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My Roommate and My Girl: A Hotwife Novel

Page 11

by Lexi Archer

  Down below she looked even more enticing. She had on a black miniskirt that molded itself to her body, and when she moved just right it made the black thong she wore underneath obvious. Every time I caught a glimpse of her turning just the right way in front of the mirror it made my cock throb. It made me want to march across the room, flip her skirt up, and have my way with her right there.

  Only I knew it wasn't going to happen. For tonight, and tonight only, we were back to the way things used to be before her sudden change of heart regarding sex. We were back to the way it was before I put the engagement ring on her finger and she decided it was okay to finally go all the way. I'd already tried going up and putting my arms around her and had her push me away. And I knew that if I tried to do something as audacious as lifting up her skirt it was going to be one hell of a return to the bad old days.

  And God did that turn me on knowing she was off-limits to me but who knew what was going to happen with Anthony?

  Finally it looked like she was done, though it was difficult to tell sometimes. There were times when I thought we were ready to go out and then we ended up spending an extra fifteen to twenty minutes waiting while she adjusted something. I could never tell the difference before and after she made the adjustments, but I always pretended that I did.

  "So what do you think? How do I look?"

  "You look absolutely gorgeous baby!" I said. "No man could resist you in that outfit!"

  She smiled and her eyes looked like she was a million miles away. I had a pretty good idea exactly where her imagination was taking her right about now. Hell, my imagination was taking me to the same place. To a place where someone was lifting up her skirt to run his cock in between her legs just under that silk thong.

  Only in my imagination, and I'm pretty sure in Brandi's imagination as well, the person who was doing the lifting, the person who was running their cock along her pussy, was Anthony and not me. I shivered as I thought of that.

  "Well that's the idea, isn't it?"

  I patted the bed next to me. It was a perfectly innocent gesture, but she hesitated for a moment as though she expected that I was up to no good. And she was probably right. Even if my intentions were perfectly innocent at the moment, the instant she was sitting next to me in that outfit I was going to be all over her.

  Brandi took a step towards me and I thought we might at least have a makeout session before she went out to meet Anthony, but then I heard her phone buzz. I groaned in frustration as she pulled her phone out and a huge smile spread across her face. I had a pretty good idea who that text was from.

  Brandi started tapping at her phone and then she looked up at me with a grin. "That was Anthony. He’s waiting for me."

  I sat up, leaned forward. "Did he tell you where he was waiting for you?"

  Brandi shook her head. "All he'd say was it was within walking distance of my dorm. Nothing more until I’m out of the dorm and away from you."

  I let out another frustrated groan. "Why is he doing all of this cloak and dagger James Bond bullshit?"

  Brandi leaned down and kissed me. "Probably to try and prevent you from doing exactly what you're trying to do."

  "Not that it matters," I said.

  "Of course," she said. "He said he'll text me where to meet him as soon as I'm away from you. Of course that won't stop me from texting you!"

  "Just make sure you delete that text," I said. "I wouldn't put it past him to try and check your phone."

  Brandi kissed me one more time and then she was up and heading for the door. "Good idea! I hadn't thought of that…"

  And then she was gone. Her dorm door slammed shut behind her. I wasn't technically supposed to be in here without her, but her roommate was out for the weekend and it's not like anybody was going to stop in and check. I'd leave in a few minutes. As soon as I knew where the hell they were going.

  I just hoped it was someplace public where I could get a good view of what they were doing.

  It was killing me wondering where they were going. Maybe to a club on campus? There were a couple of them close enough to the dorms that she could make the walk. Maybe he’d do a run around and they’d go straight to the house since he knew I wasn't around? I wouldn't put that past him. It would be clever, if sneaky. And I’d definitely have a hard time trying to sneak in and get a look at them if that was the case.

  Or hell, if all he wanted was a little time alone with my fiancée before he had time alone with my fiancée while I was watching all he really had to do was take her to some secluded spot on campus. I'm sure there were plenty of places where nobody went after dark. All they’d have to do is go there for a couple hours, have a little fun, and was no way I'd be able to watch them.

  The suspense was killing me, but it wasn't killing me for long.

  My phone buzzed and I nearly dropped it in my haste to pick it up. I looked at my phone. I blinked. I couldn't believe it.

  "What the hell is his game?" I asked myself.

  I put my phone back in my pocket. I had a little walk to make. I also had to make sure I didn't get spotted by Brandi's RA on my way out of the dorm. All the girls on the floor knew me, and most of them wouldn't care if I was here even if it was breaking the rules, but her RA was a stickler and she was a real ball buster. Best to avoid her and avoid getting Brandi in too much trouble.

  I smiled as I made my way out of her dorm and made sure the door was locked. At least I wasn't going to have much in trouble spying on them.

  18: Voyeuristic Intention

  The food court was packed which was an odd situation for this hour of the night. Usually these places closed down at about nine o'clock and anyone in the dorms who hadn't gotten food or used their meal plan for the day were shit out of luck and their parents’ money.

  Seeing some of the frustration Brandi had suffered at the hands of the campus food services made me glad I lived in a house off-campus where I paid for everything with cash. It was a hell of a lot cheaper too. But I was getting distracted.

  The place was full and it was set up for one hell of a lame party. The college activity board threw big parties on Friday nights in the big double-decker food court in the middle of campus in an attempt to entice students away from going out and drinking. The events had free food, games, movies, all sorts of fun stuff to do. The only thing that was missing was booze. And because that key ingredient was missing these events ended up being a place for students to stop by early in the night to get free food before they went out to house parties to get wasted.

  Not that anybody from the campus activity board seemed to realize that. Or if they did realize it they didn't seem to care. I always figured the whole thing was just some whitewashing the university put on so they could point to the event in brochures they sent to parents from the surrounding communities to let everybody know there was more to student life at our college than going out and getting drunk.

  There wasn't more to student life at our college than going out and getting drunk in the neighborhoods surrounding campus, hell there wasn’t much to life in the surrounding communities aside from getting smashed, but it was the appearance that mattered more than anything else when mom and dad were signing the check to send their little baby to college.

  I hadn't texted Brandi since she left the dorm. That was part of the plan for tonight. If her phone was buzzing that would look suspicious. I looked down at the last message she sent me. They were on the second level somewhere, but I had no idea where.

  I looked at the big set of stairs that ran up to the second floor of the massive food court. Only there was a ribbon blocking the way up. Apparently they didn't want people sneaking up there while the party was going on down on the main floor. So if the way up there was blocked how the hell did she get up there with Anthony?

  For that matter, how the hell was I going to get up there? The stairs were in the middle of a main area and there were people surrounding it. There were also a couple of volunteers in their university polo shirts watchin
g to be sure nobody tried to go upstairs. There were classrooms and other stuff up there, and apparently they didn't want people going up there and potentially causing trouble in a building that usually would be closed during the weekend.

  Classrooms. There was something to that. Then it hit me! The building was a lot more than just the food court, and there were elevators in other areas. They must've gone to another part of the building and made their way up. Only I was out of luck. As I walked over to the entrance to the classroom portion of the building I saw that there were volunteers there preventing anyone from leaving the food court. Brandi and Anthony must’ve gone in at a different entrance and made their way around or they got in early enough that they were able to slip past the volunteers in their university polo shirts.

  I was starting to feel frustrated. What the hell was I going to do? I desperately needed to get up there, desperately needed to see what was happening between my future wife and my roommate, and these pukes in polo shirts were preventing me from doing that!

  I moved back into the main area and looked at the second floor. There was railing with glass so you could see up there easily enough. Everything was dark, and it was hard to see anything. I ran my eyes along the entire length, and then I caught a flicker of movement where there shouldn’t be any movement.

  My eyes narrowed. I watched intently and I saw a flicker of movement again. I started moving closer to that area. It was more sparsely populated on the first floor over there. They didn't have any games or anything set up. Just some chairs and tables for people to eat the free food that was paid for by the exorbitant activity fees the school charged every semester.

  As I looked up I realized there was definitely something up there moving around. Something up against the railing in a secluded dark corner. It occurred to me that if I could look up there and see movement in the darkness then whoever was up there could also look down and see me moving towards them. And they’d have a lot easier time seeing me considering it was fully lit up down here. At the last moment I moved behind a pillar and peered around.

  And my breath caught when I looked up there. I saw two people. A girl in a miniskirt wearing a dark top that was slightly see-through. And a black guy with broad shoulders, impossibly huge muscles, pressing against the petite girl. Anthony and Brandi.

  I smiled. Apparently I wasn't going to have to sneak my way up there to see the fun. Of course at the same time I was slightly worried about this turn of events. If I was down here and I could see them that meant there was a chance anybody could look up and see what was going on. That added to the intensity of the moment, but I also worried for Brandi. I worried about what might happen if they were caught making out or doing more up there.

  I turned and looked out over the crowd filling the food court but it looked like most people were busy concentrating on having fun and not looking up to the second floor. I slipped around the large support column I was hiding behind and tried to position myself where I couldn't be seen from the food court or from up above. It was a difficult balancing act, but I didn't want somebody to see me craning my neck up to the second floor and give them a hint that something was going on up there.

  I licked my lips as I looked up. Now that my eyes were adjusting to the darkness up there I could sort of make out what was happening. His hands were roaming up and down her body, and one seemed to be down between her skirt. They were too far away for me to hear anything, but I could see the steady movement of his hand moving under her skirt. It gave me no doubt that he was moving his fingers up inside my fiancée's pussy. That pussy that only I’d touched, and now another man was exploring her depths.

  Initially I’d wondered what the hell they were doing up there where they could get caught so easily by any of the hundreds of people in the food court looking up, but now that I was watching them I had to admit I was getting a vicarious thrill at the thought that someone might catch them. Perhaps Anthony had a bit of an exhibitionist streak after all, which bode well for where things were going considering that was exactly the sort of thing that a guy who was going to take part in the arrangement Brandi and I wanted had to have.

  I wondered if he was going to ignore the rules and try to fuck her up there, but then he was moving down onto his knees in front of her. I watched with intense concentration as he lifted up her skirt, moved his head under it, and I had a pretty good idea as to exactly what he was doing with his head buried between her legs like that.

  I knew exactly how much Brandi loved getting head. It always used to drive her wild when I could convince her to let me go down on her. And now that she was a hell of a lot more sexually liberated than she'd been just a few weeks ago I could only imagine how much she was enjoying herself now that she could completely let go. Now that she could allow him down there and not feel guilty about it.

  The reaction from my fiancée was almost instantaneous as soon as his head was buried between her legs. She threw her head back almost to the point that I worried she might hit the wall and hurt herself. Her mouth was open and I could hear gasps even down here. Even over the roar of the crowd behind me.

  Damn was that intense watching this happen. Her hand ran all around his head, and occasionally she’d glance out over the crowd. And as she was looking she glanced down to the support column I was hiding behind and I thought I saw a smile play across her face. I had no way of knowing if she could actually see me, but I'm sure she suspected I was somewhere out here in the crowd enjoying the show.

  And it was odd. I also felt a small pang of guilt as I watched them. Guilt that I was betraying Anthony's trust. It was only a small part of me that felt guilty over it, he had been hitting on my fiancée when he thought I didn’t know about it after all, but there it was. He was willing to go along with this, he had one condition, and we were breaking that condition.

  But it was so hot watching him, watching his head down between my fiancée's legs when there was a crowd of hundreds of people right nearby and at any moment someone could look up and see their forbidden tryst. Hell somebody might be watching them right now and just not saying anything because they didn't want to ruin the show.

  And they’d be getting a hell of a show. As his head was buried between her legs, as her chest heaved, he reached up and started pulling up on her sheer tank top. He pulled up on tank top and bra alike and then her tits were spilling out.

  My breath came in hard ragged gasps. I felt as though someone had kicked me and knocked the wind out of me. I felt like I had an impossibly warm fever. My fiancée was completely exposed. There could be any number of eyes down here on the first floor, male or female, looking up and enjoying the treasures that my future wife had to offer.

  And now that I thought about it there was a pretty good chance none of them would say anything even if they did see her. I thought back to a time I'd been walking past the library and happened to glance up to one of the windows on the third floor. There were two girls wearing sorority shirts standing there, and as I glanced up both of them had lifted their shirts showing me two perfect pairs of tits. Then they'd pulled their shirts down and flown into a fit of giggles as other girls came up behind them and started slapping them on the back.

  It's not like seeing a little skin around the campus, was exactly a strange thing. It happened all the time with girls flashing for sorority initiations and crap. This wasn’t all that different. Well, the sorority girls didn’t go down on each other in public, at least not that I’d ever been lucky enough to see, but aside from that it was practically the same thing.

  And so I'm sure anyone who was looking up there and watching my fiancée, taking in her body, wouldn't say anything to the organizers. No, who knew how many men were out there in the background imagining what it would be like if they were the ones up there with my fiancée? If they were the ones with their heads buried between her legs, their tongues moving up inside her pussy tasting her juices? I know if I looked up and happened to see a girl who looked as good as my fiancée I sure as h
ell would be fantasizing about it.

  And thinking about all of those potential fantasies being spun out by my fiancée and how naughty she was being in public, watching her throwing her head back and gasping, trying desperately not to be too loud lest the crowd hear her, had me so rock hard. And I was also so frustrated. I couldn't do anything like pull my cock out and enjoy the show. No, if I was caught down here jerking it then that would definitely be the end of my college career and probably the start of joining some sort of registry. And I was a hell of a lot more likely to get caught down here than they were up there where they were hidden in the shadows.

  So I stood and watched. I didn't even touch my cock for fear that would be seen by somebody and interpreted in a very wrong way that could have the potential to ruin my life.

  Up above Anthony pulled his head away from between Brandi’s legs. It was dark enough I couldn't really see the look on his face, but it looked like he was saying something to her. And she nodded in response. She was still breathing heavily and I had no doubt she probably just had one hell of an orgasm. I wondered how she managed to avoid being too loud while he was doing that to her.

  Anthony stirred and he seemed to be doing something with his pants. Pulling her hands forward. I wondered if he was expecting her to give him a blow job, but then he was pressing between her legs. And her eyes were closing, her mouth was open and it looked like she was gasping again. He was starting to press against her and whispering something, only she shook her head no.

  I had a damn good idea of what was happening now. We were breaking rules with me being out here, and it was obvious he was ready to break some rules of his own and fuck her. And he was going to try it right here! It was everything I'd worried about when he proposed this and sure enough it was happening right in front of my horrified eyes.

  I wondered how many other people were watching this, how many other people were willing them to just fuck already. How many people were watching my beautiful fiancée and my roommate and adding that vision to their permanent spank bank.


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