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Pride and Consequence

Page 5

by Altonya Washington

  Malik was a whiz in the kitchen. It had been his primary reason for wanting to open the restaurant. Unfortunately, there were now so many obligations involved with running Badu’s that he spent little time cooking.

  “Have a seat,” Malik called from the stove without looking around.

  Zakira did as she was told. She was about to serve herself when Malik walked over and set a mouthwatering broccoli-and-three-cheese omelet before her.

  “Oh, thank you! My God, how long have you been up?” Zakira exclaimed, immediately digging into the omelet.

  Malik shrugged and turned to the kitchen island. “I had to get up and get this,” he said, pulling a brightly wrapped package from a side drawer.

  “What have you done?” Zakira asked, as she set down her fork and took the gift. It only took a few seconds to tear through the wrapping. When she touched the gold velvet box, her brown eyes snapped to Malik’s face. “What is it?”

  Malik pulled one hand through his dreads and sat across from her. “Open it.”

  Sighing, Zakira opened the long case. Her loud gasp filled the room when she lifted a gorgeous diamond-encrusted tennis bracelet from the box. “Malik,” she whispered, shaking her head at the extravagant gift.

  “Think of it as an early Christmas present. Besides, I wanted to make up for the way I acted last night when you asked about Doctor McNeil.”

  “I love this,” Zakira assured him, gesturing at the sparkling piece of jewelry. “But all I want is for you to be straight with me.”

  “I know,” Malik assured her, nodding his head quickly. He stood, but Zakira grabbed his hand before he could get too far. She tugged and waited for him to take the chair next to her.

  “Malik, I’ve got an awful feeling about this and it has nothing to do with any dream,” she said, cupping the side of his face in her palm. “It’s scaring me.”

  Malik pulled her hand away from his face and pressed a hard kiss to her palm. He never answered, but Zakira could tell by the guarded look in his dark eyes that he was scared, as well.

  Elegantly dressed couples filed into Badu’s Restaurant. A long red carpet led from the establishment’s entrance and ended at the edge of the sidewalk. Each guest felt like royalty as they clutched small white envelopes that carried Badu’s logo on the outside and an invitation inside.

  The restaurant had undergone a mild transformation for the event. Several extra dining tables had been set on the edge of the dance floor to accommodate the staggering number of guests. Several people took to the smaller dance space, eager to enjoy the cool jazz stylings of a local group. Others were more interested in the fantastic dinners that were served. Diners had their choice of three entrées: spicy roast duck basted in a fragrant white wine sauce with a delicious wild rice, broccoli and herb side; a hearty chicken, scallop and red onion sauté served on a bed of tender noodles; or grilled salmon steak with a fresh vegetarian stir-fry.

  Malik watched Zakira mingling and smiling as she wandered through the crowd. Every aspect of the evening was so perfect he wanted the entire group to know who was responsible. Heads turned at the sound of a crystal goblet being tapped with a fork. Malik had requested the band take a break when he joined them on stage.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention. I have a small announcement to make!”

  Zakira turned to watch her husband. Her cocoa gaze sparkled with love as she admired his smooth, handsome appearance in the tailored, three-piece beige pin-striped suit.

  “Tonight, many of you have approached me with congratulations on coordinating such a successful event. I wanted to let everyone here know that the menu, the atmosphere and the luxurious setting are all my wife’s doing. What you see before you tonight are the results of her hard work. Zakira, girl, you wanna come up here and take a bow?”

  Applause filled the air as Zakira made her way toward the stage. She accepted Malik’s hand, and he escorted her up the short stairway. She kissed his cheek, then turned to face the crowd.

  “I’m sure we all wish there weren’t a need for this type of event,” she told the crowd, watching the group nod in agreement. “Since there is, I want to thank the committee for allowing me to be a part of it. I thank you for your compliments, but the real accolades should go to the women who lend their efforts each day to help fight this dreaded disease that affects so many children.”

  Zakira’s graciousness and emotional words brought forth another round of applause. She stood smoothing her hands across the sides of the chic, ankle-length silver satin evening gown and waited for the crowd to settle down.

  “In lieu of applause,” Zakira was saying, “we here at Badu’s would like to forward our fee for hosting tonight’s event to the Richmond Children’s Cancer Research Fund.”

  Deafening applause followed the announcement. Zakira bowed, and then nodded toward the band, who were preparing for their next set. She left the stage with Malik at her side.

  “So are you glad you accepted the invitation?”

  Edwina smoothed her hands over the chiffon sleeves of her cobalt-blue silk evening gown. “Oh, Z, I still get shivers thinking about what you did. That was a beautiful gesture, forfeiting your fee from tonight.”

  Zakira toyed with a curly tendril that dangled from the chignon atop her head. “I thought so, too. Raising money for any charity is hard enough without having to worry about another bill.”

  “Amen,” Eddie agreed, her light hazel eyes scanning the crowded room.

  “So, you didn’t answer my question,” Zakira said. At Eddie’s frown, she rolled her eyes. “Are you glad you accepted my invitation?”

  Edwina groaned. “Yes, I am. Despite the fact that I’ve seen two of my ex-boyfriends here with their new women, might I add.”

  “Please! I bet they drooled all over themselves when they saw how gorgeous you are.”

  Edwina brushed her hand against Zakira’s bare arm. “I appreciate your kind words.”

  “Kind, hell, they’re true. Edwina Harris, you need to let that mess go. It’s their loss. Move on.”

  “Mmm…spoken like a woman with a handsome, sexy husband to go home with.”

  Zakira’s cocoa eyes clouded with concern. “Speaking of which, I haven’t seen him in a while.”

  “Hey,” Eddie said, a questioning look on her face. “Is something going on with y’all? I mean, I wanted to ask you about it when I visited before, but I was caught up in my own drama.”

  Zakira reached for her stepsister’s hand and squeezed it. “Sometimes I forget how handy it is to have a therapist in the family.”

  “You need to talk?” Eddie whispered, pressing Zakira’s hand to her chest.

  “Not here, okay? Lunch, tomorrow. Is that good for you?”

  “Yeah, sweetie, it’s fine,” Edwina assured her, pulling her stepsister close for a hug. “We’ll finish discussing it later. You go find Malik.”

  “Thanks, Eddie.” Zakira whispered, kissing the woman’s cheek before hurrying off.

  As Edwina stood near the edge of the dance floor watching her stepsister, she had no idea she herself was being watched. Trekel Grisani had caught sight of Edwina shortly after he arrived at the restaurant. He had noticed her speaking with both Zakira and Malik several times during the evening. They all seemed exceptionally close, and he couldn’t believe he had never seen her before.

  Several people told Zakira they had seen Malik head upstairs. She found him in his office, sprawled across the dark brown leather sofa. Just as she was about to approach him, his eyes opened and he sat up. Zakira decided to stay put and watch him. Malik covered his face with both hands and took several deep breaths. Then, he left the sofa and walked over to the wide desk. He stumbled just as he reached the brown swivel chair and grasped the edge of his desk for support.

  Zakira balled a fist against her mouth to prevent herself from crying out. She watched Malik search one of the desk drawers before he extracted the now familiar pill bottle. He swallowed one of the capsules,
then took a seat and closed his eyes again.

  The next day, Edwina sat her elbow atop the table and propped the side of her face against her fist. “Are you sure you’re not overreacting?” she asked, giving her stepsister a doubtful look.

  Zakira rolled her eyes toward the restaurant’s high ceiling. “No offense, Eddie, but you weren’t there. You didn’t see the look on his face when he stumbled. He was scared. He’s acting so strange. The dizziness I figured was because he’s working too hard, but now there’s the pills, this sudden checkup, a new doctor, he’s stumbling around like a drunk…I can’t help but be worried out of my mind.”

  Eddie smoothed her hands over her low-cut navy silk blouse and leaned back in her chair. “This worrying can’t be good for you.”

  Zakira’s stylish ponytail slapped her cheeks when she nodded her head. “I know. But it’s not going to stop until I get some answers.” She spotted Trekel Grisani heading toward the table.

  “Hey, baby doll,” he greeted, as he took her hand and leaned down to kiss her cheek.

  “Hey, sweetie.” Zakira replied, patting her hand against his cheek. “I’m surprised to see you outside that office of yours.”

  Tree smiled, revealing his striking white grin. “Yeah, I break out every now and then.”

  Zakira laughed, as she raised her hands above the table. “Tree, I want you to meet my stepsister, Edwina Harris. Eddie this is Trekel Grisani.”

  Tree’s extremely handsome face registered surprise. “Stepsister? And I’m just meeting her now?” he scolded playfully.

  Zakira shrugged. “Better late than never.”

  Tree turned and his pitch-black gaze narrowed the moment he saw the exquisite beauty who stared back at him with her gorgeous almond-shaped eyes. Tree stood uncharacteristically speechless. The lovely, delicate features that never failed to render men helpless succeeded once more. However, this time, it appeared that Eddie was just as captivated as Tree.

  Zakira hid her smile as she studied Tree’s entranced expression and Edwina’s reaction to him. After a moment, she cleared her throat.

  “Tree, would you like to join us?” she asked.

  Tree hesitated for a moment. Then, shaking his head, he ran one finger across his wide brow. “Um…I’m sorry, Edwina, for staring,” he apologized very softly, his deep voice sounding very raspy.

  Eddie fiddled with the wide collar of her blouse and nodded. “It’s okay,” she managed, surprised by the apology. An apology, in fact, was very unnecessary when she was just as guilty. Trekel Grisani was unbelievably gorgeous. The close-cut wavy black hair, striking onyx eyes, wide nose and mouth made for an irresistible combination. Zakira had called him Tree and Edwina figured it was a nickname. A well-deserved nickname, in any case. The man had an awesome build, to say the least. Massive shoulders, a wide chest and back, lean waist and long legs…yes, Tree was the perfect name for him.

  “Thanks, Z, but I’m meeting with a client,” Tree explained when he turned around. “I just wanted to stop and say hello.”

  “Well, listen, if you have some time later on, could I stop by and talk for a while?”

  Tree smiled and glanced at his watch. “That’s fine. Maybe around three?”

  Zakira smiled. “I’ll see you then.”

  Tree leaned down and pressed another kiss to her cheek. Then, he turned, pinning Eddie with his intense onyx stare. “It was very nice to meet you, Edwina.”

  Eddie’s sweet brown stare was practically glued to Tree’s handsome face. “It was very nice meeting you,” she replied.

  Tree stared for just an instant longer before he left the table.

  Eddie waited a moment before she turned her head. Her eyes followed Tree’s departing form.

  A smirk crossed Zakira’s mouth as she watched her stepsister. “Yes, he is.”

  Eddie frowned and turned to face her sister. She waited for Zakira to elaborate.

  “He really is as sweet and thoughtful as he is gorgeous and sexy,” she clarified.

  Eddie shrugged. “That would appear to be true,” she agreed, lightly.

  “Sure seemed taken by you, girl,” Zakira teased.

  Edwina smiled. “You are imagining things.”

  “Ha! I’m not imagining the way your eyes were glued to him.”

  “Z! I don’t believe you said that,” Edwina replied, outraged. “And anyway, wasn’t it you who said I should forget about men for a while?”

  Zakira waved her hand. “Not when it comes to Trekel Grisani. I can’t believe I never considered putting you guys together before. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him and he couldn’t stop looking at you. Why deny it? The man is gorgeous and built. Unlike most of his colleagues, he’s a good, honest lawyer, and he seemed very into you.”

  Eddie sent Zakira an exasperated look. “As if I don’t have enough problems with men,” she sighed, raising her hands.

  Zakira leaned across the table. “What problems, Eddie? Tree is a very nice guy. He’s sweet, gorgeous and intelligent. You don’t come across a combination like that every day.”

  “I’m sure you’re right. But Z, maybe you haven’t realized that I only date black men.”

  Zakira appeared dumbfounded. Then, she realized what Eddie meant. “Honey, Tree is black.”

  Edwina leaned back in her chair and balled her fist beneath her chin. “Did we just talk to the same man? Tall, gorgeous…white?”

  “Eddie, he is black. His father is Italian, but his mother is definitely a black woman. He doesn’t have her coloring, but look at his features and you can tell.”

  Eddie shrugged, but still appeared uneasy.

  “Edwina you can’t deny that you were attracted to him.”

  “Maybe I can’t, but I’m just not ready for another man right now. Any man,” she said, sounding as though she were trying to convince herself.

  “He told me to show you right in, Zakira,” Carrie Shephard said as she opened the door to her boss’s office.

  Tree was on the phone when his assistant escorted Zakira inside. He waved to her and began wrapping up his call.

  She walked around the impressive penthouse office located in a posh silver skyscraper in downtown Richmond. She had not visited in a while, but she was always amazed by the beauty of Tree’s home. Everything was dark and oversized to accommodate his size. Still, both the office and the living quarters held an unmistakable aura of style and authority. She was studying a wall decorated only with pictures of Tree and Malik. If Trekel Grisani couldn’t put her fears to rest concerning her husband, she didn’t know who could.

  “Hey, you.” Tree said, as he headed over to Zakira. He leaned down to give her a warm hug.

  “Hi,” Zakira sighed.

  A small furrow formed between Tree’s sleek brows and he pulled away. “What’s the matter?”

  She came right out with it. “Tree, do you know what’s going on with Malik?”

  “What’s…going on with him?” Tree replied, watching Zakira suspiciously.

  “Mmm-hmm. He’s been acting so weird for the past few weeks. I think he might be sick…Can you tell me anything?”

  Tree managed to slip his mask in place before Zakira could see that he knew more than he was telling. He had warned Malik that Zakira’s intuition was keen where her husband was concerned.

  Zakira took a seat in front of Tree’s desk and pinned him with her large chocolate stare. “Tree, I know Malik is your client, but I’m asking you as his wife…as your friend. I’d appreciate anything you could tell me.”

  Tree reclined in his chair and stroked the smooth curve of his jaw. “There’s not much to say.”

  “You haven’t noticed anything?”

  “Sweetie, it could be business or any number of things. You know how Malik is,” Tree observed, hoping he sounded convincing.

  Zakira appeared crestfallen. “Yeah, I know how he is. But Tree, I know something’s not right with him.”

  Tree ran one hand across his close-cut hair and grim
aced. “Z, maybe he doesn’t want you to worry.”

  “See, that’s it right there!” Zakira shouted, pointing a finger at Tree. “This may be something I need to know. I don’t care what it is. I have to know. Wondering is driving me crazy.”

  Tree left his chair and walked around the desk. He knelt before Zakira and pulled both her hands into one of his. “Shh…stop this,” he soothed. “You’re starting to upset me.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, sniffling softly. “You’re right. Maybe I am making a mountain out of a molehill.”

  Tree squeezed Zakira’s hands. “Why don’t you go home and try to calm down. Malik will come clean with you, if there’s anything to tell.”

  “You’re right,” she said, nodding as she absently smoothed her hands across Tree’s shoulders. “Lemme get out of here.” Tree stood and pushed his hands into the deep pockets of his trousers. As soon as the door closed behind Zakira, he was dialing Malik’s number.

  “Doctor McNeil, I’ve got Doctor Douglass Burns on the line for you.”

  “Thanks, Simone,” Dr. McNeil told his secretary. “Hey, Doug.”

  “Sed, it’s been a long time.”

  “I’ll say. I don’t hear from you every day,” Dr. McNeil told his old colleague,

  Burns chuckled. “Well, I’m actually calling about one of your patients.”

  McNeil frowned. “Which patient?”

  “Malik Badu.”

  “Malik Badu? How do you know him?”

  “He called to get some information on our center here. He liked what he heard and plans on admitting himself.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “I’m afraid not.”

  “He hasn’t mentioned it to me,” Dr. McNeil said, as though he were speaking to himself. Douglass Burns was chief of staff at The Enlightenment Center, a cancer treatment facility staffed exclusively by specialists. “I wonder if he’s told his wife yet?”


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