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Sal (The Ride Series)

Page 6

by Megan O'Brien

  “Is that why you’re doing this? Making me stay with you? Because you feel guilty?” I asked quietly, searching his expression. I had to know. I couldn’t worry about being an obligation to him. Not this time.

  He shut his eyes and shook his head, a frustrated laugh escaping. “If that were true, then why have I been chasing after you since I got back?” he demanded lightly.

  Hmm, I suppose he had a point.

  He sighed, “listen, I know we have a lot to work out, but this is bigger than you and me right now. We need to get you secure, and I need to connect with the guys to see what the fuck is going on,” he growled. “So, can you please pack up your shit and let me take care of this?”

  I did sort of love when he got bossy, which was a lot. What was wrong with me?

  “Okay,” I agreed. The man had a point. Whatever drama we had with our relationship paled in comparison to our lives being threatened. I’d deal with the prospect of staying with Sal and what the hell was going on with us later, much later.

  I showered and dressed, fitting a lightweight scarf around my neck. I put some makeup on my eye, but there wasn’t much that could be done to cover it. It was pretty nasty looking. I started to pack, bringing out clothes from my closet to the bed.

  “You’re gonna need a bigger bag,” he assessed from his spot at the kitchen bar.

  “What?” I asked, eyeing the fairly large duffel I’d selected.

  “Baby, I know you. You need at least two outfit choices for every day. You might be staying for a while. Pick a bigger bag,” he replied.

  “Fine,” I grumbled. “Does this bag meet your requirements, Mr. Armstrong?” I asked cheekily, gesturing to the larger bag I’d grabbed from the closet.

  “Better,” he nodded, ignoring my sarcasm.

  Thirty minutes later, we were locking up, my huge duffel hefted over Sal’s shoulder. When we walked out to the front of my building, I was shocked to see Gavin there leaning against his BMW. His eyes immediately narrowed when he took in my eye, and he abruptly stalked toward us.

  “What happened?” he demanded.

  Oh, shit.

  “What are you doing here, Gavin?” I asked calmly.

  “Scarlet said something had happened to you. She was vague, but I was worried. Did he do this to you?” he demanded, pointing with a glare at Sal.

  I saw Sal stiffen out the corner of my eye and, no doubt, his face was a mask of rage at the assumption.

  Before I knew what was happening, Gavin was pressed up against the side of his fancy car with an angry Sal breathing fire through his nose. “I would never hurt her, never,” he seethed with an emotion so fierce I felt it in my belly. He was hurt at the implication he’d physically harm me, deeply so.

  “No,” I said as I shook my head adamantly before Sal could say anything further. “He wouldn’t do that, Gavin.”

  Sal let him go with a growl and came to stand by my side, clearly trying to get a handle on himself.

  “Have you been checked out?” Gavin asked quietly. His concern was utterly sincere. He stepped closer to assess my eye. Luckily my neck was covered.

  “No, but I’m okay, really,” I assured him. “I really appreciate your concern, but we’ve got to get going,” I said gently.

  Gavin straightened and eyed Sal with renewed interest, “You the ex?”

  “I’m her man,” Sal correctly him harshly.

  I inwardly groaned in frustration at his continued claiming of me.

  “I’m taking care of Kat,” he added. “You don’t need to worry about her.”

  Gavin nodded, his expression thoughtful as he took in Sal’s appearance. It wasn’t a judgmental look. It was more of a resigned assessment.

  “Things don’t work out, you know where to find me,” he said quietly. I had to admit I was impressed he didn’t seem intimidated by Sal. “Take care of yourself, Kat.”

  I smiled at him warmly. We’d been on one date and he’d come to check up on me. I genuinely appreciated it. “You too, Gavin. Thanks.” I gave him a small wave as Sal took my hand and guided me down the block.

  I looked back over my shoulder once. Gavin was already getting in his car and driving away. I really hoped he’d find a nice woman. He deserved it.

  When the Charger came into view, my belly did a little flip. I’d looked longingly at its shape all these months buried underneath its cover, not daring to peek underneath. I’d never cared much for cars, especially muscle cars. But when I’d started dating Sal, and he’d pulled up in his black ‘68 Charger, which he’d restored himself, I was shocked at how hot I thought it was. The car rumbled like a beast and he looked gorgeous behind the wheel. He’d let me drive it once to the store and back.

  It was awesome.

  He must have seen my expression because he slung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. “Never looked at this car the same after the time I got between those gorgeous thighs in the backseat,” his deep voice rumbled appreciatively in my ear.

  I tried to shy away from him; I didn’t want him to notice how much his words affected me.

  He chuckled at my response, opening the car door for me. I’d always loved the way the black leather of the interior smelled and the way I could feel the rumble of the engine under the seat. Aside from the bike, it was the next best way to travel.

  Sal was quiet on the way to his place. I didn’t know if it was the run-in with Gavin or my attack that had him brooding. Either way I left him to his thoughts, grateful for the quiet.

  We arrived at his place and I took a fortifying breath. It wasn’t going to be easy for me to be under this roof again with all of the memories we’d shared here.

  “Okay?” he asked, interrupting my thoughts.

  I bit my lip and nodded while opening my door and climbing out. His house was a one-story stucco. The front yard had simple landscaping with stone and drought resistant bushes, a necessity in the Nevada desert. He gathered my duffel from the back and led us inside. It smelled so familiar, like Sal.

  I looked around his house. It didn’t look like he’d ever left. He’d always kept it sparse with minimal personal effects. Two brown leather sofas, a coffee table, and a TV made up the living room. Hardwood floors and high, wood-beam ceilings made the space feel more open than it might otherwise. It was a nice, albeit simple place, but he could make it much more comfortable if he put a little effort in. I’d always bit my tongue against offering any suggestions.

  “Is the guest room set up?” I asked. His second bedroom had always been more of an office space.

  “Uh, no,” he shook his head and I could tell he hadn’t even thought of it.

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Well, if you’re so intent on me staying here, I guess you’re sleeping on the couch,” I said with a raised brow.

  He looked like he was going to say something but then thought better of it. “Looks like it,” he muttered.

  Chapter 8

  I situated myself in Sal’s room after Scarlet had paid a worried visit, and some of the guys had come by to check on me. I was lying in bed looking blankly up at the ceiling. Sal had given me my space and I was glad for it. Exhaustion hit me from being back in this house where we’d spent so much time together and reassuring everyone constantly I was okay. Scarlet and I hadn’t talked about much. I wasn’t in the mood, and she knew when to give me my space. But, she’d promised to come over every day. I knew I didn’t have any choice but to agree. She’d be there regardless. She was a good friend like that.

  I’d spent so many nights under this roof in Sal’s bed wrapped up with him. This was after we’d had mind-blowing sex, of course. God, the sex. I closed my eyes thinking about it. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced. Sal was amazing in bed. But, not only that, it was how we were together, as though our bodies were meant to make love. We had amazing physical chemistry. And when I was with him, I’d felt more adored and safe than ever before in my life.

  But, Sal didn’t share. He didn’t t
alk about his family or about his past. He didn’t share his dreams for the future, if he had any. He was a closed book and I found myself on the outside trying to get in. Sal was a guy you took day by day, and at times, it hadn’t always felt like enough. But I loved him, God, how I loved him. It seemed like he wanted another shot, but could I seriously open myself up to him again and continue to feel like I didn’t get enough in return?

  A knock sounded at the door interrupting my thoughts, and I uttered a soft “come in.”

  Sal poked his head into the dark room, and I turned my head to look at him. “You could turn on a light, you know,” he pointed out.

  “Yeah, I could,” I agreed simply, making it clear I didn’t plan to.

  “I ordered a pizza. Come out and share some with me. We can watch a movie,” he ordered more than suggested. It had always been his way.

  When I hesitated, he sighed. “I’m going to have to force feed you through a tube if you don’t start eating soon.”

  I hated to admit he was right, and I rose reluctantly in my pajamas to follow him.

  “Put somethin’ else on first,” he said, gesturing to my shorts and cami that I always wore to bed.

  I looked down at myself in confusion. “Why?”

  “Put some more clothes on,” he clarified somewhat tersely.

  Well, this was off to a great start. I huffed, putting on a long sleeved thermal.

  “More,” he replied when I moved to follow him.

  “Jesus, Sal, it’s freaking hot. Do you want me to pass out from heat exhaustion?” I complained.

  “Fine,” he bit out, turning his back to head for the kitchen.

  “Wonderful,” I muttered to myself.

  He’d ordered my favorite pizza, sausage and olive, which I had to admit, was thoughtful. Over beers and pizza, I loosened up a bit. I felt more relaxed, the beer helped.

  “What do you want to watch?” he asked as he flipped through the channels.

  I shrugged, not caring.

  He settled on some action movie that had decent reviews.

  I sat on the far side of the couch with my legs tucked under me and sipped my beer. He sat on the other side, his jean-clad legs crossed at the ankle and resting on the coffee table.

  The sexual tension zapped between us as I forced myself to keep my eyes on the screen. I knew he felt it too, with how firmly he gripped his beer bottle. At least I wasn’t the only one. We’d never sat so far apart on this couch before. We’d watched countless movies here, but always with limbs tangled as we lay cuddled up together.

  I must have fallen asleep at some point during the movie because when I woke up, I was cuddled into Sal’s side with his arm around me. I flinched and jerked away when I realized what I’d been doing. I guess my subconscious hadn’t gotten the memo that we broke up.

  “Sorry,” I muttered, embarrassed.

  “You can fall asleep on me anytime,” he replied with a glimmer of mischief in his eye.

  “Don’t count on it,” I retorted, standing up and stretching. “Thanks for dinner, goodnight,” I said, anxious to make a speedy retreat.

  I used the one bathroom to get ready for bed and crawled under his covers. Everything smelled like him. It was both reassuring and punishing at the same time. I tried desperately to find sleep, but it was weird sleeping in his bed without him. I could hear him shifting around on the couch, and I knew he wasn’t sleeping either. I stared up at the ceiling and ignored the throbbing in my neck that beat with the cadence of my heart as I tried counting sheep. My mind kept drifting back to the thought of Sal on his couch, probably just in boxers. My mouth ran dry at the thought. I forced myself back to those boring sheep.

  A few hours later, I was desperate to fall asleep. Fuck it, I thought as I threw the covers back and padded out to the living room. His head turned to me immediately in the dark as I stood tentatively in the doorway in my shorts and tank top.

  “Can’t sleep?” his deep voice inquired. His voice did crazy things to me, it always had.

  “No,” I replied. Then I sighed in resignation. “This isn’t an invitation for anything,” I began sternly.

  A broad grin spread across his face at my attempt to be firm.

  “But, I can’t seem to sleep in your bed without you in it,” I stammered, feeling a bit awkward. “Would you mind, I mean could you?” I asked, drifting off, my face flaming. We’d never been in this situation before. Sal and I had slept together almost immediately. This whole dancing around each other thing was brand new.

  His smile turned warm and knowing. “Yeah, baby, I can do that,” he replied easily, sitting up and tossing his blanket aside.

  Dear god, he was just in boxers. His tall, muscled frame stalked toward me and I swallowed audibly.

  I looked up at the ceiling and prayed for strength.

  He led me back to his bedroom, his hand warm and strong over mine. He got in on his side and I got in on mine, and I immediately felt much more at ease.

  How annoying was that?

  “’Night,” I said, turning my back to him with determination to not give him any invitation for more. It wouldn’t take much for me to give in; hell, a look at this point might do it.

  “’Night, sweetness,” his voice came through the darkness, sending my already revving libido into overdrive. I squeezed my thighs together and took a deep breath, forcing my body to relax.

  Listening to Sal’s familiar breathing behind me and his comforting smell surrounding me, I was able to fall into a deep, restful sleep.

  Chapter 9

  The next morning, I woke up and found myself wrapped around Sal like a vine.


  I carefully extricated myself from his reassuring warmth and slipped out of bed to head for the bathroom. Sal had always been a late riser, and I figured he needed his sleep after the past few days. I was happy to find my neck and face felt much better. A look in the mirror confirmed the bruising was lightening as well. Some heavy makeup should be able to cover up my eye and a scarf would do the trick with my neck. I could probably get away with working my shift the following evening. I couldn’t afford to take any time off, especially not with the weekend coming up when the tips were best.

  I decided to go for a run before Sal woke up. I knew it wasn’t the smartest thing to do. Ok, it was downright stupid, but damn I needed it. It was the perfect way to clear my head. I quietly threw on my running gear in the bathroom and put a ball cap on to try to cover up some of my face. I slipped out of the house quietly after disarming the alarm.

  Sal did the security set up for the club and their businesses. He was really good at what he did and seemed to enjoy it. Back when Scarlet had been having issues with her insane ex-boyfriend, Sal had done up Cole’s house like a freaking vault. You needed more codes than the CIA to get in the door.

  I pushed myself hard, relishing the burn in my muscles as I pounded the pavement and allowed my mind to drift. Maybe Scar would bring the baby by today. I was dying to see my little Gracie. Then my thoughts drifted to Sal. I felt utterly confused about him. Where had he been all this time? The thing that scared me the most was how right it felt to have him back. Spending time with him made me realize how truly hollow I’d felt with him gone. I hadn’t slept, hadn’t truly lived during those months despite my best effort to the contrary.

  Could I possibly take the risk of giving him another shot? What if it was like before and he didn’t let me in? What if I was left doubting how he felt about me like I always had? The man didn’t even hold my hand in public. I’d always told myself it didn’t matter that he wasn’t physically affectionate in front of other people. But, I’d always wondered why he didn’t stake his claim in public the way he unerringly did in private. If we were going to give this another go, big emphasis on the if, he’d have to try harder. We both would.

  When I got back to the house, breathing hard, I went straight to the kitchen for a drink of water.

  “What the fuck,” Sal barked from behind me

  I jumped about a mile in the air. I hadn’t noticed him standing there. “What?” I asked despite the fact I knew exactly why he was so pissed.

  “Please tell me you didn’t just go for a run alone and wearing that,” he growled.

  I looked down at my outfit. I was wearing the shorts and sports bra I always wore when I ran. “What?” I asked again.

  “Christ, did you wear this shit before?” he demanded.

  “Uh, yeah, you were just always asleep when I got back,” I replied haughtily. I didn’t run outside often anyway; it was usually too hot.

  He took a deep breath as though gathering himself. He was shirtless but had at least thrown on some black shorts. Those six-pack abs and chiseled V, which led below his shorts, was making it hard to concentrate. A few months ago, I would have crossed the room, pulled those shorts off, and dropped to my knees. My mouth watered a bit at the thought.

  He surprised me by getting in my space and backing me up against the counter, his arms braced on either side of me. He looked down at me and I gulped slightly at what I was fairly sure was lust burning in his eyes.

  “You keep looking at me like that and my mouth’s going to be between your legs before we have a chance to talk about things,” he growled.

  I felt my face flush and my heart began to pound as I bit back the nearly overwhelming desire to pull his body to mine in what was sure to be a life-altering kiss. I could feel the heat coming off him as he stood a mere inch from me, pressing me into the counter. I was immediately damp between my legs and inwardly chastised myself for not having more of a handle on myself around him.

  “You shouldn’t be running outside alone right now,” he said gruffly. “And you shouldn’t be wearing that at any time,” he added, looking down at my body with a fierce expression. “Unless it’s just for me, that is,” he added.


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