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Pride and Consequence

Page 16

by Altonya Washington

  “Yeah, well, I’ve been dragging my feet on that, haven’t I?”

  “Malik hasn’t…called or anything?” Zakira had to ask.

  “No, but I’m sure he knows this is something I really don’t want to be a part of.”

  “Do you think he’ll contact another lawyer?”

  “Z, no offense, but I hope he has other things to occupy his time, no matter how good an idea he thinks this is.”

  Zakira groaned. “Tree, when Eddie finally accepts your proposal, y’all try and remember that communication is the key to the survival of any marriage. Sex and success don’t hold a candle to the power of good communication.”

  Tree smiled, cherishing the advice. “I’ll remember, Z.”

  Satisfied that everything would work out between her two friends, Zakira managed a contented smile and leaned back in the white suede desk chair. “So, what do you think about my idea?” she asked.

  “To open a new restaurant? I think it’s great.”

  “Good. Well, do you think you can fit in dinner with the Furches and their lawyer tomorrow night?”

  “Dinner? You know you can count me in.”

  Zakira chuckled. “Good, and let me know if I can help with any of the wedding plans.”

  It was Tree’s turn to chuckle. “You’ll be the first to know.”

  A crooked grin tugged at Tree’s mouth as he shook his head. He had grown a bit more accustomed to the sight before his eyes during the last few weeks. Still, he had to admit that it all seemed unreal.

  Malik was in the backyard of the small Maryland house he was renting. Music blasted from the impressive sound system in his black SUV as he pumped iron on a bench press.

  “Hey, man, why don’t you cool it?” Tree called to his friend, easing his tall frame into a chair and crossing his sneaker-shod feet. “It’s only been a little over three weeks since you came out of the coma. Are you sure you should be doin’ all this?”

  Malik’s full-bodied laughter could be heard even over the music. “If I’m gonna stay healthy, I need to stay in shape physically and mentally.”

  “Mentally, huh?” Tree parroted, grimacing a bit as he debated. “How easy is that when you’re divorcing the woman you love?”

  Malik’s easy expression faded. “Divorcing without much success, it seems.”

  “You mean you still want to go through with it?”

  “I mean, you didn’t do what I asked.” Malik clarified, sitting up on the bench. “I wanted the papers filed before I ever had that surgery. But for once, I’m glad you didn’t listen to me.”

  “I didn’t do it for you. I did it, or didn’t do it as the case may be, for Z.”

  “Thanks anyway,” Malik whispered, “I know I’ve got a lot to clean up, but I’m grateful to you for standing by me. Now, I’ve got to stand on my own,” he said, lying back upon the leather bench. “I’m the only one who can fix this. I only pray I can,” he said, lifting the weights with seemingly effortless repetitions.

  Tree couldn’t remain upset with his friend, when it appeared he was remorseful. “You know, man, it’s gonna be pretty hard to bench-press in the middle of the day when you go back to work,” he pointed out, hoping to lighten the mood.

  Malik sat up and added more weights to the iron bar. “Maybe so, but I’ll make time. I refuse to be a workaholic ever again. Life is too short, and I plan on enjoying every minute from now on.”

  Tree leaned back in the blue lawn chair and toyed with the tassels at the end of his stylish, wind suit jacket. “Hmph, well now you’ve become totally against working and I wish you’d go home and help your wife.”

  The weights crashed down with a heavy clang. Malik sat up, his dark eyes narrowing. “What’s wrong with her?”

  “Take it easy, man,” Tree advised, waving his hand toward Malik. “It’s just that she works too hard. She’s letting that business rule her.”

  Malik shrugged and reached for a towel. “That’s good, then. At least, she’s staying focused.”

  “I don’t think she is focused.” Tree argued, a frown etched between his heavy dark brows. “She’s not working because she loves it, she’s doing it to hide. Don’t get me wrong. She’s taken that restaurant to another level, but she’s still shutting herself off. Mal, the woman is too young and fine to be locking herself away like she is.”

  “I can’t see her until I know I’m in the clear,” Malik explained, his voice raspy and distant.

  Tree’s brows rose slightly. “How much longer do you need? Your doctor gives you a shining report every time he sees you.”

  Malik dropped the towel to the bench and stood. “I have a plan,” he coolly stated, grimacing when he heard Tree groan.

  “Man, so far, all of your plans have been stupid. You continue this plotting and planning crap and Z is gonna move on with her life and it’ll be too late.”

  “So, are you tellin’ me she’s seeing someone?” Malik asked in a light voice, though his blackish-gray stare was narrowed and intense.

  “Calm down, man. She doesn’t have anybody new in her life.”

  Satisfied, Malik nodded, his confidence restored. “Well, when the time is right, she’ll have me.”

  Chapter 11

  When Zakira arrived home that evening, she settled on the living room sofa and made a call to confirm reservations at the New York hotel where she’d be staying while viewing the Furches’ warehouse. After the call, she took a long stretch and pushed herself off the sofa. Upstairs, she undressed slowly, weary after such a long day.

  Ever since Tree’s visit to his Maryland home, Malik had had Zakira on his mind more than usual. He had already been watching her for several days and he couldn’t believe how much more beautiful she was. Moreover, he was shocked by how strong his need was. He actually ached for her.

  The location of the upper level master bedroom was so secluded Zakira had never heeded Malik’s warnings to get covers for the small picture window that overlooked the herb garden. He never failed to mention that anyone would spy on her if they really wanted. He didn’t scare her further by telling her about the clearing that offered a perfect spot to view her undressing in the bedroom. He himself had indulged in the treat on several occasions.

  Malik watched Zakira, until she slipped, nude, into bed. He closed his eyes and envisioned himself there next to her, inhaling the soft, sweet scent of her skin. Lord, things were a mess, he thought. Of course, there was no one to blame but himself. Therefore, it was up to him to set things right again. For him, nothing had changed. He still loved his wife beyond words and knew he would do anything to get her back. However, he was fully aware of how tense things were and realized he would have to approach the situation cautiously.

  Trekel pushed his key into the double-bolt lock and stepped inside the house. Zakira had called him about a week after she’d left for New York and asked if he would check on the house. As soon as he opened the heavy door, the dark pools of his eyes narrowed. There were sounds coming from the kitchen. The smells that wafted in the air triggered his appetite instantly. For a moment, Tree wondered if he had gotten the dates for Zakira’s trip wrong, but he knew that wasn’t the case. No, someone had broken into the house and that someone had the nerve to be cooking!

  Bracing himself for the inevitable confrontation, Tree slowly walked through the house. When he arrived in the kitchen and peeked inside, his mouth fell open.

  “What’s goin’ on, man?” Malik greeted. He moved around the kitchen as though it were perfectly normal for him to be there.

  “What in the hell are you doin’?” Tree bellowed. A thunderous frown settled over his face and he couldn’t remember when he had been so stunned.

  “Fixing breakfast. Want some?” Malik asked, his demeanor maddeningly cool.

  “Man, you are playin’ a dangerous game,” Tree warned, pulling his navy suitcoat away from his wide shoulders.

  Malik wasn’t concerned. “I know what’s what. I found out about Zaki’s trip from the
temp covering for Chanel at the restaurant. I still have my key, our neighbors are away and I introduced myself to their house sitter who thinks I’m doing the same.”

  Tree could only shake his head. Malik had certainly covered his bases. Still, he thought the whole thing was just too risky. “What if someone calls?” he asked.

  “The machine picks it up. Stop worrying.”

  Tree walked farther into the kitchen and braced his large hands against the counter. “I take it this is all part of your plan.”

  Malik shook his head. His dreads were shorter now; they brushed his cheeks. “No, I just wanted to spend some time in my own home, you know?”

  “So, you ready to be with your wife again?” Tree asked, watching his friend nod. “How will you manage that?” he asked, listening intently as Malik shared his plan. Afterward, he could only shake his head at the intricacy of it all.

  New York had been home to Zakira for one month. She had been so busy finalizing the legalities with the building, arranging for the decorating, hiring staff and getting settled in her new home that time flew by. Although “free time” was practically a dream, Zakira had made the decision to get out more. Several men she’d met had asked her out. It was flattering to discover she still “had it” and she couldn’t deny she wanted to use it.

  Sadly, none of her new suitors could turn on the switch inside her. Malik Badu had been able to accomplish that with little more than a look in her direction. Zakira forced herself to push those thoughts aside and just enjoy the attention.

  Edwina could easily imagine the mountain of work that awaited her when she arrived in the airport lobby. She’d taken Zakira up on an invite to New York and used the time to put her own life in perspective. It was past time to get back to her Richmond practice. Her week-long trip had been extended to two weeks and though it put her way behind, it had been very much worth it.

  The trip had given Eddie time to think, and she realized that all she wanted was Tree. She felt like a heel whenever she thought of the way she’d handled things following his proposal. Cowardice forced her to return his ring by express mail of all things. But she’d been too terrified to talk to him—to tell him why. It still scared her to reveal her feelings. Her fear that things would fall apart between them had been at the root of it all. Of course now, it was a chance she would gladly take. She could only hope that once she was completely honest with Tree, he would forgive her.

  Snapping back to reality, she discovered that her luggage was heading toward her on the conveyor belt. Moving a bit too slowly, she just missed grabbing her overnight case. Luckily, there was someone on hand to offer their assistance.

  “Thank you so much,” she whispered, taking the case from the large hand that offered it. When she looked up into Tree’s unsettling dark eyes, she caught her breath.

  “Hello,” he greeted, his deep voice very soft.

  “Tree” was all she could manage.

  He smiled and offered a brief nod. “I’ll be seeing you,” he murmured.

  Eddie watched him turn to leave. Her lovely hazel stare followed him longingly. “Tree, wait!”

  Instantly, he turned, almost as though he had been hoping she would stop him. His onyx stare held an expectant gleam as he waited.

  “If you’re not on your way out of town, would you, uh—would you like to have lunch?” Eddie asked, preparing herself for his refusal.

  “Yeah, that sounds good,” he accepted in a cool voice that totally belied the surprise he felt.

  Since Tree had his car at the airport, they took it to one of Eddie’s favorite cafés. The small family-owned establishment was located around the neighborhood she grew up in.

  “Eddie Harris!” a short, plump woman called out. Her sparkling brown eyes and lovely baby-doll face seemed to radiate with happiness.

  Eddie laughed, rushing forward to hug the woman. “Miss Vanessa!”

  “And where have you been, little girl?” Vanessa Holmes playfully admonished the daughter of one of her best friends.

  Eddie pulled the kind, older woman close again and hugged her. “I’m sorry, time just got away from me, that’s all.”

  “Well, don’t you let it happen again,” Vanessa ordered, her wide eyes drifting past Edwina to the tall, handsome man behind her. “And who’s this?”

  Tree stepped forward and extended his hand. “Trekel Grisani.”

  Vanessa savored the strong handshake. “My, my, you are a good-looking thing, aren’t you?”

  Tree laughed, his handsome face becoming more attractive as a small wave of embarrassment washed over him. “Thank you,” he managed.

  “Mmm, mmm, mmm,” Vanessa gestured as she appraised Tree’s impressive frame. “Eddie baby, you’re forgiven. With this to take care of, I wouldn’t want to get out that much either!”

  Between Vanessa’s outrageous comments and Tree blushing heavily from embarrassment, Eddie didn’t think she could stand it. “Um, Ms. Vanessa, we’re gonna go get a table, all right?” she announced, her voice shaky with laughter as she took Tree’s hand and led him away.

  At the booth, they pulled off their coats and got comfortable. When their eyes met, laughter burst forth.

  “I’m so sorry,” Eddie whispered, her face alive with humor. “Ms. Vanessa isn’t always so bold with someone she’s just met.”

  Tree waved his hand. “Don’t apologize. Older women tend to have good taste, so I’m flattered.”

  “So, um, what were you doing at the airport?” Eddie asked, once the laughter had died down a bit.

  “I went to see a client who lives in Boston,” Tree explained.

  “Mmm,” Eddie responded, as she gazed at him dreamily. Anyone who watched them closely could have detected the strong emotion between them.

  “So, where were you coming from?”

  “Um, I was in New York with Zakira.”

  Tree’s long dark brows rose. “How long?”

  “A couple weeks.”

  “That long?”

  Edwina sipped from the glass of water the waitress had just placed on the table. She only nodded in response.

  “Well, how is she?” he asked, scanning the contents of the menu.

  Eddie picked up her menu as well. “She’s better. She’s dating.”

  “That’s good,” Tree absently replied. After a moment, though, his deep midnight gaze lifted and he set the menu aside. “Did you say she was dating?”

  “Yeah, against my advice.”

  Tree hid his emotions. “Why are you against it?”

  Eddie shrugged. “Don’t get me wrong, I want her to get out. I just don’t want her to do it on the rebound. Malik is still so much a part of her life. Whether she admits it or not.”


  Eddie toyed with the neckline of her peach blouse. “I don’t know. Maybe it is good for her.”

  “Good for her?”

  She sensed the edginess in Tree’s words and looked up at him. From the set look on his face, it was obvious he was upset by the news. “Well, I think we can both agree that she’s been closing herself off. Maybe she should live a little. I mean, it’s not like her husband’s coming back.”

  Despite his concern, Tree smiled. He decided he didn’t want to waste another minute talking about anyone other than him and Edwina. “So, what’s good here?” he asked.

  Flashing him a dazzling smile, Eddie picked up her menu. “Everything.”

  “Well, I’m just hungry enough to try it all,” he teased. “After we finish here, I can give you a ride home if you want.”

  Eddie’s head popped up, and she instantly nodded her acceptance.

  Tree leaned back in his seat, propping his index finger along his temple. “So what’d you do up in New York?”

  Eddie cleared her throat and fidgeted in her chair beneath his unsettling dark gaze. “I, um, thought—thought about a lot of stuff.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like us.”

  Tree’s dark gaze lowered to the
table. “What about us?”

  “Tree, I’m sorry that I let things end the way they did. With no explanation.”

  He smirked. “It’s okay. I kind of guessed you were turning down my proposal when I got my ring back in the mail.”

  Eddie’s eyes closed, and she shook her head. “Oh, Tree, I’m so sorry. I should’ve told you what the real problem was long ago.”

  “So what was it?”


  A surprised expression crept over Tree’s handsome face. “What about you?”

  Eddie hesitated, a combination of nerves and shame threatening to overcome her. “This is so hard…I mean, you don’t know how hard it is to have practically every relationship fail. I mean, the men I’ve dated haven’t all been jerks. The relationships never worked out. It starts to affect your self-confidence after a while, you know?”

  The surprise on Tree’s face soon changed to one of disbelief. “How could your self-confidence be affected?” he asked, watching Edwina give him a blank stare. “Honey, you obviously don’t know how gorgeous and sexy you are. Not to mention smart and caring. You don’t find combinations like that every day. Maybe all the guys you dated in the past weren’t jerks, but they sure as hell were stupid.”

  Edwina lowered her hazel gaze to the table. “Thanks,” she whispered.

  “It’s the truth.”

  “I just don’t think I could handle it if we didn’t work out.”

  Tree’s deep dimples appeared as he grinned. “I don’t think I could handle it either, love,” he admitted. “Eddie, I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try like hell to keep you with me.”

  The phone began to ring the moment Malik stepped out of the bathroom. He had been taking a shower, cleaning up after a strenuous workout. The phone rarely rang during the time he’d been back at the house. Everyone was more or less aware that Zakira was away.

  “Hi, Zakira, this is Sherry Davis.” The woman’s bright voice filled the room when the machine picked up.

  Malik recognized their friend’s voice and sat on the bed to listen.


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