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Righteous Reign The Series: E-version Boxed Set Edition

Page 111

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  By this time, Crux is again parked in open space; but, thankfully they had resupplied at the first stop. Everyone will need at least a day to recover. But, Margo feels she has to rethink the logic of her route to the safety of Zeta Command. In the end, she considers a bee-line to a parsec beyond the border her best bet. That puts her on a line to Zeta and removes Crux from occupied territory. From here it's a single eighteen light-year jump. But skirting the Federation Border the rest of the way makes the trip longer. Once at the location outside of the boundary, they can make the trip in several jumps. She calls in her associates.

  "I think this route is going to be an issue." She says as the three occupy comfortable seats in the conversation pit.

  "It sure seems that way." Captain Kengoseri agrees.

  "It looks like we should rethink this whole plan. I don't want to run into trouble. Not while we're defenseless."

  "Do you want to find a new hiding place?"

  "No Ken, I don't think that's the answer. Brubacher says they are completely stocked for resupply. And, they have modified three Commands with changes that work against the enemy. Not only that, there's two allies involved in the fight against our trespassers. So, I think we're better off with them. But, I do believe we need a better route. My thoughts are we should make a fast retreat to a point outside the border. Then, we can travel around the Orion Federation to meet Zeta. What do you two think?" Marguerita queried. There was a very long silence.

  "I was just considering what you told us about Zeta HQ. It sounds like that is our very best option. We'd have food, supplies, ammo and safety for our people. We still have twenty-five thousand to keep safe." Captain Chapec mused.

  "I agree. And to me, that means your right, Margo. Especially considering what we just ran into." Ken added.

  "Okay. I think we should travel to vector RA 120.007º by Dec. -29.303º at 123.3 Ly from Sol. That's five and a half parsecs. We can do that leg in two days four hours if we travel at thirty percent. From there we'd do the rest in relative safety at twenty to avoid stressing our crews, too much more.

  The remainder of the trip would be another sixty-four and a half light-years traveling on the outside of the Orion Federation. We can do that in three four-day jumps. We can take two days after the first leg and a day after each of the others for rest. Using that plan, we'll be another seventeen days reaching Zeta." Margo summarized.

  "I think that is our best bet,' Ken said. 'But, there's still a chance we won't finish the first leg alive."

  "Yes, that's true. But, it is the safest. If we stay around here much longer, we're sure to die and take everyone with us.' Chappy paused. 'I was just thinking how lucky we were to find edibles back there at HD 70642." She added.

  "I think we need a day's rest here, too. Those skips were deadly on the crews." Captain Kengoseri pointed out.

  "Two might be better. Everyone's pretty roughed-up!"

  "Your right, of course,' Margo agreed. 'I'll cut the orders." They wait there for two days. They jump for the location outside of the boundary at thirty percent.

  But, that doesn't go exactly as anticipated, either. The enemy spots and interrupts some of the conduits rudely forcing four ships suddenly and violently out of FTL. They are just inside the border still and "skip" to a first and then a second alternate position, immediately on their return to normal space. It is another wrenching experience to face in such a short time. And, this time, it's a little more difficult. Since the location they were forced to is unknown, the dual alternates were a matter of headings instead of vectors. They are unsure of their position and take the time to determine it. There is a lot of tension as they watch for intruders carefully. Once certain, they begin another fifteen light-year jump to the assigned coordinates at thirty percent. They will be a day late - if they make it at all.

  Captain Hernandez breathes a sigh of relief when four exit apertures appear nearby a day late. People on the four ships are rattled but unhurt. They will need at least two days before continuing on. But, at least they're all outside of occupied space. On November 18, 2268, Crux Fleet sets out to find Zeta HQ.

  Chapter 20 Beyond Gamma Boötis

  Wednesday, November 25, 2268

  "Wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows." Martin Luther King, Jr.

  It is not as difficult establishing a defensive perimeter around a large body of warships parked in a region of space as one might think. Two Fleets from each HQ are assigned to adjacent sides of the cube with all sensors and weapons facing out into space. So, the three Tier 1 Commands cover all six sides of the box together. Behind them the rest of their Command is parked in waves; each vessel designated a very specific position. All their weapons and sensors point out in support of their picket-force members but aligned between those ships. Outside this fortified location both SOCC and Epsilon - SF cloaked Subs roam freely within a precise distance of the main group. Beyond them, twelve hundred long-range sensor drones watch for another quarter light-year. All the Headquarters Stations and King David's Yacht stand at the very center of the entire assembly. It is exceedingly challenging to sneak up on a formation of this configuration. If anyone intrudes, we will know.

  Our forces are all positioned together outside the Delta Boötis stellar system. It is a binary system made of two yellow G-type stars. The main one has evolved to a sub-giant, and the secondary is very much like Sol. It has four planets. As we orbit the third one, we sit in seemingly endless planning meetings. Our objective is actively occupied, though we don't see one of the big HQ ships there. Savign has her forces in and out and all around it all the time. She is determined to be able to guarantee there will be no trap. One of Epsilons' covert Fleets expands this surveillance so no one at a distance can jump in if we launch an attack.

  There are just over seven hundred Isesinis' ships there. And, we see a class not observed before. It's somewhat bigger than the others. We believe its' comparable to a Carrier. There are ten of these grander ships distributed among the rest. We think it means they have a Command Level that controls seventy ships each.

  Gamma Boötis is almost meaningless to the Federation except for its strategic importance, nowadays. Because we have taken the two systems behind it and will continue on to the ones after, it is essential.

  The enemy must feel similarly. They have placed a moderately-large contingent there with no headquarters. In contrast, Lamba had the big Base Station but some other, more isolated and uninhabited, systems are ignored entirely by the Isesinis.

  Our intense level of planning is directly proportional to the need to reduce casualties. We need our convoy intact for the next phase of our operation which will be more heavily defended. We cannot afford to waste people or assets. Our strategy is now well mapped out for the next six months.

  After Gamma, we will attempt to reclaim HD127334, HD130948, 70 Virginis, Tau Boötis, and 44 Boötis in that order. All are inhabited systems with yellowish G or F-class stars. 70 Virginis and 44 Boötis have OFSA facilities. 44 Boötis also has a shipyard. We will need to stop and reorganize after 44 Boötis. We can shorten supply lines if we operate from it, afterward. This is a big chunk to bite off.

  But today, Gamma Boötis is the priority.

  There are three elements to our tactics as we attack the enemy, at Gamma Boötis on Wednesday, November 25, 2268. Zeta conducts a pincer, approaching to the front and rear of the Isesinis formation three to five minutes after both Gamma HQ and Epsilon Command have attacked. This time, Gamma and the Spiel are assaulting from above, while Epsilon is attacking from below. Both are closing from the westward end of our opponent's flotilla and firing in an easterly direction. One of their main concerns is possibly hitting a Zeta ship. That's' why we enter late. We are attempting to conduct the larger blitz-like the raids of a couple of months ago.

  There is no point in recounting this battle. We caught this group totally off-guard, and it was a "turkey shoot." We left nothing of the seven hundred ships behind, and none escaped our on
slaught. We suffered no significant asset losses. Between the three contingents, five fighter pilots were killed. There is minor damage throughout all three Commands, and we've had some casualties, but no one else was killed. It's our best result, so far. Our biggest concern is the potential to become over confident.


  On December 3, 2268, a Sub reported the recovery of twelve OFSA vessels at the location we set up away from us, for safety. It was the remains of Crux Fleet under the Command of Marguerita Hernandez, the Captain of FSS Coalsack. The covert vessels decloaked after spending a little time examining the Fleet and monitoring their hails. Then they escorted them to the Zeta HQ base of operations.

  We were all stunned as we listened to the harrowing escape they made under the Command of Hernandez, after all their Flag Officers had died in battle. They had staved off the enemy, starvation, and fatigue to reach us. The two accompanying Carrier Captains testified to her skill, leadership, and bravery in leading them all to safety. From their debriefings, I'd say she has what we call an assertive-consensus style of leadership. It means by giving all the facts as she sees them she tries to build agreement; but, failing that she will dictate how operations will be handled. In our business, it is the best way. It seems she is a natural leader.


  On Saturday, December 5, 2268, we launch from Delta Boötis for HD127334. It is a fifty-three light-year journey. The trip will take six and a half days at thirty percent of maximum. We will stop just over a light-year from our goal. We will need a day to recuperate after. Then we'll jump to the enemy.

  Our antagonists have a formation of only seventy enemy ships in the system. We should be able to dispatch it relatively quickly. But, we are not sure why the Isesinis have restarted patrols with smaller groups. They stopped this tactic after we destroyed several. Afterward, we will move into it and make all other moves from it. It's far more efficient to continue from HD127334.


  By December 13, it's ours. We leave a small contingent in Delta, move into our temporary new home, and get ready for HD130948. It is an unoccupied system twenty-eight and a half light-years away with another small enemy force of thirty-five. Two brown dwarfs have disrupted the system enough to push the only other body into a close orbit with the yellow star. Epsilon will handle it alone using the techniques from the raids. They'll leave a small contingent and return here. It's a five-day six-hour trip at two-tenths maximum speed in FTL mode; so they'll make the round trip at that velocity to ensure they are fit without a break.


  They are back on December 25. Now we move on to 70 Virginis which is a key target. It's a yellow star just over forty light-years from our position back at HD127334. That's a little over a week-long trip inside a conduit at twenty percent of maximum speed. We will take the full time to journey there; so, we can exit directly at our target. The enemy has posted nearly a thousand vessels there. There are fourteen Carrier-class ships and nine hundred eighty Cruisers. They have not placed a Headquarter unit in the system.

  As before, Zeta will do the front and rear pincer, while Epsilon comes in from above and Gamma from below. To give Epsilon a break we will leave on New Years Day.


  It's eleven hundred on Friday, January 8, 2269. We've been in the middle of a knock-down fight for two hours now. This group has probably heard a lot about all the other raids and assaults. They were much more attentive to defense and were able to begin responding within a few minutes of our appearance. But, our tactics reduced their strength by twenty percent in the first five minutes. Since then, they have lost another one hundred fifty. We have lost two Frigates and fourteen fighters between our three Commands.

  Space is thick with weapons fire and continually flashes with exploding ammo, and ships erupting into fusion flares. The battle has generated its own small nebula full of smoky dust and the constituent components of expelled gasses. Background stars are nearly lost in the flickering haze and wall of missiles and torpedoes. Our sudden furious onslaught has resulted in a typical advantage. We are able to resupply. The enemy is not.

  Another hour into the melee, they are beginning to regulate their response to conserve ammunition. We continue our furious pace. The Isesinis rate of loss rises.

  Three and a half hours later, just one hundred twelve antagonists remain, and they are concentrating on defense. But, we have now lost a Carrier, a Cruiser, the two Frigates and seventy-one various fighter craft.

  Six hours after initiating the attack, they are gone, and 70 Virgo is ours. It is paramount. We leave twenty Subs and two Fleets of warships behind, as we immediately head for Tau Boötis just three pasecs away. We will be there early January 11. It is not as well secured as this one was. SOCC surveillance shows just one hundred forty-two enemy units there. It has no Academies or space docks. It is, however, a major logistics center for the region. We need those facilities, too.

  After taking it, we will move on to 44 Boötis which is a well-defended major prize twenty-eight light years from Tau.


  We arrived in Tau at eight hundred Monday, January 11, 2269, and annihilated the entire enemy formation in just twenty minutes with just a few minor injuries and very light damage to a few ships. We will pause here for a break.

  There is a Base Station at 44. And fourteen hundred and twenty vessels of both types accompany it. The heavyweight formation has been placed there because the Federation has two shipyards and an Academy on Tetrad. It is an Orion Federation Member planet.This will not be easy.

  As we rest, we are joined by Capricorn and Gemini Fleets. They have survived. Their appearance brings the total number of recovered Fleets to four. They are in excellent shape and have been conducting lightning raids on single enemy ships. They want to contribute. They are low on everything. We resupply and begin work on the upgrades they will need. Exterior shields require EVA teams to modify them in space. In the end, they will be fit to fight the Isesinis.

  We decide to leave them to defend this system, as we move on to 44 Boötis. They are unfamiliar with our current tactics and plans, so it makes sense to use them defensively.

  I decide to take a couple of days with my son and Fredricka during this respite. But, this time, we are moving off-ship. I deploy a Marine Division to the surface of Tau Prime. They will ensure it is secure and safe; but, the leadership has already said they never even laid eyes on the enemy. I order my subordinates to grant three days of rotating leaves. Tau Prime has great beaches and other recreation. I advise the other C&C of my security precautions and the vacation directive. They follow suit. This will be a real shot in the arm for the planet. Over two million, in shifts of about seven hundred thousand, will spend all kinds of Sovereigns over the next few days. I take my son and fiancee aboard a shuttle, and we head down.

  Chapter 21 44 Boötis

  Friday, January 22, 2269

  "The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war." Douglas MacArthur

  We kept our speed down to reduce stress and time dilation, taking the full five and a half days to make the twenty-eight light-year trip at two-tenths of maximum. SOCC arrived here, yesterday and have been transmitting to all of us, since. Nothing has changed; so we are following the same assault tactics used against a Base Station at La
mbda Boötis. My forces are dealing with the monster and its surrounding vessels while Gamma and Epsilon take on the largest portion of accompanying Carriers and Cruisers.

  By the time we enter the region, two hundred and twenty-four Zeta warships, one hundred twelve Polemista Frigates and over seven hundred combined fighters are bearing in on the Soccer Ball like Headquarters. And we are launching another two hundred seventy-five Raptors and Machskafs every seven seconds. A fleet of cloaked SOCC is approaching front and rear ready to place the homing devices.

  Meanwhile, a similar sized Gamma force is approaching on a vector from the east and below; while an equivalent Epsilon body nears from the upper east. These two formations are forcefully assailing the accompanying enemy flotilla, but unlike Lambda will try to destroy the entire force. We are after a total victory here; because, we will use 44 as our base, from now on. It has an abundance of facilities and is in the center of the cleared region and close to Sol.

  Though our Raptors are not wasting as much time on the meaningless vents and heat exchangers, they do give them enough attention to ensure the garbage chute weakness is not evident. This time four fighters concentrate on that refuse shaft, as a dozen more protect them. But this cover is very hard to breach. Six nearly hidden latches must be destroyed before the cover can be blown off. It takes more than three dozen shots before they back away and a single one uses a Spear to shake the hatch cover loose. Two missiles appear from out of nowhere and enter the shaft.

  We read the signals to determine their positions from sensor readings. One is deep in the heart of the orb. We send the information to the two Frigates delegated the responsibility of releasing the antimatter torpedoes.



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