before he even looked, he knew the General had been less then honest with him. He seemed to have a heightened ability to sense when people were being less than honest with him. He was right not to trust anyone in that room

  “Gentlemen, I think I need a few days to think and digest our meeting here today. I understand that as an American I have a responsibility to protect my country from harm, but there is a much larger obligation - to protect this planet from harm and the misuse of this technology.”

  General Bellinger was close to losing his temper; he was obviously used to having things his own way. “That is unacceptable. We cannot guarantee your safety or that of your family if you don’t cooperate!”

  The General’s aide stood up and tried to calm him down. The General brushed him aside.

  “General Bellinger, that sounds like a threat. Should I take it as such?”

  “Take it any way you want, but I will have this technology. Furthermore, I am sending teams over to the Alpha to examine it, with or without your permission.”

  “AIMI, open verbal com-link.”

  “Com-link open.”

  “AIMI, execute emergency lock down, twinkle, twinkle, little star.

  General Bellinger, shall I activate the self-destruct as well?”

  Everyone in the room popped to attention. There was the unmistakable look of pure panic on all their faces, even the usually stoic General Bellinger.

  “Captain Christian, I think we have a huge misunderstanding here. You are in charge and, as the President has said, this is your project and you have total control over every aspect of it. Please accept my apologies for my lack of patience.”

  The others present stumbled over each other with similar messages. Paul had been glancing at the data-link since General Bellinger’s apology - mostly red, with a few yellow and perhaps one or two green indications. So much for sincerity. At any rate, Paul’s bluff had worked. For the time being, the General had backed off, or so it seemed.

  As Paul departed he was showered with false smiles and handshakes - par for the course.

  “Tough crowd, huh?”

  “Does my face show it that much, Roger?”

  “Don’t let them get you down. Remember, Paul, you are in the driver’s seat, in more ways than one.”

  “Where is Lynn?”

  “She was summoned to a meeting. She’s going to meet us at the airport.”

  Agent Lynn Brend was waiting patiently at the Pentagon in a small meeting room, not far from where Paul had had his meeting. To her surprise, in walked General Bellinger.

  “Agent Brend, I’m General Bellinger. Nice to meet you; how are you today?”

  “Just fine, General. What can I do for you today?”

  “It’s more like what I can do for you.”

  “I don’t understand, General.”

  “Your ex-husband, and you by association, have been involved in some illegal business transactions that would not reflect favorably with the Secret Service.”

  “As you mentioned, General, he is my ex-husband, and those dealings were after our divorce. And from what I have heard, they were rather minor IRS issues than criminal issues.”

  “Ms. Brend, I am head of an organization that has the power to make things happen, and make them go away - whether that be problems or people or both.”

  “General Bellinger, I am well aware of the Covert Operations Group, its power, and its methods, and that you are its head.”

  “I can smooth over any unpleasantness in regard to your husband, or there could be a terrorist connection - one that would have him incarcerated under the Patriot Act. Imagine if there were found to be a connection between your husband’s finances and the assassination attempt on your new boyfriend, Paul Christian. All I need is a small favor from you.”

  “And that favor would be what?”

  “Keep me apprised of his plans and activities - nothing sinister, just a heads up when needed. Call it in the interest of National Security, and perhaps we can even help you in keeping Captain Christian safe, since your detail seems to be lacking in that area.”

  “Let’s cut the crap, General. My loyalty is to this country, and its President. I work for him, not for you. My commission is to protect Paul Christian, and since you are aware of my feelings for him, I assume you also understand my character. I would never betray him under any circumstances, up to and including my life. If you are as loyal to this country as you claim, you should be interested in the security of this country, as well as his safety. With all due respect, you obviously have more interest in your own agenda than in the security of this nation. And as for Paul Christi
an’s safety, it would not surprise me to find out you have some connection with the attempt on his life, General Bellinger. We are done here, General.”

  “You are messing with the wrong person, Agent Brend, you are playing with fire here!”

  Lynn Brend calmly left the room. The General had once again lost his cool. She had the upper hand whether she knew it or not.

  The General picked up his cell phone and dialed a number. “For now, let’s just let sleeping dogs lie. It will be better to maintain just the status quo. I don’t think we are going to get any help from Agent Brend; in fact, she could become a problem that we may have to deal with at some point in the future.”

  On the flight back, Lynn was a bit somber and it showed.

  “How are you doing, Lynn. The meetings go all right?”

  “I’m fine; just a little tired.”

  Roger Bannon responded, “I know your tired look, Lynn, and this look betrays your concern about something.”

  “You are right as usual, Rog. The meeting was with General Bellinger. He wants me to feed him info about Paul, to the point of trying to blackmail me. He has nothing on me.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Lynn, he and the Covert Operations Group have been known to create whatever truth they need to at the time to justify a particular operation.”

  “Rog, my gut tells me he may have something to do with the assassination attempt on Paul.”

  “I haven’t told Paul this, Lynn, but there was no way that was an assassination attempt. That shot was fired by a marksman and hit Paul right where it was intended. I just cannot for the life of me figure out why. And I agree, our friend the General is somehow involved.”

  “I think we need to have a chat with Paul, and bring him up to speed on our concerns. He is a pretty intuitive fellow, and I’m sure he might have some ideas as well.”

  Paul awoke from his nap and shared what had happened at the meeting with the General. He was not surprised that Lynn and Roger felt that the General might be involved some way in his being shot. He showed Lynn and Roger his data link, explained it, and then demonstrated its use.


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