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The Design of Everyday Things

Page 17

by Don Norman

  My suggestion requires that the switch box stick out from the wall, whereas today’s boxes are mounted so that the switches are flush with the wall. But these new switch boxes wouldn’t have to stick out. They could be placed in indented openings in the walls: just as there is room inside the wall for the existing switch boxes, there is also room for an indented horizontal surface. Or the switches could be mounted on a little pedestal.

  As a side note, in the decades that have passed since the first edition of this book was published, the section on natural mappings and the difficulties with light switches has received a very popular reception. Nonetheless, there are no commercial tools available to make it easy to implement these ideas in the home. I once tried to convince the CEO of the company whose smart home devices I had used to implement the controls of Figure 4.5, to use the idea. “Why not manufacture the components to make it easy for people to do this,” I suggested. I failed.

  Someday, we will get rid of the hard-wired switches, which require excessive runs of electrical cable, add to the cost and difficulties of home construction, and make remodeling of electrical circuits extremely difficult and time consuming. Instead, we will use Internet or wireless signals to connect switches to the devices to be controlled. In this way, controls could be located anywhere. They could be reconfigured or moved. We could have multiple controls for the same item, some in our phones or other portable devices. I can control my home thermostat from anywhere in the world: why can’t I do the same with my lights? Some of the necessary technology does exist today in specialty shops and custom builders, but they will not come into widespread usage until major manufacturers make the necessary components and traditional electricians become comfortable with installing them. The tools for creating switch configurations that use good mapping principles could become standard and easy to apply. It will happen, but it may take considerable time.

  Alas, like many things that change, new technologies will bring virtues and deficits. The controls are apt to be through touch-sensitive screens, allowing excellent natural mapping to the spatial layouts involved, but lacking the physical affordances of physical switches. They can’t be operated with the side of the arm or the elbow while trying to enter a room, hands loaded with packages or cups of coffee. Touch screens are fine if the hands are free. Perhaps cameras that recognize gestures will do the job.


  Spatial mapping of switches is not always appropriate. In many cases it is better to have switches that control activities: activity-centered control. Many auditoriums in schools and companies have computer-based controls, with switches labeled with such phrases as “video,” “computer,” “full lights,” and “lecture.” When carefully designed, with a good, detailed analysis of the activities to be supported, the mapping of controls to activities works extremely well: video requires a dark auditorium plus control of sound level and controls to start, pause, and stop the presentation. Projected images require a dark screen area with enough light in the auditorium so people can take notes. Lectures require some stage lights so the speaker can be seen. Activity-based controls are excellent in theory, but the practice is difficult to get right. When it is done badly, it creates difficulties.

  A related but wrong approach is to be device-centered rather than activity-centered. When they are device-centered, different control screens cover lights, sound, computer, and video projection. This requires the lecturer to go to one screen to adjust the light, a different screen to adjust sound levels, and yet a different screen to advance or control the images. It is a horrible cognitive interruption to the flow of the talk to go back and forth among the screens, perhaps to pause the video in order to make a comment or answer a question. Activity-centered controls anticipate this need and put light, sound level, and projection controls all in one location.

  I once used an activity-centered control, setting it to present my photographs to the audience. All worked well until I was asked a question. I paused to answer it, but wanted to raise the room lights so I could see the audience. No, the activity of giving a talk with visually presented images meant that room lights were fixed at a dim setting. When I tried to increase the light intensity, this took me out of “giving a talk” activity, so I did get the light to where I wanted it, but the projection screen also went up into the ceiling and the projector was turned off. The difficulty with activity-based controllers is handling the exceptional cases, the ones not thought about during design.

  Activity-centered controls are the proper way to go, if the activities are carefully selected to match actual requirements. But even in these cases, manual controls will still be required because there will always be some new, unexpected demand that requires idiosyncratic settings. As my example demonstrates, invoking the manual settings should not cause the current activity to be canceled.

  Constraints That Force the Desired Behavior


  Forcing functions are a form of physical constraint: situations in which the actions are constrained so that failure at one stage prevents the next step from happening. Starting a car has a forcing function associated with it—the driver must have some physical object that signifies permission to use the car. In the past, it was a physical key to unlock the car doors and also to be placed into the ignition switch, which allowed the key to turn on the electrical system and, if rotated to its extreme position, to activate the engine.

  Today’s cars have many means of verifying permission. Some still require a key, but it can stay in one’s pocket or carrying case. More and more, the key is not required and is replaced by a card, phone, or some physical token that can communicate with the car. As long as only authorized people have the card (which is, of course, the same for keys), everything works fine. Electric or hybrid vehicles do not need to start the engines prior to moving the car, but the procedures are still similar: drivers must authenticate themselves by having a physical item in their possession. Because the vehicle won’t start without the authentication proved by possession of the key, it is a forcing function.

  Forcing functions are the extreme case of strong constraints that can prevent inappropriate behavior. Not every situation allows such strong constraints to operate, but the general principle can be extended to a wide variety of situations. In the field of safety engineering, forcing functions show up under other names, in particular as specialized methods for the prevention of accidents. Three such methods are interlocks, lock-ins, and lockouts.


  An interlock forces operations to take place in proper sequence. Microwave ovens and devices with interior exposure to high voltage use interlocks as forcing functions to prevent people from opening the door of the oven or disassembling the devices without first turning off the electric power: the interlock disconnects the power the instant the door is opened or the back is removed. In automobiles with automatic transmissions, an interlock prevents the transmission from leaving the Park position unless the car’s brake pedal is depressed.

  Another form of interlock is the “dead man’s switch” in numerous safety settings, especially for the operators of trains, lawn mowers, chainsaws, and many recreational vehicles. In Britain, these are called the “driver’s safety device.” Many require that the operator hold down a spring-loaded switch to enable operation of the equipment, so that if the operator dies (or loses control), the switch will be released, stopping the equipment. Because some operators bypassed the feature by tying down the control (or placing a heavy weight on foot-operated ones), various schemes have been developed to determine that the person is really alive and alert. Some require a midlevel of pressure; some, repeated depressions and releases. Some require responses to queries. But in all cases, they are examples of safety-related interlocks to prevent operation when the operator is incapacitated.

  FIGURE 4.6A Lock-In Forcing Function. This lock-in makes it difficult to exit a program without either saving the work or consciously saying not to. Notice t
hat it is politely configured so that the desired operation can be taken right from the message.


  A lock-in keeps an operation active, preventing someone from prematurely stopping it. Standard lock-ins exist on many computer applications, where any attempt to exit the application without saving work is prevented by a message prompt asking whether that is what is really wanted (Figure 4. 6). These are so effective that I use them deliberately as my standard way of exiting. Rather than saving a file and then exiting the program, I simply exit, knowing that I will be given a simple way to save my work. What was once created as an error message has become an efficient shortcut.

  Lock-ins can be quite literal, as in jail cells or playpens for babies, preventing a person from leaving the area.

  Some companies try to lock in customers by making all their products work harmoniously with one another but be incompatible with the products of their competition. Thus music, videos, or electronic books purchased from one company may be played or read on music and video players and e-book readers made by that company, but will fail with similar devices from other manufacturers. The goal is to use design as a business strategy: the consistency within a given manufacturer means once people learn the system, they will stay with it and hesitate to change. The confusion when using a different company’s system further prevents customers from changing systems. In the end, the people who must use multiple systems lose. Actually, everyone loses, except for the one manufacturer whose products dominate.

  FIGURE 4.7.A Lockout Forcing Function for Fire Exit. The gate, placed at the ground floor of stairways, prevents people who might be rushing down the stairs to escape a fire from continuing into the basement areas, where they might get trapped.


  Whereas a lock-in keeps someone in a space or prevents an action until the desired operations have been done, a lockout prevents someone from entering a space that is dangerous, or prevents an event from occurring. A good example of a lockout is found in stairways of public buildings, at least in the United States (Figure 4.7). In cases of fire, people have a tendency to flee in panic, down the stairs, down, down, down, past the ground floor and into the basement, where they might be trapped. The solution (required by the fire laws) is not to allow simple passage from the ground floor to the basement.

  Lockouts are usually used for safety reasons. Thus, small children are protected by baby locks on cabinet doors, covers for electric outlets, and specialized caps on containers for drugs and toxic substances. The pin that prevents a fire extinguisher from being activated until it is removed is a lockout forcing function to prevent accidental discharge.

  Forcing functions can be a nuisance in normal usage. The result is that many people will deliberately disable the forcing function, thereby negating its safety feature. The clever designer has to minimize the nuisance value while retaining the safety feature of the forcing function that guards against the occasional tragedy. The gate in Figure 4.7 is a clever compromise: sufficient restraint to make people realize they are leaving the ground floor, but not enough of an impediment to normal behavior that people will prop open the gate.

  Other useful devices make use of a forcing function. In some public restrooms, a pull-down shelf is placed inconveniently on the wall just behind the cubicle door, held in a vertical position by a spring. You lower the shelf to the horizontal position, and the weight of a package or handbag keeps it there. The shelf’s position is a forcing function. When the shelf is lowered, it blocks the door fully. So to get out of the cubicle, you have to remove whatever is on the shelf and raise it out of the way. Clever design.

  Conventions, Constraints, and Affordances

  In Chapter 1 we learned of the distinctions between affordances, perceived affordances, and signifiers. Affordances refer to the potential actions that are possible, but these are easily discoverable only if they are perceivable: perceived affordances. It is the signifier component of the perceived affordance that allows people to determine the possible actions. But how does one go from the perception of an affordance to understanding the potential action? In many cases, through conventions.

  A doorknob has the perceived affordance of graspability. But knowing that it is the doorknob that is used to open and close doors is learned: it is a cultural aspect of the design that knobs, handles, and bars, when placed on doors, are intended to enable the opening and shutting of those doors. The same devices on fixed walls would have a different interpretation: they might offer support, for example, but certainly not the possibility of opening the wall. The interpretation of a perceived affordance is a cultural convention.


  Conventions are a special kind of cultural constraint. For example, the means by which people eat is subject to strong cultural constraints and conventions. Different cultures use different eating utensils. Some eat primarily with the fingers and bread. Some use elaborate serving devices. The same is true of almost every aspect of behavior imaginable, from the clothes that are worn; to the way one addresses elders, equals, and inferiors; and even to the order in which people enter or exit a room. What is considered correct and proper in one culture may be considered impolite in another.

  Although conventions provide valuable guidance for novel situations, their existence can make it difficult to enact change: consider the story of destination-control elevators.


  Operating the common elevator seems like a no-brainer. Press the button, get in the box, go up or down, get out. But we’ve been encountering and documenting an array of curious design variations on this simple interaction, raising the question: Why? (From Portigal & Norvaisas, 2011.)

  This quotation comes from two design professionals who were so offended by a change in the controls for an elevator system that they wrote an entire article of complaint.

  What could possibly cause such an offense? Was it really bad design or, as the authors suggest, a completely unnecessary change to an otherwise satisfactory system? Here is what happened: the authors had encountered a new convention for elevators called “Elevator Destination Control.” Many people (including me) consider it superior to the one we are all used to. Its major disadvantage is that it is different. It violates customary convention. Violations of convention can be very disturbing. Here is the history.

  When “modern” elevators were first installed in buildings in the late 1800s, they always had a human operator who controlled the speed and direction of the elevator, stopped at the appropriate floors, and opened and shut the doors. People would enter the elevator, greet the operator, and state which floor they wished to travel to. When the elevators became automated, a similar convention was followed. People entered the elevator and told the elevator what floor they were traveling to by pushing the appropriately marked button inside the elevator.

  This is a pretty inefficient way of doing things. Most of you have probably experienced a crowded elevator where every person seems to want to go to a different floor, which means a slow trip for the people going to the higher floors. A destination-control elevator system groups passengers, so that those going to the same floor are asked to use the same elevator and the passenger load is distributed to maximize efficiency. Although this kind of grouping is only sensible for buildings that have a large number of elevators, that would cover any large hotel, office, or apartment building.

  In the traditional elevator, passengers stand in the elevator hallway and indicate whether they wish to travel up or down. When an elevator arrives going in the appropriate direction, they get in and use the keypad inside the elevator to indicate their destination floor. As a result, five people might get into the same elevator each wanting a different floor. With destination control, the destination keypads are located in the hallway outside the elevators and there are no keypads inside the elevators (Figure 4.8A and D). People are directed to whichever elevator will most efficientl
y reach their floor. Thus, if there were five people desiring elevators, they might be assigned to five different elevators. The result is faster trips for everyone, with a minimum of stops. Even if people are assigned to elevators that are not the next to arrive, they will get to their destinations faster than if they took earlier elevators.

  Destination control was invented in 1985, but the first commercial installation didn’t appear until 1990 (in Schindler elevators). Now, decades later, it is starting to appear more frequently as developers of tall buildings discover that destination control yields better service to passengers, or equal service with fewer elevators.

  Horrors! As Figure 4.8D confirms, there are no controls inside the elevator to specify a floor. What if passengers change their minds and wish to get off at a different floor? (Even my editor at Basic Books complained about this in a marginal note.) What then? What do you do in a regular elevator when you decide you really want to get off at the sixth floor just as the elevator passes the seventh floor? It’s simple: just get off at the next stop and go to the destination control box in the elevator hall, and specify the intended floor.

  FIGURE 4.8.Destination-Control Elevators. In a destination-control system, the desired destination floor is entered into the control panel outside the elevators (A and B). After entering the destination floor into B, the display directs the traveler to the appropriate elevator, as shown in C, where “32” has been entered as the desired floor destination, and the person is directed to elevator “L” (the first elevator on the left, in A). There is no way to specify the floor from inside the elevator: Inside, the controls are only to open and shut the doors and an alarm (D). This is a much more efficient design, but confusing to people used to the more conventional system. (Photographs by the author.)


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