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Mercury Decending (Mercury Black Authority Book 3)

Page 2

by Finian Blake

  “Alex is not my parent!” Alice corrected

  Alice and Nadia were close friends at the base in Azerbaijan. Everybody made fun of Nadia for her extreme height. Alice not only refused to make fun of her she used Gregory’s high rank to stop the teasing. Alice was a general’s daughter and that added sway to her wishes. Alice changed into her bikini and the two sisters sat on Anna’s patio catching up on the last two years. Alice was feeling better about Alex. She told Nadia how Alex arranged to salvage her university credits, so she could finish her medical degree. In seven months she would be ready to start her own practice. Nadia explained how Alex set her up with Frank and Suki, in the security business. They both laughed about Nadia standing up to Alex not wanting to be whored out, and his calm reaction to the statement.

  “Our father did die in a riding accident while Anna and Adam were in Turkey, with Angela and me. I promise you are being told the truth on that account. Your mother did love Gregory.”

  “Our father,” Alice exclaimed. “What do you mean our father?”

  “Gregory is my father by another woman. Didn’t Anna tell you? I don’t just call you my sister. You are my sister and you have seven more sisters. For some reason Gregory only fathered girls. Cassandra is not just your cousin. She is your sister too. She was Gregory’s daughter by Anna’s sister Sarah. After we were transferred, Sarah was the link between all of us and Alex accepts all of us as his daughters. There is too much to explain right now. I will explain when we have more time.”

  Anna and Alex had drinks on the patio. Their neighbor Grace could not take her eyes off Nadia. She asked Anna about her. Nadia, Grace and Anna adjourned to the house. Alex sat back with Alice enjoying the sunset.

  “Alex, I noticed something on the boat last night that I did not understand. Could you explain it to me?” Alice led Alex down to the sailboat.

  When they reached the cockpit Alice turned and gave Alex a bear hug. “Why didn’t my mother tell me what really happened?”

  “She did tell you, but you would not believe her. You were not ready.”

  “I am ready now. Can you forgive me?”

  “There is nothing to forgive. You were being loyal to your father.”

  “What if I never believed you?”

  “I love your mother. It would just be something that I would have to live with.”

  “It would not bother you?”

  “Yes, it would bother me. I would just have to live with it, because I love her.” Alice gave Alex a warm kiss on the cheek, taking him by the hand leading him back to the patio. Anna was watching from the balcony. She could not hear the exchange, but there was no doubt in her mind that they arrived at some kind of understanding. She ran down stairs leaving Nadia and Grace in the bedroom.

  “Did I hear you running on the stairs?”


  Alex scolded Anna in a playful manner, “You know how I feel about that subject. I want to keep you around for a long time.” His wife Terri had broken her neck and died falling down some stairs. It was a semi-serious way of telling Anna that he loved her.

  “I promise that I will be careful.” Anna threw him her playful ‘I’m sorry pout’. “What have you and Alice been talking about?”

  Alex wanted to surprise Anna, “I told Alice that if she went with the medical center idea that we would each kick in a million each to make it a world class clinic.” Anna was taking a drink at the time, spraying Alex with a mouthful of her drink. She gagged as portion of her drink went up her nose.

  “What…” Anna interrupted him. “You are awful free with my money! I am supposed to be spending your money.” It was a playful exclamation. “Do you think that Grace will help find a location?”

  “You can bet your ass I will!” Grace and Nadia were eaves dropping from the balcony. Adam looked up from the Patio.

  “I expect that you will walk down those stairs.”

  Alice jumped out of her chair hugging Alex and Anna. Nadia lifted Alex from his chair and gave him a bone-crushing bear hug. She did the same for Alice. Anna moved out of range before Nadia got to her.

  Alex looked Alice over carefully. “My dear, if you are going to be a rich landlady, you should look like one.” Alex looked to Anna. “I think that we need to visit Beth and Arlene for a professional wardrobe. Grace, why don’t you come with us? You can work out your plans with Alice while we travel.”

  It had been several years since Grace had taken a holiday. “I don’t have any definite appointments for the week and I would love to see the Inn.”

  Alex said, “I will call Francesca to see if she is available for a flight to the Inn. With the five of us going, it would be cheaper. I am sure that Francesca would love to visit Beth and Arlene too.” Adam disappeared and returned in twenty minutes.

  “Francesca can take us the day after tomorrow. Nadia you can come with us. We will get a refund for your ticket.”

  Grace had a vacant property between Huntington Beach and Santa Anna in mind. She made an appointment to discuss the property with the other realtor in the morning. It had been on the market for six months and she could not figure out why it had not moved. Jeff and Cassandra closed early showing up in time for a short sail before dinner. Alex pulled the lightweight one fifty jib out of its bag and took the sail cover off the main sail. He stocked the cooler and rounded up some snacks.

  The Cal twenty-five was a light sailboat with a fixed centerboard that was just perfect for day sailing in the normally light winds off of Southern California. All seven people loaded up and Alice took command. She went sailing frequently with Gregory on the Caspian before they left Azerbaijan. After the move she went sailing doing her homework while they sailed. Alice was happy to have Nadia with them and Nadia acted as a deck hand working the lines for her. It was like old times. Alice asked Alex to sit next to her.

  “Thank you for allowing me to assume command. Sailing was a special thing for both Gregory and me. We used a boat similar to this to sail on the Caspian with Nadia. This means a lot to me.” Not wanting to get in Nadia’s way Alex worked as a bartender in the main cabin while Alice, Jeff, Grace, Cassandra, and Anna chatted about the idea of building a clinic. Jeff offered an idea. He was tired of the Century Boulevard area since there was no way that he could expand his operation there.

  “I would be interested in the new complex, especially if I can plan the area.” Anna and Alex deferred the question to Alice.

  “This will be Alice’s project. We will help if Alice wants our help. The ultimate decision would be hers. Alice are you interested in the large project, or do you just want an office?” Gregory always thought big, and Alice was her father’s daughter.

  “With the money available, I would like to go with the clinic idea. Grace how much do you think we can get for five million?”

  “We can go very nice for that kind of money. For an extra million, you can go ultra-nice. There are two properties next to each other that are one point five acres each. I think that you could pick them both up for three million, four million tops. I think it is worth a look.” Anna and Alex remained silent.

  Alice took over the conversation. “I will have a look at your properties tomorrow.” Grace looked to Anna and Alex. They sat back and pointed at Alice. “This is Alice’s project. She will be making all of the calls.” Anna was not going to undercut Alice. Grace could not believe her ears, “This is a multimillion dollar project. Are you saying that you are not going to help her?” Anna sat back putting her foot between Alex’s legs.

  “Alex and I will be happy to help if Alice wants our help, but you need to sit down and talk business with her.” Alice jibed the boat causing the sail to make a loud pop over Grace’s head causing her to duck and spill her drink.

  Alice expertly pulled into the slip. With Nadia handling the sheets, it was not necessary to fire up the Seagull outboard motor. Alex told Nadia that he would help Alice button up the boat. Alex went forward and started putting the jib in its bag. Alice went f
orward and put her foot on the last piece of the jib.

  “Why didn’t you jump in when Grace started pushing?”

  “This is your decision, your money, your future, and you are the one that will live with these choices.”

  Alice looked confused, “You and mom are kicking in two million toward the deal. You have an investment in this.”

  “Wrong we gave the money to you, and you are putting three million into it too.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that I had seven million dollars?”

  “You were busy with school and you never asked.” Alice was looking over Alex’s shoulder and when Anna came back she saw them talking. Anna injected, “It is more like sixteen million. Gregory’s share was eleven million and with Francesca’s business tips and Lynn’s expertise it is now somewhere between fourteen and sixteen million. Alex made the call on the split Gregory and I both pulled thirty-five percent each after expenses. Alex took thirty percent for himself.”

  “I thought Alex moved in and took over everything. Why didn’t you tell me? I thought Alex ripped us off. Why are you always asking him for money?”

  Anna laughed, “Because I would rather spend his money, it’s a game that we play.” Anna’s voice took on a serious tone. “You were going to think whatever you wanted to think. Alex said that you would work things out. Why don’t you talk to Nadia and Cassandra about what he did for them?” Alice looked around quickly. She saw Nadia and Cassandra having a drink on the patio. Alice ran off in their direction while Alex and Anna stayed on the boat to finish cleaning up.

  After Alex took the jib bag below Anna stood in the hatchway blocking his exit.

  “We could have told her earlier.”

  “She would not have listened. Alice never asked questions. She enjoyed hating me too much.” Anna winced at Alex’s comment. “I love you, and I have no doubt that you love me. That does not mean that she has to love me too. I have to earn her trust not demand it.”

  Anna was not confident. “It looks like she is going to learn something from Nadia, Cassandra and Jeff. I know what Nadia and Cassandra are going to say. What do you think Jeff will say? There is the issue of Liz with him.”

  Alex expressed his confidence, “I dealt with him up front. I hope that the issue of Liz will not come up

  “He still thinks that you killed Liz.” Anna looked worried. “You never told him that I did it.”

  “I wished it, and you acted out of loyalty. It is my fault, and that is all he needs to know. As I see it I killed her.” Alex sounded rock solid on his statement. “That has nothing to do with Alice. Come with me. I need to start the grill.” As Anna started to climb out of the cabin, Alex bit her hard on the butt. Anna launched herself backwards chasing him up to the V birth. Thirty minutes later, they arrived on the patio to see that Alice had the grill warming up.

  “We saw the boat rocking and decided not to go knocking,” Grace mocked. “I thought that I would fire up the grill.”

  Alex went to work grilling steaks, chicken and prawns. He threw on the potatoes, asparagus, onions and peppers. Nadia came up close behind him holding a tray to help him remove the food from the grill.

  “Alice is asking so many questions. What should I tell her?”

  “I think that the truth would work best. You are her friend, and her sister. She needs to count on you. I think that you should answer all of her questions honestly.”

  “What should I tell her about you and Anna on the Patna?”

  “Gregory knew about us. He was back at the Inn playing slap and tickle with Jennifer. You know that.” Alex had not seen Alice standing immediately behind Nadia. Alice stepped out from behind her sister taking the platter from Nadia. The whole incident caused Nadia to blush a bright shade of red. Alex smiled at Nadia.

  “You are loyal to your sister.” Alice pushed Nadia back toward the others and held the platter out.

  “You could have told her to lie. Why didn’t you?”

  “Alice, sooner or later you would have found out. Nadia could have lied now, but she would have told you later, or Cassandra would have told you and you would have lost a good friend.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

  “You were doing such a good job of hating me. You would have thought that I was lying to you. You have a good friend in Nadia. She likes me, and I know that it hurt her to set me up.”

  “Did you have sex with her?”

  “No, I did not. Anna would not have approved. Gregory is her father and she is too much like a daughter to me.”

  “Would that make any difference to you?”

  “Yes, we allow each other a lot of latitude, but certain things are absolutely unacceptable. Anna has the same respect for me. Since we have been together, I have only had sex with Grace and Anna was in bed with us at the time.” Alex felt a healthy push from behind.

  “You are carrying the truth too far!” Anna was decidedly unhappy with his last revelation, but she let Alice continue. “You really didn’t have sex with Nadia?”

  “No, I would not have sex with Nadia, Cassandra or any of your other sisters.” Alice looked quizzically at Anna.

  Anna wanted Alice to know the extent of Gregory’s lust. “Filipa, Nina, Lilia, Angela and Irina are your sisters too. I did not want to run your father down in front of you. They are all children from Gregory’s affairs. Cassandra is Sarah’s daughter by Gregory. Your father could not keep his glands in check. In some ways he was a good husband, at other times he was a rotten bastard. We had to send Nadia away because he could not keep his hands off of her. I threatened to cut his balls off if he touched you.” Anna smiled warmly. “Alex has always treated all of you as true daughters. Alex rewarded them all with substantial bonuses when they first arrived at the Inn. You will find that they are all independent and quite well off.”

  “Why were you so generous with them?” Alex had no problem answering the question.

  “Nadia and Angela took an active part in our last operation and went to work for Frank’s security company. They each earned and received a full share of the profits which. The others received a lesser bonus because they were in harm’s way. We had a contract and you know how I feel about contracts. I would do nothing to damage our marriage.” Alex pulled Anna to him and kissed her passionately.

  Alice decided that she would spend the night talking to Nadia and Cassandra to catch up on old times with her newly discovered real sisters. Alice always thought that calling them sisters was a figure of speech never once thinking of them as actual sisters. Grace spent the night with Alex and Anna.

  At eight AM sharp, Grace started everyone in motion. She wanted to get everybody up and moving, wanting to have Alice inspect the property. Alex elected to watch Edward recognizing that shopping with several women was hazardous. The four women headed out at nine o’clock. The lots were only fifteen minutes from the house. Each lot was one point five acres. The problem was that there was a third one-acre lot separating the two prime lots. The center lot had a FOR SALE BY OWNER sign on it. The three lots were owned by a couple that was in the throes of a bitter divorce. The wife claimed the two end lots and the husband claimed the center lot. He was determined not to let her get full value for her property. With the center lot being uncertain the end lots were not that attractive. With the center lot included, there would be 550 feet of frontage by 320 deep on a busy road. Grace was pissed off, if the two lots were together, Alice would have gone for the deal, but the husband would not deal on the center lot wanting to ruin the value of the property that his wife won in the divorce settlement.

  Alex called and made an appointment with the husband that afternoon. They met for lunch and after some negotiation Alex agreed to buy the one-acre lot for $750,000 dollars cash. The man was thrilled to find that Alex planned to park cars on the lot. Alex signed an agreement that the lot would only be used for parking cars for at least the next five years. The man broke his neck to tell his wife that he sold the lot to a storage se
rvice and that it was a done deal. Alex made a full price deposit on the property. He set his lawyer to work on the deal putting both Alice’s and his name on the deal. He explained the set up to Grace and put her to work.

  Grace contacted the wife making an offer of one million each for the end lots. The deal would be a cash purchase. She made inquiries about the center to see if it was available. The realtor lied saying that it was available, but she would have to deal with the owner. Grace waited for an hour. She called the realtor back and dropped the offer to nine hundred thousand because the center lot had been sold to a storage service. That offer would be good until sundown when the offer would go down to eight hundred fifty thousand. Grace sealed the deal with a full price cash deposit on each lot. The ink was dry on both deals before dinner.

  Alice had purchased the three properties for two point fifty-five million instead of four million. Blood feuds could be a very good thing. Alex agreed to pay grace one hundred twenty-three thousand for her standard three point five commissions on the full asking price. Even with the extra commission Alice saved one point three million. The way the hills stretched out there were no other lots possible on that frontage or behind them. There was two point three million left for planning and construction. Grace put her office assistant to work on closing the deals. All of the cash was in place, and Alex left enough cash for closing costs. They signed power of attorney documents for the closing with Alice taking everybody out to celebrate the deal in the marina’s restaurant, and turned in early. Francesca wanted to leave at ten in order to arrive in Manchester by nine the next morning.

  Francesca picked Santa Anna for a departure point. The seven people were at the terminal by ten. Frank and Francesca were waiting for them. They would stop for fuel in Rochester, New York. The fuel price was much better than at the standard departure points. Anna had her multi engine jet rating and would do the relief flying. It would be a long day, but they could fly through with only one fuel stop. Half the baggage was baby gear, play pen, stroller, diaper bags, toys and an assortment of blankets. With so many women on board Edward was passed around the cabin like a football. Anna curled up in Alex’s arms and started whispering.


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