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The Silver Bracers (Lady Blade, Lord Fighter Book 1)

Page 14

by Sharon Green

  Rilfe stopped short just at the entrance to the hall, startled at sight of the man who waited there. For a moment he'd forgotten what Trame's son would look like, and very briefly he prayed fervently that it was a disguise. The man was just as large as the King's Fighter he remembered, but somehow muscular size had been turned into mountainous flab, commanding gestures had become over-graceful waves, and the balance of a Fighter was nowhere to be seen. And those clothes! In full daylight the man must be blinding, and Rilfe couldn't help admiring Kylin's courage. There wasn't much in the world that could have gotten him into clothes like that, especially in the midst of strangers.

  "Red boots to go with a red swordbelt," Traixe muttered, glancing at Rilfe with amused pain quickly hidden. "Shall we go to greet your future heir?"

  "And get it over with as fast as possible?" Rilfe murmured back, sharing the amusement before resettling his expression into the scowl it was supposed to be. "I think it's time we found out what in hell is going on here!"

  Rilfe's last words were spoken forcefully enough to reach everyone in the hall, causing them to turn toward him as he stalked forward. The servants faded quickly back out of harm's way, but the nightmare in flowing Flower colors tripped forward a few steps and then bowed.

  "My dear Duke Rilfe, how good of you to finally find the time to greet me personally," the man sniffed, the petulance in his tone bringing Rilfe the definite urge to put a fist in the other's face. "My father assured me I would be more than welcome here, especially since I come to fulfill family obligations. I really do believe I shall need to speak with him when next he and I meet."

  "Which, if Evon's luck should return, won't be that long in coming," Rilfe growled, glaring into blue-green eyes that thankfully weren't entirely like the rest of the man. "Your father was supposed to have sent a husband for my daughter, and although he and I have had our differences of late, I refuse to believe him dishonorable. He would have kept to his word."

  "And so he did, " Kylin answered with another sniff, brushing at his sleeves to fluff them. "As his son I fulfill the word he gave, and he advised me not to allow you to be rude and abrupt. As the betrothal has already been registered with the King's court - something done by you, I believe - I must be welcomed with full ceremony and hospitality. It is the Law."

  "Laws need to be challenged every now and then to keep them viable," Rilfe snarled low, held where he stood only by the presence of Traixe's hand tight around his arm. That damned superior, smug smile on the fool's face-! "You come with me right now! This conversation calls for more private surroundings, where impertinent young men might be … reasoned with. Traixe! Make sure he follows!"

  * * *

  Kylin watched Duke Rilfe turn away and stalk out of the hall, leaving a hard-eyed man apparently named Traixe to see to the visitor. Kylin could tell that the man who'd been put in charge of him was an experienced Fighter, but neither he nor the Fighters who now followed the duke out had gotten insulted enough to start anything physical. With that in mind he thought fast, then came up with something to add.

  "If you think I'm going to give up the life of a duke's heir, you're quite mad," he called after the stiff, retreating back, making sure he added a ridiculing simper. "Since my father won't have me at home for some reason, this duchy promises my sole opportunity for living as a gentleman really should. I won't - "

  "Ease up before he forgets you're playing a part, you young idiot!" the man Traixe hissed at him in the lowest of voices as he closed a hand around his arm. The duke had nearly paused in his stomping exit, and Kylin realized Traixe was right. Kylin's aim was to start a fight, but not with the man whose heir he would be.

  "Very well, I'll come, but I trust I've made my position clear to everyone," Kylin said in supposed answer to what Traixe had hissed, then let himself be manhandled out of the hall. Kylin was pretending to be extremely put-upon, but Traixe seemed to be feeling considerably better. The arm he'd closed his hand on was obviously hard and well muscled enough to counter Kylin's disguise, which turned the man's anger to relief.

  It didn't take long to reach the Duke's study and enter behind him, the Fighters having been left out in the hall with the on-duty House Guards. The duke seethed with hopefully pretended rage and glared at Kylin while servants hurried around setting out refreshments, leaving Kylin nothing to do but look critically and unenthusiastically around at the marvelous chamber. His father had a study like that, with his ancestors' weapons all around him, and Kylin had always felt strengthened after visiting the place. The weapons represented the continuity of life as well as his family's responsibility to stand themselves before any danger threatening those who weren't similarly armed. Not every man could be a Fighter, but every man deserved the defense of his lord, should the need arise. The people provided sustenance while their lord provided safety, and -

  "What in broiling hell is this?" a voice suddenly demanded from behind Kylin, causing him to turn around. With the servants still there the door to the hall hadn't yet been closed, and standing just inside the doorway with fists on hips was the sort of girl Kylin hadn't been expecting. She was a big girl but lithe and shapely, with long brown hair banded around her brow above flashing gray eyes. Her black leathers, swordbelt, and silver medallion said she was a Blade, which made the son of Arthil wonder who she could be. A girl like that was enough to interest any man, and that despite the fact that she was no more than pretty. Spirit had a more lasting attraction than beauty with nothing behind it, but then Kylin remembered he was, for all intents and purposes, a married man. Night house girls were one thing, not at all the same as someone who seemed to be a member of Duke Rilfe's household. . . .

  "Sofaltis, what are you doing here?" Duke Rilfe demanded in turn, almost sounding shaken. "I was going to send for you later - "

  "Were you really," the girl interrupted with cold fury, her eyes on a Kylin who suddenly wanted desperately to be rid of the role he was still being forced to play. "Word travels unbelievably fast around here, which means I heard about the arrival of your newest guest without having to wait to be told about it by you. Are you seriously trying to suggest that this is a son of Duke Trame of Arthil?"

  "Kylin of the House of Torain at your service, my lady," Kylin couldn't keep himself from saying with a bow, but to his horror it also came out with a simper! "Do allow me to say how honored I am to - "

  He had begun to step forward automatically to reach for the girl's hand, but was stopped in his tracks when that hand went to the hilt hanging to her left. From the look in her blazing gray eyes he knew she would draw on him if he came one pace closer, and it never occurred to him that he'd almost found the fight he'd been looking for. Going up against a Blade wasn't a lark under any circumstances, and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt the girl…

  "Absolutely and immovably no," the girl said in a growl to Duke Rilfe, the blaze in her eyes now meant for him. "Never under any circumstances, not even if Evon himself appeared to demand it! Do you understand me? NO!"

  With that the girl turned and stormed out of the study, the Fighters in the hall falling all over each other to get out of her way. Kylin thought there were more Fighters out there than had been there when he'd arrived, but the servants being hurried out of the chamber by Traixe kept him from certainty. He turned away from the door being closed to see Duke Rilfe standing with his head down and one hand over his eyes, but didn't get the first hint about what had just happened until the man Traixe came back from the door shaking his head.

  "It has to be my fault," Traixe said, sounding old and tired. "I was just thinking that we were practically out of the woods, and everyone knows Evon dislikes having people count their victories before they're won. What are we going to do?"

  "What can we do but go on with it?" the Duke asked with a sigh, sounding much like the other man as he uncovered his eyes. "We'll have to think of something to tell her, something a lot more compelling than the truth would be. And you. Did you have to talk to her, not t
o mention try to approach her? Are you intent on getting yourself killed?"

  This time the duke was addressing Kylin, and since everyone left in the chamber already knew what he really was, there was no reason not to shrug and grin.

  "Being too attracted to danger has always been a failing of mine," he answered in his own voice, straightening up from the slouch he'd been making himself stand in. "I know how close I came just now, and I hope you'll excuse me for considering the meeting worth it. Under the circumstances it's terribly bad manners to ask this, but - who is she?"

  Traixe chuckled after Kylin asked his question, and even Duke Rilfe seemed to be forced into showing a faint grin.

  "So you want to know who she is," the duke said abruptly, no longer showing any amusement. "You come here to marry my daughter, and the first thing you do is insult me, then ask about a woman of my household. Is there to be no end to such insolent and frivolous misdoings?"

  "Oh, no, don't tell me!" Kylin said with a groan after thinking for no more than seconds, suddenly wishing he were back in the middle of a nice, calm war. "I can understand your wanting to get even with me for what I said down in the hall, Your Grace, but please don't tell me that was my future wife! I don't think I could stand it -"

  "He's really bright," Traixe said with more than chuckling, clapping Kylin on the shoulder before moving toward the refreshments the servants had laid out. "And I think he'll be needing a drink."

  "Bright but not terribly lucky," Duke Rilfe contributed with his grin returned, but also with some measure of compassion. "You should have let me distract you into defending yourself, Kylin. You would have had a few more unconcerned minutes that way. It was your misfortune to be too bright to be lured into that, and also your misfortune to meet Sofaltis before I could prepare the way. So you like the look of her, do you?"

  "Just now that doesn't seem to be the point," Kylin answered, knowing his face registered pain, his voice so hollow the other two men nearly laughed. "I can't believe I actually simpered at her. I'd stake my swordarm on the fact that she doesn't know what we're up to, so the only question I have is this: how quickly can we get her back to tell her?"

  "We can't," the duke said quietly, obviously sympathizing deeply with the man who stared at him. "I regret having to say it, but we can't let Sofaltis know what we're doing. If she happens to find out, it might well mean her life."

  "The girl, as you may have noticed, is … headstrong," Traixe put in, coming forward with cups for Duke Rilfe and Kylin. "If she finds out that one of the main purposes of the marriage is her protection, she'll most likely rear back and refuse to go through with it."

  "But she's already refused to go through with it," Kylin objected, accepting the goblet of wine automatically. "Not that I can really blame her, after what she thinks she saw. Can't we tell her the truth about me at least, and then convince her the marriage is for the protection of her father? A man without an heir is a tempting target for anyone with an interest in promoting chaos, and that should be close enough to the truth to satisfy anyone."

  "That would be a fine idea except for one thing," Duke Rilfe said, glancing at Traixe where he now poured wine for himself. "Sofaltis doesn't know who's behind our troubles, but she's already found out the hard way who the primary target is. There was an attempt made against her yesterday, here under my very roof, which shows how desperate Nimram's people were growing. Evon willing, your excellent performance of a few minutes ago should convince them they have little or nothing to worry about, but what will happen if the truth leaks out before the ceremony is concluded?"

  "And Sofaltis is … Sofaltis," Traixe added as he came away from the board with cup in hand. "She's already announced to three-quarters of the duchy that she'll have nothing to do with you. Let's assume we tell her the truth and she eagerly agrees to go along with us; what do you think would happen then? Either she would have to pretend to still be furious, or she would have to find a reason for a change of heart. Will she be good enough at either pretense to fool the people who will be watching very, very closely? Can we stake her life on there being not even one small slip? If even once she happened to smile at you - and someone saw it - the game would be up."

  Kylin stood silently and - in his own opinion - expressionlessly, and didn't see the two men with him exchange a raised-brow glance. He had no idea that his light, changeable eyes had taken on the cold, hardened appearance they did when the man who owned them was ready to end lives without number. When Duke Rilfe had mentioned the attack against his daughter, Kylin had experienced a surge of rage stronger than any he could remember ever having felt. He didn't know the girl who would become his wife, hadn't even seen her until just a few moments ago, but that brief glimpse had shown him someone he very much wanted to get to know. That strangers, intruders, had tried to keep that from happening, had tried to harm a girl like that - !

  "Your daughter and I are officially betrothed, Duke Rilfe," Kylin said after the pause, bringing those eyes to the man he addressed. "I'm sure you know as well as I do how much latitude that allows me. I can't take her to my own apartments until after the ceremony, but there's nothing to stop me from moving into hers for the days before. And believe me: nothing will get past me to reach her."

  "Kylin, I have no doubt that you would protect my daughter and your wife-to-be, but there's still something you don't understand," Duke Rilfe said. "Sofaltis has always been independent, and high-spirited, and somewhat on the impulsive side, and right now she's distressed and upset. Considering that, it might be the least bit difficult convincing her to agree to your proposal. What do you say, Traixe?"

  "Since she's not my daughter, what I say can be said more plainly," Traixe answered, his tone faintly on the hesitant side despite the bluntness of his words. "The girl is stubborn, hardheaded, and wild, and she isn't upset she's screaming mad. If you tried moving in with her, it wouldn't be attack from without that you'd have to worry about. And I can just see her standing behind you if there was an attack. And what about the traditional rivalry between Fighters and Blades? Right now she's spoiling for a fight, and if she finds out what you really are she'll probably jump in with both feet just for the hell of it."

  "Then what can I do?" Kylin demanded, feeling frustration blazing from him like sunlight. "If I continue with the masquerade, she'll think I'm a Flower. If I don't continue with it, she'll be out for my blood. And what happens after the ceremony, when she has to learn the truth? Am I supposed to spend my wedding night defending myself from my bride? Or were you planning on tying her up?"

  "Say, that's not a bad idea," Traixe put in, considering it rather more seriously than Kylin enjoyed seeing. "We'd first have to work out a plan for sneaking up on her in large enough numbers, but - "

  "Traixe, stop tormenting him," Duke Rilfe ordered, apparently finding it prudent to make an effort toward hiding his own amusement. "Kylin, the truth of the matter is, we weren't expecting any difficulty at all from Sofaltis. The … manner she adopted the last time she was home led us to believe she would do whatever she was told to do, and we haven't yet recovered from learning of her Blade status. I think frankness is called for here, so let me be frank: my first concern is for my daughter's safety. Once that ceremony is completed she'll be safe, but not until then. Afterward, well, are you really all that worried about her mood on your wedding night? If she orders you out of the bedchamber, is there any possibility of your going?"

  "Not really," Kylin admitted, grudging a relaxation from the grimness he'd been showing. "I didn't get to see that much of her, but I think I'm safe in believing I'm bigger than she is. And you're absolutely right, Duke Rilfe. Her safety is our most important concern. After she and I are settled down we'll work something out to suit both of us, which I expect will put more interest in the marriage than I'd been anticipating. A sweet, obedient wife adds very little spice to a man's life."

  "You do find an attraction in living dangerously, don't you?" Traixe commented, the amusement in voice a
nd eyes dry. "I've always admired men who charge all alone into the thick of battle, but I can't say I have a very high opinion of their intelligence. Present company excepted, of course."

  "Oh, of course," Kylin agreed with a grin while Duke Rilfe chuckled, but the young Fighter's amusement didn't stay with him. "Meanwhile I've got to continue being a Flower, " he said with a glum sigh, finally noticing the cup he held to the extent of sipping from it. "My wife-to-be won't care for that, but I want to get acquainted with her now. How are we going to get her to hold still long enough for me to do that?"

  "A fair question, and one that merits discussion," Duke Rilfe allowed, warm approval clear in his voice. "Since we also need to discuss other things as well, let's sit down and see what we can come up with. As soon as I was told of your arrival I ordered a Grand Feasting for tonight, and despite my terrible disappointment I won't sink so low as to cancel it. We have until then to plot our plannings."

  "During which time we will come up with something," Kylin declared, moving with the others toward the chairs. "I consider it completely sufficient that the enemy intends having my life; I'm not about to accept the same thing from the woman who will be my wife - especially when she's most likely better with a sword than they are."

  "Definitely better," Traixe and Duke Rilfe said at the same time, causing all three to laugh as they made themselves comfortable, and then it was time to get down to serious discussion.

  * * *

  I can't honestly say I was calm and tranquil when the knock came at my reception room door, but I had managed to stop pacing and sit down. It was an excellent indication of what my mood had been like, that the door didn't open after the knock. Whoever was out there didn't seem inclined to take any chances, or possibly my bodyguard felt it was everyone else who needed their services more than I. At that point I wouldn't have argued the contention, which might be why I called out my permission to enter. The enemy wasn't too likely to knock before coming in, but one never really knows and I had my hopes very high.


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