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Changing Tides

Page 11

by Alex Standish

  “Not exactly my strong point,” Brett said with a slight smile.

  Devon chuckled. “It doesn’t matter. I still love you,” he said, enjoying the way Brett’s eyes lit up at the words. Devon leaned forward and brushed his lips over Brett’s. “I’ve been wanting to say that for weeks. I. Love. You. I’m sorry for the way I behaved at the cave.”

  Brett nodded. “It’s quite all right, Captain Hall,” he said with a teasing grin.

  Devon mock glared at him. “You are pushing your luck, sailor.”

  Rising from the bed, Devon began to take off his clothes, grinning at Brett’s gaping expression.

  “What are you doing?” Brett blinked, confused.

  “Undressing,” Devon said with a chuckle.

  “I can see that. Why?”

  “I want to lie down with you, hold you for a while. The others are busy running the ship, taking us to Tortuga. No one will bother us. What do you say?”

  Brett seemed to hesitate and then nodded slowly, so Devon motioned for him to lie down. When Brett obeyed, Devon sat back on the bed, then stretched beside Brett and hunkered down into the space Brett had left for him. Devon looked over at Brett, who lay acquiescent in his corner, squinting at the afternoon sun.

  Shaking his head fondly, Devon reached out and pulled Brett into his arms, one hand gently directing him to rest his head on Devon’s chest. Brett stiffened for a moment, but just as Devon began to fear he had been too presumptuous, Brett relaxed, letting his arms wind around Devon’s larger frame.

  Burrowing in further to bring their bodies into full contact, Brett sighed happily and said, “This feels good.”

  Letting out a relieved breath, Devon hastened to agree, his hand caressing Brett’s chestnut hair tenderly. “Yes. Yes, it does.”

  It felt so good that Devon had to struggle to keep his body under control. It wasn’t easy with Brett in his arms. Feeling his warmth, his spicy smell tickling Devon’s nose, made it near impossible not to become aroused. But Devon refused to do anything to upset Brett. They had done nothing more than kiss, and he was almost certain Brett was a stranger to male loving.

  But just being there, wrapped in each other’s arms, felt incredibly right. It filled something inside Devon that had been sorely lacking for a long time. It was contentment, bliss. He could stay in that bed forever, enjoying the feeling of Brett in his arms.

  Though Devon had been sure Brett had fallen into a healing slumber, Brett broke the contented silence a moment later.


  “Yes?” he whispered back.

  “I need to know if…. Not that it matters, but… I wanted to ask….” Brett stammered, his uncharacteristic nervousness making Devon frown.

  “You can always ask me anything, Brett. What is it?”

  “Have you ever… been with a man?” Brett asked hesitantly. “Because… I’m not certain if I’m prepared, but I do wish to become… intimate with you.”

  Devon smiled gently. “So do I. I have been dreaming about you for a long time, about loving you and—”

  “You dreamed about me?” Brett asked, sounding surprised.

  “Yes. Especially on that island. The dreams would come when I had no control, when I was sleeping. Part of me hated thinking of you that way when you could be suffering Lord knows what at Blackburn’s hands, but I was helpless to prevent them. And answering your question, yes, I have been with a man before. He died some years ago.”

  Devon felt Brett lift his head. “I’m sorry,” Brett said.

  Devon shook his head. “It was a long time ago. The wound has healed.” He smiled. “Now I spend most of my time thinking about you.”

  Returning his head to its former place, Brett cuddled in a bit more, and Devon could feel him smiling against his chest as he whispered, “I love you, Devon.”

  Devon closed his eyes at those sweet words, and to his surprise, he fell almost instantly into a deep, blissful slumber.

  DEVON WOKE up to find Brett propped up on his elbow, looking down at him. Staring out the windows, Devon realized he hadn’t slept more than a couple of hours.

  “Been awake long?” Devon asked.

  Brett shrugged slightly. “A while.”

  “What have you been doing?”

  Brett smiled. “Watching you sleep, pondering about life.”

  And with that, Brett leaned down and captured Devon’s mouth in a startling, tender kiss, lips gliding over Devon’s, moving them in an excruciatingly slow caress, the tip of his tongue sweeping gently over Devon’s upper lip, begging to be let in.

  Devon opened to him, letting his tongue entwine with Brett’s, as Brett pressed himself more deeply into his embrace. Brett’s erection brushed against his own, and he couldn’t stop himself from moaning into the sweet mouth ravishing his. Finally coming to his senses, Devon pulled back reluctantly.

  “Brett…,” he gasped. “We shouldn’t…. Oh Lord,” he groaned, as Brett moved against him, hips shifting slightly and further enflaming the physical evidence of their desire.

  He regarded Brett’s flushed face, the wide dilated eyes, the kiss-swollen lips, the movement of his chest as Brett panted for breath, and suddenly Devon knew what he desperately needed from Brett.

  “Brett…,” Devon said softly, allowing Brett’s eyes to meet his own, to see the need and arousal within him. After reaching for a jar containing an oily substance Devon had found just for that purpose, he handed it to Brett. “Please.”

  Brett licked his bottom lip, looking down at the small jar. “I…. Tell me what to do,” he said softly.

  Devon smiled, nodding his understanding. “You need it to stretch me, so it will not hurt,” he said.

  Brett raised his head at that. “Hurt?”

  Devon chuckled. “It will not hurt, Brett. That is why we use that substance.”

  “Oh.” Then he asked, “Stretch?”

  “With your fingers,” Devon said gently. “You put some inside me and loosen the muscle with your fingers. Then you put some on yourself too.”

  Nodding slowly, Brett placed his hands on Devon’s chest, touching him tenderly with his fingers, making lazy circles on the hard pectoral muscles above his nipples. He licked one nipple, then the other, blowing over them softly. Devon closed his eyes, moaning deeply and pressing himself into the touch, wanting more, needing more than the light, teasing touches he was receiving.

  He felt Brett run his hands along his sides, lingering over his waist and letting his thumbs stroke the stomach muscles. He groaned helplessly as the touch vanished, only to return a heartbeat later at his groin. Brett handled him slowly, carefully, obviously getting used to touching him. Devon bit his lip hard, forcing himself not to thrust, letting Brett explore to his heart’s content.

  Never taking his hand away, Brett attacked Devon’s shoulder, nibbling his way up toward his left ear. Caught between the double assault, Devon tilted his head back submissively, moaning softly as Brett bit him gently on the neck, then sucked harder, alternating between nibbling and lapping at his flesh until Devon was whimpering his need.

  “Brett, please,” Devon cried out.

  Brett’s reply was a breathless chuckle. “Patience, my pirate. Patience.”

  Devon watched dazedly as Brett moved to lie between his legs, reaching for the jar. He coated his fingers with the oily substance, and then reached down to Devon’s tight ring of muscle, a first finger brushing softly over the puckered opening.

  Devon laid his head back, holding the sheets in a white-knuckled grip, feeling the finger swirling in tiny circles over his opening. He moaned as the slick digit entered him, stretching his entrance and sinking slowly deeper. A second finger soon joined the first, then a third, and Devon pushed back against the invaders, writhing and crying out as they brushed repeatedly against his pleasure nub.

  Finally Brett removed his digits, coated his cock with the oil, and moved forward slightly, holding steady with one hand. Poised at Devon’s entrance, he hesitated as if wa
iting for something.

  Devon smiled, staring into Brett’s eyes. “I’m ready,” he said.

  He moaned as Brett guided himself into his body, applying a tiny bit of pressure with his hips until he was past the ring of muscle and sliding smoothly into his depths. Devon’s breath caught in his throat. It had been so long since he had felt so complete, so thoroughly possessed. He opened his eyes and gazed up at the man blanketing him, then realized Brett was staring down at him, looking entranced.

  “I never thought…,” Brett said softly.

  Devon nodded. “Feels amazing, doesn’t it? Now move.”

  Eyes never leaving Devon’s, Brett obeyed, pulling out slightly and pushing forward experimentally. Then grinning wickedly, he did it again, and again, moving with a slow and steady grace that had Devon moaning for more. With every thrust, Brett’s cock massaged him inside, making him groan and push back against Brett deliriously.

  Brett wrapped a hand around Devon’s cock and pumped it in time with his now frantic thrusts, both of them lost in the loving, letting it consume them, encompass them, destroying all awareness of time and place.

  Devon’s pleasure grew, until he finally cried out, his seed bathing Brett’s hand and both their bodies. He heard Brett whimper his name, then Brett was coming deep inside him, his whole body trembling as he surrendered to the climax.

  Brett collapsed against him, panting hard, pinning Devon willingly to the bed. When Devon found the strength to move again, he very gently rolled Brett off and used a corner of the sheets to clean their bodies. That accomplished, Devon pulled Brett back into his arms, stroking his silken hair tenderly.

  Brett sighed contentedly and burrowed into Devon’s chest. “Unimaginable,” he said, nuzzling one of Devon’s nipples softly.

  “Yes, it was,” Devon said with a smile. “Brett, I need you to know something. Just because we did this now… I don’t want you to feel obliged… just because I was prepared to do it. I don’t want you to feel like I’m forcing you. It will be in your own time, when you feel it is right. Understand?”

  Brett nodded against his chest. “Yes. Thank you.”

  Devon kissed the top of his head tenderly. “Rest. Everything will be fine.”

  Devon stayed awake long after Brett surrendered to his exhaustion and fell asleep. Devon’s body was sated, but his mind was fully alert, thinking. He’d had a hard life, everything he had possessed had been fiercely fought for, and every person he had ever loved he had lost. He suddenly wondered if the peaceful contentment he was experiencing was not the quiet before the storm. And he prayed he would be able to survive it.

  AS PROMISED, the morning they reached Tortuga, the crew was allowed to go on a much-deserved leave. The sun was already setting when Elijah and Cody returned, most of the crew still remaining behind. Devon was on the bridge of the Destiny, watching the slow harbor movement, while Brett was sitting on the stairs leading to the bridge, staring at the beautiful shades of orange and red painted across the sky.

  “We have to talk,” Elijah said as soon as he jumped on board.

  “Yes. You will not believe what we heard back in town,” Cody said excitedly.

  Devon nodded. “Let’s go back to my cabin.” Once the four of them were all there, he asked, “So, what happened?”

  “We went to the tavern, and everyone was discussing the same thing,” Cody said. “There is a new governor in Jamaica.”

  “What?” Brett said, his eyes growing wide at the information.

  Elijah nodded. “It’s true. Your uncle is not the governor anymore. Last week a representative from the Crown arrived at Port Royal and made the official announcement.”

  “And you will never guess who the new governor is,” Cody said with a chuckle.

  “We know him?” Devon asked curiously. “Who?”

  “Captain Perry,” Cody laughed. “Apparently he has close friends at Court, and when the reports started pouring in about Campbell’s conduct, they decided to do something about it. And since Perry is well-known and already there….”

  “And my uncle? What happened to him?” Brett asked softly.

  “We didn’t hear anything on that,” Elijah said. “But he must be imprisoned after all he has done….”

  “And that is not all,” Cody said. “We have been pardoned.”

  “What?” Devon startled. “Why?”

  “Well, we spoke with a few people, and you know how word of mouth goes, but I think Perry was given permission to set everything right. You know, to undo Campbell’s wrongdoings. The only reason we got into this business was to fight Rupert Campbell. So Governor Perry pardoned us, all of us. Crew included,” Elijah said evenly.

  Devon frowned. “You don’t think this could be a trap for us? If we are being pardoned, we will have to go to Port Royal to speak with the governor. Campbell may have spread the rumors so he can catch us.”

  Elijah shook his head. “There was a group of men in the tavern who were at Port Royal at the time and witnessed everything. It is not a lie. Perry really is the new governor of Jamaica.”

  Devon sat back on his chair. “This is somewhat unexpected, to say the least. Brett, you know Perry better than we do. Can we trust him?”

  Brett nodded. “Yes. He is a good man. If he claims he has pardoned us, I believe him. What will we do?”

  Devon looked at the three hopeful faces surrounding him and chuckled. “Very well. We sail for Port Royal in three days’ time. Brett still needs his rest, and the men deserve to enjoy the rest of their leave. This had better be true, or we are all going to regret it.”

  Chapter V

  THEY ARRIVED at Port Royal without incident, although Devon could feel the tension building in the crew. He couldn’t really blame them. Most of the men had some sort of sentence set upon them unjustly by the ex-governor, while the others simply related with their fight against Campbell. Now they had a chance to be free from those charges, and yet they feared it was all a deception. It would be a trying day.

  No one tried to stop the four of them as they went ashore. Although Devon looked around constantly, he could see no suspicious individuals hiding in the shadows, nothing out of place that would lead him to believe they were indeed walking into a trap.

  As they drew closer to the governor’s palace, he stopped and looked at the others. “We’re here. There will be no turning back after we go through those gates. This is our last chance.”

  “I still say we should go,” Cody said, impulsive as ever.

  “I agree,” Elijah said.

  When Brett nodded, Devon exhaled softly. “In that case, let’s go.” They walked over to the gates and stopped before the royal guards. “We wish to see the governor,” Devon said to the two men.

  “Is he expecting you?” one of them asked, watching them curiously.

  “In a way,” Brett said. “Just tell him that Devon Hall and his crew are here to see him.”

  The two guards exchanged a look, and then the one who had spoken earlier nodded. “Wait here.”

  Devon watched him go inside and disappear into the impressive two-story building, only to return a few minutes later and wave at the guard still at the gate.

  “Seems you are in luck,” he said as he opened the gates. “Go with Hill.” He gestured toward the other guard. “He will take you to Governor Perry.”

  They approached Hill, who led them into the house, past several opulent corridors, until they finally stopped before a closed door. The guard opened it and motioned them inside.

  “This is the Chamber of Power,” Hill informed them seriously. “The governor will be with you shortly.”

  He closed the door behind himself, leaving them alone in the wide room. Devon realized immediately why it was called the Chamber of Power. The walls and ceiling were ornamental displays of weaponry, an obvious reflection of the governor’s power. It was not a room for comfort, but for show, and he wondered why Perry would send them to wait there.

  Before he could deepen
the thought, the door opened and the former Captain Perry walked in, a wide smile grazing his wrinkled face.

  “Gentlemen,” he said. “I see you have heard the news. Welcome to Port Royal.”

  “Thank you, Governor,” Devon said as he watched the man sit down. “There are several pieces of information spreading throughout the islands. One of them in particular interests us.”

  Perry chuckled. “Yes. I can guess which piece of information it is. And I can assure you that it is true. You have all been pardoned. The four of you and your entire crew as well.”

  “Why?” Devon asked, not yet ready to give up.

  Perry sighed. “I began listening to the rumors about the rebellious pirate Hall long before we ever met. These tales told of a man who attacked the governor’s troops and ships carrying cargo from or for the aforementioned governor, who had sworn to bring Rupert Campbell down mercilessly. Captain Hall, I like to think of myself as a good judge of character. Since I met first Brett and then yourself and your crew, I knew everything to be true. I had also been aware of Campbell’s doings for some time, reason why I wrote to England.”


  “So, I’m a great believer in justice. You fought for what you thought was right, and I’m aware of the circumstances surrounding your father’s death. I’m also aware it is said Campbell had something to do with it. In the face of those facts and your actions, I have seen fit to arrange for the pardons. I also have a proposition for you.”

  “Proposition?” Devon asked suspiciously.

  Perry grinned. “Quite. I want you in my fleet. Things are going to change around here, Captain. Although I can understand what you did and why you did it, I will not tolerate piracy. I already have a man who will handle all the navigation affairs, but I also need good, loyal men to command the ships and fight pirates such as Captain Blackburn.”


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