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Endless Days (The Firsts)

Page 15

by C. L. Quinn

  “You’re such a girl,” the woman beside him whispered.

  He slid his pants off and moved his engorged penis against her.

  “Really?” he inquired, and set about making sure she understood exactly what he meant.

  Lauren was terrified to approach the vampire stronghold. She was not only one of the people indirectly responsible for David Patric’s detainment and pain, but she was a lone human arriving during the day in a place that she had been trained to think of as dangerous.

  But she was here and there was a very good reason for her to be. Penance sucked, but if she ever thought to have a life beyond this, she had to close this chapter by helping those she’d wronged. If they didn’t kill her on sight. Or shortly afterward. Or torture her. Or use her for vampire feed. Or…good god, stop yourself, you moron. Man up, woman! Hell, she’d already decided she was going to die for this anyway. Might as well do it bravely.

  So she stepped up, hesitated before punching the button that would let them know she was there, and then realized as soon as the big door swung open and several men with guns pulled her inside, that they had surveillance, of course, and had watched her argue with herself for the last ten minutes.

  Lauren drew a deep breath and faced the biggest man in the middle.

  “Uh, hey. I am here to see one of your guests…a woman, Cherise Devereaux. It’s, uh…urgent. Could you get her for me?”

  He shook his head. “Sorry. She’s retired. You can tell me what you want, though.”

  With a nervous laugh, she let her eyes wander around the huge cave of a room. Then looked back at him. “Listen, I really can’t. But trust me…well, I realized you have no reason to, but it is vital to the safety of this place, and especially to the safety of your leader, David Patric. So, just, wake her or something, but get her now. You’ll regret it if you don’t. Seriously, this is a matter of life or death.”

  “Come with me,” he said, and had his two henchmen follow them out of the massive room into an adjacent small four walled space. Like a holding cell, except without bars.

  “Stay here, please.” Then he was gone, the door closed, and the henchmen…probably on the other side of the door on guard. Well, good. They needed to be cautious. They were all in terrible danger. And…well, her own self, too, now that she was here with them. Looks like she would never get that peaceful life she’d wanted. She looked around the innocuous room. There was nothing there but a small table and chairs with a pad of paper and some pens lying on it.

  “Oh,” she sighed out loud to herself. “I’m going to die in a most horrible way.”

  Then she noticed the cameras around the ceiling.

  “Great, I’m going to die in a horrible way, and everyone will know what a coward I was. Well, I didn’t have a choice, that’s what this is. Me, being honorable.” She sighed again and sat down. “How’s that working out for you, Lauren?” No one came for another twenty minutes.

  When the door finally opened, the woman who stepped through was gorgeous. Project files had details of everyone in David’s life. Lauren recognized her from photos, but they certainly didn’t do her justice. She was in a diaphanous nightgown and robe, with matching satin pumps on her feet. A slight frown wrinkled her perfect forehead. Lauren knew she’d interrupted her sleep…or perhaps something else. She decided to speak first. “Um.” Pause. “Hi.”

  “Um. Hi, back,” Katerine mocked. “So, I understand you are here for Cherise. Who are you and what did you need?”

  “There is something she needs to know…well, all of you here need to know. It’s urgent.”

  “Okay. So, again, who are you?”

  “My name is Lauren Collins.”

  Katerine sighed. “That doesn’t tell me anything. Who are you that you are here in this place and asking for her?”

  Lauren sighed too. No easy answer. Well, not one that wouldn’t get her killed. A vague answer was her only answer.

  “I have access to information that has something to do with David Patric’s abduction. I know who you are, and I know a lot about this household. I’m not here to cause trouble. Please, Cherise will vouch for me. And you need to hear me.”

  “Cherise is resting. I won’t disturb her. So, you can tell me what you came to say.”

  The elegant vampire pulled out a chair and sat down.

  Swallowing, Lauren leaned in. “I know David is a first blood. I know you are, too. What you need to know is that I think a first blood had something to do with David’s abduction and years of imprisonment. Someone named Tamesine.”

  Katerine was suddenly very alert. She drew a deep breath.

  “Well, that does affect things. You realize we need a lot more from you. Hope you planned to stay a while. Oh, and we’ll get to how you know this, in depth, you can depend on that. For now, we’re going to get you to a room for the day. I’m sorry, but it is going to be locked. If you need any food or drink before they settle you down, then have them provide it. Someone will be in for you in a few moments.”

  Katerine left the little room with her heart pounding. Oh, fuck! They should have known. Humans should never have been able to imprison a first blood. But with the complicity of another first blood…well, yeah, that would have been doable. That one of their own would betray them…the world just got darker. Tamesine. She didn’t recognize the name. And she knew every first blood known to the community. Of course, they’d always realized that there could be others out there they just couldn’t read. Now, it seemed that it was so. And this one…this one was an enemy to have allowed this to happen to another first blood.

  An old friend, a vampire named Bas, had fought a great enemy last year when a rogue vampire had gone on attack. This was so much worse. A rogue first blood, with the power and abilities a first blood could wield…who had already tortured a first blood. Yeah, it couldn’t get much worse. And who was this human who showed up out of nowhere on the night they finally helped David regain himself, to once again throw a taste of hell at them? A strange woman who knew this household and the vampires who lived here? Katerine paced, wondering what she should do now. They were exhausted after the merging to help David, she didn’t want to wake him or Cherise. But this was potentially so serious, should she wait?

  She stormed down to the south underground tunnel where she and Bryn had their daylight chambers. He groaned from within when she pounded on his door to rouse him. He came to it naked and yawning.

  “What the hell, Kat?” he asked.

  “I need to speak with you. Immediately. We may be in serious danger.”

  He blinked twice and led her in, sat down on the end of his bed, and yawned again.

  “Alright, what’s so dire?”

  “I got some news tonight. Disturbing news. There may have been a first blood involved in David’s abduction.”

  “What? You guys are like family. Who is it?”

  “One I don’t know. I don’t think anyone I know has heard of her. But we need to find out the truth.”

  “Well, who told you?”

  “A stranger. Woman. Human. Showed up a little while ago looking like she was going to puke. She asked for Cherise. Should I wake them? Or wait until tonight?”

  “Damn it to hell! Can’t things just get right around here again?” He paused, rubbing his eyes like a three year old. Katerine thought how incongruous, considering the huge naked man with impressive equipment she’d just compared to a small child. She loved Gunnar, deeply, but she still felt a twitch in her nether regions as her eyes scanned between Bryn’s legs. She’d been with David too long, so she’d never sampled him. And she wouldn’t now, with Gunnar her mate. But…he was ridiculously compelling sitting there nicely displayed.

  “No. No. Let them rest. It’s not that many more hours and I think we all need to be sharp to deal with this.”

  “Okay. That was my thought, too. Just wanted a second opinion. Well, I’ll see you at breakfast.” She paused. “You have some nice toys there, vampire. You need a playmate.

  She watched his penis twitch and harden under her gaze.

  “You interested? What about David?”

  “David’s with the empath. I’m with Gunnar. I know, confusing. David knows, he’s okay with us.”

  “Och. Just my luck. Two incredibly stunning women in the house, me with this…” He palmed himself, now fully erect. “And you’re both spoken for.”

  Katerine laughed. “You can compel a house girl, although I sort of think that won’t be necessary. Just let her get a look at that, and she’ll jump on you.”

  “Nay. I know what to do. Go get your sleep. Wake me if I’m not there when Jules lays out the food.”

  Katerine quietly closed the door and went to her own room, slipped off the gown and robe, and curled up next to her very warm human. Ummm. That was one of the things she loved most. He ran so hot. She willed herself to sleep and was out in moments.

  Breakfast was in full swing when Katerine joined Bryn, who was already there. He grinned at her as he stuffed a wad of bacon in his mouth.

  “You made me hungry last night, lassie. I never did quite get back to sleep after you left.”

  “Sorry, Bryn. Guess we need to get you a playmate, after all. Hey, maybe the one who showed up last night with our game-changing intel.”

  “She’s a looker?”

  Katerine considered the question. “She’s…unusual. Not a classic beauty, no, but…interesting. Well, you’ll see soon. Gunnar’s bringing her shortly.” She looked around. “No David yet?”

  “Not yet. Maybe his little human is keeping him busy.”

  David’s quarters were still dark. Only the glow of a soft nightlight illuminated the area near the bed where a fully alert vampire leaned on his arm and played with the soft brown curls that clouded around the sleeping woman’s head. But she was rousing. She moaned, and he hardened immediately at the sound that led his mind to another place. Somewhere in the day, he’d gotten up to remove his clothes and went back to bed. He was grateful, as he responded to the sexual urge. And moved a leg to let himself expand. He looked down to see her eyes opened now.

  “Hello, sweetheart,” he said.

  Cherise pushed herself up on her arm as well and faced him. “Hi,” she said softly. “Are you alright?” She remembered immediately what he’d been through last night.

  He fingered a long strand of hair that dropped over her face.

  “I’m perfect, cherie. How are you? It was a really hard time for you, too.”

  “Oh, I don’t matter. I’m always okay. It was you who came back through your pain. You do remember who you are now? Completely?”

  He nodded. “And I’ve thwarted your prediction. I am still very much in love with you.”

  Cherise moaned and threw herself into his arms. He buried his head against her, too, and they just laid there holding each other for a long time. His penis kept pressing against her. She pulled back and laughed.

  He shrugged. “Get used to it, sweetheart. This is how I’m waking you for the rest of your life.”

  It sounded so good to know they could have a future together. That all the pain and problems were finally resolved. She kissed him so deeply, he nearly came right there.

  His mobile chimed and she groaned. No one would bother him unless it was important.

  “I’m sorry…just give me a moment.” He reached for the offensively chiming little box and flipped it on speaker.

  “What?” he said, sharply, his hand moving down Cherise’s leg.

  “David.” Bryn. He remembered Bryn’s voice. “I wouldn’t do this, but it can’t wait. We have a serious problem. We need you two in the diner right away.”

  Cherise moaned again, this time in frustration. Nope. Problems not resolved. She rolled out of bed.

  “I need to visit the loo. Just…let’s go. It sounds like we need to go.”

  David laid there watching her walk away, shedding her clothes as she went. Before she reached the bathroom door, she dropped her underwear and turned to look at him. Now it was his turn to groan. He reached down to hold his heavy penis. What was he going to do with this?

  A few moments later when Cherise came out of the bathroom he lunged at her.

  “We’ll go, but I need a little help first with this.”

  She looked down and smiled.

  “Yeah, I have a solution.”

  They were going to be just a little later meeting Bryn and Katerine in the dining room.

  They were smiling when they came into the busy dining room. Cherise grinned as Bryn did the thumbs up gesture to her. When David noticed, he frowned and she gave him the “don’t even” glance. As they moved toward their table, Cherise noticed a blonde woman beside Katerine. She moved forward quickly, worried.

  “Lauren? What are you doing here?” Yes, she thought, something is definitely fucked up. Lauren should have evaporated by now…be somewhere else….not here.

  “Hi. Yeah, I know. I didn’t expect to be here, either. But I found something that I had to tell you about. If you’d had a cell, I could have called you. But…”

  “I’ll get one, I promise. What’s happening? What made you risk coming here?”

  “One of my guys found a message and brought it to me. A first blood is behind all of this.”

  Katerine spoke. “Yes, it’s now far more dangerous. For all of us. There should never be a first blood willing to harm another. You vampires, sure, you’re savages, but one of us…never.”

  Bryn looked up. “Hey! Well, you kind of got a point. Still, it appears there’s enough of the crazy to go around.”

  David stared at Bryn, then walked over and grabbed him. This was the first meeting of the old friends since David remembered who he was. The hug was tight and close. When they pulled back, David gave him a playful slap on the cheek.

  “Sorry for the slug. But you were holding my woman’s hand.”

  “I get it. I was. But I didn’t know that at the time, did I? All’s forgiven and I’m glad you’re together. Your ex filled me in about it in the dead center of my sleep.”

  David kept his arm on Bryn’s, but he turned to look at the new arrival. Lauren, nervous, stared at him. “So, what the hell does this woman mean? Is there a first blood after me?”

  Katerine answered. “No, David, a first blood has already had you. I haven’t heard the whole deal, but we were just feeding her. Now that we’re all here, I think it’s time for some truths.”

  “Then let me start.” Everyone looked back at Cherise, startled.

  “Someone has to start with the truth. You’re right Katerine, it’s the only way we’re going to unravel this mess. Probably the only way we’re going to survive.” She took a deep breath and moved more centrally, so everyone could hear her. “I think everyone here knows about David’s abduction. No one could find him for thirty plus years he was missing. I wondered why he couldn’t just reach out to some other first with his life force and let them know where he was. I thought it might be because he was fractured from his life force. But last night, during a merging session, we found out that didn’t happen for at least ten years after he was captured. Now we know. A first blood can block their own life force so no other can read it. Apparently, they can block the life force of another first blood. This other one must have done that. Someone knew it had to be done, or he would have been rescued immediately.

  Well, I’m an empath. Le rattacher…a connector between the species, human and demon, vampire, elf, hybrids, whatever type of life. I help all species interrelate. I can move into a soul and help heal. It’s why David was brought to me. What you don’t know…what I myself did not know until recently…was that my own brother is in charge of the entire project that researched and tortured David.”

  Everyone was quiet as she turned to him. “I’m sorry, David. This is all new to me, too. You were meant to come to me to heal. He was also researching my abilities. We were both test subjects.” She faced the others again. “Anyway, when David left me to come home, t
his woman, Lauren, came to me. She had been part of the project.”

  Heads swung sharply in her direction as Lauren thought, I’m going to die horribly.

  “Don’t blame her. She’s trying to help. She led me to you, David. Otherwise, I would never have been able to find you. She’s a friend, guys. So whatever she came to tell us, we better listen. That’s all I have to say. Lauren, go ahead.”

  A room full of vampires, Lauren thought. Well, it could be worse. She stood up.

  “Cherise is right. I’ve been involved with this project just long enough to know it was wrong. They just don’t let you quit. But I had to let her know what they were doing. To her. To him.” She glanced at Cherise. “I’m glad you’re back together.”

  Cherise smiled softly. “Thank you. Go on.”

  “One of my tech guys found a deleted message, but recoverable, on an old hard drive while we were shutting down the project in Colorado. It was from the project administrator, Armel Joubert, to the man who ran the entire thing, Didier Devereaux. He was upset because he thought they couldn’t trust a first blood who was working with them. He mentioned her by name…Tamesine. Which means you have a far greater threat than just humans. I think she was wholly responsible for David’s capture and incapacitation. I agree with Cherise that she had to have blocked him.” She gestured toward David.

  “Can you imagine humans overpowering him?”

  “Aw, I could take him.” Bryn grinned from his seat. He was listening, but he was also polishing off the remains of the buffet.

  “Well, yes, but he was severely damaged emotionally as well as physically.” She turned to David directly. “But I still believe it was her influence that kept you prisoner, sir. I want to take this moment to apologize for my involvement.”

  He stared back at her. “I remember you. With a white lab coat and a clipboard. I asked you for water, often, and you gave it to me. The man, Joubert. The asshole. He hated you.”


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