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18 Ultra Short Erotic Tales

Page 3

by Carl East

  Then she felt Philip's cock start to jerk, knowing that she was about to receive a mouthful. Sure enough, his hot sperm shot out hitting the back of her throat. She swallowed much to Philip's pleasure and kept swallowing, his back arching as she sucked, making sure that every drop had been taken. When she finally finished, she redressed straight away, knowing that they had been very lucky to have the bus to themselves for so long. As she sat back down she didn't quite know what to say, but Philip broke the ice when he was the first to make a comment. "Been a nice day, hasn't it?" he said.

  They all burst out laughing, the tension leaving them as they started to joke around. She got together with him after that and found him to be a better man than the one she'd just dumped. She never quite knew why she had allowed it to go so far on that bus, but she would always remember it with a great deal of pleasure.

  The End

  The Hero

  Have you ever wished that you could approach someone you liked the look of and simply stated that you wanted them? Well, that's just how I felt while standing in one of those large supermarket checkout queues. She was in the queue next to mine, her legs were a perfect ten, her ass begged to be touched and her midsection was a delight to behold. She also had breasts you would kill just to get a glimpse of. I found myself staring at this vision of loveliness, which in itself spoke volumes, as I never stare. I was brought up to believe it was rude. But there I was almost ogling this beauty, taking in every inch of this stranger and wishing I had the guts to say, "You're beautiful!" but of course I didn't. In fact, when she caught me staring in her direction, I pretended not to notice her.

  The games we play, I thought, as I paid my bill and walked towards the exit.

  That would've been the end to my daydreaming, had it not been for the events that were about to unfold. I was out of the store and was in the process of hailing a cab, when I saw the woman of my dreams appear on the street next to me; she was also trying to hail a cab. I was about to open up a conversation when somebody flew by, snatching her purse and legging it down the road. This made me angry, so without thinking, I gave chase leaving my groceries on the ground. He was fast but not fast enough, I had trained to be a runner with Olympic aspirations but had not quite made the grade. However, I was more than capable of catching up to someone who clearly did not work out. He had spotted me almost immediately and was attempting to shake me off by ducking down alleyways and back roads, until that is, he chose the wrong alleyway—for it was a dead end.

  Only now, did I stop to think, what if I catch this thief, what then? He grabbed a brick that was lying to one side of the alley, and hurled it at me, running towards me at the same time. In hindsight, I figure he was attempting to distract me long enough to escape, but what he hadn't considered was my resolve to get the purse back. I blocked the said brick—ok, with my head—but no one's perfect. I did however manage to grab the purse as he bolted by, before collapsing into a heap on the ground. Dazed and unable to regain my feet, I lie there wondering what I was doing, and feeling the purse in my hand made me remember. I soon regained my composure, and brushing my jacket down, I started to walk back to the store. Once there, I found she had gone and taken my groceries with her.

  Noticing I had blood running down my face, I looked inside the purse and found an address, which happily, was local. It didn't take long to reach it, and I was about to knock on the door when the same vision of loveliness opened it and stood before me.

  "Ah, you caught him!" she said, looking concerned about the bruise that was appearing on my head. She reached up to gently part my hair, and seeing that I had a slight cut just inside my hairline, she ushered me into her home.

  "Please sit down," she said, "I'll fetch some antiseptic medicine."

  I sat down feeling groggy; I just needed to rest a little. I must have passed out for a few seconds, for when I came around she was tenderly administering the antiseptic.

  "Ouch," I said, flinching.

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you further," she said, proceeding to do so.

  I knew she was only trying to clean up the wound I had sustained on her behalf, so I bore the stinging sensation and sat back to admire her body once again.

  "So this is the savior of the day," said a voice from the doorway.

  I looked up in shock to find an identical twin sister stepping into the room.

  "Hello, my name is Catherine," she said, offering me her hand.

  I shook it and introduced myself.

  "Hi, mine is Mark, and yours is..." I said, looking at the other sister.

  "Mary... would you like a drink while you recover?" she asked, walking over to the drinks cabinet that was situated by the door.

  "Scotch, if you have one," I replied. "Neat, please."

  She nodded and started to pour three drinks.

  I couldn't believe my luck; here I was in the presence of two angels, each as beautiful as the other. Catherine sat down beside me and took a peak at the wound, which had stopped bleeding. She gently parted my hair scanning and scrutinizing the wound, and being close, I could smell the perfume she was wearing.

  "Is that Chanel?" I said, taking it in once more.

  "Yes, you know your fragrances," she replied.

  Mary handed me the drink and sat down on the other side of me. Sandwiched between two goddesses I took a deep drink of scotch in an attempt to slow my heart rate.

  "What happened after you turned that first corner?" said Mary, "you didn't say."

  I took them through the entire chase embellishing slightly, and they listened intently to every word I uttered. It was when she asked me why I felt I had to be the hero, which made me blurt out the next line.

  "I was angry that someone as beautiful as you should be accosted in such a manner."

  Suddenly realizing what I had just said, I started to get embarrassed.

  Catherine giggled saying. "I think he's got a crush on you, Mary."

  She couldn't be more wrong—I had a crush on the pair of them. I couldn't help thinking what it would be like to bed them both, which was a mistake, for such thinking makes things happen—things you didn't intend to let happen—such as my cock trying to escape from its prison. I shifted uncomfortably, hoping that they didn't spot it. One should always have hope in any given situation and when hope deserts you, you can always feign ignorance. I'm sure Mary at least had spotted my uncomfortable situation, for she drew the conversation around to the fact that she had taken my shopping bags with her when she had left the scene.

  I began to thank her for that, and started to rise, but promptly sat down again, still feeling groggy. Mary suggested that I lie down for a while before attempting to move further. Catherine agreed and proceeded to take a couple of pillows away from the couch we were sitting on. Mary lay me down by bringing my legs up and removing my shoes. I must have been more concussed than I realized, for I fell asleep. When I awoke, I could hear voices; I consciously kept my eyes closed and listened to their conversation.

  "He's cute, isn't he?" one of them said.

  "Did you see the size of that bulge in his pants?" said the other, "I almost reached over and grabbed it."

  They both laughed at that point, and then one of them said, "Let's have a bit of fun with him."

  At which point they left the room, leaving me to wonder what they had in store for me. Sitting up I called out Mary's name.

  "I'll be there in a second," was the reply.

  When they came back into the room, I noticed they had both changed into some very sexy lingerie. Both bras, although not see-through, were very thin and couldn't stop the nipples of the twins sticking out. I was speechless, until they came closer.

  "You are both the most attractive women I have ever had the pleasure of meeting," I said, feeling more confident.

  They never said a thing, they just sat either side of me and then Mary reached up with one hand and turned my head gently towards her. She kissed me full on the lips, parted them with her tongue and then sta
rted to probe my mouth. Meanwhile, Catherine placed her hand onto my zipper and proceeded to pull it down. Once fully down, my throbbing cock could clearly be seen struggling against the fabric of my underwear, and with one swift movement, she pulled the elastic down over my cock and lowered her head. My cock entered her mouth very slowly, for she was teasing it in, kissing the head then licking the side before placing it deep inside her mouth, coming back up slowly—making me gasp. Mary had now removed her bra and was kissing me more passionately than before. I reached down with one hand, slipping a finger past the fabric of her panties, probing for and finding her pussy, which by now was very wet. I teased first one then two fingers into her waiting pussy. Catherine was now taking my entire length down her throat and giving me the best blowjob I'd ever had; in fact it was a little too good, for I was on the verge of shooting my load.

  I warned her I was about to cum, but it didn't faze her in the least, she continued to suck my cock with perhaps more urgency. Mary started to moan, for I was now working her clitoris feverishly.

  "Oh yes, right there...yes...oh don't stop...please don't stop...ah yes I'm coming...ah...ah... yes that's it...yes...yes...I'm coming."

  This had the effect of making me cum; I shot my load deep inside Catherine's mouth and still she kept sucking. Arching my back I shot repeatedly; she sucked me dry and swallowed every drop and still she carried on sucking my member. I'd had blowjobs before but never so intense. Catherine wasn't giving me a choice of going limp; she wanted it to remain hard.

  "I want this monster inside me now," she demanded, pulling it out of her mouth only when she was satisfied that I had stopped coming.

  "May I suggest a different position?" I said hopefully.

  I then lay on the pile carpet taking Mary's hand, and telling her to sit on my face while Catherine rode me. They both found this acceptable and we assumed the position. Soon we were in the throes of passion once again; my tongue had found Mary's clit and was sending her into frenzy. Catherine sat astride my cock and lowered herself onto it with a moan of sheer delight.

  "God, you're big," she said, taking in the full length.

  She clearly worked out, for she was physically grabbing hold of my shaft with her pelvic muscles. It was a sensation that I hadn't experienced before, but one that I would not soon forget. Mary was once again about to orgasm, for she couldn't keep still in her crouching position.

  "Oh...oh...oh...oh, lick it harder, yes...yes suck it yes...yes, ah...I'm coming again," she screamed, pushing her lovely pussy deeper into my face.

  "I'm going to cum," shouted Catherine, "ah yes, god this is good, yes...yes I'm coming I'm coming."

  I could feel her juices running down my leg and knew that she had cum big time; at that moment, I too started to cum, while still having my head buried in Mary's pussy.

  "Mmm God, that feels good," I managed to say.

  The next position was without doubt the horniest of the night, for Mary knelt over the couch and I entered her from behind. Once inside I was surprised to find Mary was a little tighter than Catherine, but she was just as wet and willing for action. She pushed back as I would enter and it felt amazing.

  Catherine was moaning slightly and when I turned to look in her direction, her finger was buried inside her own pussy as she watched the show. I, on the other hand, was now as deep as I could go, with my pelvis slapping Mary's behind with each thrust and eliciting a whimper whenever I moved forward. She soon started to cum again, almost collapsing with the intensity of it all.

  Catherine was also coming again, speeding up the finger that was working on her clit. By the time I stopped, we had almost all come together and collapsed onto the floor.

  That was the first time we got together, and as I was leaving that night, I knew it wouldn't be the last.

  The End

  Just another Day

  I remember dying, I just don't remember how. I'd been in a hotel and was on my way to pay the bill, but that is the last thing I remember. Now I'm in heaven or some such place, because people are wandering about aimlessly and I am writing my life story. I got here yesterday I think, and the first thing I was asked to do is write my life story.

  I had gotten as far as my adult life then didn't know how to progress. I mean, could you tell them about your sexual experiences while you were in heaven, or wherever I was. I tried to ask someone, but there didn't seem to be anyone of authority here. It's certainly not, what I expected heaven to be like, or feel like for that matter.

  This is strange; the writing has appeared on the page, just as I thought about it. I don't need this pen anymore; I will transfer all my thoughts over to the page. Let's see now, yes, it was in my second year at college that I had my first sexual experience.

  I'd gone to the library. I was looking for a book about ancient Greece. However, I was disturbed by a young man who walked straight into me. He apologized and I said something flippant and regretted it straight afterwards, because I caught sight of his eyes. He had the brightest shade of deep-blue eyes I'd ever seen and had the looks to go with them.

  I found myself staring as he walked off, apologizing again as he did so. I had never really paid much attention to boys before; I was always too busy getting prepared for my future. However, he made me wonder what I'd been missing, so I decided to introduce myself. Then I remembered that I hadn't exactly taken the accident with much grace or dignity.

  I watched to see where he was headed and then having gotten my book, I walked over to join him.

  "I'm sorry I snapped at you back there, it was just the shock," I said, placing my books onto the table.

  "That's okay, it was my fault," he replied, indicating the chair in front of me.

  I sat down and opened my book, and then glanced up to see if he was looking—he wasn't. I remember thinking, why do we go through all these games, just to get to know someone, and then I plucked up the nerve to say something.

  "What are you studying?"

  "I'm studying Greek Mythology or more precisely heroes of Greek Mythology."

  "Well, what a coincidence, I happen to be studying ancient Greece," I replied, wanting him to continue.

  "I see."

  Not exactly, the response I had in mind and then I looked down and realized what I was wearing. I wore a faded pair of pants, a very proper blouse with a cardigan. Not exactly sexy, if you know what I mean. I decided there and then that my image would change from this day forth and promptly excused myself from the table.

  The next day, I wore a short skirt, which revealed my long shapely legs, and a low-cut top that revealed more than it did the last time I wore it, which only went to show how little I dressed up. I didn't get to see him again until late afternoon, and although he checked out my body, I got the distinct feeling he didn't recognize me.

  I introduced myself again, only this time I told him my name.

  "Hello again," I said, standing over him, "I'm Samantha, you know—from yesterday, you bumped into me."

  "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you."

  "I get that a lot, so, you're still studying Greek Mythology then?" I said lamely.

  "Yes, it's a fascinating subject."

  The conversation went on like this for some time and then we left together, with him asking if he could escort me anywhere. I was tempted to say your bed, but thought better of it. We arranged to meet the next day and went our separate ways. We'd only seen each other three times when the first act of lust was performed.

  He had wanted to meet me in town so he could treat me to a hamburger and shake; what I didn't know was that he had arranged a room in a hotel down the road. He told me he always went there when he wanted to do some serious studying. We found ourselves in this hotel room, and I was more than willing to give him what he wanted.

  After plying me with a couple of glasses of wine, he started to come on to me. It was at this point that I started to get nervous, for although I was technically still a virgin, I had gotten rid of the hymen m
yself but I'd never had a man inside me. He was gentle, I'll give him that, but it was over all too quickly and although I enjoyed it, it wasn't very memorable.

  This all happened over the space of a few days, and was nowhere near as memorable as the next encounter.

  I had become aware of exactly how much my body affected men, and used that knowledge to the best of my ability. One such event took place shortly after meeting my very first sexual encounter. His name was Chuck, but his friends called him 'Meat,'—I found out why later. He had spotted me going for a walk and decided to make his move.

  After teasing him mercilessly for a few hours, he eventually managed to get a date out of me and as we separated, I thought that he was cute. By the time our date came along, I was ready for a good night and boy, did I get one.

  We danced at his local bar and were on the way home when he asked me if I'd like a final drink at his place. His apartment was everything I knew it would be—a mess—but as he was the one that had to live in it, I didn't say a word.

  He poured me a drink and then we sat down on his couch. I will always remember the next hour, for he was so gentle and thoughtful. We had finished our drinks when he leaned over and kissed me, a soft kiss the kind that you close your eyes whilst performing. His left hand rested on my leg and his right hand gently stroked my cheek, as his kiss became more intimate.

  By the time I realized his left hand was under my skirt, I was ready for sex and wanted him to take me there and then. He touched my panties while my tongue was playing with his; I was starting to get wet, and without messing about, he pulled them to one side and probed my pussy with his finger.


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