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Sports Gods

Page 3

by J J Loraine


  I get ready for bed and then curl right up next to Norah.

  I’ve had trouble sleeping lately, but with her warm body softly breathing next to mine, I drift off like a baby.

  When I wake up the next morning, I feel more refreshed and ready to go than I have in years.

  Norah’s still fast asleep, but I get ready for the day and set up a spot for her in the wives/girlfriends’ booth at the arena. I text her the info and give her I kiss on the forehead, then I take off. The game’s not until this evening, but I usually prepare for hours before hand. We’ve been on a cold streak recently, so I should really stay focused.

  Before I can leave the bedroom, though, I hear Norah call my name. She still sounds half-asleep.

  “Yeah?” I answer back.

  “Come here...”

  I march over to the bed and sit down on the edge. Norah reaches out her hand and I take it. Her warm skin is intoxicating. I just want to curl up next to her and sleep the day away...

  “Thank you... for everything...” she whispers.

  I smile and kiss the back of her hand. “Thank you. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. Will you come to my game tonight?”

  She lazily nods. “Let me give you a little parting gift first...” she says, pulling me onto the bed.

  I know I need to go, but I can’t bear the thought of leaving. I lie on my back and Norah climbs on top of me. She gives me a soft kiss on the lips and then slides down my body until she gets to my pants. I immediately get rock hard.

  She unbuckles my belt and frees my beast. Without saying a word, she puts me in her mouth. I quiver with satisfaction. Her tongue swirls across my shift like an artist’s brush. I caress her jaw as she bobs up and down, trying her hardest to take me all in. I breathe heavier and heavier as she takes me deeper and deeper. Soon enough, her mouth is overflowing. I hold her head down as I throb with pleasure and erupt inside of her. She barely budges as I fill her up.

  God, she’s so amazing.

  I just want to pull her up next to me and waste the day away in bed, but I know I have a job to do. People are counting on me.

  I sigh and reluctantly get up. Norah cuddles back up in bed. I bend down and give her a kiss on the cheek. She’s already half asleep again.

  “I love you...” she whispers.

  I’m shocked. I love her too, but I didn’t think we’d get this far this quickly. I hesitate for a moment before I decide NOT to play it cool. Screw trying to be cool; I’m in LOVE.

  “I love you too, baby... I’ll see you tonight.”

  I give her another soft kiss on the lips and then I leave.

  For the first time in years, I don’t care how my game will go, I just can’t wait until it’s over so I can spend more time with my girl.

  Chapter 10


  I wake up in Clay’s big bed feeling like a well-rested princess.

  I hope he liked my gift...

  It was so unlike me to do something like that so soon after meeting a guy... but I guess we just got off on the right foot. This morning wasn’t even nearly as salacious as last night...

  I stretch and shuffle over to his bathroom. I barely even notice that it’s bigger than my entire apartment. I just grab a new toothbrush that’s sitting on the counter for me and I try to make myself up.

  I suddenly realize that all I have with me is my catering uniform. I can’t go to Clay’s game like that...

  I sigh as I resign to that fact that I’m going to have to go back to my shitty apartment in my shitty part of town to pick up something nice to wear. I’m going to have to take a bus in my raggedy old, torn up work clothes. Ugh. The least I can do now is take a shower and take advantage of the amazing bathroom here.

  A wide, flat-headed nozzle sits on the far side of the room. I shuffle over and turn it on. Hot water starts to rain down. The room slowly fills up with steam as I wash myself.

  This is so much better than my shower at home...

  There’s so much space and it’s so quiet. Whenever I bathe in my apartment, the pipes clang like a marching band. I’m about ready to doze off on my feet when I hear what sounds like a doorbell. I try to ignore it – this isn’t my place, I shouldn’t be answering any doors – but soon enough, I hear a voice come over what sounds like an intercom. The sound fills up the bathroom.

  “Ms. Norah, are you still here? I’m Toby, Clay’s assistant. I’ve been given orders to take care of your needs today. I just wanted to let you know. I’ll check up on you again in a couple of hours. Clay really wants you at his game.”

  I step out of the shower and quickly shuffle over to what looks like a voice box back by the doorway. I click down on a red button. “Hello? Toby. This is Norah. I’m just having a shower now. I hope that’s OK.”

  There’s a slight pause. I let go of the red button and Toby’s voice comes back online.

  “No problem at all. Just let me know when I can help you with anything.”

  “OK. Thanks.”

  I shuffle back to the shower. The bathroom is like a mild sauna from all the steam. I don’t want to leave quite yet. I start to think about Clay... and his giant... my hand wanders down between my legs and I touch myself to the memory of our two encounters.

  I spend far longer in that shower than I perhaps should have, but when I’m done, I feel more refreshed and satisfied than I have in years. I grab a big bathrobe that’s hanging from the bathroom door and I wander back into the bedroom.

  I only want to plop back down on the massive bed, but I know I have to get ready. I still have to go back to my place and grab something nice to wear. I spot my tattered hostess clothes on the floor and I sigh as I shed the comfy robe and begin to get dressed again.

  I check my pockets to make sure I still have my keys and my bus card and then I head out of the bedroom and towards where I remember the elevator being.

  I had already forgotten all about Toby when I hear his voice come over the intercom again. I nearly jump out of my skin. He’s like HAL from 2001.

  “Norah? I’m about to go shopping for some groceries. Is there anything you’d like?”

  I suddenly get the idea of asking if Toby will give me a ride back to my place.

  “Where do you go shopping?” I ask to the speaker by the elevator. “It wouldn’t happen to be near my apartment, would it?”

  “I’m not sure,” he responds. “But I’d be more than happy to drive you.”

  I sigh in relief.

  That’s a huge weight off my shoulders. It would have taken me hours to get home taking the bus.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I say, before getting into the elevator.

  The doors close in front of me as I get one last look of the luxurious penthouse.

  A girl could get used to this kind of life...

  Chapter 11


  I’m taping my stick in the hallway outside the locker room when the team owner, Nick Mastiff, shows up.

  “Hey, there C.J.,” he says, slapping me on the back. “Ready for a big game?”

  “Yes, sir,” I respond politely. I don’t like to be bothered while I’m going through my routine, but with this guy I don’t really have a choice. He signs my checks, after all.

  “Good. Good,” he mumbles. “Last night was pretty wild, huh? Listen. I’d like you to do me a favour.”

  It takes all my strength not to roll my eyes at him. I already know what’s coming. He wants to show me off to someone he knows.

  He clears his throat. “Listen. There’s someone I’d like you to meet. She’s the daughter of one of our biggest sponsors... and she’s your biggest fan. She was at our little event last night, but apparently there was a bit of a wardrobe malfunction and she didn’t get her chance to meet you properly. I promised I’d introduce you before today’s game. What do you say?”

  I want to say no, but I know I can’t. I have to be a good soldier, for the sake of my teammates and this organization.

/>   “Sure thing, boss,” I say. I put my stick down and follow him away from my place by the dressing room. We go all the way up to the luxury boxes. Even after all my years in the league, I still don’t feel like I belong here.

  We push our way into a room and we’re greeted by a small group of men in suits and women in casual dresses. All the women look nearly identical... puck bunnies... the bane of my existence.

  Everyone turns to us when we enter the room. Big, fake plastic smiles fill their faces.

  I shake their hands and do my duty. They all go back to their conversations when Nick pulls me and one of the women aside. She’s tall and skinny and wearing a revealing top. She pushes her arms together when we’re alone so that her small breasts look bigger. They don’t hold a candle to Norah’s.

  I try to be polite.

  “This is Veronica,” says Nick.

  I shake her hand and her fingers linger for a little too long. I pull away.

  “I was looking forward to meeting you last night,” she says through her plastered smile. “Unfortunately, one of those ditzy waitresses Nick likes to hire spilled champagne over my new dress. It was ruined and I had to go home before we could be properly introduced.”

  I feel my eyes twitch as I try to hide my anger. Veronica was one of the girls who was verbally assaulting Norah the other night... I want nothing to do with this woman.

  I just nod.

  She looks shell shocked. She’s probably never been treated so coldly by a guy before. I bet she’s used to getting her way 24/7, the spoiled brat.

  “Look, I have a game to concentrate on,” I finally say. “It was nice meeting all of you, but I should really go.”

  I pat Nick on the shoulder and give everyone in the room one last head nod, then I head out.

  Nick follows me.

  “Not your type, huh?” he jokes when the door closes behind us.

  “Where’s she watching the game from tonight?” I ask.

  “Ah, playing hard to get, I see. What are you going to do, point up at her after you score? You’re a sly dog.” Nick goes to pat me on my shoulder but I slink away.

  “Where’s she going to be sitting?” I ask, sternly. I’m losing patience. I don’t want to put Norah in harm’s way.

  “She’ll be with the wives and girlfriends... I didn’t want to presume... but, well, she’s a bombshell. What man would turn her down?”

  I huff. Norah’s going to be staying in that same room. There’s no way I’m having that.

  “You can’t put her there...” I growl.

  “I already did,” Nick says. He’s not used to not getting his way either. He’s been a billionaire for decades. He probably hasn’t heard the word the ‘no’ in years.

  I try to refresh his memory.

  “No,” I say, defiantly.

  “What do you mean, ‘no’?” he asks. He’s clearly starting to get frustrated with my disobedience.

  “I already have someone special taking up my spot in that box. Veronica is not welcomed to share it.”

  “Well, that’s not really up to you,” a suddenly very serious Nick says. “She’s the daughter of the head of a very important sponsor. You will at least entertain her.”

  Both of our hackles are up. It’s a battle of the alphas.

  I know I have the upper hand, though.

  “No,” I say again. “I’m not playing if that woman’s in the building tonight. I’ll have Toby check up on that before game time. It’s up to you.”

  With that I turn and march off.

  I can hardly believe I just said that. The old me would have never missed a game for any reason whatsoever. Hockey’s been my one and only love since day one... but now that I’ve found someone else, it’s going to have to share!

  Chapter 12


  What a wonderful day this has been.

  Toby’s been chauffeuring me around the city like the perfect gentleman. I’m wearing my best set of casual clothes for the game and I’ve been eating like a queen. Clay has sponsorship deals with a few of the best restaurants in town, so when I mentioned to Toby that I was getting hungry, he asked me what I liked, and when I said ‘steak’ he whisked me away to the best steak house in the city.

  We were immediately seated when the owner of the joint saw Toby. The food was amazing and I was feeling extra satisfied as we made our final trip of the day.

  We pulled into the hockey arena’s underground garage and parked in a reserved spot right by the elevator. We passed by crowds of people lined up on the street on our way in. I was starting to get a little nervous. All this fuss for hockey? Who would have thought?

  Toby leads me into the elevator and we go up to one of the top floors. When the doors open, I can hardly believe we’re in a sports stadium.

  An elegant chandelier hangs from the ceiling, and the floor is lined with a lush carpet that just screams class. I suddenly feel underdressed. I would have put on something fancier if I knew the kind of place I’d be watching the game from.

  My fears are quickly assuaged though, when a group of casually dressed people wander by Tobi and I.

  “Why don’t you grab some refreshments?” suggests Toby, as we pass by a food stand. “Everything’s free on this level. I have some business to take care of quickly, but I’ll meet you back here in a few minutes. OK?”

  I sniff in the scent of arena food and I’m instantly hungry again. “Yeah, sure,” I say.

  I go to order and Toby runs ahead.

  I get more than expected, and by the time I’m done my hands are completely full of food. I can barely see over the top of the tray I’m carrying, so I go to a table across the hall and try to reposition my haul.

  Before I can set everything down, though, I hear a commotion coming from down the hallway. I look through the slit in my mountain of food and watch as a woman and two security guards make their way towards me.

  “You can’t do this to me!” I hear the woman screech. “Don’t you know who I am!?”

  The security guards ignore her. They’re clearly escorting her out. I watch with bated breath as they approach. Slowly, I begin to recognize the woman. She’s one of the girls I accidentally spilt champagne on last night! She looks just as livid now as she did then. I duck behind my food. I don’t want to be seen. I’m sure she’d love to give me a lashing right now. I can’t imagine she wants to see a lowly server being welcomed while she’s being kicked out.

  I wonder what she did...

  The security guards lead her into the elevator. The doors close and muffle out her indignant screams. The hall goes silent again. After a moment, I hear Toby’s voice calling for me.

  “Norah...? Oh, there you are. Looks like you need some help. Let me.”

  He grabs half of the food and leads me to the private box I’m going to be watching the game from.

  We enter and I put my food down on a nearby table. When I look up, I freeze.

  It’s like a scene from my nightmares. Platinum blonde super-models in chic-designer clothes litter the place.

  It takes everything in me not to turn around and run home.

  You’re not a server anymore, Norah. You belong here...

  Toby suddenly appears in front of me. A gaggle of women are in his tow.

  “Everybody, this is Norah. She’s C.J.’s special guest!”

  I try my best to give a polite smile... and I’m met with nothing but warmth.

  “Welcome to the family!” says one of the women as she wraps her arm around my shoulder. “I’m the goalie’s wife, Deborah. Come sit with me, I need someone new to chat with while the game’s going on. I can’t stand the stress. You’re lucky you’re with a forward. They get all the glory!”

  I smile as I’m led to the seats by the front.

  The arena lights suddenly go dark and the announcer introducers the starters.

  When Clay’s name is announced, the place goes crazy. Everyone cheers as he skates out onto the ice. I watch as he points up the box
where we’re sitting.

  “Oh, lucky girl!” one of the women says, playfully.

  I can’t help but giggle.

  Yep, that’s my man.

  Chapter 13



  This season has been my best ever... and not just on the ice.

  I won MVP of the league, thanks largely to the second half of my season. I credit it all to Norah. Knowing that she was watching me every game made me play like a madman. I scored more goals than I ever had before. Even better, though, is that we won our second straight championship!

  Norah turned our whole season around. If only the city new how much she meant to our success she’d be a legend. She’d never have to pay for another meal in her life... not that she has to anyways. I take care of her now. She put up a fight at first – she said she didn’t want to be some spoiled puck bunny – but I got to her quickly enough. She’s already worked hard enough, now it’s my turn to work hard for her.

  I plan to spoil her for the rests of our lives together; that’s why, the day after we won the cup, I went out searching for an engagement ring. Sure, I was happy to win on the ice, but I wouldn’t really be winning in life until I had her for good.

  I got her the perfect diamond ring and then I rented out that banquet hall where we first met. I had the place decorated just like it had been on that night, but I didn’t invite anyone else. I sent her on a wild goose chase during the day while I got everything ready, then I had Toby drive her here in the evening.

  I wait in the centre of the hall, with the ring in my pocket.

  Finally, the entrance doors open and the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen walks in. It doesn’t take long for her to realize how special this moment is. Her hand shoots up to her mouth as she approaches.

  I get down on one knee...

  “Norah, I’ve loved you since the day we met. I know you don’t have the fondest memories of this banquet hall – maybe the alley behind it is a little better – but I want to change that. I want you to remember this place forever and in the best way possible...”


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