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Pretty in Ink (Voretti Family Book 3)

Page 21

by Ava Blackstone

  The door clicked shut.

  The sound shocked her brain back into working order, and she realized a few things. She was alone with Caleb. And, with his bare chest and that possessive gleam in his eyes, he looked good enough to eat while she looked like she’d come off a week-long bender.

  But he wasn’t looking at her like he saw wild hair and an outfit of questionable cleanliness. He looked intent. Hungry.

  He moved toward her, his deceptively lazy gait setting all kinds of muscles into motion. Arms. Shoulders. Abs.

  She swallowed. “That’s close enough.”

  He stopped, but it didn’t matter. She felt the heat in his eyes.

  Her whole body strained toward him, but she held herself back. He needed to tell her something, and she was going to listen.

  “The truth is, I wanted your name on my skin. Because this is forever, Liv. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” He met her gaze. Held it. “I’ve been living in the day-to-day for a long time. I didn’t want to think about the future, because I was afraid that if I did, I’d see my dad all over again—a distant, uninterested, neglectful asshole—but this time he’d have my face. The only experience I have with what a parent is supposed to be like comes from your family, so I’m going to have to learn as I go. We’re going to have to learn as we go. I still don’t know what my future is going to bring. But I do know one thing. It has you and me and the family that we’re going to make. So I want everyone to know that I belong to you. And you belong to me.”

  The rough surety in his tone slipped through all her defenses. She belonged to him and he belonged to her. It was such a basic truth, she couldn’t deny it. Especially to herself.

  One step was all it took to bring her body flush with his. “I’m yours.” She whispered the words against his mouth. “Always.”

  And then she wasn’t talking anymore, because Caleb was kissing her, rough and insistent and sure. He took her whole body with his lips, changing her from the inside out. Making her his.

  Forever, he said, with his lips against hers.

  Forever, she answered.


  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Liv grasped Caleb’s hand, trying not to hyperventilate. The vinyl chair was cold, the room reeked of antiseptic, and the idea that had felt so brilliant and simple thirty minutes ago, when Caleb had been kissing her, was now terrifying.

  But wasn’t that what life was all about? Taking in the drop, but jumping anyway?

  “I’m sure,” she said. “It’s only…I have this thing about needles.”

  “You don’t need to prove anything to me. You know that, right?”

  She did, and it filled her up, warming her from the inside. “This is for me. I didn’t choose the letters they put on my skin the last time—not really. I need to make them my own.”

  “Ready?” The tattoo artist asked.

  “I’m ready,” she said. And she was.

  The familiar buzz of the tattoo gun made her tense, but Caleb was there. He stared into her eyes, and she saw forever. A lifetime with him and the babies they’d make. Their family.

  She kept her eyes open the whole time. She watched the artist bend over her arm, heard the buzz of the tattoo machine as the needles met her skin, adding to the design CJ had chosen for her until it was something completely different. Caleb’s name and hers, bound together in an infinity symbol.

  The tattoo machine switched off, but Caleb was still there at her side. Where she knew he’d always be.

  Forever. Exactly like the symbol on her arm.

  “You doing okay?” he asked.

  “I’m wonderful.” Her arm was throbbing, but she’d never felt better. She knew who she was and what she wanted. And she couldn’t wait to show the world.


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  Want more Liv? Though she’s not the main character, you’ll find her in the first two books in the Voretti Family series, MARRIAGE: IMPOSSIBLE and LOVE AND LEARN. Liv is also featured prominently in the FREE MARRIAGE: IMPOSSIBLE bonus chapter, where she tries to keep Keri from sabotaging her own wedding. Will she succeed? Get the FREE bonus chapter to find out.

  Next up in the Voretti Family series is Matt’s story, CATCHING CLEO. Nonna Hazel was right—his love is coming back into his life. And she’s going to change it forever. I had a little too much fun forcing this emotion-adverse guy to get in touch with his feelings. Turn the page for an excerpt.

  Thanks for reading, and keep in touch. You can contact me via my website:

  All the best,



  Cleo McCall is out of time, out of funds, and trying desperately to get out of the country. The last person she expects to thwart her escape is her childhood crush, Matt Voretti, all grown up and hotter than ever—even as he slaps a pair of handcuffs on her. Cleo has learned the hard way never to let people see the real woman hiding behind her well-tailored suits, but if she doesn’t let Matt in she’s going to end up in prison. Or worse.

  Matt Voretti might be the best bounty hunter in the business, but he’s tired of living in the shadows. All he has to do is track down one last bail jumper and he’ll have the money he needs to change his life for good. But one look into the familiar eyes of his skip is all it takes to know that his last job just got a whole lot more complicated. Cleo is the only woman who has ever seen Matt for the strong but sensitive man he truly is, and he knows there must be more to her story than the arrest warrant says. But can he get Cleo to trust him with the truth before it’s too late?


  Matt opened his eyes to bright sunlight and blue sky. The perfect weather was nothing new—he’d spent his entire life in Southern California. But today was different. Today he was going to test his latest batch of Voretti Brother’s IPA. Maybe he’d even convince Ms. Chardonnay to try a pint.

  He rolled over, looking for Jen’s soft, warm body, but found only cold sheets.

  He sat up, scanning the small studio.

  The bathroom door was wide open, and there was no one inside. There was no one in the kitchen nook or on the couch.

  She was gone.

  He shook off a strange feeling that was almost like disappointment. He was glad she was gone. He’d broken one of his most important rules last night. Instead of going to Jen’s place, he’d brought her here. And he’d fallen asleep all wrapped up with her, like she was his goddamn girlfriend. He was lucky she’d taken off instead of making him breakfast or going shopping for matching promise rings.

  Though, he wouldn’t have minded if she’d woken him up for a quickie before she’d pulled her disappearing act. Ah, well. Couldn’t have everything.

  But he could have a cup of coffee.

  He pulled on some boxers. The coffee maker was out of water, so he filled up the reservoir, splashing all over the counter because he’d put too much in.

  He grabbed a paper towel—

  And froze at the sight of the neat, feminine script.

  Dear Matt,

  I’m sorry to run out on you. And I’m even more sorry I had to borrow some cash. I’ll send the money back as soon as I get settled.

  What the fuck?

  He grabbed his wallet from yesterday’s jeans. The four hundred dollars he’d taken out of the ATM so he could stop by ProBrew and get a bigger fermenter was gone.

  He stared at the empty billfold, pressure building inside his chest. He’d brought Jen to his place. He’d fallen asleep with her. And she’d just wanted his cash.

  He hurled the carafe at the wall.

  Glass shattered. Water spilled over his bare feet.
And he was even more pissed than before.

  Not only was he out four hundred dollars, he was also gonna have to clean the floor. And he still hadn’t had any coffee.

  He grabbed a wad of paper towels and threw it over the mess. Then he threw Jen’s note on top.

  Water soaked through the top of the thin paper, making the ink run until all that was legible was her initial at the bottom.


  He snatched the soggy paper towel.

  Water had reached that last bit of ink, turning it spidery, but it was still obvious the letter wasn’t a J. It was a C.

  The gears inside his head cranked, finally engaging. C for Cleopatra.

  Her hair had been the wrong length and color. Her eyes had been dark brown instead of blue. But they’d had that same exotic shape. Her cheekbones had had that same slant. She’d even smiled the same way he remembered, sudden and strong, like it was a surprise to her every time. And when she’d said that he looked like a Matt, she’d laughed.

  Of course it had been Cleo.

  He’d gone home with his skip last night, and he hadn’t even known it.

  Get more info on CATCHING CLEO now!


  The Voretti Family Series:

  Marriage: Impossible

  Love and Learn

  Pretty in Ink

  Catching Cleo


  Though she was always an avid reader, Ava Blackstone didn’t discover her love for writing until she’d obtained her PhD in chemistry. As an alternative to the structured world of science, and with a little motivation from her husband, she began writing romance novels. Now she can’t imagine doing anything else.

  Ava is a winner and two-time finalist in the Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart® contest and has published five short romance stories in Woman’s World magazine. She is currently hard at work on the next contemporary romance in her Voretti Family series. You can find her at her website:


  Thanks so much to all the people who helped make this book possible.

  The romance writing community is incredibly supportive, and I’m so glad to be a part of it. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to critique my writing, give me advice about writing craft and publishing, and share their own experiences. Thanks especially to the FPEs—Cassi, Georgie, Janet, Lisa, Marie, Melissa, Rachael, and Tami—who gave me great advice, support, and critiques. From back-cover blurbs to titles to industry knowledge, you’ve been amazing and generous, and you make writing so much more fun. Ellie, Laura, and Rachael—thank you for your awesome critique skills and even more awesome moral support. And thank you to my Ruby Sisters for being an incredible source of inspiration and knowledge.

  Thanks also to my editor Naomi Hughes, for helping me make this book the best it could be.

  And, finally, thank you to my family—my mother, who was forced to read way too many of my early writing attempts, and encouraged me to keep going; my father, who built me bookshelves and knows everything; my brothers, who are awesome in general; and my husband, who is endlessly supportive, and sometimes even pretends to listen when I’m babbling about romance novel plot lines.




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