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The Design of Everyday Things

Page 26

by Don Norman

  In some cases, detailed analyses of the intended group are necessary. Japanese teenage girls are quite different from Japanese women, and in turn, very different from German teenage girls. If a product is intended for subcultures like these, the exact population must be studied. Another way of putting it is that different products serve different needs. Some products are also symbols of status or group membership. Here, although they perform useful functions, they are also fashion statements. This is where teenagers in one culture differ from those of another, and even from younger children and older adults of the same culture. Design researchers must carefully adjust the focus of their observations to the intended market and people for whom the product is intended.

  Will the product be used in some country other than where it is being designed? There is only one way to find out: go there (and always include natives in the team). Don’t take a shortcut and stay home, talking to students or visitors from that country while remaining in your own: what you will learn is seldom an accurate reflection of the target population or of the ways in which the proposed product will actually be used. There is no substitute for direct observation of and interaction with the people who will be using the product.

  Design research supports both diamonds of the design process. The first diamond, finding the right problem, requires a deep understanding of the true needs of people. Once the problem has been defined, finding an appropriate solution again requires deep understanding of the intended population, how those people perform their activities, their capabilities and prior experience, and what cultural issues might be impacted.


  Design and marketing are two important parts of the product development group. The two fields are complementary, but each has a different focus. Design wants to know what people really need and how they actually will use the product or service under consideration. Marketing wants to know what people will buy, which includes learning how they make their purchasing decisions. These different aims lead the two groups to develop different methods of inquiry. Designers tend to use qualitative observational methods by which they can study people in depth, understanding how they do their activities and the environmental factors that come into play. These methods are very time consuming, so designers typically only examine small numbers of people, often numbering in the tens.

  Marketing is concerned with customers. Who might possibly purchase the item? What factors might entice them to consider and purchase a product? Marketing traditionally uses large-scale, quantitative studies, with heavy reliance on focus groups, surveys, and questionnaires. In marketing, it is not uncommon to converse with hundreds of people in focus groups, and to question tens of thousands of people by means of questionnaires and surveys.

  The advent of the Internet and the ability to assess huge amounts of data have given rise to new methods of formal, quantitative market analysis. “Big data,” it is called, or sometimes “market analytics.” For popular websites, A/B testing is possible in which two potential variants of an offering are tested by giving some randomly selected fraction of visitors (perhaps 10 percent) one set of web pages (the A set); and another randomly selected set of visitors, the other alternative (the B set). In a few hours, hundreds of thousands of visitors may have been exposed to each test set, making it easy to see which yields better results. Moreover, the website can capture a wealth of information about people and their behavior: age, income, home and work addresses, previous purchases, and other websites visited. The virtues of the use of big data for market research are frequently touted. The deficiencies are seldom noted, except for concerns about invasions of personal privacy. In addition to privacy issues, the real problem is that numerical correlations say nothing of people’s real needs, of their desires, and of the reasons for their activities. As a result, these numerical data can give a false impression of people. But the use of big data and market analytics is seductive: no travel, little expense, and huge numbers, sexy charts, and impressive statistics, all very persuasive to the executive team trying to decide which new products to develop. After all, what would you trust—neatly presented, colorful charts, statistics, and significance levels based on millions of observations, or the subjective impressions of a motley crew of design researchers who worked, slept, and ate in remote villages, with minimal sanitary facilities and poor infrastructure?

  The different methods have different goals and produce very different results. Designers complain that the methods used by marketing don’t get at real behavior: what people say they do and want does not correspond with their actual behavior or desires. People in marketing complain that although design research methods yield deep insights, the small number of people observed is a concern. Designers counter with the observation that traditional marketing methods provide shallow insight into a large number of people.

  The debate is not useful. All groups are necessary. Customer research is a tradeoff: deep insights on real needs from a tiny set of people, versus broad, reliable purchasing data from a wide range and large number of people. We need both. Designers understand what people really need. Marketing understands what people actually buy. These are not the same things, which is why both approaches are required: marketing and design researchers should work together in complementary teams.

  What are the requirements for a successful product? First, if nobody buys the product, then all else is irrelevant. The product design has to provide support for all the factors people use in making purchase decisions. Second, once the product has been purchased and is put into use, it must support real needs so that people can use, understand, and take pleasure from it. The design specifications must include both factors: marketing and design, buying and using.


  Once the design requirements are determined, the next step for a design team is to generate potential solutions. This process is called idea generation, or ideation. This exercise might be done for both of the double diamonds: during the phase of finding the correct problem, then during the problem solution phase.

  This is the fun part of design: it is where creativity is critical. There are many ways of generating ideas: many of these methods fall under the heading of “brainstorming.” Whatever the method used, two major rules are usually followed:

  •Generate numerous ideas. It is dangerous to become fixated upon one or two ideas too early in the process.

  •Be creative without regard for constraints. Avoid criticizing ideas, whether your own or those of others. Even crazy ideas, often obviously wrong, can contain creative insights that can later be extracted and put to good use in the final idea selection. Avoid premature dismissal of ideas.

  I like to add a third rule:

  •Question everything. I am particularly fond of “stupid” questions. A stupid question asks about things so fundamental that everyone assumes the answer is obvious. But when the question is taken seriously, it often turns out to be profound: the obvious often is not obvious at all. What we assume to be obvious is simply the way things have always been done, but now that it is questioned, we don’t actually know the reasons. Quite often the solution to problems is discovered through stupid questions, through questioning the obvious.


  The only way to really know whether an idea is reasonable is to test it. Build a quick prototype or mock-up of each potential solution. In the early stages of this process, the mock-ups can be pencil sketches, foam and cardboard models, or simple images made with simple drawing tools. I have made mock-ups with spreadsheets, PowerPoint slides, and with sketches on index cards or sticky notes. Sometimes ideas are best conveyed by skits, especially if you’re developing services or automated systems that are difficult to prototype.

  One popular prototype technique is called “Wizard of Oz,” after the wizard in L. Frank Baum’s classic book (and the classic movie) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. The wizard was actually just an ordinary person but, through the use of smoke and mir
rors, he managed to appear mysterious and omnipotent. In other words, it was all a fake: the wizard had no special powers.

  The Wizard of Oz method can be used to mimic a huge, powerful system long before it can be built. It can be remarkably effective in the early stages of product development. I once used this method to test a system for making airline reservations that had been designed by a research group at the Xerox Corporation’s Palo Alto Research Center (today it is simply the Palo Alto Research Center, or PARC). We brought people into my laboratory in San Diego one at a time, seated them in a small, isolated room, and had them type their travel requirements into a computer. They thought they were interacting with an automated travel assistance program, but in fact, one of my graduate students was sitting in an adjacent room, reading the typed queries and typing back responses (looking up real travel schedules where appropriate). This simulation taught us a lot about the requirements for such a system. We learned, for example, that people’s sentences were very different from the ones we had designed the system to handle. Example: One of the people we tested requested a round-trip ticket between San Diego and San Francisco. After the system had determined the desired flight to San Francisco, it asked, “When would you like to return?” The person responded, “I would like to leave on the following Tuesday, but I have to be back before my first class at 9 AM.” We soon learned that it wasn’t sufficient to understand the sentences: we also had to do problem-solving, using considerable knowledge about such things as airport and meeting locations, traffic patterns, delays for getting baggage and rental cars, and of course, parking—more than our system was capable of doing. Our initial goal was to understand language. The studies demonstrated that the goal was too limited: we needed to understand human activities.

  Prototyping during the problem specification phase is done mainly to ensure that the problem is well understood. If the target population is already using something related to the new product, that can be considered a prototype. During the problem solution phase of design, then real prototypes of the proposed solution are invoked.


  Gather a small group of people who correspond as closely as possible to the target population—those for whom the product is intended. Have them use the prototypes as nearly as possible to the way they would actually use them. If the device is normally used by one person, test one person at a time. If it is normally used by a group, test a group. The only exception is that even if the normal usage is by a single person, it is useful to ask a pair of people to use it together, one person operating the prototype, the other guiding the actions and interpreting the results (aloud). Using pairs in this way causes them to discuss their ideas, hypotheses, and frustrations openly and naturally. The research team should be observing, either by sitting behind those being tested (so as not to distract them) or by watching through video in another room (but having the video camera visible and after describing the procedure). Video recordings of the tests are often quite valuable, both for later showings to team members who could not be present and for review.

  When the study is over, get more detailed information about the people’s thought processes by retracing their steps, reminding them of their actions, and questioning them. Sometimes it helps to show them video recordings of their activities as reminders.

  How many people should be studied? Opinions vary, but my associate, Jakob Nielsen, has long championed the number five: five people studied individually. Then, study the results, refine them, and do another iteration, testing five different people. Five is usually enough to give major findings. And if you really want to test many more people, it is far more effective to do one test of five, use the results to improve the system, and then keep iterating the test-design cycle until you have tested the desired number of people. This gives multiple iterations of improvement, rather than just one.

  Like prototyping, testing is done in the problem specification phase to ensure that the problem is well understood, then done again in the problem solution phase to ensure that the new design meets the needs and abilities of those who will use it.


  The role of iteration in human-centered design is to enable continual refinement and enhancement. The goal is rapid prototyping and testing, or in the words of David Kelly, Stanford professor and cofounder of the design firm IDEO, “Fail frequently, fail fast.”

  Many rational executives (and government officials) never quite understand this aspect of the design process. Why would you want to fail? They seem to think that all that is necessary is to determine the requirements, then build to those requirements. Tests, they believe, are only necessary to ensure that the requirements are met. It is this philosophy that leads to so many unusable systems. Deliberate tests and modifications make things better. Failures are to be encouraged—actually, they shouldn’t be called failures: they should be thought of as learning experiences. If everything works perfectly, little is learned. Learning occurs when there are difficulties.

  The hardest part of design is getting the requirements right, which means ensuring that the right problem is being solved, as well as that the solution is appropriate. Requirements made in the abstract are invariably wrong. Requirements produced by asking people what they need are invariably wrong. Requirements are developed by watching people in their natural environment.

  When people are asked what they need, they primarily think of the everyday problems they face, seldom noticing larger failures, larger needs. They don’t question the major methods they use. Moreover, even if they carefully explain how they do their tasks and then agree that you got it right when you present it back to them, when you watch them, they will often deviate from their own description. “Why?” you ask. “Oh, I had to do this one differently,” they might reply; “this was a special case.” It turns out that most cases are “special.” Any system that does not allow for special cases will fail.

  Getting the requirements right involves repeated study and testing: iteration. Observe and study: decide what the problem might be, and use the results of tests to determine which parts of the design work, which don’t. Then iterate through all four processes once again. Collect more design research if necessary, create more ideas, develop the prototypes, and test them.

  With each cycle, the tests and observations can be more targeted and more efficient. With each cycle of the iteration, the ideas become clearer, the specifications better defined, and the prototypes closer approximations to the target, the actual product. After the first few iterations, it is time to start converging upon a solution. The several different prototype ideas can be collapsed into one.

  When does the process end? That is up to the product manager, who needs to deliver the highest-possible quality while meeting the schedule. In product development, schedule and cost provide very strong constraints, so it is up to the design team to meet these requirements while getting to an acceptable, high-quality design. No matter how much time the design team has been allocated, the final results only seem to appear in the last twenty-four hours before the deadline. (It’s like writing: no matter how much time you are given, it’s finished only hours before the deadline.)


  The intense focus on individuals is one of the hallmarks of human-centered design, ensuring that products do fit real needs, that they are usable and understandable. But what if the product is intended for people all across the world? Many manufacturers make essentially the same product for everyone. Although automobiles are slightly modified for the requirements of a country, they are all basically the same the world round. The same is true for cameras, computers, telephones, tablets, television sets, and refrigerators. Yes, there are some regional differences, but remarkably little. Even products specifically designed for one culture—rice cookers, for example—get adopted by other cultures elsewhere.

  How can we pretend to accommodate all of these very different, very disparate people? The answer is to focus on acti
vities, not the individual person. I call this activity-centered design. Let the activity define the product and its structure. Let the conceptual model of the product be built around the conceptual model of the activity.

  Why does this work? Because people’s activities across the world tend to be similar. Moreover, although people are unwilling to learn systems that appear to have arbitrary, incomprehensible requirements, they are quite willing to learn things that appear to be essential to the activity. Does this violate the principles of human-centered design? Not at all: consider it an enhancement of HCD. After all, the activities are done by and for people. Activity-centered approaches are human-centered approaches, far better suited for large, nonhomogeneous populations.

  Take another look at the automobile, basically identical all across the world. It requires numerous actions, many of which make little sense outside of the activity and that add to the complexity of driving and to the rather long period it takes to become an accomplished, skilled driver. There is the need to master foot pedals, to steer, use turn signals, control the lights, and watch the road, all while being aware of events on either side of and behind the vehicle, and perhaps while maintaining conversations with the other people in the auto. In addition, instruments on the panel need to be watched, especially the speed indicator, as well as the water temperature, oil pressure, and fuel level. The locations of the rear-and side-view mirrors require the eyes to be off the road ahead for considerable time.


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