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Paranormal Dating Agency: My Oath To You (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Cassidy K. O'Connor

  She fit right in with his friends, gave it as good as she got it. Once in a while, one of them would catch his eye and give him a thumbs up or a wink.

  “I love this song, Aeslyn do you want to dance?” Sebastian almost spit his drink across the table hearing Jackson ask her. He couldn’t believe his friend, “Unless you were going to ask her Seb?” Jackson’s innocent smile didn’t fool Sebastian, he realized what his friend was doing and damn it if it wasn’t going to work. There was no way he was letting Jackson get his hands on her.

  “Actually, I was just getting ready to ask.” He turned towards Aeslyn and held his hand out, “Want to dance?”

  She smiled as her hand slid into his, he led her through the crowd to the small dance floor in the center. Thank god it was a slow song, he had no rhythm for anything fast.

  He wrapped her in his arms, she fit perfectly. At first, they danced silently, he could feel the tension building between them and he didn’t know where to go next.

  Aeslyn’s hand wrapped around his neck and pulled his mouth to hers. He had a brief second to be grateful she made the next move before letting his feelings take over and getting lost in their kiss.

  His fingers wrapped in her hair, he pulled her flush against him, he knew she would be able to feel his erection but he didn’t care, he needed her desperately and it scared him a little.

  “Hey you two, the song ended a while ago, want me to get you a room nearby?” Sebastian pulled away reluctantly to glare at Jackson. He was surprised neither of them had realized the music had changed to something much faster. He stared into Aeslyn’s eyes for a minute, he had so much he wanted to say to this woman he barely knew but this wasn’t the place.

  “I need to use the restroom, I’ll meet you guys back at the table.” He turned towards the restroom and heard Jackson laugh and say yeah you do. What an idiot.

  He went in the stall and sat for a minute, he didn’t need to go to the bathroom he just needed to compose himself. Once his heart rate returned to normal and he didn’t feel like he was going to poke someone’s eye out with his erection he opened the door to rejoin the group.

  He never saw the fist coming at him.

  Chapter Nine

  The tingle at the back of Aeslyn’s neck was starting to put her on edge. Sebastian had been in the bathroom longer than she would have expected. As the feeling was intensifying to the point she was ready to go check on him she saw a commotion in the back hallway where the restrooms were.

  She sprinted across the bar and pushed her way between the group of onlookers huddled around the door to the men’s room.

  “I couldn’t get the door open at first, I was banging on it. This guy opened the door, shoved me against the wall and took off out the exit door. I went in and found the other guy laying on the floor bleeding.”

  Aeslyn glanced at the witness before pushing in further and finding Sebastian on the ground with a washcloth being held to the back of his head. “I’m fine I swear, you can let me up.”

  Guilt flooded Aeslyn when she had become a P.I. she had sworn an oath to herself to never let a client down. She was here to protect him and she hadn’t done her job. Gerri was going to kill her if she heard.

  Her animal was fighting to break free, it wanted to take off and follow the man who did this. It pissed her off to smell the same scent as the woods by the spray park, that means it was the same guy and she had let him get away twice now.

  Sebastian looked up and groaned, “This is not the way I wanted our date to go.” He stood up unsteadily, Aeslyn grabbed his arm to help steady him. “Do you mind if we grab your purse from the table and head home?”

  “Are you sure you are okay; do you want me to take you to the hospital?” She lifted the cloth off his head to look at the wound. It wasn’t deep but it needs a stitch or two.”

  “I’m fine, I must have slipped or something.” Aeslyn studied him curiously, did he really believe that or was he trying to play down what happened?

  “I told you it was them.” Jackson and Connor had pushed their way through and got in the small bathroom with everyone else. “Everyone is talking about someone getting attacked, first you disappear then Aeslyn takes off and doesn’t come back. What the hell is going on?” Connor’s anger was seething just below the surface, Aeslyn could see him trying to control it. They were military and protective of each other, she understood that.

  “Attacked? I don’t know what you are talking about.” Jackson, Connor, and Aeslyn shared glances with each other. Does she tell him the truth and worry him or let him brush it off as clumsiness?

  Connor pulled the cloth away and inspected his head, “If you have a kit at your house I can clean this up and run a few stitches.”

  Sebastian deflated a little, “I’m sorry Aeslyn, if you want to take off Connor, can take me home.”

  “A little blood isn’t going to scare me away, if it’s okay I’d like to go too and make sure you are okay. I mean, Connor has been drinking, he could probably use some supervision.” She winked at Connor before turning back to Sebastian. She knew he didn’t even have a buzz.

  He nodded and led the small group out of the cramped room. A man wearing a shirt with the bar’s logo on it was talking to the cops and the rest of their friends were standing there too giving information.

  Elliana saw them and broke from the group, “We’ve got this covered if you want to get out of here. Cops said they’d swing by tomorrow to check on you. The bar owner said he has some security cameras, he’s pulling the tapes.”

  “Guys, it’s fine, everyone is making a big deal out of an accident. If someone did knock me down, which I don’t remember happening, then I’m sure he took off because he was scared. That makes him a coward, not a killer.”

  Aeslyn didn’t agree with his last point but she wasn’t going to argue either, it was quite possible he was interrupted from doing worse.

  “Come on, big guy, let’s get you sewn up.” Connor led them around the crowd and to the parking lot. “I’ll follow you guys.”

  Aeslyn nodded and got into her car with Sebastian. “I can definitely say this is one of the more memorable dates I’ve ever had.” She smiled at his grimace, she knew he was embarrassed and she was hoping to play it off. The more she thought about him not seeing anything the better she thought that was. If he didn’t know he was in trouble then he was less likely to go and do something stupid to try and catch the guy himself. Soldier or not he was still human and a lot more vulnerable than a shifter.

  Chapter Ten

  Sebastian’s head was pounding, he was lying to everyone and he felt bad about it but no way was he going to admit he was blindsided or that he needed help. He would have stitched himself up if he could have, it was his luck the gash was on the back of his head. His mother always told him he was too stubborn and prideful for his own good.

  Remembering his mother was at his house doubled his headache. Since he returned home she hadn’t wanted to let him out of her sight. She was more protective of him now than when he was a kid.

  As a parent now himself, he had come to understand her. She lived the last eight years fearing her doorbell ringing, she was afraid the military would be on the other side telling her her only child was killed in action.

  “Do you mind if we keep this a secret when we go inside, I don’t want to worry my mother if she thinks I’m hurt she’ll demand to stay over. I love her but I don’t want her hovering over me for the next two days.” He felt bad deceiving his mom but it really was for the best.

  “There’s a tiny bit of blood on the back of your shirt, as long as you never let her behind you she shouldn’t notice a thing.”

  They waved Connor over before going inside, they caught him up on their plan then went in. Lucky for them the lights were low and his mom was curled up watching a movie. “Hey, we’re home.” He led the group into the living room, “Mom you remember Connor.”

  She stood and gave him a hug, “It’s good to see you again,”
She turned her back to Sebastian and Aeslyn and whispered, “Aren’t you a bit of a third wheel here?”

  Sebastian was mortified, his mother must really think he was hard up for sex to be pushing them together this hard.

  Connor leaned down to whisper back, “I’m only here to grab some things I left here last time I was over. I promise I’ll be gone in a jiff and I’ll make sure all of the lights are out when I leave.” Connor winked as she playfully patted his chest.

  His mother turned back to Aeslyn, “It was nice meeting you, my dear, I hope we meet again soon.” She gave her a hug then turned towards Sebastian. “Have fun tonight.” She kissed his cheek, then turned back to Connor and tapped her finger on her wrist pretending a watch was there then saw her way out.

  Once they heard her car door shut everyone laughed, “Man, your mom really wants to get you laid.” Sebastian glared at Connor, although it was true it did seem awkward to say in front of his date, the woman his mom was hoping he would sleep with.

  “Let me check in on the boys, the medical kit is under the sink in the guest bathroom.” Waves of dizziness kept washing over him, he knew he had a concussion and was truthfully a little pissed.

  He stood for a few minutes looking down at the two most important people in his life, he would do anything for his kids and he planned to be there for them forever. The fact that someone had tried to hurt him tonight furthered his anger. He couldn’t fathom why someone would attack him, he had too much to lose to let it happen again. For his boy's sake, he needed to be a lot more cautious.

  He followed the laughter to the kitchen, his breath was robbed from him when he saw Aeslyn leaning against the counter, wiping tears from her face as she laughed at whatever story Connor was telling her. She was more beautiful than any woman he had been with before if it weren’t for his blistering headache he knew he would have been trying to hide an erection again.

  “I’m going to guess your enjoyment is probably at my expense?”

  “Of course it is! You knew I was going to have to tell her all about the idiotic things you’ve done.” Connor didn’t take his eyes off the counter where he was prepping the needle.

  “Idiotic things I’ve done? I will have you know I was never alone, this buffoon and the rest of them were usually the ringleaders, don’t let him pretend he wasn’t always in the thick of things with us.” He pulled his shirt off and sat in the chair next to Connor. He didn’t miss the small intake of breath he heard from Aeslyn, he hid his smile but he hoped that was a good sign she liked what she saw. He didn’t undress to show off for her, he had been thinking about the mess that was going to run down his head as he was being cleaned up. If he had been thinking clearer he would have taken it off much sooner, heck he could have used it to put pressure on the wound, that would have looked legitimate right?

  He closed his eyes and relaxed as he let Connor do his thing, he trusted him.

  “So, Connor, are you a medic too?” Did Aeslyn realize how sultry her voice was, if consulting didn’t work out she would be a great phone sex operator.

  “I’m a nurse on the base, I never went into combat like Seb did. Okay man, I’m starting so hang on.”

  The pinch of the needle going in wasn’t pleasant, Sebastian balled both hands into fists, trying to stay perfectly still. His eyes jerked open as a tiny hand grabbed his. Aeslyn looked at him concerned, “Does it hurt? Is there anything I can get you?”

  “I’m fine, besides I think I have a mild concussion so I shouldn’t take any pain pills or anything.”

  “All done, turn around.” Connor pulled the gloves off his hands and threw them in the trash. He took a penlight out of the kit and checked Sebastian’s eyes. “I agree, don’t take anything tonight if you can help it. You should probably stay up for a while longer, make sure you don’t get sick or your head starts to hurt worse.” He started packing up the medical kit, “Someone should probably stay with him and make sure he’s okay, especially if the boys need something in the middle of the night.” His innocent statement wasn’t fooling anyone. “I have to be at work really early tomorrow morning but I guess I can do it.”

  Sebastian was mortified, everyone in his life wanted him to get fucked. Did none of them think about how Aeslyn might feel about all of this? Plus, it made him look desperate which was not sexy in any way.

  “I’m fine, I’ve been through worse than this, you don’t need to stay here.” Even as the words came out he was regretting them, he really did want her to stay.

  “I don’t have anywhere to be tomorrow and your mom looked really comfy on that couch. I can stay with him, I wouldn’t want to be the reason you are tired at work tomorrow.” Aeslyn gave Connor a sardonic look, it was clear she didn’t believe him either.

  “You don’t have to do this, I promise I’m fine. I can give you my cell number and you can text every hour if you want to make sure I’m okay.” He didn’t want her to go but he didn’t want her to feel like she had to stay with a virtual stranger either.

  “I don’t know about you but I don’t feel like this date is over yet unless you are kicking me out you are stuck with me.”

  Sebastian had never heard more beautiful words.

  Chapter Eleven

  This was a first for Aeslyn, not only did she talk with the person she was hired to watch but she’s going to sleep in his house too. In all of her years of doing her job, she had never crossed so many lines but she really didn’t care. With every passing moment, she became more accepting that Sebastian was her mate.

  She had no idea what this meant for Ash and their business but she was fine with putting those decisions off for a bit, it might make more sense to get Sebastian on board before planning their whole future.

  When Sebastian took his shirt off Aeslyn’s mind went blank, whatever she had been thinking about went right out of her head. Her animals need to mate with him was intensifying by the minute and Aeslyn was starting to squirm with need too. What she wanted to do was straddle his lap and kiss him but that might make Connor uncomfortable. She settled for touching his hand and giving comfort while he was stitched.

  Once Connor was done and everyone had agreed Aeslyn would be his nurse for the night nerves started to settle in. She was a confident woman, comfortable in her body but suddenly she felt like a teenager going on her first date.

  “Bye you two, don’t do anything I would do.” As promised Connor turned off lights as he left the house.

  At first, neither Sebastian or Aeslyn moved, he was still in the chair and she was still holding his hand. With the light coming in the window from the moon it was barely bright enough to illuminate their faces. She could see the hunger in his eyes, her animal wanted to pounce. She let go of his hand and moved to stand between him and the kitchen table.

  In the silent darkness, words didn’t seem appropriate. She reached out stroking the side of his face then lower to his chest. Her fingers softly explored every inch of exposed skin. The light spattering of hair just below his belly button teased of what she would find if she went lower.

  If he was breathing she couldn’t tell, he was motionless staring into her eyes, she could see the intensity of his focus. Bending at the waist she brushed her lips against his cheek, kissed his jawline then slid softly across his mouth to his other cheek. She heard his intake of breath, he wanted her lips as badly as she wanted his. Not wanting to wait any longer he grabbed her hips and pulled her towards him. Like she wanted to do earlier she straddled his thighs and wrapped her arms around his neck. If she could feel his dick from this position he must be able to feel the heat coming from her, she was pulsating with need.

  His hand wrapped around her neck, she relaxed and let him pull her mouth to his. At first, the kiss was tender, hesitant but quickly changed to greedy and passionate. For a while, both were content to sit there kissing, neither wanted to break the spell they were under.

  Aeslyn’s phone ringing on the counter behind him finally broke through their haze. She glanced at
the clock on the kitchen wall and realized it was after midnight. When she or Ash were alone on a case they had to check in with the other person every night. If they didn’t hear from them by midnight they were to assume something may have gone wrong and go find the other person.

  “Sorry, let me get that.” Aeslyn grabbed the phone, “I’m going to take this outside, I’ll be back in a minute.” She answered the phone as she walked out. “Hey, I’m here, sorry, I know I’m late for check-in.”

  She sat on the porch swing and waited for the yelling to start.

  “Jesus, Aeslyn, I’ve been calling and texting for the last forty-five minutes. I was about to call Gerri and then we both would have been in deep shit.”

  “The mark was out late at a bar, it was packed and loud so I missed your messages. How’s it going with your case?” She hoped he took the bait and got distracted, she had never lied to Ash before and she wasn’t ready to admit all the things she has done wrong since getting to town.

  “The wife was obviously planning her disappearance for a while, she has covered her tracks really well. Unfortunately, she didn’t plan on her husband hiring shifters to track her down. I’ve been one step behind her for a while but I’m getting close. Hopefully, I can wrap this up tomorrow and head your way.”

  “It’s pretty quiet here, I’m really thinking there isn’t much going on. You can take your time getting down here or I can let you know when I’m heading out and we can meet at Disney?” Hopefully, she wasn’t being so nonchalant that he was suspicious. If he came to town she would have to explain to him why the mark knew her name and why she was going on dates with him.


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