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Pride and Consequence

Page 20

by Altonya Washington

  Disbelief registered in Malik’s eyes. “The letter? You’d actually use that against me?” he asked, taking a step toward her.

  Zakira wasn’t intimidated. “I’d use it to protect myself.”

  “Protect yourself?” Malik asked, feeling his anger intensify.

  “Badu’s was my lifeline after you deserted me and there is no way I’ll let you take it back. Not after all the work and time I’ve put into it. Now I don’t want this messy, so just talk to me before you decide to make changes with the restaurant. If you can do that, everything will be fine.”

  Malik’s dark gaze narrowed. He almost didn’t recognize the woman who was his wife. His eyes followed her as she turned and left the office.

  Zakira lifted a forkful of the delicious sautéed vegetables to her mouth and savored the taste. She was in the peaceful redwood-paneled dining room, sampling a new dish prepared by the chefs. From across the room, she saw Malik walk into the dining room with Tree.

  “Hey, Z,” Tree greeted, as he approached the table.

  Zakira’s gaze dropped to her lunch. “Hello,” she said, only glancing at the two men.

  Malik and Tree exchanged knowing looks before taking seats at the table.

  “We need to talk, Zaki. I hope all this won’t come as too much of a surprise,” Malik said, leaning back in his chair and propping the side of his face against his palm.

  Zakira set her fork aside and glared across the table. “Everything you’ve done has been a surprise. Please, don’t stop now,” she retorted.

  The look on Malik’s face indicated that he was furious and having difficulty keeping a lid on his temper. Uttering a heavy sigh, he looked over at Tree.

  “Zakira,” Tree began, pausing to clear his throat, “we’re here to discuss the business.”

  “What about it?” she instantly asked, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

  “Well, it’s obvious that Malik would want to be a part of it again. That includes making decisions without having to ask your permission.”

  Zakira crossed her arms over her delicate gray silk blouse. “Well, Malik should’ve thought about that before he decided to play this game,” she countered, turning a hateful glare toward her husband.

  Malik massaged his temple. “I never thought I’d be coming back, Zaki. You know that.”

  Zakira rolled her eyes and recrossed her legs under the table. “That’s not my problem.”

  “Zakira…” Tree sighed.

  Zakira shrugged and motioned for Tree to continue.

  “Malik wants to be a part of the business again. It’s to be expected, since he is the rightful owner. He doesn’t want you out, Zakira, and that’s why we’re here. We need to work out an agreement that’s beneficial…”

  As she listened to Tree make his pitch, Zakira tried to maintain a cool demeanor. Inside, she was seething.

  Her hands curled into tight fists, her nails threatening to draw blood from her palms. Dammit! How could this be happening? She knew there had to be something she could do to stop Malik from just bulldozing his way back into the business she had kept afloat. Of course, she wasn’t about to voice her concerns in front of the two men across the table. She decided to bide her time, until she was back in Virginia.

  “Zakira…? You with us?” Tree was asking, his deep-set onyx eyes watching her intently.

  “Mmm-hmm, is that it?”

  Tree glanced over at Malik.

  “What do you think about what I’ve just proposed?” Tree asked.

  Zakira pushed her chair away from the table and stood. “I’m going to need time to think it over.”

  Tree nodded. “We can understand that, Z,” he said, waiting for her to look at him. “I just want to apologize for everything that’s been happening. I know it’s been hard on you.”

  “It’s fine,” she assured him, with a wave of her hand. “I should’ve known you’d stick by your good buddy here, regardless.” She sent Malik a cold look.

  “Zakira…” Tree groaned.

  “No, really, Tree, it’s okay. I’ll talk to you both after I see my lawyer.”

  Tree’s silky black brows drew close. “Your lawyer?”

  “Mmm-hmm. I think I need someone who’s working in my best interest,” she coolly announced.

  From the look on Tree’s face, it was obvious that he was hurt and offended. “I know how to keep the confidence of my clients, Z.”

  In spite of the almost tangible tension in the room, Zakira smiled. “It’s very obvious you can keep the confidence of your clients,” she told Tree. “Now, you two have a good day.” She picked up her plate and left the table.

  Tree muttered a frustrated curse and tossed his pen to the table. “This is going to be messy.”

  Malik didn’t answer. His gray black stare followed Zakira until she left the dining room. Though he would be slow to admit it, he shared his friend’s pessimism.

  After a couple of weeks, Zakira felt the restaurant would be in good hands with Justin Flowers, the head manager. She left New York one night without any word to Malik.

  The moment she arrived home and shut the front door behind her, she took a deep breath. She relished the solitude of her lovely home and couldn’t wait to settle in. There was only a short time to decorate before Christmas. Was it that time already? she asked herself, unable to stop her thoughts from straying to Christmas past. She closed her eyes against the tears pressuring them. She wondered if Christmas would be synonymous with happiness again. Alone in her home she could admit how much staying with Malik in New York had affected her. She wanted to give in so badly, let him take over the restaurant and go back to the way things were. There was just one problem—she had grown used to the power of running the restaurant and couldn’t give it up. A tiny part of her was actually looking forward to the fight and the chance to wipe the confident grin from his face. Pushing herself away from the door, she headed upstairs.

  “Oh, it’s sooo good to see you,” she sighed, rushing to the middle of the room. For a moment, she stared at her wonderful, comfortable bed before she collapsed on top of it. For a while, she just lay there toying with her hair as she gazed around the room.

  “What the hell…?” she whispered, a small frown forming between her brows. She noticed a few additions to her dresser that certainly didn’t belong to her. Easing off the bed, she went to take a closer look. She discovered several colognes and other male paraphernalia.

  Feeling her temper rising, Zakira investigated the bathroom and finally the closets.

  “What the—” she breathed, discovering that the closets were filled with Malik’s clothes.

  Storming out of the bedroom, she raced down the stairs to see what else had been done. Her first instinct was to call Tree and find out what Malik was up to. Good sense prevailed, however, and she had just put the phone down when the front door opened.

  Malik walked into the house as if nothing had happened. Zakira watched in stunned amazement as he set his bags to the floor and headed across the room to her.

  Effortlessly, he lifted her from the floor while his head bowed. Zakira gasped, allowing his tongue the entrance it sought. She moaned, melting instantly against his powerful form. When she realized she was returning his kiss with wild enthusiasm, she pushed him away.

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded once he set her down.

  Malik smiled, enjoying the brave tone in her words while her eyes proved her unease.

  “Did you hear me?” Zakira asked, taking a step backward.

  Malik shrugged. “I’m home, aren’t you happy to see me?” he asked, slipping his arms around her waist.

  “You can’t stay here,” she told him.

  The easy look on his dark face vanished and was replaced by a guarded one. “Baby, this isn’t something you want to argue with me about.”

  Zakira closed her eyes against his subtle threat. His fingers had slipped beneath the tight knit fabric of her pink sweater and were stroking the bare skin
at her waist. Zakira fought the wave of pleasure about to consume her from the simple touch, and managed to push him away again.

  “What do you mean?”

  April Winston sighed at the frantic tone in her client’s voice. “Zakira, I know this isn’t what you wanted to hear. But I’m only telling you what I think is best.”

  “You’re damned right. I’ve run the business by myself all this time. Now you’re telling me to just let Malik come back like nothing’s happened?”

  “Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry but I really believe it’s your best option. He only wants to be a part of the business he founded. Would it really put you in such a bad spot to let him have equal power?” April inquired, watching Zakira shake her head and shove her hands into the pockets of her stylish hunter-green coat dress. “Malik could always argue that he was acting in your best interest,” she continued. “The fact that he left that letter could be viewed as something completely innocent.”

  “This is so unfair,” Zakira argued, her high ponytail slapping the back of her neck.

  April smiled, then stood and leaned against her desk. “Honey, I don’t mean to make light of this. Malik could’ve handled this situation better, but we can’t take him to court for that. I just don’t think this is something worth going through a strenuous court battle over, unless…”

  Zakira stepped closer to the desk. “Unless, what?”

  “Well, you want to file for divorce?”

  Zakira gasped at the mere mention of the word. Even after all that had happened, she still loved Malik too much to think of ending their marriage. She immediately began to shake her head.

  “I thought not,” April said, with a nod. “Well it’s Christmastime, you know? Good will and cheer? I suggest the two of you sit down and work this out. It’s a lot better than bringing your lawyers into it.”

  Zakira agreed and realized she’d known that all along. She reached over to squeeze her lawyer’s hand. Within minutes, the two young women had wrapped up their meeting and were heading out of the office.

  Downstairs, the dining room was alive with conversation and laughter. Zakira saw April out the door, before going to investigate. There, in the bar, was Malik surrounded by everyone who worked for Badu’s. She leaned against the doorjamb and watched the happy scene. Seeing the gorgeous smile brighten Malik’s face as he enjoyed the company of his friends tugged at her heart.

  “Hey, Zakira, come on over here!” someone called and Malik’s eyes immediately scanned the crowd for his wife.

  Not wanting to cause a scene, Zakira tamped down her nerves and headed into the dining room. The group watched, eager to see the reunited couple in each other’s arms.

  The look on Malik’s face told Zakira that he knew how uneasy she was. That didn’t stop him from pulling her close to press a kiss against her ear.

  “What are you doing?” Zakira asked through clenched teeth as she struggled to maintain her phony smile.

  “You know exactly what I’m doing.” Malik’s soft voice drifted into her ear. “We need to have a talk.”

  Zakira pressed her shaking hands against his chest and she stepped away. “I’m free now.”

  He brushed his thumb against her mouth and smiled. “I appreciate it, baby, but I already promised to stop by the kitchen.”

  It was impossible to miss the desire that radiated from Malik’s eyes. Zakira wanted him so much she could feel the need racing through her body. It made her so weak. Her legs were on the verge of giving beneath her.

  “Baby, what is it?” Malik asked, his large hands cupping her face.

  Zakira quickly pulled away, not trusting herself around him any longer. “I’ll be in my office.”

  “Going somewhere?” Malik called out to Zakira the next morning. She had her briefcase in hand and was headed out the front door.

  “The restaurant,” she sang without breaking her stride.

  “I’ve got breakfast goin’,” he told her, leaning against the doorway and wiping his hands with a dishcloth.

  “No thanks,” Zakira declined, despite her stomach rumbling in response to the delicious smells filling the air.

  Malik tossed the dishcloth over his shoulder and headed back to the kitchen. “Eddie’s gonna be disappointed when she gets here.”

  Zakira set her leather carryall on the message desk and walked to the kitchen. “What about Eddie?”

  “I invited her to breakfast.”

  “Why?” Zakira asked just as the doorbell rang.

  Malik was opening the oven door. “That’s probably her now.”

  Zakira left him with a curious look and went to answer the door.

  “Good morning!” Eddie called, her hazel gaze sparkling when she saw her stepsister.

  “Hey,” Zakira called, pulling Eddie into a tight hug and rubbing her hands across the soft material of her black cotton dress.

  “What’s wrong?” Eddie inquired, picking up on the drawn sound in Zakira’s voice. She pulled away to watch her.

  Zakira shrugged. “I just found out Malik invited you for breakfast.”

  “Is it a problem?”

  “Girl, don’t be silly,” Zakira replied, with a wave of her hand. “Come on in,” she ordered just as another vehicle pulled into the driveway. “What’s Tree doing here?”

  Eddie turned and closed her eyes when she saw the man parking his vehicle. “Please don’t tell me Malik’s tryin’ to play matchmaker?” she groaned.

  “Honey, we can always leave if you want,” Zakira suggested, folding her arms across the square bodice of her lime-green top.

  Eddie sighed and fixed her sister with another smile. “You’re crazy if you think I’ll turn down Malik’s cooking,” she said, though her stomach churned at the thought of sitting across from Tree.

  “Good morning, ladies,” Tree greeted when he arrived at the doorway. His demeanor was cool and polite, though he seemed surprised to see Edwina.

  “Come on in,” Zakira invited with a smile as she waved him inside.

  When the threesome arrived in the kitchen, Malik was in an even better mood. In fact, he appeared to be the only one in high spirits as he put the finishing touches on breakfast and instructed his guests to take their seats. When he asked Zakira to help him with something, she sighed and went over. Eddie headed toward the small round table, but then went to the French doors that led to the patio. From there, she enjoyed the view of the backyard. Tree followed.

  “How have you been?” he asked, pushing his hands into the back pockets of his loose-fitting dark blue jeans. His eyes were fixed on the yard, as well.

  Eddie winced. “Fine. Considering.”


  She cleared her throat. “Considering I should be married now.”


  “Please don’t say anything.” she begged, clasping her hands.

  “Eddie do you think it’s fair or right that our future hinge on what happens between Malik and Zakira? I love ’em, but I’m not willing to base my happiness on theirs.”

  Eddie ran her fingers through her hair. “How can you talk about what’s right? None of what’s happened has been right.”

  “We were right,” Tree flatly replied, rolling his dark eyes away from the lawn as he looked down at Eddie. “We were very right,” he added, and pressed a kiss to her temple before he walked away.

  In the kitchen, Zakira was watching Malik a though she expected him to reveal his motives. “What are you up to?” she finally asked.

  “’Scuse me?” he replied, rubbing his hand across the back pocket of his saggy, black denim shorts.

  “Eddie and Tree seemed quite surprised to find one another here. What are you trying to do?”

  Malik reached for a pot holder. “Damn, Zaki, we have eaten together before, you know?”

  Zakira stomped her foot. “Malik Kuame Badu—”

  “All right, all right,” he said, chuckling as he took buttermilk biscuits from the oven. Sobering, he set the pan aside and t
urned to face her. “I have a lot, a lot to answer for. One of those things is Eddie and Tree. They’re suffering because of decisions I made.”

  “And you think a breakfast is going to get them back together?” Zakira asked, slapping one hand to her black Capri pants.

  Malik shook the dreads from his face. “No, but maybe it’ll get them talking and maybe they’ll listen to one another and find their way back to one another.”

  Zakira felt herself warming at the words he spoke from his heart. She didn’t want to be affected and focused on the delicious array of food. “Only you would think a gourmet meal would solve the ills of the world,” she teased, bracing her hands on the counter.

  Malik walked up behind her and curled his big hands around her upper arms. “No, but my actions had consequences I never dreamed of,” he whispered against her ear. “I wouldn’t listen to anything except my pride. I don’t believe it’s possible to make up for what I did, but maybe there’s a small chance I can make things right again. I’ll start with Tree and Eddie, and then it’s you and me.”

  At first, Zakira couldn’t move. Soon, her entire body began to tremble as the conviction in Malik’s words took root in her soul.

  Chapter 14

  “God, I can’t take much more of this,” Zakira groaned, dropping her head onto the desk. She had been in the office most of the day. The workload wasn’t that heavy, but she was doing her best to avoid Malik.

  Pushing herself away from the desk, she took a long stretch and stared unseeingly out the window. Lord, this situation with Malik had to give one way or the other, she told herself. The whole thing was wearing her out emotionally and physically.

  “Zakira?” Rhonda Cooper called as she knocked on the door.

  Zakira smiled and turned. “Yeah?”

  “Malik wants to see you downstairs.”

  “All right. I’ll be down in a minute.”

  Rhonda nodded and quietly left the office.

  Zakira closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Malik had told her he wanted to talk, maybe now was the time. She smoothed her hands over the stylish peach cashmere dress, tossed her high ponytail and then, she headed downstairs.


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