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Endless Days (The Firsts)

Page 17

by C. L. Quinn

  “That’s…amazing,” she repeated. “So, she’s still working with you then? She would be willing to help with my problem?”

  “Oh, yes. She knows as well as I do that he’s nothing but trouble now.”

  “Very nice. Does she stay in France?”

  “Yes, I keep an apartment for her. She’s a bit… I don’t know…strange…for a first blood. But all that counts is she joined my cause and has helped me catalogue at least half of all supernatural species.”

  “Impressive. So, when do you plan to execute your plan?”

  “Tonight. She’s here with me.”

  “In Iceland? Now?”

  “Yes. It would be too dangerous for me to be here without her. She’s my sole protection. I bring a small security force with me everywhere I go, but I know they’re no match for first blood vampires.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Didier, do the others in the family know anything about your project?”

  “No, Cherise, they don’t. They wouldn’t understand. I know you don’t either, but I know you need to be rid of the bond to this vampire, so you understand, at least. Let me fix this for you, sister.”

  God. He actually thought he was helping her by murdering David. He thought it was the right thing to do. He was sick. But she smiled and nodded her head, and sent a message of happiness to him. Didier smiled back, pleased.

  Cherise had all she needed now. Didier was lost to her, no doubt in her mind. He loved her but he was willing to do anything for his own means. And the evil first blood was close. Combined, the other first bloods should be able to locate her. It would be over.

  “Well, brother, I should return to the house before they know that I am gone. So they don’t suspect anything.”

  “No, too dangerous. You will come with me.”

  “I disagree. It will be better if I keep them complacent until you can engage your plan. You don’t want them on the offensive.”

  “It’s okay. Tamesine is very, very powerful. I’m not worried. But they might use you. So, you’ll come with me.”

  He stood and took her arm to pull her with him. Cherise knew he didn’t have the power to force her, so she followed him out the door. When they were outside the restaurant, he pointed to a large sedan with darkened windows.

  “That’s our ride, sister. Come on.”

  Cherise pulled her arm free of his cloying hands.

  “No, Didier. I won’t go with you. I came here to see you face to face, to see if the man I loved was still there. You’ve become something I cannot bear. You’ve lost your humanity. It breaks my heart that I can no longer call you brother. Go to your vampire, Didier. I’ll go to mine.”

  She began to walk away as he and several large men in dark suits tried to stop her, but she put her hand up and stopped them in their tracks. Literally froze them. A trick she’d learned from Park. An ability she actually thought she’d received from Park. She’d realized last year that she had the ability to clone other abilities. In this case, it came in handy.

  As she neared the truck, she felt a sudden dark presence and looked around. Oh, that couldn’t be…could it? A presence that exuded power and menace…like a playful child with evil intensions. The rogue first blood was here. Somewhere close. She glanced back at Didier and his men. They were still frozen. Well, she couldn’t unfreeze them, anyway. Maybe this Tamesine wasn’t as strong as they thought.

  And as she thought that, she felt her feet lift and her body rolling around in air. She could hear Leo’s voice, and then nothing but wind, as she was carried away, images and colors blurred. Moving vampire-speed across the landscape, there was nothing she could do. How was this vampire out during daylight? All she knew for certain was that she was in deep trouble since she was now a captive herself of the very creature that hurt another first blood. Her skills were useless against this woman.

  Please, Leo, let them know. I’m in the hands of fate now.

  David awoke startled. He couldn’t feel Cherise’s presence. But he did feel something…something was wrong. She was in danger. How could she be in danger if she was in his rooms?

  He knew immediately that she had disobeyed him and left the household. And he could feel that it was still daylight for a few more hours. He could do nothing to find her.

  With a fury he hadn’t thought he would ever feel again, he blew out of the bed and up the stairs to a protected area of the main floor of the house. Gunnar was in the control room sipping a coffee. He looked up when David entered on a stream of air.

  “David, hi. You’re up early.”

  “Cherise left the house. Someone has her.”

  “No, that’s not possible. No one has passed any of my security points.”

  “Doesn’t matter what your men or your machines say. She’s gone and someone has abducted her. She has powers most humans don’t have, so I don’t think it was her brother. I think it was the first blood. This Tamesine.”

  Gunnar was checking all his instruments, video at each entry point.

  “David, I believe you, but I don’t see her anywhere. How could she get out?”

  “Fuck! The elf! He masked her and she walked right out in front of your own fucking eyes! I’m sorry, not your fault, but I should have thought of it.”

  Just as he did, there was a voice behind them.

  Leo unblended his presence.

  “I’m sorry, friend. She convinced me she would be safe, and she would have been, if the first blood hadn’t been able to move through daylight. This one is different, David. And she has Cherise. I’ll never forgive myself for allowing her to go.”

  David stared at the little elf in rage. If he hadn’t…

  He sighed. It wasn’t Leo’s fault. He knew how hard it was to dissuade Cherise.

  “She would have found a way. It’s okay. We just have to figure out where she is and get to her before the hag harms her.”

  “Her brother may know. She met him for lunch, and when he tried to detain her, she froze him and his men. They might still be that way. I came back here immediately when the first blood took her to let you know.”

  Gunnar grabbed his cell. “On it,” he barked and put together a team to go get Didier and bring him back here ASAP.

  David dropped into a chair and covered his face with his hands. He would kill the motherfucking first blood the moment he saw her for this. What she did to him was personal and unforgiveable. But he would kill her for threatening Cherise. Nothing mattered more now than getting her back unharmed. Nothing!

  Cherise lay in a ball, her head pounding as if someone had dropped her off a building on it, her eyes so painful she couldn’t open them, her equilibrium totally shot. She couldn’t have stood up for anything in the world at that moment. She wrapped her hands around the intense pulsating pain in her head and tried to wait out the pain. She had no idea how long she’d been there like that.

  Eventually, she thought she must have passed out because she came conscious again. The pain was still there in her head, but less intense. When she tried to open her eyes, it took a few tries, but eventually she could keep them open. When she tried to sit up, the world spun, but she kept herself upright, and it slowed, then stopped. She looked around.

  The room was very ornate…to the point of tacky. A lot of gilded surfaces and brocade fabrics with candles everywhere and heavy coverings over what she assumed were widows. She was alone, but there was a strong scent of lavender in the air.

  She pushed herself forward and off a heavily tufted, gold embroidered loveseat. As her feet touched the carpeted floor, they sunk in deeply. She looked down at her bare toes and wiggled them. No shoes. And she was naked beneath a pale pink satin robe. Her fingers slid across her breasts and belly. Well, she didn’t seem to be hurt.

  A tray with wine and jam covered sweetbreads lay on a table a few feet away. She wandered up to it and lifted a glass, smelled it and set it back down. Very fruity. It took a moment to remember what had happened and how she came to be here.

  When she heard a door open behind her, she turned around. The woman standing there was gorgeous. So much so, she knew she had to be a first blood. And she did not recognize her. Ah, this had to be the rogue. Tamesine. She was dressed in the same satin robe, only it was in pale blue. It accentuated her waist length blonde hair highlighted heavily with blue streaks. She, too, was barefoot.

  “Hi, sleeping beauty. I would have thought you were used to vampire movement. You’re with a vampire. But you’ve been asleep for over an hour. How are you feeling? Did you try the treats? Isn’t that wine divine? Come have a seat here beside me. I haven’t really had another woman to talk with in centuries. No, much more than that!”

  The vampire sped to Cherise’s side so quickly she didn’t see her move.

  “I’m Tamesine. I know from your brother, your name is Cherise. It’s pretty.” She tilted her head. “So are you.” She moved in close and lifted Cherise’s hair and brought it to her nose, then moved in closer, her lips against her neck.

  I’m lunch, Cherise thought.

  But Tamesine just nosed around, then touched her neck with her tongue. She moved back, but only within a few inches of Cherise’s face.

  “You smell divine, too,” she whispered. “I bet you taste incredible.”

  Then she pushed Cherise back down on the loveseat and threw herself down next to her.

  “You’re David’s woman. He’s a lucky guy. For a vampire who should have died a long time ago.” Tamesine moved closer again and stared into Cherise’s eyes. Then she kissed her softly on the lips, nipping at them, but not with fangs.

  “Well, you’re mine now. We’ll have a good time together.”

  Cherise realized suddenly that she was more than lunch. She just replaced David as this crazy vampire’s toy.

  Tamesine got up and pulled the table with the tray closer and handed a long stemmed glass filled with the sweet wine to Cherise. Then took one too.

  “I enjoyed David. He doesn’t even remember me. I had to erase myself from his mind after we fucked. But, he’s good, isn’t he? Such a magnificent cock! And he really knows what to do with it. But…” She swallowed the wine sensuously and then poured a little of it on Cherise’s chest. Sliding back over, she pulled the satin lapel back to expose a breast, and licked the wine that slid down it.

  “Umm. Nice. Sometimes I get tired of cock. I just want something softer. You’re really beautiful, for a human. Good times ahead, little playmate. But…”

  She stood suddenly.

  “We’ll get to that. After I get rid of David. Your brother told me you can’t enjoy sex with anyone else since you’re bonded to him. So. Give me a few hours. He’ll come for you, and I’ll kill him. Then…”

  Tamesine dropped back down in front of Cherise and slid between her legs, pulled the robe loose, and bent down to kiss her on the stomach.

  “Then, we’ll see how much fun we can have. I haven’t had a woman in a long time. You are going to taste so good!”

  She stood up and drained her wine. When she noticed Cherise still held hers untouched in her hand, she frowned at her.

  “Bottoms up, little human. Don’t get left behind.”

  Cherise hesitated. She hadn’t moved or spoken the entire time Tamesine had been with her. It was apparent the vampire was either off her rocker or power-drunk… she was like a spoiled child. And that was very, very dangerous. Cherise needed to be compliant to survive. So she smiled, and tipped the glass back, repeating Tamesine’s motion and drained the glass.

  Tamesine grinned and walked over to a heavy brocade curtain, then pulled it back a little.

  “Sun’s gone. They’ll be here soon. Stay in this room. I don’t want you getting hurt in the crossfire. It’s going to get ugly.” She sighed. “You know David. He won’t come alone. I’ll be back shortly, cutie.”

  And she was gone. Cherise dropped back against the cushions. Oh, fuck!

  Then she scrambled up, went to the curtain and pulled it back to see if she could tell where they were. Well, they were in a high rise, a cityscape of buildings lit for night that were surrounded by a skyline of deep vermillion. Was this Reykjavik?

  She’d never tried to send her presence, her life force, over distances, but if there was ever anyone who might be able to receive it, it would be David. So she sat back on the loveseat, relaxed her mind and reached for him. She wasn’t too worried about him…he would not be coming alone.

  As the sun dropped, so did Koen’s jet from his home in southern France. It took little time for him to arrive at David’s home. Everyone was taking breakfast in the diner when Gunnar led the huge vampire into the room. The space immediately felt smaller. Katerine ran to him and gave him a big hug, watching Gunnar and giving him a touch to let him know this was no threat to what they shared.

  “Prettiest vampire in the world, next to my daughter. Who is…”

  He cut off as a stunning redhead came through the door he had left open.

  “Ah, and here she is. Katerine, may I present my daughter Park. I brought her since she is easily the most powerful first blood I have ever known.”

  The redhead glared at him. “Hardly. But I’m learning quickly from you, father.” She turned toward Katerine, and the others, including everyone with her brilliant smile and gentle hello.

  Lauren sat amazed at her table that she was here at all. These were, without doubt, the most powerful first bloods on Didier’s list. She knew Koen was one of the oldest and largest in the known community, and that Park was one of the rarest things on earth, a child, by birth of a first blood vampire. It was said that she grew up as a normal human child, unaware of the supernatural world, and had only known her birthright for about a year. Well, it seemed she was adapting well. All Lauren could think of suddenly, while looking at her father, was that she’d give just about anything to ride him, an uncharacteristic response for her. Being around all these sexual charged supernaturals… seemed like she was adapting, too.

  They came forward to join the buffet as David entered the room from the kitchen.

  “Koen,” he called out, and came forward to hug the huge man. When Park was introduced, he hugged her, too.

  “Cherise has been taken,” was the first thing he said to her. “Leo told me you two are close. I have her brother in the basement in interrogation, and although he’s been resistant, I’m heading back down to push him or kill him. I can’t compel anything out of him. I think his mind is under Tamesine’s control. There’s no other way he could defy my compel.”

  “David, let me. My skills are exactly what you need. I can get inside his mind and tear out the information. What are you looking for?”

  “The rogue first blood, Tamesine, has an apartment somewhere. I’m praying that’s where she took Cherise and if we can find out where, we can get there immediately and rescue her.”

  Park turned to her father. “I’ll be right back.” And she followed David out of the room.

  Ten minutes later Park and David came back up to the dining room. David was grinning.

  “Koen, your daughter is incredible. Devereaux had no defense against her. She entered his mind and found the address. We need to go now.”

  “It’s going to take all of us combined to deal with her,” Koen said. “I’m one of the most powerful first bloods you’ve ever met. Park is even a little stronger. Tamesine…she might even be more powerful than Park. She was always extremely talented. And totally psychotic. We were dealing with her for centuries, trying to help her. She was insanely powerful, and powerfully insane. One day she just disappeared. None of us could sense her. That was, in fact, over a thousand years ago. I haven’t thought of her almost since then, but I think most of us assumed she was long dead. So, I honestly have no idea what to expect when we get there. Except that we’d better be prepared to take on a really powerful vampire. David, Katerine and I will go in first, Park and you as second wave. Don’t question me about this. I want to feel her out before she sees you. You have been her captiv
e for decades and we already know she wants to kill you. Our combined skills should be enough to defeat her, but I can’t guarantee it. Katerine tells me you are not quite up to full strength yet. So, for those two reasons, you will let us field this. You agree the real goal is to get Cherise back safely.”

  David was boiling. The idea of not blasting into that building and rescuing his woman himself seemed impossible. But he had to agree with Koen. They had to lead with their strongest chance of success. And Koen’s history with her might make all the difference in her reaction to them. All he wanted was to get Cherise home safely and in his arms. And then kill the monster if he had the chance.

  He nodded his acceptance of the plan. “Just…we need to go now.”

  Koen bowed his head. “Ready. You better make sure your home is protected. You know how devious these humans can be. They’re probably waiting for us to go to attack.”

  David looked at Gunnar, and he nodded. “It’s done. Let’s move.”

  Cherise tried some of her telekinetic skills on the door. But when she tried to access the lock, a wave of magic pushed back. Tamesine had spelled it. Not only could she not unlock it, she was afraid others might never find the opening. She remembered Eillia had been able to do that. So even if David and the others could figure out where she was, they still might not be able to find her behind a door magically blocked from anyone else.

  She dropped back down on the loveseat again, then poured herself another glass of wine. If this was how she was going to live, sex slave to a female first blood who was off the rails, she wanted to be well and truly drunk. Glancing at the door, she knew they would not find her through that protected opening. Unless Tamesine wanted them to. Looked like this party was going to be just her and Tamesine. Draining the lovely crystal glass, she refilled it to the brim. Suddenly, she heard the door click open, and glanced at it through the pink tint of the glass. Well. It appeared she was mistaken. A party of three, now. Armel Joubert stood there staring at her with a smile very like the one she remembered from years ago…wide and dirty. Oh, fuck! Cherise upended the full glass and drank every drop at once.


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